LEBUnI VMiLLE )m>m1D IPMHUAY, JULY 26, 1923. s tomlug front North Cthicago Ihal liîey 1CftICA<iOAN were unablc to collent. Wihan h compietei reatlltg te SaIi' : Dd%» INi W -bese people are the reai graftera IDEDU ho are going 10 gel yout money, Tlîey gave yoo value and tîîw you ICV refuse te, pay tbem. rTe bond siane is DI)lFc4ST OLiteouoly watt to evei thtéeburde,î mm [S BI3ST POI4f ea ie 0overd byltheSTIMAULANT AIDS SOME HMN ired Peoplé at Mass Issu.uend tbe remaluder by thee lty Solid for the One mon auggcstcd that a lier cap-WeFwsA~ f hi edat >00 Bond Issue. ita ies«eat ebe mjade. lie w AtDumptl a Lttle Pepper Ove Iered interesteti posiblie tirougb the iaw, 150citzen, wto atigatt- W. P. Brean. chaîrman if th, emcitq Pmet,.d 57mitth ... nIe t«i)ehaitnsa. aga, citizns, Who liitlgath. . lay nigt athte Auditorium ing. astateti that al lte opposition to u coraYnbe@i odhlt te Ibrice defeatM6, M $5 '0the prjent was peraonal andt polît- "a lie t aigle.l sî el ot one was poedte ical. He followed wit a mtnto aunecil for condmntna. ay rain waer ent Noonevotd i POitrmenof te United lStates lie- me tnewr pe o aver o watm otiot nut Pertinentl utAgriculture. A heu wbosc aes ofsloctn wethe ndta.-a fthimto.digast. lippar.htus ln lu good work. uing eoect bgltcse»ond a ,., ng order needa nu mure stimuliation a.in g v a gil feelug LId'ESC 11 NTY JAIL for egg Production titan ln provided by te -Water rates were Iigh 0d elitncdrtopoe ltai tbe.bond ilue ceulti C IEI UfII ansd ibouling. But witcn liens arc ne titot thet idebteducats JU VYLLL VIULD off tteir fb.d sud lok dumpiha it utIle coulti b wped away In a THE * 1Pr 'Itpepper or -emctiug utte witt a aavtng te the res- E ÂM TH. sort ln the ration MaY cause ber t. flE1Iik E IL Pick uts andi ruai onail cytinder-a Ail are dtermlned titat te Issue sitouiti comae te a vote arain, Not once duriug thte two heujf meeting, lu wlaich mayor, aldermen andi citIzens dimcuaseth ie mtter informaily, was tora one diagenting voie gainel teissue. *il orgueil taIil aboulti be-,kepl fre e rm Poliltien to be Successfui, Adermanol Frank Svete. Iu answer to on quetion, taheil that il hati nut been brougbt up ai the general edcc tion for te reason thal il would ap- pear a pltical moveý Mayor D'eacon opened the meeting by asking for argumenta agaiuet the bond Issue. For an answer a citizen arose from te center of thie manie and sali thaï:thie aaving reached by poalng te bond issue wouid be $6005 a year, or equIvalent of te mayors âaar'y. te-le oeoîttonoethe rmal- tors wbo bought North C'hicago land for epecuîstion aud cieveriy dodged te water rentl To show btssiy te rlty needed money Mayur Ieacon potnfed out lhitaittechiteof police un!y réceived $175 a month. une offtier e1&6 anti anoîber 8136 a monthi 'ritlxiithe lowet pay along te nortit shore. tsWe ca't go outiasapublic Officiais and plug for one Issue beause every lime we do the people think we gel graft 'rTe last t ime we badl a bend Issue elertion omne ciizen put a ign on h car 'Vote No' whiih 1 emoider very, very low." 