ARE EL The am State TMa M"at Pu bI couli Atat *01od by Iwo iba . aIne '.. mted tidni der 'ler, 44., iv baus fevg the fundj be se«a lu a aut penosel ahethe more th bu0r o0 sevtco, 7ears ta Uorey I yemtTetO Smith Of~ tbfrty el M"y 7ye fui edue l.ake coi ,pÉde. 1'ffote by .prto IUmWt ~ o4n $.Field1 Edd aaM oâàtcr;-politieil mhixxery -oÀfY. tyl edeÇ9a P 'ban" tlwý-radetrs of a fw'i *frwe,iiego Nce*r, ,UM a. ftývuw sbiit if IOWI to throw a Lake CeiMIYÎ"inm~ il ~i QOnlvone ballot was te-y h uy~ii~~ur ated thu defendarifswhiýIi -90e ý"ub thue fli.u ho r Jt~edotc vid e,-etî efti 4ili for oW'momcnt about. the innocencïee bIWn - tlato-beh4dcathe .wltat'the.ptto6r-* mty- geflOIli8viflhieation tmWlibumtd1f. over poo h dares to oppose hlm when lhé feela. tatthe'-pe"yle's Iigtatamrewig rmuipWqpbn - -Ilu 1Adm 'emtM jm juf.. against it& i-fair f 4 . nytifngro moaey imras gýoter thAR i ioeoas aan elsebe ub duty.- It is theefre tue i. gfflt oeedit of-"" S ~unty *tWhat there were f6im&twe, ve »n: uWho imd thii. courage to aMY by their vrit tiat Brundage lied, tbùt a lut of bis -bimeiingsàIid, when they -told'the ppIýk4 fet fihols that- they would prove 1, 1m charge. BloiehLhauilpelties for a -yeur bas.- hold Lia c ounty madIllinois up. to the ridicule of the nationi but -the prSe#onor rwther persecution, failed tO ,pMvc any- tbi*ig $I w" had even thei l*tct vee't4m « 'OPn#pi- My,*, an4 the "not guilty" verdict shOws that.gra-iju-ry pol4ies, wbich apparently was pla"md by tbe tomûycannot glo on ini. Through weekg «M iweeký of thepi e ar e newspaper enemies of Gov. S&PUIlD *tIe'isaOd4 JiWe aid made, it appoar that tbegei'dr ei .bue 1gt jury. FYiulyUerp~pt.]r.~~,t0 tinga graod jury, which hourd oxnily o' %1er ê aMrewas,Iweught to bear by the state's attorêpa oué e eber of the jury on trial, and that even that hp aginst hope of the governor's enemies f* Iso iat t*i thud iras sickeniug.. ~But the god servants,«f the people whornt a few zelflsh, sinister politicians could net iýule, ltought, back and sueeeed in .defeating tb*og wkosxmotejVT -wil 4etroy those who eannot'be l:zd2'L Liecunty ean ho thatkflçM tW thera remla=l MI 4hiw 1.ealit men Who will see te it- tlat l.the11"la4V1. ' îsiOË thie wrtection ,of the UMet U w* as rpr4 mea* of the guilty, and tba'at"Il ~~a eka4~~~t irai blackbanders and chafàter agmasms can't get gway xith their rottennesa. TUN TRUi È Y imiUEJ TPhey tried Gev. Binait by INUENI)O and tljp got the pute rests as when they utrie II JI9Ty, "iMay a ÂQUITTAU YDPo*t ixatheB=R Ujurybribery ecap it lm asy-te Mei tbeilaaue iras Goy. Binai rather than w itb Field, Court- beyr and Kaufina. It iras a'case of Brundage Ys. Binat byVblSo îEendo Just as much a& the erigiîWd espa1w the hi~rfe mself iras aequitted was th~ e i And se it seexus ar> the people ef thi eatt The jury after extensive evidene,ý brougbit Mi a ver- 4iet acqutting the govenor. "This l4ent aetten. camne iattr montbs and menths et 'ecal4 einctigatim > ti etate' attorney of lake cointy and Attorney oerezal1 S kxindage. For months the grand jury wua held lu ifes- sion amnt6 tps were eontinued te permit' the Mpo o e et the govomeor te continue trying te ýwowk ti$ a cspe 'lhey produeed every possible point baseê oni tmu th«~y seemed teo go alter everytbing, te try te ",fgV'1 gevrnor; sud they trket every 'way ixuder beite "pst t114 vezdict as given by taie 12 menlat fJ&rMhý* gey kept at 1t, yes