. ], A --'i -T-- r EMPLOYUIQ 1200 N4 'I I At tha ,ut.rvitui vht ~ê le liant OavTflê forwuei 1* ~I5m 4U~ at malt ~ ~- el~, ~J., - Juir te anme 5*ust. a nie utile "ttq vatimn f« fou»r r bu At a moas or ettue L5tvU v&~sauéte, lutgtla t *Iwl~,ut romtium0ortrom le va 4501é né lavaito r.. tuin teo blesago. *tut»muaeufhm orambe wh cose vutabea I etmairuad rtud ei t "1 5 laaiiy aiti. y *ul )u v umt a im .Tfl ru" v»0slbdioLtal u t~ he oomelu.Wa recommend- .dtiatha b. dloubmed. .tlaa*AiwQmt £ené,.tm i -msutmet O a . C. IL584 Md i .up mViw p t tOwhes *xi 'wIM1bave to -b tW u, WIn 'dm foi, Mb>K.lzg ~tii. d os p ýpWorkdm tho voe tFrs. Tt lu utftnfalt.bat DIhiiolbRS S OUSMe U uta -ethe b5oe, an et themetd -awp.Il,' ere Kae w laiy of the v'eterans, In lu fourn. aie entitled to the, maximuzn, -me, udthe average aflovano. la about On* t a T<e l.*vwu one of the. Youngent ieerftt .w wever p..eeq tbe arMY s&"bl - 'Mec Was lai t4. woc e »pg bwtn. 'Jute tbi6 cmpaiW biber tuap b.ti*t ed »di la oAulaglt*w am st ôm-s trebedd. bedabairgaL le. oola o i' iln ai '~ a ttme., n t~ 1-nreax m on ek ~L ~ei dr«out o f a Ditiate buty -* C a a iuee iltf 12i 4k 004aW., flaiV lie 2arg Oït 0 fslp t -OORW]t 0 IGMSG Zrst. ai -hwb-- el --- * MMMA 7:45 Q'.ewok YDtSvxi we '4eello Recitai by Mr., Êermann Becker* e~e3~Qbn "Hymn f ?EbisebyZm hW ~eti~jroran will beý broaeueat frç>* ZiOn, Âtatofl-CBW avé exigth,35ee A11 éleme.Al scats Free oi-BRON1 QW~ JCT T t Unid elevatioii, bEao the higetpo* î C adsutk au4 e«M and w",- ahdi at the sam'e timeis oilY -abýi# e fribi1 W4~ ~g *who are cOMnutly ii ta -w~~the ~pre4fçt Ubt WàieAnke . , "l 8oý [red h~a~k ne few yeams If you shut yeur eyes anti bay p*p Waiflgn it 'wiU meeYou niomeYt 'e yoi enon you eam ge<.50 2feet Irgubuy; Ite lots areetr ~d dollars ou theni. ~a .~* A -Good Band Concert ~he oot~ ros~ç ticket axùà. answer to yo ýbme *wieed ~erav&iihi pes.. e autyèu te talk OI& hi.e~ #bewe ué ered 1 ~ u ooetiýty te wy'gom ti esate on U abl lbartevý ~,at ymoiwÉ"prie. à, tld@,We. ÉUdw the he OU WU U NUL ne uI~tw ot Du -one-iiùra wontâý' oë id, - -A