'rit waa lbheopinion of Aldermnan Ovete. Northt Chicago ia fored lu pay more fer everything becausp they buy on credit, Thomas Kllion, une of «e leadng citizen@ declared. In tite opinion of Aty Joaepht lad- rfIýhthie proposition ba et been carrIed widely enoug tol te homea of te votera. He believes tisait tey do nt underatandth ie iaeuýî thoreugit- Il. Then te readt wo long liai a of mame.. Every nome boit moecy Two Marines, Arrested Here, Returned to Great Lakes Despite Protests. 'Tetwo GreatL lakee marine. John Hsaly sud Doait McKay. wito werc atretet Suutioy nlgbt at Elen- trie Park l'y Deputy Sitcrîff l A. Ws'ale, on chargesa litaIheuaytd beaten îtni) KO iSchooloy ont Lec}oY Weiudorf, Wauisegsn young min, ant wtu bavealne been lulte rssunty ailIunsier 1200 l'ont pentîng t her itertutnexh Mousiay. tacet of- irera fru:n theabrig at Great Laket titI% mornng,.bbol Huai>lytRobert Gelly0fie nasýal training statiohn légal deasrimenl, Ijiat they like the jaîl fare so well tbey preferredtet rernaîn titaee Wr get a bot ccry do>. lu,- lealy saîIt 'Te navy sutiiorities desîted. itou' anar. to taki- tienî tark tote $ta- boît. ais ail thc ime tey have itsen incarseratet tere counns agaînssl tir abience cîitout trace ront Gréai Lakisa Tiey will b l'e giati * itearhug lnlu Vukegan tien Mouui.y ust tesatine. Courtsy of Fric-.s i p. l)-sn't hlute, sssuîi-11ut hui en 1l -'h lutitorizes >stî lit', I.' -'il thilnds t îstjrii ttittii. T hél,-néater yottv in sl itt t o iirelatls'ili lhuts i ise si tcay iet-ise l-ss .>lsuinovae ,f tues is Aity l ii aresaie,în l-uijssiftuttI Varions nappy aud pungent coudi iuenta are used for the pupo-ec. but thc tollowing mixture bai been founi au goed sau any anti may te mode ui, l'y tedock ownerariet b'cuti: Mlx equal parts of groont nIl pepper, grounti allpice. grount ginger andi grouzt ciove., andt one-itaif part of ground fenugrecis seeti, Many tsf ts issudintents ettît ho ock uwners an- latrgely iller sud cl for a bîgit prine Iu te tituregiven titere la nsthtng l'ut teesgètiala A tat)lsltfusnful of tetmixure lu 2 quarta sft ial matit 2 or 3 ibmea a wek or a tea- pneitemsc h' uS l a ussriàý In,àht tili 0f"I <ee*a ROOtea-titnt ".Y Bet- licu <15tr Vt tnielt1U 'uives ter Without the Preetcs ot s mals ____________ ird. Wth the Wiedons of the Agea. ted util thie bird, are teck in gouil A s . itîhiilsi wi sti h wti s peik. te Order. u;,ttssf-I lIst' 1-1isîsitotf previ- t linulotgoot practlce for poulr- ~ -~ If We Had Planned PTo Ruh" and Busses Exclusively fof nitÔjfes -we cold hardy have chose. iner cOU ouU"te u lrouel. île train and bus route runs-throtugh naturalgolf country, which lures you with snooth rollmng courses with their thrilling hazards, picturesque trec-embow- ered fairways and mettle-testing brooks. Golf ers who play anywhere along the North Shore, or at any of the good courses su pieatiful iu the Souliheru Wiscunsin L1tke