A SOUJND WTA SATISFMTORY REfRN- Pruden ce and fore8ight, and even a littie wef- sa cri&fice, have never faied to pay dividends-in inereaed happiness. There la no greater evidenee of foresight- than mn saving and investing. North-Shore Oas 7%7 Preferred Shares repre- sent the acme of sound investment because salety,,of prinep1 and never-faiing div idends are aasured by e xcellent ratio of assets to lia- ibilities-by the 'pr'actice of modern ceononues -by wa"eful management-by state super- vision and by yealy. expansion. The priee of North Shore Oas 7%7 Preferred Shares- is $100.00 a share. You xnay purchaso them outright or on payments of $5.00 a month per share. Don't put it off. P1ut your savings to ~vork in North Shore Gan 7% Preferred Shares today. Nort MeGaC. MAZI TIflSCuPOfNW InvestmentDeparent, N«&thShore Gu "oipany, ]Mlease'send me y6u illustrateti bookiet-andti ther in- formation regarding -your mde 7% saaeig. It ila ndermtSo4 thié 'willnot place me under no obligation. Addrà m ... ..s.. . . . ......... .s*..r Op.ratM by William K. Zaehr Orgalmton t' h~a - Rlai~I b~ou agis 04bela - OF BRAIN 'huai ~ ~ a lob' et a<Y- n- iaxaayb« r*me o u»W«. ci w p S«at a lbtV roas l poSy m inai Ot li heuticJ f«.,euer ru b Mdllr *. » -m&' V. m t %ou* j #* Ibo 6 u cgnlei teq tbs W" cf là%*& ,d, ormiat spi as lb.yme a two rabouma a er ttabss*vnr s~~~~~e be itrtbuesh - - 0#t go@*&i Imm oto euatuu e".A NpvDr..»"A ~T~DO'J ~ 191Dr.a BOByardMes -.Tttetiv ohiir urgeoona. operatad opon MOU on **rd" -Staff îhaer. Dne did set reaMnCOW d ~a~-~n~v~tDepoty Corés« ]Edrand Coadg .MeMI&r'*etpraaldt theii.aguaest M)IS& Hm 1 ÜMMAM 09b- le4 M. Tb* verdiç& 01t4chuJury veý ý uattâ nt " ba thejougroMmn 1.4ed ofon' ïo*. . " ti4 ml unlon of tec maIn. Bunlts u rm bu ________ toa l fted IfhWA-PT II o are t,"ad gie= ge Wcrchir- UutfIor tane ut»tn anbre oe'bicue Wd - Ji - Ciha tionb e taulist on e ver' a On tme . 1n.e 0t L the Panssage qe ral u 101-31. t l maetfrbimaestingas ffain i.rdsde-t cm aa," 0 divme r4 al aimaPlce 1polie,. t WP048$u tiathIe stse bond lianetem OPM Tii a , mer. t.*ýbro oo*uC »rdr t oai nTe - otrs andSringend- a e- b beCIt In ruenacten by lite Sn. IWr- tub . Is eflapd he' Aacsbl nt orad*lbhde hI:LI~O aset t publc evcksedbu'Th- 11*1. tbe lag iDapp u#ela a tat -mante -l kw u t, dlivr Rgd-5&1a0 e police p tro le lato çMlék' is Su: lamu4senayteu by.cfe wud a Geo- be a nrnactai by the lin i AaiIinbll' Imita 'tii. - tota Mr Of auto rondl mantenance M te-100 sud the p ct Mc labiv.as Aficla eeot X - staivl te i rod" aro, an- ly. 1 ama lob hope Vfer pro- mms-c 1h. Chu te tJlu we Terme wÂré m ASYiJIé la thetbouty court Taaday aad l~hluf ,l'are - aride ,'NOSIeltri Who *ê.etlfl-c aO broe ber Parele aýbs Goeeva a for be irla. aMd lllL & ft cpma eig queerly fs or M 94e lei e4k, *ida' ai ,stt bu bi icte4 bé rp t bé - le .s ue t SO ' but au u'ti tw b- t~ tore=ndy wtmo Vtmr, be. OMd b bia à beiWiU a CMp U O -* ru prVct. o lrn et dt IktW «etcuu Tbe adoP 4. miai. ntm ebe ter. n Im# te te 'p ti . aOheeg im.le * bas buesor à aattn tkA 1 be m4m tala3x#-u0 Cr1oourlà« to tkW P11*g te te O l 'kOCauf« M4a "eh VI* e, chdt Si ~~the*pue4"t'catJd WW tus l tnda olIflee » ceae - lv» lm Mduth* mtncal 0a. om ereascIi aklwae amp f OMM -- bsdlyuue ti a ieitroom et 7 0ap roati, probabilrai due- 1 h i5im fUmm"$bbe.,aceSdugte 3=7Olr jr vemeit relurned Tbarurey nighbet l.lo Iqmacat Weabanj uundertnking establishmnt laý t:at cIty, Depiaty Corener Conradl Apoelinem exaininsten abewed tbnt - .viii aomzemoouihina ea fou04d, I h m'a tiiora, hbu e ha# an cnIarged heart. sdheilena.4 a oSiereoompilncaWvich migit bave attrluted te bMs audden de.. Meie. therefoe th e Jury yerullt con- talmedthelb.modlflatlon 'probbly". Dru. Foloy a=4 Oqgped stade lie pcetmortom cxanintion. V&n - Fiy. Who huew 