Here is another calamity. An English novelist says the three es- svntiuls of civilized living are Bread, (“he-9.80 and Kisses. And just qu two Wisconssn University scientists luivediscovervd the supposed mi. crolws which worlwd out the process known as “curing" chime-w, u process by the way, which changes the tough. indigestulilv green curd into the pnlatuhlv 9:18in digested and highly nutritious ‘wvll curvd chews» Illfl‘ 21 full (-rvmn Horkimc-r or Wis. (-onsin or u St-uudunm‘inn imported l‘lidmn. Noxt will ('omv tho dis Think ofit. poor Kansas; it raised this year 52,0(NHKM bushels of wheat or HJNNHXN) barrels-i of flour or I. 733,333,24M loaves of bread and if these loaves were laid and to and each loaf being one font long. how many times would they girdle the globe at, the equator? “miniature costumes" ‘at Marshall Fields. We have no "miniatures“ to wear such costumes, and if we had'we should buy our “miniature" clothing here at home; patronize homv industries. We told an Evanston tea pedler lust siunmer he, had no busineSa here:~ hq-paid no taxes to grade and griw'e‘P-"our streets or run the. city government and he had no lmttervféa than our own folks. â€9, did not call the second time. WE have received a very courteous invitation to attend an exhibit' of Published in the nutcrcsts n! Highland Park, Highwood and Ruvinia, every Friday ufternmm by Evans' Furrsst. Advertising rates made known on nppflatlon n this office-.. The Highland Park News. 'l‘crms, â€.00 per year, 50 ccnls fur six months, 30 cents fur three months. LEWIS B. HIBHARD, A. E. EVANS. » P ()flic: v\v:nne, n! ‘l' FRI DA Y, ()CTOBE R 29 :«l at the pmrufticc at Highland Park, “1., as 56mm] class mutter. in News Buildinr, 255 (â€chiral Highland Park Illinois. L - - Mum)“. BI‘SINESS MANAGER. During our long and somewhat uneventful life We have sometimes been told how acceptable some serâ€" vice of ours had proved to those to whom it was rendered. Such words as these are a bit encouraging. Hence, Saturday when one of the, good men Of this town, and one who for business ability and integrity commands as wide and general con- ï¬dence as any man in Highland Park. came to us and said our recent editorial on “Too Many Churches" just met his approval, as expressing his long cherished views, we Were not a little encouraged. He is a real live. active, full fellowehip incur ber of one of these churches in our little city. Helms been here, too. these manyyears; has borne the heat and burden of the day. and is beurr ing them now. What (luvs all this meant" Does it not, nwun that some of us have» now, or have hzut in the- pust. more soc tarianisin than piety: nmrv religious partisanship than sound Christian sense? ‘VQ' are Baptists from storv nuln to spinal column. through and through: and as upright and down- right in our (‘zilvinism ma nld John of (hwwvu. Init‘wu urn nut such hignts Tm: police juage’s new (lockpt has just come. , It has 500 pages in half Russia, etc» The city marshal has hamlet] him two dozen names of ildiiiqiient dog owners or keepers and processes in all these cases will issue Monday next. So if you wish to save expense, pay your (log tax to City Clerk Finney on or before that (late. "HER Monday you will not oan have to imV the tax but the costs also, which “ill be about $1.00 extra on each case at least. legrmlt cheese states of this country are the following in the order nanwd: New York. Wisconsin, ()hio, California. and Vermont. . Ill- iuois is not in it. We Alnoricans out about three pounds each per unnum. We ought to enter pound nweek. and would, wore it good cheese. . _ , covery and exposure of the [me-robes ‘ of kisses! Alas and alas! THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS TOO MANY CHURCHES. Plumber Nolan is called to (‘hi mg†for two (lays on :1 job there this m-vk That‘s it: [my km: hack. The new car how-u- of the elm-triv rmul hunks us though it would fall over, it is (30 feet lung, â€'1 fm-t with: and “3 feet, high from sill to platt- with an “A" roof. e’ark needs above all else is a power- ful revival of religion, not a series. of big meetings, but the salvation of big sinners. and little ones too. such a salvation as will lead not to fanati- cism and sectarianism. but to re- formed, purer and lzetter lives. and produce a healthier, lwcause a high‘ er. moral tone in the community. The Park is dying, religiously. of dry rot; we have too many people who are very religious without much piety. The appalling factis, our churches. as now organized and operated. can't have the needed revi 'al. 011 Christ‘s second visit to Nazareth he, healed a few sick folks, as he met them. but did no great and ending work. as he had ‘done in so many other places. and the evangelist makes this start- ling record, “He did not there many mighty works because of unbelief.“ Thus the spiritual condition of the, church can and does limit the gm» cious work of God, just as the “No" of the lowest sinner can veto the mighty work of the Spirit in his sal- vation. 3:9 Anna and â€we can get. ()ursvlw-s as Christians and as Churchus into the grouves of God's eternal thought, and gracious plans. emu-earning us. and work with him and formlr Mr lows. grvut um] hh-ssml results might ht- (*xpm-te-d. Now it, swans to us that thvs'v two pastorless churches sinmltaneuusly. in this little city, in thme hard tinws, in this season of spiritual torpor and decay, is a very clear and strong provideutztl hint as to what ought to us to suppose» the religious welfare of Highland Park, or am deuomiuu» tiuu at lurgv. demands a Baptist church here. l’rovideutiully then- is one, as there is a Presbyterian church and Episcopalchurch hare and a lot of others on the west side. And now the problem is w hat to do with them; that is, hOW‘to use them all for the» city's best good. What Highland [my