LIDERTYVILL INEPDENT. THURSDMJULY 26.,J1923. "Be Prepared" "Be Preparcd" is the tiàotto of the Boy Scouts over the woîld. The bauis of the Scouts' code of riving is to bc- prepared to meet any and every situation. Rhose who arc beyond the Scout age will do well to follow the Boy Scout motto ad"ePrepar- ed" to meet any situation and emergency that xnay anise. The hirst step in such preparedness is a growing bank accomC it gives to ail who have one, a feeling of self-confidence and self-respect which after al, forus the basis of every achievement. A banis accountwill gve one poise and judge- ment in meeting an emergency. YOU wil ind no better place to carry your"ac- count tha at thi strong bank. tAiiCO809 ~IOA BN Telepboue 15 - LIBERTYVILLE In The Fifteenth Year of study and sale of Life Imurauce, 1 have taken th Iisae of ?ROVlDINT INSURANCE becascl1hav fond it givudie GREATEST SERVICE te the Poicy Holder, together wvi ABSOU19 SAFETY. _ oFORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent,_ PnyidcutMutîsal ic Insrae Co.. Summer Classs For Begiimers In Commercial Courses Specia Sue amsesf« " iiiSehool Sadms Duéla t. Comple . TcsrCmerdalwork Md Isec» ePuitious MRS. GEORGE MacDONALD TELEPIE 130. LIBERTYVILLE, DIINIS Thse LIETY VILLE INDEPENDENT covers more territory and pouli et more REAL NEWSthan any other paper ini LAKE COIJNTY., And automs for the small mm of $1.5Oa year. JUST THUU(OF IT Every Saturday Evening M Rmb&J Pavition, on Round Lake. Doc Z75%ors Orchestra 10c Dances Fly Time Commng! Order Your Screen Doors, Windows and Porcli Screens NOW GEl OUIf TORO00 SCREENM AIfl AnT»TENWfl IVALDURA nie Perfect Paint F& kIon « tWood IIf you want to build your own 0M screens, WfE have ail the material. 1H15 ISA VERY GOOD TuME TOBWY COAL DON'T WMT 1 LOK OfVFR LIBERTY VILLE LUMBER Co. Phone 47> illiimillMHI III I'HIH nuHIMMH TOUR ROOFS KEEP THEM GOOD WE HAVE ALI KINDSOF COVERING Local and Personal Short Items of Especial Interest to Libertyvîlie Peop'e Le guest nes Lake. Mi lea a Job liedi Mr kegal e rty: bave have Mn Mhra Les was t Mim U c. home t eryvi until M villa - Mr were home NMrs, M anmi hotni> Mr. bel e ofth Cole. JP- ety'i dayo are st theF tiflut ts~t,'.,r.c.n r.Ms andI Me. and Mcm. Hency Beaitriiordit rr daughtee, Barbara Jane, of Evanstor. were guesta last week at tue homre of» .rc and Mca W. F. Franîrti, Jr. Mes. John Whitney and Mca. Leo I>urit left iaat Thuraday for a mont h ýii nManhiattan, Kansasawith, tire irtters brother, Waltecr Whitney, and tamlly. tir. aiirMs. E. H. Smith and their gîre.t, Misa Grace Smith, of Washing- on, D. C., notoced Sunday tb Oregon, ]ILi, whére they asent the day vtating relatives. Jrîsrda it z i( . i\, ir 1, b J'riitiii li iii ri .01(1tWarkri bu1r Bili> h.iruii chef at. the Sprîitg tes- taruratnt ,i.spnt 'fîiîday .litiibis tarir iii tri (Cticiago Mis toihy Bradfo îitîrd si>n Cicrago iteigtis fti a xi. cii rvriiwitb Mrs. ,w 0 Joîhni Mc4artiyý Mrs. WV J.ttrîdir of tieKalb, i hers iisitini> iet i rotier, WJ. Fen- drr:k, axi Mite, Mes, Kate ]Biaiik rofWes t end, vis- ited tarit week In Lii rtYittc W îth ber brother. Jacob Ring. MrsaNellie lioebier 4 t>Tiesd irîtl Me ad Ms GergeZUrih o Ch vst o ,r,>>fl ci oi r lin ri--, IrýJ A. Masorr, ot Waukegafl, wa, uinsfl5 vIitrr bie Tuesiiay le Grauz of Woodstoek was tht' st of 1Liber>> s utc friends Surîua>. ed Smith and tanrilyand Miss Ag- Ltghtbody spent Sutîîay at Gage's tsseReta VIrger, of Biloxie, Miss. guesi ai th one of Mr, and Mes. JGridtey. bhn tuested anîd son John Jr,, vis- 1ax. thre . F. Aptley home over week end. r. and Mrs. T. A. Simpson of Wau- iii apent Sunday ev tning wtth t. b- yville relatives. r. and Mca. lHenry Schmnidt, wb Ibeu living Intire Zoeflner biorne ,e movd lu Waukegan. rn and% Mes. George Harrison,-of rago spent Sunday at ti4e home of anrd Mrs. Clifford Faiust. &ster C. Cothy, of Kansas City, Mo., here over Sunday vlsitung hi, jiar- s, NIr.and Mra. Byron Colby. s, Grace Smith, of Washington,. *ý is spending lhec vacation ait tlr ne of liermacte, lr. E. H Smith. miee wili be no meeting of tbe Lih- iville Chapter or the Eastern Star ITiursday night, Auguat 23, >5s Joe Pester and daughter, Rie- , wii- here fast week from, Lakte a isiting at tht Wbitmore honre Ir and Mrs, AI Hapkt of Chicago ýbere oer Sunday itaitIng aithtie J HMak ie A M. Gibbrons of Sharon, Wrs, rand Mets.'lTrodore Westholm andi