The originnl intvntiun of" the Deacon 111111 1115111111)" hud'hcun to remain at Lilwr'yvilh: until L[he noxl 111111111- i‘ng, but his venomhh': guns! stuntly munitaxinnd his £11111. ity 10311 through tn Cedar Lake, thnt night. W1: funiid the- 2111 pv’np‘ib'ï¬f' Lihvrtyyiliv somewhat given {1) 6m- Tl‘nut ; also 1111,: Young gumlL-niun to riding out with (heir sweet’nonrb,â€"â€""‘ Lnurn‘picuse'11i1w). ()11 the outskirts of the \iihgye we 1111x401} tin: Fair G1‘111111ds with its huild- ings and ‘mu: «01111113 :11111 were .1" 1111 among waviuxr 1161115- 11? wheat, nuts and (wirn. “to buwkti 11111111711: Hmonhght (wrr 1hr prairieâ€"1111,: 101111 on (githujisidnli110d ‘ with unï¬lniï¬cent 11.11151: orange hodgvs~l1n$swi largo i fur-111 111111501 11.1111 bui‘ns, 21nd ithrmigh :1 ï¬nc,1:xu:,11.~1im{ gr1 1111:. Stopping at one paint to enquire Ihe way, (L111: ] Cumum’lore ~1 “i11~1(in(:‘t’ huviuo' fliilt-d himi until 11 little ‘ 0U“ TRIP To (‘EIDAI LAKE. Mn Iz‘viitnr: «Thom Wun- ninv of m, nil 111111. The (‘ulnlnmlun-, (hr Militnr) Mun, lhl' Hurlnrss Mulu-r, [he Di-nrmn his lwu noun ulnl invih-(l gin-s! rthy inst H mm [it-mam mvri-iyhl)‘ yc-nrx «11' ngi‘ â€" 1"muk the Mujur “willâ€, and 1111' wriu-r. We [V11 nur funk-Hg: vlln' rn-uidn-nu: of 1hr ('umumdun- Ml nlmnt ~|\ p. "1., Tuemiuy, July 21:â€. nnd ri'm'hml our dustinnliunâ€"â€"Swwurl's Lakeside l‘unn,~â€"uh0u1 [I'l n In‘lmk “will" In wuvn1 “itâ€. Daiyumi Lilmi’tyville. Why 1h» mm] from Highmmd m Hul1' “my nimuhl 1w knuyvn us lhl‘ â€plnnk mull" is beyond my ken. All thi- planks vu- .«uiw wr-n- in [111‘ culverts unJ hridgrn. It has thu nun-it, however, uf heingngmxl. a» WP†us n nlrnighl mud. Wi- amplwd to wan-r our humus In Half Day, and rlnluirml u! u (hnnnn follow «him-n llw dishinue in our dmlinulimn “r “ didn‘t just know how fur i1 \i'ns, hn1 knmv n mun Mm Imd cunn- from “new and it touh 'hiln n11 night. " \ul wry 0n- {unzuginï¬ lmkm- 111118111011 unnchu with (hu- n111'1‘1iull 11m! pmlmMy 110va R1001 m h} nx-n-nm. A1 â€â€œ11. buy W‘s alruvh’ Un- lu'uirh-. nlnl frmn thvnu- II: ’l.iln-rt) \‘ilh- M' yum-<1 nmm‘ 1im' l‘kll'lllN, “1.111 ruln1in'lnb14- and (31:11) imprmcmcnhr, ulsn n (h:- -«- .m- ['m- 1117‘), \\l|i(' -h 51w- gran-1| lu [ilt‘ prmln‘nl :mmn" u~ " that it has probably a good grazing comm) ;' in [he wrflerJ ï¬lm! it " looked This 111,51. remark With» up 11w (‘mnmndorm who, it sm‘ins, wan fu- likc a splendid rungs fur pruirin- whickvns. miliur with this «iixtrivl in (\r‘nr.