Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Purdy return ed from a week's visit in Michigan Thursday. V Rev. Mr. Vines will preach on "Soul Winning" at 10:47) a. m. Sum day; in the evening: "The Four Kinds of Soil.†City Treasurer Greenslade. who has been conï¬ned to his home for a week from a severe attack of the grip, is About again. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Montgomery are stopping at the Lakota hotel in Chicago. Thus it is our blessings glide from us when we least expect it. Mr. Pierson, the upholsterer, has taken rooms over Raï¬en 8: Baker’s ofï¬ce, where he gets more room, bet» ter light, etc., and has already moved In. The Daughters of the Ibvolution will read Mrs. 091- J. W. Clampitt‘s communication with interest. as she isa historical rarity. Thanks to Mrs. Clampitt for her note. Next Tuesday evening.the 15th, at. the Club house, will come Prof. Rolfe's lecture on Carlyle. You had better be reading up on the ‘Sage of Chelsea." for this, we think, will be one of the best lectures at the course. Our friends of the Gazette and Sun at Waukegan. seem to be hav- ing alittle fun. The Sun, like its great name-sake. claims to “Shine for all.†and its rival says: “Nb, you don‘t;" and so the war o'f words and nflidavita continues. Mrs. Bishop Dubs. of’the United Evangelical Church, was out here Wednesday, from Chicago, looking for a place to rent for their home! next year, hoping ultimately to buy. T hat shows the bishop is sound in theology and church polity; all Sen- sible folks want to come here to live. 1 Bicycle Gearing Absolutely llew, In their indiscrimimte haste to an- nounce the making of chainless wheels, some manufacturers have tumbled over each othetin the endeavorto be in from. To be in from is a spasm, to “keep in front†is sustained energy. To utter a truism is one thing, to live up to it. is wvw . The spirit of the aphorism of the Monarch Cycle Manufacturin Com- ?ny, “Ride a Monarch and ’eep in font," is well illuszrated in its latest product, The Monarch Chm nles§._ _ Al i,†goduct, The monarcn Lumuwsm nu ‘ u the times. the. coxppapy ‘will pro- ,,n__A W van Vauâ€"vâ€"' -_V - duce a chainlesa bicycle‘wh’ich has [Seen raven by repeated tests to be superior, n its class. in evexfy pargouqu. A nu nu: yum, u- onâ€, r‘" --__-__ Two surfaces that Wlll roll on each other will transmit motion from one to the other. It the surfaces are compar- atively smooth, the motion is transmit. ted by friction. But, when the surfaces are provided with projections, the mo- tion, elthough it is unchanged in nature, is tronsmitted by direct pressure, and it is irregular unless the acting surfaces of the projections are carefully and exactly shaped to produce 8" even mo- tion. It? is the (jiï¬iculty which is ex- flawed to produce these perfect pro- tons, :when bevel gears are used. which leads the experienced mechanic away from them. Long experience in Sewipg _Mac_h.iue manufacture has , __4L n...‘_nn.. AL-‘ WWII-B taught the Monarch Companv that whatever transmission was used. bevel gears were not to be considered it easy tannin: was to be thought of. The result has been a driving gear which is excellent in its easy running qualities. The, mechanism is simple. The crank axle and hub gears somewhat resemble the familiar sprocket wheels. the native able different-e beinix the teeth Which are closer together and v shape in cross section instead of four sided. The shaft connecting the two is provided at each end with a pinion having roller pin th which run in and out of the vi e male openings between Jhe rear teeth..Each set of gears is enclosed 1'74: MONA’RCH CHAINLEsts. NEWSLETS. Several chahgea, reclassiï¬cation 