9llid qte It rilto=fed tbat *hecprÏ9 W iSa lirIidego togetier o k atietl p a"i the fehlntlgOmE ,"*- $bat laey purcbaed -&£0 draak aen. m lenhlma, but h.o 4ealarim ~ ha ati Hhlnti sparated a"t méeala "ta. ri«uytst1e10 h. ýid"i at .bsheve h. ould- le ,I. plcuwhoe they beugX hé i * Dpty Corouer Conradi de- claîd-batIfbe cotildIQÇote lthe mua wbé ou idthe iqir ho reuO preter nus-Le chargea. Tbië, boiy Wiln b.kept aet the moegua foar>:"*veek or two, abill iie"atltfMri. Wenban viii auek te locale «adto& XaBohand bai îente rustenlu tu a e FVornt baok, 10 cever wyw ft pmaoo T«s nenîjerber lu NaVal Acdemn 1like le go ibc th ioýespasied Mpp n 51h g te- ell ýýtia' raCon 4X ait hVblba ànatlclvatcd vlth *Migw tatnç# i l aboFomft, as wuJa ta « brlaexèeuive S. sI* ~en u a he uarrival itl. Iut~buUuieW aya orf 04go* ~ vb'i. redted wlth magnif. ri feelas 'Ch 0 iia M. tlbusvieil la liaI «t»e ni popular sman, of the ?roeh-4&W» lu to e b buseti la "o uj.4'u qualt littie *rmeh lois.ta. L4" lot dulng him.aiey hes aethesou 01c theiis lbor diall-. OL Jd ukau member OC lc ~aaI>Wtlolson parUdIp&ed lu hat-btt ore tbicChampagne tiba Gei O eu Qora'Mnme la t. thêe gsley of imiorwal. Il vu e Paefflaly gracu ofet le raOelçam rml±te. niai aIcident- ,'WPt ifflbI. Dlckiuaon. O.Remni A. losiEY wc4-CoL 3u4mib. 10 arrange t- do' gebomrsear yvitlath* je- icha. si tbclv 1t1 bS» n a aa ale5 am4 esusupirn*sof tba Troncb - t lu mot aller b. nioder Pli" oè'-raueb ase* flter, but ct the eisaI at *ui"" hbernas lb. mua atOumaet ranco liaI aM«y b. kr4eet ofyearigoldai $liir a» peffc* a olIer fom lhe eeses m tbl 0 le day they ver. h..L1 sThe ,lce m u e. iesetapica ai et'e »d lb. .Liedaiet an-irf 1= coMA" umeegauuie 4 l p"rfiébya fflCmac<il.ssg Eiaubebres. sudc tli ft iii pcrl4 ar lb.uroluuet ie Wvn* ua.tico.iicosaait nid od risi A oflmia J dcl. vjr. xaf tii. weld. vici r, l»aintd aily. ~ ~ o me Nrri a i. P0.ttt Te oi» lacsegoï* éo,te i. Spikra bto d tales f tbnde un ticehe ac of the m aliot mad lte! aI toyMmmli the0 bdami, weIimer In thieJl CeranceSae LYour tUnreibtted Gioice of New'Sume Worth to $225, F resh and, Mace of lita*orW -*ù Fine V At à * rk e beliève most of these Dresss wilI be cletrediw n day. Scoreai ofthém have arrivedwi i~h atwerpeenting a specia puréhase ofa omàfturèr's purchase. Al are neatly inude and summneryloolng. One or two or three more' tub froickB ugt' be added to 4ny..wlirdrobe.- Warin-~~t~ remain for soneý tinie yet. But we mu8 suminer frocks before new PaU ooava iThe deaired ti taight-line pleated dres l noted ïu, thi greup ,with many individual style détail' mae of )ailor fgred voiles. But other dresses of atieIlnu atdvoiXes are equally, attractive. la 0»'~ e wond gound in ir trayais soWtrtud fa w'ater. 4,MOO fee, 1,~40MIW-0^adi an 44ctrI2 f,~rnytlluig up le 3 NO00mle.. I dset " a fuir amouat la lb. mime brief period ut tlme--4t rqly atter of Ferm. OOc chse ho ask yeur opd- friqiy thlak aôtblng of Yeu or lt-s- H&4 ft.eWroutg Idea. Thei7. todesacrell a beuoine sna a duntpitak sort 0f 'roman. Tite ncher vaü - and aaked for a description oa dumpung sort of 'rman. "$ho weould b. ' rallir tailiandthtIbm" aug- geeed a pupil. The. bicher, auspect- lng apoo0Ag,,hurrWely brought the liqilry -ta a clou.. "No," ahe gàapd, *'the lady wmbi l h. short and ptumai- 1k a deffnlpiag.. OIt. yea'uraid the ymaIgter Witli1 relie, "I ual thinklnt otaf oti. A lutor e uClay 11P rmoey f6r 1 rnlny îlny andl then nlfow ouixe*11te, b. fooied by the flret s priubtlng cait that turis the corner.--The l'ertLtae Wont l. .~c "Tnik about litillg.inilamm.tore rbeitia atind Sllt. V;tiua OnarýPe 909a the thoagittai inil, "but ta"t. abmWê havlng lockaumv i nul .eaqieknea. r- 9 !I l.Nt -Yn Savinm -oWr - ' la Northi Short Gas, 7% -PîieferWe Shares ol- efr m-118 t.49, 12." =1 wffl t