‘ (gum- byâ€"wln'n 11n- rt-sl (If us wow i)()\'s.~â€"â€":|I|'i hv rulnlg‘l mnrvrhnn talus uf thr- " bu s 01' 1mm " In‘ h'ul xn‘uh‘. ' - < x g‘ . 1 , Lyihwrtyvilfu we funnd “L In- an â€M 12‘shiunvd- hiwn, boasting l! 71mm stury hating“ Minn-h, nmilqnite a num- ber Milton's. WI‘ nrrivwl tin-re just before dusk, and, after watering tliv humus nguin, and lighting fresh cigars. (the smokl'rs nf'thv party) we runulnwl our juurm‘y. I? is nut my purpose, Mr. Editor. in M] up your spat-o with II dvmilwl amtvmunl Hf how \u- pussml (ivory mo- mmn of time, but (ï¬ning Hm twu days we wuro m the “ Lake-side Farm" we ï¬shed a great 11031], vii!“ varying l‘uvc'exï¬ypiwhvd :lnnitx, nnd plnywl ll:Lâ€-â€"â€"'h(‘ “'I’it‘kor» eh" vvnu ; [Ini “ B|u<-k-Hass."- rusuiï¬ug in n \‘inLnry for the Imm- vlul». nl‘lwvulytwu 141mm; (Wm‘uo than the “ Unexpccll‘l‘ls" aw] “ HigNQIuL-nuz. It i~ pvrhnps nut nuomwu'y to mention .I belongwl Iu‘e " Blm k Bummm," Some of as lslmmumod nun inn; ï¬rstwluas «(wry u-llers. and 103m» munhvr mm slevlwrs. 'I'Iu» hnnw i~ but a farm 1111115111 11.1111 bui‘ns, 211111 thmugh 11 ï¬nc,1:xthn.~1ive gr1v1‘.StU}1p/iug at 0111: paint to enquire Ihe way, (L111: 01111111104011! :1 “i11~1(i11(,-‘t’ having filiit'd himi until 11 little hcfnre £011 11 clock, w1' massed Lin; “1111111111411 111.111. and knew we won: less than :1 i111]! miiu .‘11‘11111 our (hmtinatiun. 111 a Short timv we drove 111111.11!11eh:11'11,i\ ii’ttlu'dgsty $1111 hungry, 11111 11133711111911 141111111131 with nur (-11.11 d1;- lightful (lrivc 11ftwv11tv-{ive milm. Aithun'rh 11111- \111 ed, we w1r11' 501111 111.i1i11 to fuel 1011 111111-11 :11 linuiv. :1111] after making thn :quuintunm 111 1111!hunt>1:1111il_\,i)1‘1111: shown :1 xmnmer Muck buss captured {11:11 daiv. 111111 pur- tuking 111.11 good hut 1111111101", we “'111'1- shown 111 (1111i and colnlbruiblu rooms, and wen: 11mm drunmingkl 11:11- p11u1111 1i1kwel and four pound bass to he .lakeu 1111 the m1rri1£.}}i>fl>nr sunrise tin- 1112\1 11111111111â€, tlw Uuu 1111, his 1w 11111111 11111] (1111' Writer were 1:111:01) (‘ NM [11111, :ind 10 (beanys 1111111111; 1111: honor of tho ï¬rst Hitch, at which, as was natural 1111:) wurv _V‘ much tinned, 1111J+1huwed a dispmï¬tiun to crow over the “ old folks." Hetlli‘ning abmrt seven o'clock, “we found the mln-rx up and ready for husiucssLâ€"éur nervous mun :2. little nfrnid lhr- ï¬sh would all he .HHIL'IN bvl'un- h(- mmhl gm. h‘lS breakfast. HY HENRY l-. . RTE. A11 111111111 111111r1111*111('111 1115111- -1111.