0' pupils, etc Li: the public school went into effect onday.chjetl_1 with a view of eq lizing the Work, as some teachers hnfl so many more pupils than other; A youngémun named Will Smith employed at the Gray Ehctric works Thursday homing \\ as struck in the eye by a piece of machinery which flew up; Willy discololing it. Dr Bergen attganded him. ‘ Mrs. Leichand Mrs. Prof. Blanch- ard of Chï¬agowihited {in this city yesterday: Mrs. Blaudhard was for merly of r ew England, a graduate of ()berli , Ohia, several years a teacheru her ihusb’aiid is now a professor n the Chicagh University. She was charmed with the Park and said ' she did not; visit her old home in ermont next" summer she would spehd the sensor here. Tomorr6w withe Lincoln's birth- day. he baking beenâ€"bum ~February 12, 1809. 18 same, yea'r. only a few months ea lier than Gladstone. This year the pilblic schools lay them selves out bn Washington "shirthday. the22nd; lnext year Ewe suppose their efl’drts will be ducted to the p per obserw'mce of the martyr pr ident u natal day. This is an it sho Id be. these men 5 1111.111 ories ..h0 Id be kept green and before the ï¬chools, via the \‘idxel Plate Rpad to ( leve lmd and r?turu February 22d and 2.3d 1898, account Students \oluu- teer Move cut for Foreign Mis- sions. R turn limiti Feb. 28th. City Ticks Ofï¬ce 111 Adams street: depot com Clark and 1 2th streets. Telenhone Main 3389 but should th' from any cause be ex- posed the acti . of the pin teeth is such that they are lt-cleaning. forcing mud and dirt out 10m between the teeth. One of the qhief ohï¬ections urged against chain) wheel; by mechanics is that should ‘ he rear? frame become twisted or out I line, there would be a con uentbi lngofthematinggears. The onarch ainless: is entirely free from this obje ion inaemuch that the iunctiOn of the; pinionsiaud gears form a ty of th ball and socket joint. there y rmi in: free running under the con vitionai usuall met with in bicycle riding; Apart ular advantage which this seat has, and which gives it the highest emciency, is the direct lift as against the 0nd thrust which is com mon to all belvel gearing. 'l‘his end thrust is a pro inent factor in friction and frame str Vn. ' Another pol 't to be counted in favor of the Monnrc _ gear is,l that it is not of delicate const uctiou .although com- paratively lig ‘ in wei ht. Asststed by rant,thewellknownau- thorityonge “Theplngearisparticn- larly valuable 4 hen the’ pins are made in the form of rollers fort en the minimum of friction is sched,‘ The friction between the . th ahdipin, otherwise a sliding frictlm: at a link bearing is. with a irolleiI pin, a olling (ï¬ction. When properly made 'there lann form of tooth that is supeiior to; the rnller pin l tooth. , a -a uvvuu. ‘ While the Llonntch' ompany is war- ranted from am y of experts in placing its 0 inleso lmnchlne on the market as the- ty of lhat class. its faith in thelchain heel is in no way diminishvd. It will continue to lawn them in the f ward 1' Mt: or that h‘tw of bicycle whi h ls yet he vholoe of the majarlty of t 9 mph). In line with the general m ‘cy of the! “march mm- nanv. the nric of its éhainlpm will be $100.00. which will aivb a (‘nmplete line. includlnzvhai mvwhinesmnngingfmm this price to -. 