Ludies’ hats and children's bonnets at Miss Erskine’s. W. W. Flinn has been out of the city several days. Wm. B. Morgzgu left yesterdï¬lm Mithistiql'w, Michigan. to take 4.: rge of a telephone sysfem, “’8 wish him success in his néw vocation. ‘ There is u counterfeit $20 bill in circulation. Be careful. don’t send one in for yuur subscription. This for. our Highwood rand Raviniu agents. ~Henry (leak. out near the Hallow - uy farm. put his hand into a feed- cwter Tuesday evening. amt! lost a pbrtion of one ï¬ngï¬r. Dr. Bergen dressed the hand. Insure your pruperty with D. M. Erskine.†J r., 8:. C0. A full line uf alwetiugs. pillow- casiugs, crushos and towels "at Miss Er'skine’af \Vk‘ 'uudei'sitaihd that Fred Clow and A. J. Noe-renlmrg. uur popular contractors haw secured the con tract for large additions at the ()n \\ (um-.121 club at Lake Forest. George \‘V \I(\9llg returned “ ed- uesdzu from a NO \\ t‘eks hunting trip in southern Indiana and Ken- tucky. He mums a gobd trip \\ 1th F rank Silgerstmm has purchased tlw old and established 1013 business. «if Nicholas Clampitt Mr. Silger- strum is 11 man who is honést and wurivum in business relations. and the Nsws «vix'hes him sum-1355 in his venture The Republimns of Lake Cuunh East Deerlield included will hold :1 Judicial convemion Saturda) of this \vevk tn elect delegaies to the conven. tiun ut Elgih. Fell). 3d. This town is t-utitlod to Ml’ delegutm. I)“ yuu want 11» gu‘: If“) quails and 3 wild mrkew bag 2‘1]. hi I Lus! ()(‘hbht‘l‘ Editor Dunn uf the Register gum-mu] MvKinly would Imw ‘27†electoral vnh-su Munday the) \wre umntul {and he had 27l yon-s exactly. This shows not unly than Bro. Dunn is at good gunner. but that edi‘urs are'wry smart! Abe-m. H. C. Paddock. of Libertyville. purpï¬â€˜s to start an academy there in the spring. His plan is. to have a place when‘ tlw graduates of the grammar and high schouls of Lake (‘uunty can spend a year or two and ï¬t for college at Lake Forest or Evanstou. Ha nmnrns the fact that that so few young men go to («Mega ninl says this m'mlmny will givt- tlwm tln‘ right ï¬t. LOCAL ITEMS. ~RAFFEN BAKER. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. Give Us a Hint “ hile VVe own a ff“ feet of this citV’. Vet we haw no place in which to freeze surface VV ater for our ice trade; but we haw a priV ate railroad track to our ice house and gm ALL of our ice from the Lakes in Wiscon- sin by freight. Our full order for lie-Vt Summer is being made for us 111m up there. and will he team for deliver) 11.»: won as Von VV ant it. Best is Cheapest, FANBY GRBBEBIES, DRY 60008, CROCKERY, BOOTS an nd SHOES. Goods the Best. Highland Park. In C. A. KUIST, Tin. Sheet-Iron and Furnace Work Done to Order. OME PEOPLE expect their customers tu du all the work and the)" ’ reap the gain. OF YOUR NEEDS;au(I We will be pleaml to quote mice»: and Show goods. Remeuflwr. the MRS- A- BCC Stoves, Ranges, Housekeeping Goods. Fruits ind Veggubhs Recclvcd DAily. Goods Dullqud Free of Chtrgc. TELEPHONE NO. 34. DEALER r m HARDWARE, Even when 2m to ICC: Prices Reasonable. TELEPHONE 54 TELEPHONE 8.1. u long over 1 morm on tln igan. out In purch reside in the, the rt- years Only her It manii only uncm mess, ly mt with sumw lwwe home friem child â€who every week in a : pert); faith umpl hell's» reluti vear fzu-ul him} and *l'vu' \ c-r_\' “hm HOOD l’asu hum UHF again *n-rh In'm mun u†R Hill; Ms \" Mr: