From thcnonh . . , [2.47, 3.14 p. m, From the soulh. 7.50. 9.12. 11.39 a. m., [2.07. 3.25. 5-37. 7-29 F "1- DEPAI‘I‘Ull. For the south. 0.50, 9.30 a. “1., 12.47. 3 14‘ 5-33, 7-29 V “‘- For the notth . 9.12, â€.39 a. u\., 7.29 p. m. Mail pouches close \lcpanurc of trains. \.l()t.Fay Indge, .A. F. and A. M. Reg» nlar meeting nights first and third Mmiday in. I t’JlCh month, at Masonic hall. over M. Moses ‘ Son's store. ' . Independent Order Furcï¬tcrs, (our! High- 1 land. Meetings ï¬rst and third Thursdays of each Iuoiith in Forestcr's Hall. ' Modern melmcn of America. Mcclings ï¬rst and fourth Friday of each momh in For- csxers' hall. jno. Finncy‘ 'V. (1; Fred Greensladc, Secretary. Highland Park Council No. 1006, Royal .\rcannm. Mee! in Foresters‘ hall second and fourth Mondays of every month, Regent, Charles H. Baker; secretary, Frank R. Green. 6.45 p. First United Evangelical Church, Kev. H. g H. Thoren, pastor. Sunday services: Ger- : man preaching, 10.45 a. m.; English, 7.30 p. 111.; Sunday school, 9.30; K. 1.. C. R, ‘ I A X 1n I ,1 X 0.45 p. m. 7.30 p. m. Bethany Evangelical Church, pastor, Rev. 5. M. Hauch. Sunday services:' Sunday s'chool, 9.30 a. m,‘, preaching, 10.30 a. m.', Y. P. S.C. E., 6.45 p. 111.: preaching, 7.30 p.11]. Middle week services: Wednesday", seninr prayer meeting: Friday. young pen- ple‘s prayer meeting, 51. Mary 5 Catholic Church Rex j. C. Madden, pastor. First mass. 8.30: seeond mass. 10.00: Sunday schmi 2. 30. Baptist Church. Rev. 1.. A. Gould, paslur. Preaching, 10.45 a. 11).. Sunday school, 12.00 “L; Baptist Young People‘s Union, 6.40 p. m.; preaching. 7.30 p. In. \Vednesday prayer meeting, 7.45 p. m. Thurkday. “hri'stian culture claas‘ 7.30 p. m. hvangclical Lutheran Zion's (‘hurch, \. l’etzer. pastor. Sunday service. [0.00 .x. m. Sunday school, from 9 m 10.00 a. m. .x. m. Sundav school, from 9 m 10.00 a. m. lr'miu ( hur h P. C. Wulcon rccmr. Huh communiun. 7. 30a m. Sundav schunl. â€Loon. In. \Iorning prayer and sermon, n a. In. Second cclehrmion ï¬rm Sunday in Iht‘ month. liven song. 5 p. m. l’reshytcrian Church. Rev. S. M. Johnwn. Worship and prpaching, 10.45 a. m. Suhhmh school, [2 m. (‘Thriskian Endcavnr. 7. p. m. Prayer service, “Minesday. 7. 45 p. m. Read the Sum 31 per year. Take Sweetlaud‘s Celery Head :gche powders; use no other. Township election comes a Week from next Tuesday. Be prepared ‘0 vote M ‘he Young Men's Club. April 6th. Your attention is called to the ad. of an auction 3310 of ï¬ne horses. April 3rd. by Cue Genty. Intend- ing purchasers of horses shbuld en- deavor to be present. ~ HIGHLAND PARK POSTOFFICE. Dlrcctory of Secret Soclqtlo’. CHURCH DIRECTORY . Ies clusé 15 minmcs before. the (rains. W. M. DOULEY. Postmaster. LOCAL AFFAIRS. prayer meeting. Wednesday at Ann AL‘ Town Collector J .C. uDuï¬â€˜y had about $48,000 on his books when he began. He has collected and turned over i0 the proper authorities about $25,000, a pretty handsOme sum these days. - THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. Some vandal has been cutting down the trees: in Mr. Hawkins’ yard during the dwners absence in the city. P. S The trees Were dead, and they were cu! up into wood for summer use. Lost A‘ ‘child’s folding pocket- book, containing a small sum of money, Thursday noon, betWeen W. Centralfavenue and the school house. Finder please leave an the ans of- ï¬ce and receivé suitable reward. Paul McQuistou spent a few days early in the week with his Park friends and will be out again as soon as the winter isover. He and Rob. ert C. Raï¬en plan a fearful onslaught on the ducks and other game in the sloughs. The legislators at Springfield re- port against the bill to make rail- road companies carry cycles as bag- gage. A pass on a railroad is a pot- ent agent in forming the opinions of legislators. the same as it is with editbrs. Mrs. Capt. James Hopkins. Mrs. Fred Schumacher‘a mother, arrived here yesterday after being detained about'a week by the floods. We aré happy to say that. Mrs. Schun'mcher is very much better and is rapidly improving. ‘ ‘ George Hesler did take much stock in what the papers said. but what the NEWS said about. his horseradish being innocent of English turnip has changed his mind; now he knows