< 1111 11111111 11111111111"; 11110111130 1111* mm! 1111:1111.) 11111111111 null; “Muir/141,111! 11111101: 111‘ virtuous 1*111ls 1111111: r1*"ll111111111 111 11111111111111â€" 111111. 111111 :111 1'111111111'1 11134111011 11v 1:11.11; 111:1: 1'1111 111* 1111 1111111wis1. thalldiSustruus 111 1111- 1*1111 mun 111 t111- 111111151 act- 1 111' 5 11112111511: 111,354 111 .3111 uuLlaLug 111 itseomphenfed ngyrv'gnm -1:1151111 1111 Human 11111111'5. “11111125.: 1.110, pi1111»111*\111,i1111,1 V r1*>i1r11:1ti1111 111111 51* 1'1*11it1‘ 1’11' 1-1111~11111111* 111 1’11111'111 11.' ‘ 51111111 1111 111.» 11u11111 111-11, 1111-11‘ having 1111131111 111 111:1111r11- 1 81’ 111311111- I1**1 .11111 111111*rwi.x1* 111*511‘113Pr1,t1‘11s (1| t111111<11n11§1 1 111'111“innucvntsu11ix-1*l.~1,si111111y b131:z111s1*1111*,y 111111111 Chung/1* 1111- 111ml 111‘ 1111*ir 1'1~111,:i1111 :11 1115111*111*~:1.N11w 1111* gloat 1.1101111 i111p1-11in11‘11t 111 correct 11111111101111 111111111111 is 1111: :'1\1*ry [1111311111 and 1111*111111. 111 itsvuriud 1'111'1113,_111c1-11g» 111111*11n111-1111r11111111v111'11111111111111» t111~(11*§lr111-111111 111.11'1111'11 in 1111 its forms is 1111* grandvxt 1.11~ 17v11r11. 1111» SiIlP1111/I 111111 0f_civiliz:1ti11n, and without 11111-11 dustnu'tinn civilization cannm advance 111 its [0:11. By thn term slawry we mean 1n this 01111111111111111 :1“ 1111130 r1111;!1‘1ns (5111-1111011; c1111 111111 111111111 rmtrnints 1111. humanstrength-111,111 1*1111v duct, 111' which 11111111111 beings :1k1- 111-[1111011 11f 1111*11‘ naturn], 11111111311111110 $1111 (1011*;(1111111 right 111111 duty, {rm-11‘ 10 nnqnirv. ‘111'1-9111151113‘111111 0111111110 1111: 111u1n§1~1r1w [with 11111 any 111111110 restraint 11111111 1111111 whntow-r. 1,h1-ir 1mm 1 1 1 1 11110:! 111 111111111111 111111 111111111111 \V1* 1111 nqt :1:1y1111-r1*s111111 be 111) rvstrnint 1111 human (*1111111111. 111111 w1-1111 1111}! 111111 1 willmm 1111111111111. (111:r1* (-1111 111- 1111 Vinnv. :11111 111'111'1: 11111 ‘ 111111111111} 111~1-1*.~.~i1y r11~ prnlnuling \ii"!111*:1.~ 1hr us 1111111111111' ‘ wily through 111101111111. 