Country, "'IlI ejoy a weekly trip by the Nrh Shore routes. Lake Geneva Busses meet fast North shore trains at 'Kenosha. Asic your local ticket agent for information and tme card. 0e004e o TELEPHONE LIBERTYVULE 74 NORTH DECI Five Kunc Meeting $62,( ()Ut et 0 >trtt Chica ereti Titîsmat te diacta t] bond Issue, IL. Twe coul tltem. That eue or slan. water rate" WaB titat th enougt, anti b. itanditet of the lty shottitme1 deuta. Atiri7 i30as. s.h 5 Pa Satng a Humer on Ils Jourrtey. Arî 14 bliniru,.".u a i el os betlaverttge WATCH FR INFERILE ~ aseefl in ti-,igtas if frsssî ies00 ii3M5( WATH FR IFERILEEG Stmiles. Ilus 1(1) the lt- sîrifruuibISissft wonit irI.seesi"ýti tsni ualrsInluthe ln Halching Poultryman Ha& No Setl lnulle ans i Irsst sett.uthaîs Rule to Follow ln Operatir.g lu the 3(l('ittle ras-e.lIn 1921 (bouy won Hia Incubator. tinst. secondt. aîdîtiîrd lnii th thtte '4M endut500l-mile nîil-blrd rates. ani l'otryDtirt atoolsittthlitis'ggste- bsavierage speeti of ttc Washington fure pîîtiîg them utuer a l'en or ln Raci lttg iemn club andtihet National an Insubator andtire out ail eggs (hîty Contnourse assattcion under wto, wtic-itare uflllkel' tu prustuce good suat-sîea u rcssvmrio citick t-tIf lanol Inferreil, itswever. t-lu 19111 (tare wcre 33 luftscoin- ltaI infertile eggs May te selected uni peting. lu 1920 351 lotts, sud lu 19121 for Incubaation. 'bere, la ne kuou'n over 40 lofste oanprmng lthe test irl metoil except l'y Incubation uf do- of lthe test breeders lu ail of WaBb. temminlug wtetlter an Mg la fertile Inglon, 'ritî recoird ot firat oand second or Infertile. and tirâI, second. andt tird lu ail racesa _____ from 100 lun500 mlles wai wonsal LITTER FOR POUL.TRY HOUSE raîeiyly lodividual l'irde anti bas neyer _______ Isen equalet l'y aay l'omiug pigeon Chafi and Refuse Front Heylot sIreeder luntthe District of Co4tmbîi Proferred s IlSeede Art Mq«tI, or vieiutty. whicb nolI uniy proves thse Invigoratitmksuperlorlly 0othttcBelisvîlle bird%. but sla Itiube Inte elyandi untiming 'rTe l'e. u ter tfor the flor utof ffl- effort.sutf M., A. Janobeson. witiba trs l'onse. sut noosîs i la; heclaff andi 'uh citarge of! hirrreedlng andti an refuse fronu lte itaylufi. Hoyaeda ioc. thenucelves are amati, Itut lnvigoratlng. ________________ sud mîuuCh liteobenetitderivetiromi tem ta tue tsibte work Insinnetiby VEMNDS OY S lte sesaEMI ETRYR IOie sîuise of trlstslt icfidt I * * ~ * * * ~ ~ * * * etîh galltti of i sl~sî * G R AYS LA K E -14stî - lxlSîf huiîît;;îîli;- lI. ssil tîs sor Ilirse tlus>t- Siiiuit Musa Mary Jonc White ha retumuet d î-iii i sr.stht front a vîsit to Mtchigan.Ilite stir Iitu ie 5iiioftsi' iit14i Mr et raC.M.Marfarlane are î'îîtîsslh 'î' ailii ti1hrt-s'l"Issit eutertaîutng frients fronn Scotiant. <,fIti a ýtbgrstiîsi Isig-tmghl Several from bore attendet Lake Villa tava. Mm. and Mns. Flood of Libertyville, l'ave movet to the E_ W Moore bous KEEP ON-LY PUREBRED STOCK on Cçnter street. Mrs . J. Turner and