everlastingly at it lu the bopos r., iat they would uxake the public believe tlist the. ar4 of te goveèrnèc u rsnot on the squre. ad ~They finally diz.,,p coks up -Nhat they lthoUgbt iras a case iitk evu4!once of!'men recogxized A# 0o0*5 la1-Chicago suatMth bWTrdsLAke County yeudig Man Who wua born idieind rtheme.",they u l ii tlé1iata get.her, -would lnôt a1fow y0ouu"iField b .b. t trit de uryhear4 thé evi4«ue,1, j4 sShb aidence asJt wasIt et one iota th4t lulcaetia ruattenupt'at brib- «eY, net one iota of any evidence ohih showed bribery badtaken pluce. uk4 Th.e tact that some et the jurytuen wbo iat on the &wu 0 & all as ere given state jobs, of,-,"U eonuquence %4 ~ ig**ig the. big trial, wus tiken 1;ï tue -t i"-" Very WignlftcaÛt. The state, of course, never did eonsider the tact that these men, ousteti frein their owii jobs b4eause the maquittedGev. Binait irhle sîttinz as jurymen; were for ng enw place. The governàr and h191ridq bad au intereat ln. theni wbeu they _4w the BrwudAff »ka u &0 s peeved that tho men% jobs irere toifeWt -.4 b0eauso o1 their jury verdict. Ilowever, noue oïlthe"e isWwote jobs of censqece andt tii. big' ado wbicai eYgrUk4fMS-s t,1> In short, il Appeffl . » Smith of Lake couybUý44 irbole efforts aroetd t oasén (ove 1orSmalf at .every ite ectorneéy expeets Vo g4ft out II-e of course, dem 9~the téomakelfin1M M*eeeSBr 0 Iuowevtr, :ïo4moAeù in init* bas bjlweâi4jthis. liim hi~~~ havèb~wbe ww 1W~uJ ltgte 'bit .thàt hW Ii beenï',p'nloÀoxti1gfo~ ~i a~ fallen dowfixpitiuUy. I' be~t'apr~ ht'ï pesstne an' asdo ~e.a aaert btg $lm.p.f -mo t Requfed BsOM ly Loiems eat auntmeo MI0eahr' - '15 0freasmltnambit\oQ t a- n»ouli smboia exiras 3m day' prier te Jaaui*M 1, fusteadet 20 dAYs. veW 'raldeapS îU5 or *et. .6* l 'rtheolsoirl la eita d aýwIt ' - resàf sb' lm or itiwMebamt-pa Ià »mat "«ami~-.di lu an o#poafl to 4lrýt1o reca et iibethror ,~la iti maaJdno l _qisde a 1th d$alie ma- olmr. t ot mi-0 fre -b100 oundiasirac tatueot4raa ' et - putedat lm, à aermed#jpai o l- diueh te$*00fo o a p b i PA3 se miT CoS1gto he n ere!aty 0 atteonmor bewge tbe ffnit "C .*- iI5lu"is! wtllln 10 dy t3a ta>' pnonsilr' Mla ,if ke bo.giqw opeftmma«tiu x, X* m*or vehld*et the. l publie hlbigbwy unMIO«h i l =t XM01bar e Ili hasd pat or to 0 peSe to,~,8$waIil9ite oa fue oi U ~<the- couati .WU!0I lJ.a Stith . 26, Ubw-. =,- MI Pna. W. Kaer, iq msobi W1a~ t~ag ruoit, Sns an i SCIIOOLI aeS d r t ôs 1 a Ven- 880 attsadMeeg 96 toe o * , lieav- tmap* b bueagma. la * tenlv, poga o miavfa us ilu leademr~ositbtat jani mu sboul5 be &Ivmte utXiaiviote ad have d t opsbeiia vory enthualamti, the. 1a~t >Orogrm a ndt a-a Mg s d itultiteso. ami q#ida Lugea St.. - DU~OY ~ SI Sir Norn »4y, -1 m -m~ pv 11WZ451 mu5~a SI Ita *a ýpart or the car -les *Ube * the, aarorW Cone l .in d bave oe eput om. It o*li »- or 1Umiautes te mkdaend Do em 4 Iam&oam a SOu. treet, ww*.gmlk j Price $13.00 installed- Have Yéu OMrdw Your Pftp41burg Lion YeI * ISTALL ONE It is the oimpIes4 clegud, ilost economicalway to heat- w Ea~Iyattcledto yowrpee oeg Yn w jy te 1eI8Nam01 yOft, ma flOr teLin.Yo« csi Coie11 nv udplceyour erdr. Th s è for iyol. viL Wa~- I to but tu bau& 1Q*4 16111,i er the P" lu probe peutioE taie Of log for oth naturel tu la any tu tnmL J ot hi ro lum Y" Xba& W*.ebs- TWbem «'Tea 1 pmer et ýla&mTortk lbave bas me. Withux ibuet mm te d tbm ym. tom to as VO b. toléI tmrrad te »W"m *Me&ol STA 1