Ross, the buss man,did the honors at the Dulfy wedding Wrdlmsday morning admirably and he don’t ('lmrgv, anything Him for a ride in hiï¬'bus. Rev. S. .l. L’nihright of Norwood Park, 111.. will occupy the pulpit of the. Bethany Evangelical church both inorningand evening, the coming Sunday, Sept. 26. Mrs. Lem-h and son. Byron’R. Leach. spent Tuesday night with Mrs. M. L. Binghaxn, returning to their Chicago home Wednesday af~ ternoon, after czilliiig on a nuinlwr of‘their friends. A man uullvd at Mr. Busye’s liwry Tuesday (weaning and renting a horse and buggy. drove away, and has not been seen or heard from since. Mr. Busye watches every team that drivehi by. but_ his tvum comes not. - Messrs T. P. Evans, (ham-g: Bock. and William Bowden took in tlw state fair in Milwaukee, yesterday. They thought there were some gold medal prizem for the best grocery salesmen and went up to win them, and did it. Henry Saw, formerly of Hiwliland l Park will giu- :r“cl1alk tz1ll("totlw ,‘ Highland Park public sclmol art ‘ league on men week Friday, Oct, 1. l at the ussmnhly rooms of the public school at 7:3(lo'clock. All members ‘ â€"â€"adult and childrenâ€"~ are cordially invited. No admission to memhcrs. John Middleton has hccn sick for scveral chks. hut Thcodors M. Clark has his skilled hand on the helm and things don't lapse. The stock is full; coal. lumber of all kinds. in fact cverything in the fuel and building line. As Mr. Middlcton was an old timc lmildcr and contractor hc don‘t. load up with a lot of usclcss stock. You can imaginc pcrhaps our snr» prisc. but not. ~mr delight. whcn \vc inct riding out on herwhccl. thc idol izcd tcachcr of gradc nnmhcr onc in our public school. Shc forgot all the carc and Worry of that school room; thc color†was coming to hcr chccks with serenity and u‘ihilorution. to hcr spirit. lilc-ssingsï¬on thc hcad ofthc onv‘ivho induccd school ma‘ms to ride a hikc. Poor Kansas is all st irrod up again, and this timc ovcr thc qllcstioH of whcthcr a man school tc: icrln- may kiss lhc hig girls in his school. Tho school board says he inay. thc stato suporintcwlcnl says hc has no juris~ diction. () ir judicial and lllllllillll' opinion is that it \\'(>lll(i dcpcnd vcry lunch on what thc girls aforcsaid said. Of coursc if thc tcachcr was a lli(‘t' inan. young. handsomc and a “grcat catch." tlu- dcar Misscs “liar ki‘; “mum 1w \viHin LOCAL ITEMS. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. In obedience to the urgent re- quest of many who have spoken to me on the subject and similar feel» ings on the part of very many more whose well knoun modesty prevents tlu 1r speaking, I have decided to open an ofï¬ce for the sale and rent» ing of re 1] estate in this city. I shall also look after the business of securing boarders and boarding [11:11» ces for those interested. In addition to this I prepose to keep a general intelligence.‘ oï¬ice for male help, so that residents who want good coach- men. gardeners. or temporary help, will know where to look. No man who heats his bills will be enrolled ! The public demand is for a man who is here during the day, and also someone who is reliable! As to the former. I can say my terms in Wau- kegun have been brief. and as to the latter. these are degenerate times. As in the past, suits will be brought and righteous judgments rendered, according to the best law and equity of this commonwealth. with neatness and dispatch. My head-quarters will be‘ at the ofï¬ce of Raffen and Baker. opposite the depot. St. Johns uwnue. LEWIS l3. HIBBARI) Telephones: Residence. no. 8: of- fice. no. 3â€"1. This aged and Well known citizen diml Saturday, August 18th, 1897, aged 80 years and some months, having been born in Germany Jan- uarv R 1817. He married Marv M. Eiohler lIl l‘ll‘J, and tlwv had' nine children, three of “110111 died. Five liw here. as fullows: August. Eliza» lwth, Mary, Julia and Edvard, while Allwrt lives in Chicago. He “(mm to this country in 1341 and settled on :1 farm in \thvling and subsoqm-ntly moved to the Park. whorv since the duzlth of his wifv, he has liwd with his daughter. Miss Mary, (m the \vat side. The funeral “'11.",th Tuesday in Hw Luthvmn church and Hm inn-r» ment in the family lot in Wheeling. i huvv mathx arrangements with tlm eminent, Guitarist. Signor Emilio (‘uiunmrm Hf tho Chi 'Ilf‘fl) Cnnsvrvn- tnry of Music, to ho in Highland Park one day in viii-h mwk. for tho m-muninodzitiun of tlmsv wishingirr structiun , ~prnvidvd n sutYn-ivnt nmn lwr of pupils can ho secured to insure sum-ms. ’urtios (ivsiring instruction (in Hm (initur will plvusv mill upon or ud- drosw, PETER F. Dummy (This native will not zimwni'ngilin}. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. CONRAD ZIMMER. GUITAR. PITTS GENEST, EVANS BROS, SOLE AQENTs florseshoers/ 559. BlaCkSlflifllS. Repairing, Painting, Etc., Promptly Done- Wagons and Buggies Made to Order 3.33.3 Tin Sheet Iron and Copper Work done to your order WEST CENTRAL AVE., Stove and Furnace Work. Protect vnur Mona: the may bring you wealth. wme JOIN Wanmmn RN 4: 00.. Pstent Anor- neys. Wuhlï¬ m. D. 0.. for their {mm use Re:- lnd new use on. thousand lnven Ion- un . Wantedâ€"An Idea jabbing pmmpfly nltvmlx-(l ti). l.:n\n muwcrs shnrpcnwl aml n-puirml. A. DriscoIl, Opera Block, HIGHLAND PARK. ILL HIGHLAND PARK. ILL. For Highland Park. ESTIMATES FREE of food-F'Ifmp'le thlng consign}! ? Who can think