Jon, Joo wit Hibh-Claaa stock of Any <mnd Han their gucala, Mm. aud Mm,. Board apent Tandency te Brung Otttem Good.Ani- Saturtay and Suutay at Elkboru, Wis. m l toFarnt. Mr. sud MreLiAltred Meade of LOB- l Angeles, Cal., were calied hâe.ly the The tBrut fudartnio ut tcceisaful deatit of their sou-in-law, Charles Kick lîoultry isecping, wtetiter aotnlthe arn. -Mr. andi Mis. Herbert Kerber loft by l a àtilt-y afd, or lu tte large bitant. l motor ou Tueaday for Michigan. gonttotcks. il la truc Chat s gouil ltev. and UtMM anit-Vf fermer, andthttra giel falmly wehe Suuday ai ternoon callera. «goti *t1z1 front tsmduîury stock, l'ut. if lbe sorte camre anti attention were Misai Suai. Whitehead lainil o ber tevoleil te birds of botter breeding hoe -featome aWl stigtsctavy, ratura uoulti te Mr@. Harr Howe of Waukegan, mate. colet ou relatives ber. Tuesdau. 't.-i1 nttrieei rmie Mise 'Theo Smithsepent several dapa li good stock thatlal not eaaily mess- ut tilin week witit out oftoweaIs riends. uret, tut neveliteleas. la recoguiaeti 'rThe Elke lbanti ot Waukegaai, gave a ai seving a itg Mtrley value lunlte splendid concert on tte stresi Mouday long ruin.,rTaot eeit le lte gencrol nmgitt. Improvement lu the place. mettotta, Thc fire department u'ai calledti t tte anithttcmon itimeîf, thai corne. tram Mîke Leazen l'ume Tpesday mniuîg. itavlng itîrta ihat are aittve thte orti- Tite>ssucceeded intaextinguiasng thse ismy.A otan ait,, ha@well-brcd stocks fiames l'ut nt itefure quit. a lot outa,k.abolt t landsihotws lu to bis tamage wai donc. A amalI lire etarteu ihos itdalh at h in te Gene Hentie tome ou Friday iltsre iîuaî.h wntlb but Coi muct damage wui don. urouutIttgs o t hs tiock lu lo Ri li- sit,ats.tnd lic takea prhielu Inluuwlng Mise Doroty Cl'alberg ot Evaneton, a knoa'tetge tsf fees-i andtht> met- epent the.week-endaft he tome ut Miness st utfeednîg. Anna Titompson. i4tteh-lo, a- sckof nv kint bas a Mr@. M,.'cua Sculoaser aud daugitter, ýMjorie An, ret=medte their home cn 0i ag ter aedng amot'a vacation witb ber moter, Mrs. Fred Rüwling sud fricuds. BRUNE ARRESIS 3 AT FOX LAKE W-IC.tPaimer, H. C. Wlkcr and Tint Keiiey, ail or Chicago. werc or f ealcd last wcek by Constable Cou- ad A. Brune at Llpttlncot'a botel a4 Fox Lake on a char"e of violat- îug te prohbl'tory lau',. Set aral pinta ut liquor wcre fount lit their possession, accordiug 10 Statles Attortney A. V. Smth, and tuw o ftem wcre et thte table driuklng. Titey were hclti lu the county jilI ail ai ulight ond wcre arraigned before Juatice H. C. Couleonti tti aflernoon at releaiet ln $2,000 boude eacb, rTe trial wll be beard Juiy 28. tcntency IDto rng t ser purettret ani- maislutothe fartît A gond pumebreti animailecontinuéa île work tsf improve- nient ftntlniltelv tint sstty vititln Ie titan cla"i, ti euryabere onlthe farm, tram ltelipel ts lthelilbrary. GRAIN FOR GEESE IN WINTER Handful ofiEqual PartsiCiste anti Con for Each Foiel la Atout Right- Fed iGroen Bluff. 