111111 with tho 11*:131 1111112111111: 11r|1ir 1r:1ry r12s1ruinl, 111*1-1111>1- 1‘1'1-1-1111111 111'111-111111‘ is :1 sim' 11H!) 1 mm 111‘1111-1>ss1*1111111 111111‘111 1111111111 111‘ \ir1111-, N11 “1111111 11111111111111“ 1111111111 1111:1 11111 11111r:11 1111:1111)! whulm‘vr. 111111 1 1111)’ 111111111 lwrfnrnvrl 11.11111: 1111- 11111111-111-1' 111‘ 1'1-111F 11r 111~ Tlll' (‘nIIIIII-Idun- [munimwl (I: bring kl) in sight 01' l’iu- IIInIIIi Luke, and tried In IIIIIIII nfl'u mud lmlv IINIr IIIIIV crtyvillu us that 31mm of INIIII-I'I [Jul il_ “714.5 no gu, as sum nf'us had hm'n Hwn' haflirv. :Iml “'("l‘t‘ r‘mt (II bkisu I'asfly ï¬mlv’d. Not IIIIII-h, Mary AIIII! I want In my in dosing, s to bt'. "A (‘hurIIIiIIg Rosurl " 'l'ln- IIIIIlc is 6x00110111, n‘flrytJIiug is (uIIIfurIIIMI- :LlHl llUllH' iikv IlI- Imam: :Irn suic fllld kI- pt In {hut this “LIIkv-sidt- FurIII " is us ii prnfin good UIIlI-I. ii)!‘ II-rIIIs .lI‘I‘ II‘IuIlI mm and, best 02 all, no shuoting (U ilsllill‘LflUH tho I 'IIthIIh Is permitted. “fum- IluII'I JImsI-ss il tI-IIIIIY UllI' mid I'I‘iI-IId' Yugvr, of nilmad IIIcIIIIIry. willhtukv [Mll‘iilâ€˜ï¬ l)\'[‘l' from Wnukugun III IIII)‘ time. pr by writing to A. II. SuIWIII‘VK: Suns, Sungl Luke nhnr! lIIntunrv I'rulu “ I'm-dun" mu] JIIM‘Hll u quuru-r luilr from “ Der}: †uml " Sun " lulu-m. I‘Inat (If “ Ilocp " IN “ (Inpqu-d Imku," whivh w.-1Iid Iml via“. The C'uluuw- duru uud Ill) m-II' «IN (In: mun! «If uur Iiahinx in I’m-p Ltdw, -WIIIII' tIn- Imhmm‘ uI' Ihr purlv rutIu I‘ {mun-II ('Hhu' Imku Ihc PII nic grounds b1 Inu'ring In (In- huum', are on 1hr hunks uI I’m-p Lan. 'IIH'} urv HIHMIHI with mugnili- 0cm oaks, and Iurnislmd with u swing, whim «“3 bunch- 1~.~L. (In thum- groumls n Cumpnn)‘ ul' ImIIt-s' xmd' gt'htlv men from f‘hicngo, with Unhir uhiIdrvn um] SPI'VHHLy’IIrItI, we wun- infurnn-(l, “ ('uuqn-II nut " for wmo Iwu wwks, qurIiI-r in lIm m-mmn. It struck u: us Iwing u moat IqutIxy and M-usihh- “In-«11'rusLIvuling. lluIrmI. Mr. I‘Iqulnr, dun] I! uppi-nr to you that lIw m'vfngr Anu-ri» (‘un riliu-n ii In “Mr lurunv [u “ um i! †Ivm rum-I1? “ml n .. . Aim: purh'†u.~ pl. 11mm, Mn “II" n (h: "(hm Lb nInug‘.‘ Nut nnI) flu mm ‘ m II Inn by [Iu- lh- [In huh I; H is u piningul Imun". II nurlllNI s†to m WIM‘II-WP unlmcktrd nur mm ('Hl/A'll 13 n lntlu Immv Lu ‘ , A): i1â€1nm mm-h'.’ “ml n .. . Aim: purl)†u.~ pln-umnl Mn Mlvn (hr "rum 1: nlnug'.‘ Nut nul)‘ fur mm" 5"â€, hIH‘ln lhl- lh-llvl' half It'l‘l is u piningul homv '3 ll nurllh'd s†to 11.», wIn-n-un HIIlIflL’ktfd our bags nut] found (“1- had [nu-km] our own "duds ") m- hzul just uuw night-shill In Me I'I'UII‘II. 'I'hv ('umm'nlnn- rullu-r hm! Ha 11ml liliw, hul l'li wugv-J' snmvlhin; hum! mm}- witl- nl' «luuglm-r pTKT'ICtur Illa! Img. ' 'I'ulk ulmul "Iwulw Illill'h l'rmn n lwnun," il.