Li? In 189L92, when President Bob- erts resigned from the Lake Forest University, the Editor of the NEWS, then Editor of the Lake County Post, wrote a series of articles 0x1 the sit- uation at the University, suggesting, and urging indeed, the election of Dr- McClure to the vacant Presidency, as the prov 1dent1al and divinely or- ‘dained solution of the college problem then confronting the board of Uni- vers1ty trustees. We urged Dr. Mc- Clure then because he was so m§91_,, festily endowed and trained for the place. His large good sense; his broad, Catholic, whole souled, and wholesome Christian spirit; his ex- tended, varied, and ripe scholarship, as well as his scholarly atmosphere; his cultured reï¬ned and aflable manâ€" ner, his magnetic power of reaching young persons and attaching them to himself, and especially to his ideas and idealsâ€"w all these and more, ï¬tted him in a pro-eminent degree for the vacant presidency. We urged all this, to the best of our ability, till some of those geod Presbyterians of the Forest, like James Andersen and others, called us down, saying, “You are all right brother Hibbard, in what you say, but Dr. McClure can’t be spared from the church. He is one man of a thousand for such a cosmopolitan church as ours; and if you don’t stop your talking and writ- ing, he will be elected president.†Well, we stopped, and he was not elected, and the University has need- ed him until this hour, and we wish at this time to congratulate the trus- tees in coining, even at this late day to our old position of half a dozen years ago. We claim no glory as pioneers in this work; we only stop to shake hands with the University on this its good fortune, with the trustees on their practical wisdom; the friends of the school of every class and kind, and above all the young men‘and women, who, in suc- cessive classes, Ishall come under the healthful, helpful and Inspiring in- fluence of President J. G. K McClure. And we beg leave also to assure him and all in any way connected with the University, that they will have no more devoted loyal and outspoken friend and 11lly than the Highland Park News. Mr. Patrick, the tonsorialist who has been assisting John H. Mohr in his west sidv barber shop through the summer, left this week for Duv huque, Iowa, where he is to join a party of friends in a sailing trip down the Mississippi, probably to Now Orleans. PRESIDENT M’CLURE. THE HIGHLAAD PARK NEWS. PITTS GENEST, Wagons and Buggia Made to Order chairing, Painting, Etc, Promptly Don:- wmmmmmsnmmmmmmm _ E. H PURDY, B D., l: H (0 Bicycle Doctor WW? florse‘shoers/ Blacksmiths. WEST CENTRAL AVE., Wmswmw- HHIHIIHHHIHHHIIHIHHIH‘HN OFFICE: CENTRAL AVENUE AND FIRST STREET. Hard and Soft Coal, Kindling, Wood, Lumber. All bur lumber is thoroughly kiln dried-and we guarantee our mate- rial to hemlual in quality and workmanship to any mndu. Send for mtimntc- Doors, Blinds, Glazed Sash, Brackets, Mouldings, Screens. HIGHLAND PARK. ILL. TANDEHS FOR RENT. JOHN MIDDLETON, JAMES WARREN, $12., A complete line (if medicines fur all ailments of the wheel. Cases requiring immediate attentinn.such as Fractured Frames. Loose Heads, Loss *uf Wind. Stiff Joints. Etc. prmnptly dia nosed and treated. Ofï¬ce hours. 7 A. M. to U Pym. ease ubservc that my labora~ tury is lm‘ated in the central part of town, being INTERIOR FINISH IN PINE OR HARDWOOD. MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS. Sewer Pipe, Lime and Cement. Building Material of All Kinds. HIGHLAND PA'RK, ILL TELEPHONE N0, 32 MANUFACTURER OF DEALER IN J'J'J'J Tin Shut Iron and Copper Work 600: to your order Stove and Furnace Work. RAFFENBAKER, Coai, Building Materiai, and ice. Jobbing promptly attended to. Lawn mowets sharpened and repaired. >. U130? Ova.» genâ€"n. Ecmr>zc wish Fr. TELEPHONE NO. 34 ESTIMATE FREE