.\da J. Hogan and husband to Emma H. Clark n 32 it In! '33 h l8 lst add ln Pun Clintnn wd . ....... . .. ,.. John R. ‘51quan to Emma (i. Mcâ€" Qnismn lut l and m In! ’7 lilk lrl Highland Park w d.. . _.. .... William Clancy and wifcm Daniel I). Baltrick. Int 86, So. Highland add m Highland Park w d ............... Robert (E. Evans and wife to Frederv ick Krucgrr lot [4. Evans' sub l)lk. E. Highland Park wdm \Villiam J. Lulu-n5 and wife in Fan- nie Rudolph its 38â€"39 Sn. Highland Park wd ,V , l ' B Rico: and husband have .LI on Jinn'l "Iulnlnh (ieorge Brown. the sheriff, was in town yesterday. Mark’s and Cousiu's Elite Vaud- \‘illvs will appear at Goldberg's ()[M‘J‘H House. Saturday, Jan. 16th. under the umuagemeut of Newtun Marks of last show. Don't forget the indoor‘hall game. tonigln at (woldherg’ 8 Opera House. The bachelors are going to play the married men who won Hie game- last Saturday night. An evening of ex- i-itemcnt and fun is promised. The admission fee is ISL-ts†the proceeds going to Young Men’s (Huh. Turn um and am- tlu- game. Just us We gq to press. ‘Word rem-hes us that tlw Electrifmm‘l l'ulks- urt- trying m got the franchise m sell out: also they will ask the Council to vuive all right nl levying BIH‘l'lill assessments. Not much. we lay special HSSPSSâ€" nwnls on the Nortlm'eéétern. and they nu-v when thov can't help it. Unless. pu-y when they can't help it. Unless. thv Elt-Mric folks will be se-rw-d the- smm‘ wuv. Rev. Futlu-r Muddvn had the pic-zislu‘v Wmlnu‘day morning of uniting in nmrriugt- in St. Mary's thm-h.Anthony Stc-wuri nf Lake Fnrmtami Miss Minnie Gray (if thisi-ity. Miss’ (iruy husliw-tl sm'» q-rnl yours with Mrs. SchaJIth-r. and Ihr-rvfnrv knmvs hmv m uiuki- hnnw am attractive plat-v. Tiwir mun)’ frivmlx cungrumlntv iill‘lll. um. .v um I)- ...‘~ n. bought and 301d tu Emil Rudolph h» in Mk7 . rl‘l .\ll tlw ()l(l('l‘ I‘vsillI-nts of tlw l’urli 1‘1-1111-111lwr \Vizli I‘le-usurr Mr. and .\l1~. .\l|)4- r1 Dimm “l1†\n-m (-2151 :1 \‘c‘dl ()1 [Wu since and they will be pained to learn that Mrs Dixon died 11111112â€) 12 in l’almira N. Y. The fune'ral was held Thursday. the l4th, ut her fathers “old home." the home uf ll'H' (‘lllldllUUd i11 Hmwyu Falls. N. Y. Mrs Dixon was one. those; quiet lmim- loving women whu loud ~such dignity and worlli to our: Amvricuu idea of home. Slwattend- ‘ ml strictly to her own affairs and an vmll-nrml herself to all who knew ' int-r. ()ur sympathy goes out tn lu-r ‘ lwre-an'ml :lml lmwly llll‘ilï¬llfllt Ulev-v â€â€r’r’"" .â€" _-77‘_V,_>†Since January lst our Repair Shop has been in running order. Now is the time to have your wheel repaired and put in shape for next season. * Wheels Bought, Sold and Rented. Wheels Stored for the Winter. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. LOCAL ITEMS. $150 1,000 44..) Hm % ORSON 3. BRAND. Ready for the Race.... THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. Well, We’re In It! Fancy Grocerieg‘ w...:.Pfl0fl‘OGR‘API1ER.... . Portrait and, Lanéscape Arti§§ Evans Bros., FANBY GBOGERIES, FLOUR. FEED. The Latest Fad...» Bromide «9" Enlargements J Made Engraved Wedding and Society Announcementsaeae Fresh Vegetables 5 Specialty. HIQHLAND PARK. ILL. We expect. now, there will be a race fur the new business. which is bound to show up. We have a large. and splendid stock of ' the ï¬nest in this city of' ours. and \x ant to have the people of Highland Park give us a trial ordger and be oOnvinoed of the truth of the abow statement INGALLS BROS. Al House Inurlors taken In sunhght. or ntiï¬cinl light Your Photogrnph uleiH nr humm. Qn Shun Notice. am} your tmtypymkun and ï¬nish. rd whlh' you givr nrdcr. \\r:.\‘l'l~;. HIGHLAND PARK. ILL J. F. LEAMING CO., Stationers, .. Manufacturers of thenghland. Bicycle Supplies of Alljglpds. 150 Washington Street, Chicago. lrests, Monograms and Address Dies. xxx» A. J. NOERENBERG. Mason - Contractor. Cement, Hair, Lime, Stuccp and Plaster. Cement Sidewalks and ' all otlwr wurk executed in_ “the Best manner 3316 at iowest .pripe's. V '* .1 ul'suLAuï¬v Pm LAUNDRY. A'. a. ORTLUND. manager. . TELEPHONK 25. Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. irst Class Work ' At Reasonable Prices. (hwds sent for and deliVerwl' to all parts of the city. ' Orders by post or telephone: promptly attended to. Pounry.‘ Game and Fish in Season. 9Q“ In All Kinds of Dam In TELEPHONE 2‘. In 01 in a tov course ¢ was no exoept could u people Inent w meeting were p: but 800 ‘lthefold cause 0 ‘hence { the nex church for the pledge all the young The fan honor I we ban and ta; we niev with U come f nate m Perhal these \