- HUI/ling In lwiw lhr (“dam-v ï¬â€˜nlu a night ~hirl. In shun murl‘iwl men, 1154-11 In â€1? L-muf'nrw of life. “1- In!) Suwmyâ€˜ï¬ :51 tL-ul‘ u'cluck Tlmrstlu)‘ nth-moon. and :APï¬xgfl,4|h-Iy at [mun- {hut m‘c-uing. running |r\' 1’. U. Lukt- (‘uumvY thv will .wnd u ('zu'riulrr: tn Hume“ ’ - - (- Station on the St. Paul mud (Hilllf miles m‘ to \Vllllkt' ’ , I gun, to mum thc; train. The next tiun: I go] shall take the “ fmu " and tln- ‘i kindrrf‘v 'I‘Iu- (‘nmmudun THE TRU s‘T FREEDOM, l)’ uf Hui lunwillt ours, .u'x [hm M23220“) \wdu‘xLuKiw; $3wi mm the fagm and ulh 2 such like tinâ€"2112122 p2- raunsinns haw dim] punt-.2] 2222di ([20 MN 22w of miller 2222222122 (:H2- "2 tin- 222v 22223422 5221 phi"; thoil' Nut-2,) 22r02221222u-,tl \\h2- -22- 12222( 92022] 12' 122' 22 â€2:0221 er ur lessux 222222222222 «2| mi 222] 22312222- ism, H22- llpsputisum tgl'vivil gnu-num-nl 222'2- mom'ssuri}; 2-121322'222-21 h) “lusuhuu physiml mu-rviuu. There 2m" “222222 “Jim-d I_\'2'222222i2|.< «21' 5222-2221 1211* which an- ni2|ll)‘2-\' 212e.~222ul'21‘2:ll}' «rut'l, 222‘ i'rmrny dl'SiHHiU. A“ (122‘230M21322r2- 222 lw 22\'~~2'lnrm-<1,‘ 22122] 2120212 is no way .mon, diu-glupd cï¬'m-liw, 222221 221 1122- "222.01222222 22(‘(t0mpau2ivd wilh at» 2222222 [2222222121 >(N'ii‘ll 2‘2222\'l|ls24222 and individpul su‘ï¬ning-us [Tn- liil'(‘(‘t 2-222‘22222‘22212-2212'221 222222 suppurt ufu 21222222223312†fun: 22ml imh‘pemh-n! 222122222 fur the radical discussion‘ ofull questions 222-21222222224; [2) M22- 2222222 2211222 and 22222120515. ling illt‘h Hurray». In-vnusu wv lln L-n-rlninly knnw [hut all rostrum uu'r VOIIHIlul’)‘ :u-liun, u-,\w-1»I in Ill-m- cum-,4 ï¬ll“? sud: wluumry ui‘linn is 1\UUWII It} lln- :u'lul' [0 hr uh uurighlvuud inu-rï¬-n-mw- “ith tlm t'rn-v \nliliun and Conduct ufulhul‘s, is m'm‘ssurn} nu impmlinwm inslvhd uf'uu aid to Ilu- nuturu': \‘nlumur's' drwluhm-nt uf‘ mural} \‘il'llll‘ in pot-5mm Mlhjm't tuéuch (‘Unll‘nL T1'111-,11111r1,- 1111151 111' 111111 1:11- 111111'11 111' 11131 111' 1111-, 111151110“ 111111<11111-‘1111Lr11111111'1'11111111'1111 111111111111» .11111 1111 1-1111.» 111 11'1-111'111111 11'11111111111111- 1'1-511111111 11111111111111~11l1u11w111 41111-11'111-111v1'111111111\ 111111111111, 111 111.11 11111' 11111111111111 1411111 11111111 111111' 111- \1 1‘ 1'1- -111-11 11> 1111-11 111:1111 111111 1111'0111111111111 111. 