daugirter. Misa Gertrude Gibbons, son arod, o Otumw, Ioa 11,'Grand Rapids, Mieh., and Miss Win- visiting ai the home of Me. West- fred Morrts, also of Shron, Wls., are n*s istr, Ms..F. , Colin. bre tfo a two-weeks' vratt ai the Jý s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I aitr.Ma.EH.Cuia t home. rand Mesý George Barbour were over Strnday vraiting aitirhe home: Mer and Mes. Ed Johînson and son, heie zoients. Mc. and Mesý John or Miiwaukee, Missa Leona wonn, of lattabîrrg Wis,, and Mias Ruth Allen, of Roekfocd, Ill., viaited lasI Fclday a. 1-L. PScerer and son and Mes andi Saturday at tire home of William 'May and ebtîdren called on Lrb E.treeker and fam.lly, ville relatives and felenda Thuen- of lavsi week I Me and Mrs. Lee Aý Warren, Minnle F es> W. Kunke and son, William. Je, îsrendlng a week's vacation In Pal a, 11t. William. Jr., la employed in F, C. Norman grocery store. 10 Des Plaines Sunday. They were accemranied hy Mia Barceeca whoas 1home îa in Des Plaines, and who had been a gireat ai tire Warren home. Aristos Flourt $2.00 Per Sack E. H,. Corlett Telephone 339 - 340 LIBERTYVILLEI AND DOROTHY GIS in "The Bright Shawl" AUDITORIUM THEATRE Friday &bd Sturday, JuIy'27 sud 28 Lewis Stone - i - The D A N G E R O0 u s Age SUNAY JnIy 29 Pipe Organ Accompani- mmt ruIS -IONE 3061 Liet the Coin Go& HeIp MakeYour Dreams Corne-True! AHOME of your OWN! How fine ft would be. Then why not HAVE ft? It in po.- sible-cert«Min-fyon u wMonly BAVE for IL. And, wtth the attractive and umefl saVing device pictured above, saving la rmade simple and 89ffe. The Coin- Controlied Clock -compoe one to add aomething to hits savings ev.,'y single day, for a nickel, dîme or quarter mîust be deposited .very twenty.four kours to keep k ru.nnlng. It quickly estabilahes wwegular- it7 In aavtng atnd builds auccessful savtnge ac- cotînts when al] other means have failed. The Coin Controlled Cock la beautifully fin- ished and will be a cedelt n îhpr' norit attrac- t1vely fîn nishr'r rî- First Nationa! Back LIBERTYVILLI ..ILLINOIS. Resources of Mort Tira, a Half Million Dollars OUR WA¶T ADS CgI SURE RERI You Lost Just $50.Uý BY NOT BUYING YOUR LOT IN'TF NEI l.N RI UDIISO A AUOD LI BIEFORE JUL Y 1sf (Ithes are w4atching îlîeir savmngs grow at an incrcdibly fait, rate - WHY NOT YOU? - Fira investigate - Then invest before too lai. Prîces Now $2510 to $550 ANOTtIER ADVISNCE AUOUST Ist IRAYBRS&CMAI Tuleplione iertyvule 220-M Peg 011ce: Asie, V 1'm Perfurnes, Sachet, Face Crearns, Rouge, Tooth Paste, Talcum, 'Nail Poliah, Face Soap- and Oil Sham o CailiAn-d See Them ALSO LADIES' HOME JOURNALS W . W. Telephone 29 CARROLL i soi UO HOURS 8: 00 A. M. TO &Ae P. E i g w i E M B a w w w w w w w 'w s w a a w z w w w a g w u a Mr. ad Mr, Geoge Zrtr f Ch a oatof awith oelativesver cagoî were irere Tueaday vating Mr'1Cora, lheatvs anîd Mes. JR Maek.Mr. Zurich Jethtre Misa Emma Titus bas returnedin l band leader ai tire Majestic Tireater;Chicargo aîter a viait of two weeks with In Chicago.tirer alter, Misa Ethel Titus. Charles 1). Naltey, local manager of Mca. E. . Hawks and daughtee of Tbe Independent, moved Tueaday from Wtnthcop Harbor, vrited at the bomne W'aukegan to bis home on Broadway, of Mca Jacobr King Sunday, recenrtly purrehaaed fcom Misa Agatira Thiuompson. Mca Oscar Glese and ciildeen of Chicago apent tire week end aithtie Meý and Mes. Paul MacGuffin and homneof Mc. and Mca. Jack 1Stnký tîitte daugliter. Lorraine, wereeIn Ci- cago last Ftcday to aee the wondera of I Mca. F. H. Just and daughter, Mary. the ttartn & Ballesy and ilingliingicetucned last Fclday, after a montir tIrothers cirreus. spent at vartous vlacea In Colorardo. .Mr, and Mes. John W. Cote and Mer . Jarcob Ring and Mrs. Jack 9Stnk andi Mes Thomas Suydanr and daugh- and children spent tasi Thucaday in t . ary Elizabeth, motored ta Joiet IterMwtr witb their sister, Mca. F. A. Sittjitiisv afteenoern and avent the Meek Bterg etd athtie borme of Thomas Cote and an t>MMe andîri Mie1JT Mitcell an d Mr. and'Mes. L .1J.Wetzlee and family Mre, W. Robinson and Mes, Rd Ken !went 10 Miwaukee irsat Sunîiay and oeil> attendeil a matinee at a Chicagor spent tire day at Waashingtotn Park, one tlirter Wedrîesday afternoon. !es.-0f the fines>t pankv ti the country. Rinison is enjoying a two weeks' va-___________________ crion front bet viik at the Marsl..- Pietit store i 1 0% ma L"