'rie grainntgm"$usfom gefeel ln n ter shOOt tý.-'t<i)e1 aparte oatesutn cura., HIvs bult auttnul tlu csl bIrd once a dey. (icese requme an aibondance ut green tees] c-vcry dey trougitout the ysr. Clusser Itay or alfalfa abould te cul grens.andt atm prupemly curet makes excellent win- ter feet fiom geese.GIre them att tbeY 1wll eatst oftis. win possible le pro- 1vide. Mangeis, cabtage or potateee CAS 9aise bitedti lusuppît- green feet fer gesse, Titey are alec ver>- fond ot Bp- pies. TWO PRISONERS ESCAPE FROM GiI<LA LAKES' aiten ta fee t Il e tbîngn when tlie iok Ioln bgond tiîpetite, When iifee-d A f ntrarts lena 111e lnotr, -an ho doue 15, et itutlate file egg îrgltill POULTR'jY TURKEYS LAY EARLY IN DAY, Brondimsa. Can Be Otacouraged by S PEED RECORD FOR PIGEONS Sinlnnt Heo n om. Wtii Birde Bred by Departmaet of Agri. filaI ottom.culture Have Estabitshid Ne 4Prnp.,ed by thie tlited Statesa iLepa.t Mark, tin Flightta. ment of Agrculture.) Turke2 bsLnti an ealy lie broken tPs'eesd tir th, I'soia v,ts. lIPUMM5,.,t o! their brooslluessa 'y confluing &hin Th ti; A e 'ls " d %t for two or titree ditys to a coup wltht "oisiîîgle. ,-'I.ts vnt a iol bottom, 'Thliy wili mate soon by te bureau of iatîltiiil tîlustry. a tter belng let out ofthtie coup and Unitred Stntues Depetnrîettof Agrils ul begin laylng lu about a week. Theite ile, et.theagiiverii,ii a r etrd tiret two or three egg.e o a Iltter arevilM.haesabsidktrcd uuatîii laid at the rate of one every durIng tee lstt 'hrse Lýýit rss altii itier day, atter whlleî tce e < rdi-' talds atone an iti uto odîîî'iu-gin- riiy 1lay .every ta>' untîl tbey are itng with 1919, flie i,&r in whici the broytat oit was e¶aisisl ti, l',ttsvile .rs.ul lttsigt sîneies athey skip bd ao irtat e iiith le one daybelore layi ithie lat t gg of mlle an i irsta d lie 2tt ii otheVm a tIler.leadtrtith rThere liq ne partinîtiar ltime uf dey when a turlsey lieu lttys, but mont of the eggaare laid in Itie îurnlng, gey P4îullrY epeecllîsie ln thetUnted States Fieportîneni of Agris-lture. rTe folý iowing (ilsof ia>ing and lengtite of finte remalning (lntelite nt were oh. latInesl 15> altlflig kt torkey heu dur- Ing the laying ceessu nsinare lypîcai: t lie kof Touse of [ite iay.ng le.ving Ceait Mark,2- > . .--. 1 - p M 400im Martch l31 a... ttiitM.i MA i-t i t a i . 5(ia n April 2 4i r't nivu :(X)}p M> Apri 2 tO17 tsi Sili ni m Atoll 4 s9 a ni . -', n Aprit h6Sat, 00up nm Atril 7 ....t ni 00ip ni Aprul 9 t'i i tisn Wite House Etqaette h'ressisls'ni tl s s s i i i t 'I i r Servlng ttse lr-id 1,ntIi,' i, 1' a -t'lli' of tirs e 'ii ssi s 'Ih ngui t the tî is i '-i11,u i s ' f Itrituin titis-n t sItilt ututi s'ii hoiusts- il ing. jam&J.ly o-M now an exact am Fresh Fruits are Plentifisl1 U"c the short CmTirrProoessftr tnkig j aMan d with Berîe, 1hrnc Peacheasud oth..rfrits lu seoson..Yost wÏR1 5nd theyane tebeat jama and jelliet yoe mtastcd. CaaRTo is old by grooersevrywhse. or Sent potpatd for 35 omi. '2POUND9F FRM~ ,4oucrocrm dm 2ý iew:c General Court Martial Prison- ers lump in Truck and Head for Waukegan. Lîbert> s ilts resltents a htaie lite anis'e aILlstouIttin ta I iriy "earc h at 3 o'cioc k Tuesday afternottn taheu a guard fronit rat a.