Major Davidson authorizes us to 821) then- w H be no changes in the tmc hing corps of the academy, save the Addition of Lieutenant V inston Constables Rudolph and Edwards had their }_)ictures in Thursday morning's Record; pretty goal onus. too. ()ur boys (10th get loft. you John Rowan of the Electric Light (umpany, while fooling with thé barber in John Muhr s barber shop Wednesday. put his hand through the cigar case, cutting it badly. Mr. White has begun work on his new $10 000 to $12 000 home doivn on the lot just west of Syh an Dells Henry Dinner has the contract for the mason wnrk and C. P. Sullivan fur the plumbing. Highland Park contractors are figuring on the contracts for buildâ€" ing the electric street railroad from the Fort Sheridan depot to Sheridan road south. Work will lmgin soon. so we are told. Recipe, cum grano sulis. 7 ’ Miss Rebecca Meyer, 21 graduate trained nurse, and a cousin to Rev. Dr. Thoren, has located here to prac- tice her profession. She makes her home with Mr. Thoren. 'Phoue No. 3“ will reach her. or No. 453 West ("entral avenue. The Club is putting forth its lmst efforts to close the season in a "blaze of glory. "The successes, so far. are phenomenal; a year ago all was a wilderness and prairie farm. today it is the. best nine link golf grounds in the country. a fine club house, cot- tages, barn and private cottages. a macadamized streét and a total prop» erty of $35,000. There was a pretty dancing party Saturday evening, at the Extnoor (‘luh house from 8 to â€.30. The l‘lxuioor being strictly a “country†eluh. the gentlemen appeared in their ordinary business or semisdress suits and the ladies in their pretty sununer gowns. some of which Were Very pretty. One young lady, and she reports it herself. wore a very ehoiee dress of white six cent, per yard diluity which she made her self. and most of the other young ladies \yere Vdressed with equally good sense and taste. The music was good and all the other accessories in keep» ing with the place and the no ‘asionl Tho 'l‘mvnshilu High School will 0|»le Svph‘lnlwr lth, â€â€˜97. ("IO “wk lutvl' than usual. OF LOCAL INTEREST. HIGH SCHOOL OPENING. TI‘IE EXMOOR CLUB. \\' A. \Vllm‘nx'. Principal ROBERTSON 8L NOLAN, Lumber and Building Material of All Kinds. OFFICE AND YARD: ST. JOHNS AVENUE. IN LUMBER DISTRIGT TELEPHONE 67 THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. Fancy Groceries, Tea and Coffee. EVANS = BR05.. Fruits and Vegetables. St. Johns Ave. PITTS GENEST, florseshoers/ Wagons and Buggies Made to Order. Repairing, Painting, Etc, Promptly Dom- WEST CENTRAL AVE., Experienced Packers ...of Household Goods An “Hire and Brit-u Brm‘ our Specialty. BRADY WOODS, - HIGHWOUD. Hard and Soft Coal, Sawed and Split Wood, Kindling. All grades of Flour. Hayt Feed. ()ats, Bran. Cum Meal. Gluten Meal. Middlings and Straw. Having secured the agency of tlu- celebrated Charm Sam horn Cnfft’t we are prepared m er it m you in zmy quantity. HIGHLAND PARK. ILL. Blacksmiths. DEALERS IN Telephone 46. Delicious ALLEGRETTI and PLO W’S CA NDIES. The be .t of everything ailways at this store. †Fred. W. Schumacher, Highland Park Laundry, TELEPHONE 25 'j All work c-xvcute-d p‘rnmptly and in the Ixmt. manm-r. OFFICE: NARTRDNE KEMMEREN NEWS STORE. irst Class Work . At Reasonable Prices. Jl'S’l‘ OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. " 'PHONE 48. w. J. McKINNE Y, ainter, Decorator and Paper Hanger. Goods sent for and delivered to all parts of the city. Orders by post or telephone promptly attended to. is a rare article, but We be- lieve We have it; the best in the city. A fresh stock of the original '4‘ A. (i. ORTLUND, manager. CONSTANTLY ON â€AND. Prescriptlon Drugglsr, Soda Water.