5111111511111 1111-11-1} 11111111111011.1111111111yr-111-1111r11;11-d 11'111111 1111- 1-\11s,111111111111111-1l111 111'1- 111 111111111111111i\1-.1_\' 111111 11111111 111111011310115, 1111- d1-si1'1'11 1111113 111' 1'11111-1' W111 51111-11111- 11111111101] 11y«1n111"11 111111-111 1111-11, 11111111†is 1'1111 111‘1‘111115 11-:11'1111111 111' 111111 1r1,1111.=a111"111r' strugglr 111'11191111'01'11114111111111 111111 3111111111111 1113111111111. '111 111111; 11 1> [111- 1111111 1111111 5111131111111} 111' histor}. 'I'1111 1111111115 111' 1111- 1711-11011 11011111111011; 1,111- hur‘rum 111' 11111' 1'1-1-11111 Ann-11151111111. 1101111111; 1111- existing 311111111111»: 131‘15'1111111 111 '11111111- 111111 111- 1111' (10111111111 '(1‘1'111111110111-1' 111' (‘1111;1: 1111- 1111111111111-3 01' Frame, 1111- 1111111111111111111c \1'1111rgl1-x' (11 1'1-11111111) ; 1111 1111- r1-\'1111‘1111)11s 111 1110111511113' 111' 11111,,11'111'.111 111111111113; 11111111- 11116111115111-111'1 11n-1u11â€"1111111s1711-111 ll11~1 11111\1-1 111 11'11111. M111 1111131 111111 “111 111'1r1-1-11'11111 1111 “11111511111121 1111111111 1'11» >1r111111 1111 1111111L 11-141 '1111-1 11111'111111 111-11-111111-1111-111‘ 11nd1f 11111) 111'1-11111111111w1-11,1111111111111) 111111 11111111'_11111 1111111111'1'1‘; 1111111111111~1 1111111 (hey W111 much 11 111111111-11 1111- 51111111111 1111s .~11111k1- 111111 1111- 111111 l1'1\.111)111111 11111i1111-111'111111111111-211111 111111111111 1111- 1-1111 1111-1 11'1'II 111111111, 111111 1111- 11111} 11111-11111 1 . 1 . ‘11 ' . [Wu 1111' 1'1-1111111111 111111 r1.'\'11111l11_111 111111'11111'111m' #1011411. 1. 1111' 1'r1-1- 1111-1111 1'11r1111- r:11111-111111151115511111 111' 1111 3111111111, 111 linv for nmvtiun and n.-\'ululi1_u| an'r «r Inn Ilu‘ {rm- sm-Im fur Hu- rndirnldisnzussinu hf MH 1 .MWial intern-M. Th» “1111“!†«If Ilu- pr.» v I‘rml} :HIninml in rulnidrru'vlv Ih-grmvu â€IHW'II by MLV uu-glns pq-I'll‘vlly, , The frwdum uf‘p nl \lim-ussmn is not _u-f m‘lmhtu that whlw ‘ 1n tho FTP); living nmrv HI. :I mvtrupn‘ilnn a; ln-mvjaaumg {rum 1hr Mun :uluun 1‘11 ( pulcrw Vuw tlmrv is my murv u'uirhfun-lulm-MIML «fl.- qu thun- is my murv “MM.-fun-lulm-nlzfl l. gilinmtr way Hf ILrn‘nmLing :1 wow ;1' m- ]wrtl-n ll) ixulrprmL-nl. highl)†iluln‘hhlzfli/ puglvd :lll\;ll|l" llmuyhf nn â€H \ll‘rl}n-l"'~ . . ) 1|npnrl:\nu-.xll _ 1"IIHIHIH‘EV.’IA:\H n h‘ liIui-lnlmn. nr muhlt rmuuim ui'uuv MIMI vll' (Iv: mumniry. il.:\u n hm mu m. Hg :1 umrv g: m-rnl Ihlh My nulnn‘lumimj WI Inm «If Ilu- p11»: “4' lnn‘v ul Mv Ilugwovu â€IHW'II Iu-t “th1 The {x’wdum of pï¬xhuu] \‘nrl; r: ‘|{|l|t‘llï¬l Ho IIHI T: . nnul mung I'U†mu! MU