A return of one thousand dollars on an investment of five hundred and eighty five dollars is not so bad as some things you can ï¬nd to read about almost any day in the neWs» papers, and the above is a correet showing of what the stockâ€"holders in the ï¬rst series of the Highland Park Building Loan and Homestead As- , sociation have done, in the last ten years or‘ less. This is not one of ‘ those high bying association which light so hard when they do come down, but it has pursued the even tenor of its way, attending strictly to 3 legitimate business transactions and § the above is what it has done for its stm'kholders. People who have been ambitious to belong to some of the 3 high Hyers and lo u_d sounding ones away from home would have, done better to have, p atronized home in, stitutions in this Case. The associ- ation is yet doing business at the old stand. Those dog suits are postponed for a few days only. When the judge started to make out the summons Monday only seven blanks could be found, just about onelourth oï¬ the names of the delinquents handed to him. Just as soon as a couple hun- dred of them can be struck off by the printers, processes will be issued. City Attorney Smoot is reshing- ling his house. Some folks are woni daring he did not do it in that. long spell oz dry weather. Who", ever heard of a house needing new shing- les in a time of drouth; that need comes in rainy weather. Conscience." Mrs. Vail has a keen mind and is interested in these stu- dies and 50 we presume she had an excellent paper. Fred Schumacher has something entirely new in the shape of a hair curler. It is non-metalic and is well named the Harmless Hair Curler. , ‘ The rain was most welcome except to those who are shingling their houses or making other and similar repairs. After letting a four months’ drouth pass, they want the rain to hold ofl’ a little longer for their ben- eï¬t. The Ossoli club had its régular meeting yesterday. Mrs. Major Vail was to_ ready paper on the “Social Our efï¬cient ï¬re department was called out twice yesterday to put out ï¬res in the woods south of town. Intelligent cultivated ladies highly appreciate the Willcox Gibbs Au~ tomatic machine. From now until after the holidays 16 platina or mat ï¬nish photographs for $3 at Brand’s Studio. The infant child of Mayor Eums died lust week. LOCAL ITEMS. Subscribe for Highland Park News -- .3] Per Year. Fruit: and Vegetable: Received DnlIy MRS. A. BOCK; - Fanby Groceries, Dry Goods and Crockery, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hard and Soft Coal, Kindling, Wood, Lumber. THE HIG‘fILAND PARK, NEWS Goods the Best. Prices are Reasonable. JOHN MIDDLETON, Sewer Pipe, Lime and Cement Building Material of All Kinds. TELEPHONE N0, 32 DEALER IN from which we can guarantee the consumâ€" er will receive our (main: Tu; and Coffees. We sell and lhip outgooduo nnonccke, consequently thcit star is the only one, are our exclusive Selling Agts for hland Park, Illinois. chc phone 54. CHASE dc SANBORN, the Importers. HIGHLAND EVANS BROS. Goods Delivered Free 01 Charge.