Last Sunday afternoon about 3:30 o'uluck Liout Daniel Dummn of ()0. 1“, Fourth Infantry, :11. Fort Sher dun, in («nnpnny with his brother, Lieut. (l. B: Duncan. Adjutant of the, post, Robert, son of Col. Hall, and Aubrey, a son of Major ll. M. Lippineott M I) post surgeon “ent in bathinw in the lake all be- ing goodswimmers. In a few min- utes they were out beyond the see,- ond bar an hundred yards from shore, when Lieut. Daniel Duncan was taken with cramps in his stom- aeh evxdently as he had «rood use of his legs, (owing to the sun-hue emauy times. â€is associates made. every effort to rescue him. but some way failed to secure. a hold, so as to keep him above 'aler, but all in vain; he finally sank to rise no more.'c~ boats were brought, [he lake bottom all along the. shore was dragged, patrols and lanterns put out,hut the body was not, found till Tuesday at l2?!†p. nl. 122-3†p. m. . He graduated at \Vcst l’uint ill 1895 and was '13 years old and very popular :unong the soldiers and in society also. â€0 \V‘dï¬ï¬‚ native of Lexington, Ky, where his remains will be interred. LAKE COUNTY FAIR PRIVILEOES. 'l‘he privileges for eating house. stands, emu, during the fair. Sept. 14 to )7. will be sold by the. (‘0)!!- miliee on privileges Monday, Aug- th, 16, at 1::m p. in. on the fair grounds. 'l‘heeating house privil- ege will l)(‘ sold exclusively, as will also the privilege for selling score cards and checking l)i(~_\<-le.~'. All other privileges will he sold to any one desiring them. At the above Stated time and plant the ('oinmiilee will receive bids for ehoire of loca- tion of stands. etc. All lllllh‘ for running the pool hox must he sealed hids and in the hands of the commit- tee before the almve date. The vom- mittee reserves the Tight to reject any or all hids. For further infor- malion address Jam-1s M. \Voommx, l.iherl_\'\'i|le. Ill. ' Carly in the spawn Mr. Alhvrt Antisdol, (ienvral Western Manager uf the American Express (34)., with his fiill‘ily,h‘pt‘nt sm‘ural m-eks at Ravimmk and now John M. Caner. Vice- l’residvnt and (h-nc-ral Manager of tln- Elgin Wan-h (Nunpany. with Mrs. (Tnttvrmrv taking Hwir vacation at Hw snun- plan'. The almnlutv quivt. tho fre-mlmn from nuirw and (inst. Hm largo airy mums. Hn- shadv and natural M‘l'llit,‘ lwauty of Hm plm-u arr strung aHrm-tinns, SOLDIER DROWNED. aduutml at \Vcst Point in l was '13 years old and very among the soldiers and in llm. He was a native of THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. -ROBERTSON NOLAN, Lumber and Building Material of All Kinds. DFFIDE AND YARD: ST. JOHNS AVE. IN LUMBER YARD DISIRIDT. TELEPHONE 67. ' C. A. KUIST, Tin, Sheet-Iron and Furnace Work Done to Order. MRS. A. BOCK, Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods and Crockery. BOOTS AND SHOES. Fruits and V: etables Received Dally. All our inmix r is thornughlv kiln dried and we guarantee our mate‘- rial ta) lx-vquul m quellih and workimmshiptn any madeï¬ â€˜iend for vstimate Doors, Blinds, Glazed Sash, Brackets, Mouldings, Screens. aaaaaaaaasesseeeeesesssï¬ the Smith Premier meritcr. "ZWP'W a: the Smith Premier vaewriter (50., mm. n. v.. (1.3.3. Goods the Best. Prices are Reasonable. First in Improvements. Hones! (mnslruclion and all High-grade Typewriter Esscnlhls. v v . Best Value erling Machine. Sawed and Split Wood, Kindling, Etc. JAMES WARREN, SR., Branch Office: [54 Monroe St, Chicago, Ill. All'l' BOOKLET I‘Iï¬l‘i. INTERIOR FINISH IN PINE OR HARDWOOD. MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS. Stoves, Ranges, Housekeeping Goods. DEALER MANUFACTURER OF IN HARDWARE, Highland Park, Illinois. Telephone 54. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. HIGHLAND PA RK.