the “NEWS" paper tells the truth every time. When you read the following sneâ€" ciuct and suggestive piece of biogra- phy. written by a young damsel. a l pupil in one of the Philadelphia public schools. you may be able to guess why the enterprising and sagaâ€" cious young men of that city come to . Highland Park for their brides: “George Washington was born Feb. 12, 1726. He was educated at West Point. and after graduating served in the, Mexican war. . When the French and Indian war broke om, he was made captain and gen- eral and major and performed many important sex-vim. . . . . in 1759 he resigned and married Mrs. Martha Augusta and went tu live on his estate at Mount Vernon. In the Virginia legislature, of which he was a member, he took the part against tim oppressiion of England. SCHOOL-GIRL WISDOM. In 1843 he was elected president of Congress and took an active part in public affairs. He fought many battles and ï¬nally captured General Lee'and his whole army April 9. 1865. He ï¬nally surrendered to Lord Cornwallis in 1760. The Con. stitution having been adopted. George Washington was made prea- ident of ‘he United 8mm. He served tw0 terms. took cold from riding in the rain and died at‘ Mont Vernon (57 years old." ANNUAL TOWN MEETING AND ELECTION. Nmice is hen-bv giVen in (he Lvual Voicrh. residents of the 'l‘ownshipnf East Derrfleld. Cuunty of Lukr. Illinois. than tlw Annual 'l‘uwnuhip met-ling and Median 01' Uï¬'u‘rrs of said Tuwnshi ) will mkr' plun- 'l‘ueyduleu' ixthdaynf _ pnl pmxinm. helm: the ï¬rs! ‘uesday in min l_l)_n)nh.' .- . _:n.. ... 1 uraun) m mun mum... The rlcctmu “'Ill brgin at thr hnur 0f '7 a. II). and 11050 at 3') p. m. in thr- plucvswlrsmnutvd as follows: - First Prerinm. Yuung Men‘s Club huusc. on 10!“. Mark 22. in thc (ity of Hi hland Park- Second Prc-fim‘t. Mr» Stet-um m's store. nu Wuukegun uvr-nuv. cast of Rnilwzl ' station. and north of Rauhmy Park. in flu» 'illugt- nf Hiï¬hwund. ' le (min-rs (0 1w (-levtod arc: Um: Sum-n isur. Unc Assistant Supvn'isnr. Une 'l‘nwnnhip Clerk. Um: Assessor. ()nc Cullm‘tnr. One Commissioner uf Highways. Four Justices of the Prace. Four Constables. The Town Meeting “in upon in the‘Yunng Men's Club Home. Highland Park. A“ the hour of ‘2 [L m.. and after (:hmysin‘g a Modera- tqr \x'gll prgceed tn hear and Humidor reports A . Jul-mu n“. wt wul puntcu m .u... um. ‘ . ___ of emcee-(Mu apprnprimc umnv) to defray the n’ecessaryexpensrd vi me- hmmhip.andtu deliberate and dwide on smell measures as mayhinpursuanu-uf )aw. come hefnre Hw xucgtmg: . ,,.n .|_:. .m.\. .Lu- .A‘ HIC‘C‘HIIK‘ _ (nVen under my hand "NH 251)) day March. A. I). 1897. ELMER PALMETIER. Township Clerk Notice is hereby given ihat on the 20th day of April, A. D. 1897. at \ho: house of George Neothling. on St. Johns avcnue. in the First Ward: the Young Men's Club House. in the Second Ward. and at vacant [muse of August Benson. on Green street. in the Third W ard. in the city of Highland Park. Lake County, Illinois. an election will be held fur lhl‘ vlev- mm of the following â€ï¬‚ick-rs: MAYOR. .Crnr CLERK. CITY ATTORNEY, CITY TREASURER. PULICE MAGIsTn/vru. ()NEALDERMAN FROM EACH “'ARU‘ Which election will be opened at 7 o'clock in the inurnlng and continue upeu until 5 o'clock in the afterngmn _(if that dlay‘.“ ALI ("ML .I..u In In K: ant: uuuu u: lllul. u..- Dated at Highland Park. Ill.. ihix ‘26": day of “arch. 1897. Jmm “NM-2n City Clerk. ’1ԠTM; \‘u'rrzks: â€" I am on (he mick for City 'l’rz-asun-r: plum um and govern ynurw‘h‘es avcnrdinglg’. C. H. I AKHK. I hereby annoum‘e mat I am a randiduu- fur thcutï¬ccof constable in the town uf East Deerfleld. l have endeavored to serve [In- people in mm capacity for the past 18 ‘ylcnrs and :hall continue to do so if it is their wi 1‘ W" P. EDWARDS. I hen-by unnuuncg: that l am-a rmulidau-‘lnr the ofï¬ce of Sgpervlsm in the Town of ham Dug-meld, gamut-gymâ€):- my“ of (hr people at “v n. -~~‘.«n-I~IA the polls. April 6th l hen-by announce that 'I am a candidan-qu'r the ofï¬ce of Assessor In the town of 1mm Deerï¬eld. nutmeg; tgthe will '0! '(‘he people at {iXE‘Vï¬llvl‘lgâ€"bï¬vi‘xiiï¬l um FOR CITY TREASURER NOTICE OF ELECTION . SUPERVISOR. cONSTABLE. ASSESSOR . 'TWâ€. ch'i‘vu'lik [2.11. l’ALï¬t-tTiI-tk (If