- Nas ii 'Trainng station spot tere-o at bitcycle andl asrd aIt luinlte1 setrtt for lvo tu-tntai court nmit- uial pitsnera who bat Escapet un a truc rom n the station. lTe guvui Wlten jsmp on the truck ai Twsenly-ttet.ond Street, Northhicîsago, ant ride toward Wau kgan. lie notiet ('bIef tof Poline Joc lutin k> andi Moto, Offtner Earl IlicksintiutWaîukegaii Offiot r Hicks ttîtt iaS sartel oti a to-urel tor tu, s noaîing prisoners Thîs'e mnsweîe troîvo Inl te whp siit ailor unifîurni auid annortlng luui i nav l-tutoitiion their niotitea ew, te laitits I t-- it r a latrge rot star îtr a tu- i ils i inut thla t tluey are naval luisoro,îtrs. A rewart of $50 is piulfsr foi,. arts t oh any naval pris-îtnrs alutsho ' j- o0 0 000 0e 0 0 0 0 0 0 o FOR ALL THE NEWS 0F LAKIC 9 0 COUNTY, SBSCRISE FOR THI4E0 INDEPENDEN-41.50 A VKAR.0 ýo 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 i. As Let Us Do The Family Wash WET WASHI $1.25 25 lbs. . ...r....... . -- Over 25 lb,.Sc fer each additional pound Rough Dry, Fat Pieces lromied, Wearing Apparel Starchect and Dried, 25 lbs. or over lOc per l . ....... IJuder 25 Ibo.li per lb.. .. -...... FarnilyWash Finihed Canmletc LET US DRY CLEAI4 AND) PRfS TOUR KMTS DRESSESSKRTS, COATSET. We Alsio Dye Beautlfully TUe Reliable Lanudrv LIBERTYVILLE and HIGHLAND PAUK , LAUNDERERS, DRY CLEANERS ANDOYOERS PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 67-R WIRE FENCE You are invited te corne te or factory for your fence requae. ments. Yen can "et froua our fistoc of a large rdi of styles at the foflowing prices: HEAVY STOCK FENCE P« Rod: 8 bars. 32 în.ý hieh 12 in. stays........3'i 8 bars, 32 in. bigh. 7 in. stays. ...... . 9 bars, 42 in. bigh, 12 in. stays>a..... 9 barn, 42 in. lieh 7 in. stay&m. -. .......c 10 bars, 50in. hieK12 in.stay&. ..8 1 Obars, 50in.bhie,7 in. stay ---- MWIU HEAVY POULTRY FENCE 16 lbars, 58 in. hgh, 8 i.sas. 5Oz BARBED WIRE, SO-ro.l Spoolis per Sp..t 2-pt. Hg , $.3 4-pt. Hog - $---- 2-pt. Cattle.,. $3.59 4-pt. Cattle .$.8 STEEL U N11E FOSTS, eack ..............*---------*------------- 33 END POSTS, ....ac..h---- CORNER POSTS,e&...... ADJUSTABLE STEEL DRIVEWAY GÂTES Painlad ..-.----- 10 fI., $8.15; 12ft., $8.75; 14 fi, *9.8; 18 ft, $1». Calvantzed 10f-,--.0; 12 ft., 10.20; 14 ft. *10.86; 15 fi, *11.76 PLALIN STEEL' DÈIVEWAY GÂTES 10Oft. %rde -$5.65; 12 ft. wide...$6.25; 14 ft. wide..$7.2.5 STEL POULTRY GÂTES 48 in.* high ... $2.10 60 in. hie..-. $2.55 Ail Prlces Subjbot To Chainge Wthoul Notice American Wiré Fence Co. Libertyvili, Illinoja Chas. DProctor j Inurance of ail kipds Phm 14-M 1r Ea TYY8A Neoraion now ber 00a tsif Thal aid elti noy"rdii motJeU5 erama nw Pere-sy Sb. » caRO,-oslue1do PAGEl mu UBERTY VILLE TICKET OFFICE A à zfTlýý 1