0.00. ’ One Fire for the~Round Trip. Kével, and Practical. surprised (Y5 by a party of friends, Saturday (Waning. Music. convvr- sation and unmet! made the time puns quickly and Wntly. Refrush manta ware aerud and at an early hour (a. m ) the “nears (lepurtul.m_v- ing it had been I must anjnyuble (-wn- giug. It is rumored that Mr. Ward has sold. or lh about tn se-ll his hum:- ; here and move to Rave-uswuxl. This. ' we hoped! merely rumor and unlhiug @9158. Wu can ill nfl’urtl m lmw Klu'll i neighbors from our tuwn, Mr. wm Ward was most agreeably l HIGHWOOD HAPPENINGS, MLDauiel Posse returned lust Sun. day night from I twu Weeks trip to New York. Ourlpostmaster hm-i rot-(Worm! Iron) his attack of "grippe" and in again seen about town. Mr. Lewis A. Pause. of the Cripple Creek district. made a flying "in" Monday afternoon. at his brother‘s. Mr. Daniel l'eaue. Among the many nleighing parties may be mentioned that gin-n by the ‘ Piisb" last Snturdnn The) push- ed to Evanbtun. stirred up than good old town and came back. blowing their own horns. Work on ML (larrity'n brick build- ing. which was suspended on account â€I the heavy snow fall. has been re» sinned. and (he ï¬nished building will soon tuké its plan- (in Highwuxl's business hll‘H't. The regular correnlmndent (rum l Highwood has gone away on a star. ringtripwith (me ufthe"cr1wk"munic- a1 urguuizationn of ti!» North Shun- : and has Ivft his wurk tua deputy. If: any one has any remark. of any untr ; un- whatsm-ver. to make about the. items this week. do not make them to the regular «Irreslwndvnt. He is not I ‘to blame. ' ' * Monday afternoon Ihe scholars of the M. E Sunday schov I enjoyed II sleigh ride to (lluncm- and hmk. 'I‘lIankI-I uredue Mr ( lllnllllngh for his kindnmx in fIIrIIiI-Ihing (“In large huh sleds. four horm- power H“ h The noiue furnished wak of the pvnv- trutiug. Ioluminous quality Ilsuull) furnished III II Sunday School out on a frolic. Every one dulun-(l it “as a “hot time." Mr. Walter M. De Kalb of Chicago visited Mr. N. 0. Moore. Monday. Mr. De Kalb is an illustrator amide» signer and while- llt'rt‘ took mule pho tograpliic View: in Fort Sheridan to use in a song hook soon in he pub lished for use in Chicago public schools. i The Waverloy fork is entirely lehunged; it .now contains the new ' arch crown, which is the strungmst (ill g the market. The sprockets arr large- land detachable; the trend 4 ll-ltl. 2 The handle-bars are the new 22 l inch Shinneer. octagon in shape In ~ fact everything on the \Vuverlry in istrictl)‘ up-tu-(late. If you intvmltu ‘ purclnise a bicycle. the Waverley is Amrth consideration. Doc. I’urdy's new 'lN “‘awrlry ix uttracti considerable atk'nllnn. It is an en 'rely new model and in lmilt on uptoldute principles. It mntaiun the sliding adjuaunenl in 'tllt’ lx-ur ings. securing great simplicity mul perfection. ‘vi/ith complim- protectiun from dust, The cones are all inh-r changeable and double faced with two ball racernnvhich maken incorrPct an sembling nu iliilmaibiliiy. The frame has a «hurt head with a 3-inch drop in the crank hunger. The joints are all flush. with I) Hllflpf' rear tubing. giving the rear wheel a good clearance. The cranks are 7 inches long. giving the rider a greater leverage. whereushe can ride a high er gear with the same amount of strength as a lower gear with “45inch cranks. intendent of the electric railroad. iu an eastern lady and an artist. “'0 lvurn that she is willing to take pupils in painting at reasonable ratm. Mm. Ruikeu. the wife of the super THE NEW WAVERLEY. Step in and Waverley. ull inh-r Tln. Sheet-Iron and Fumue Work Done to 0""- Samples of her work can be seen in her unnlmrur)‘ huuw in the flat (W9! Mr. Swu-tlund'n drug nmre In Gold . lx-rg's opera house. Tu Data" of real-«m Faun, Each is» mn- lmu lx-aulilul colored hack nnd from. and from forty to ï¬lly large humorous pit-turns by lhe fumommrt~ islu of America. Will live-p llu- whole family in good humor uml good run! ing for in whole month. Sc-ml tru cents in stumps or silwr, to l'p To Datr. Chicago. Ill. Frau-A Wu! MN. Frw picture-n beautifully mlurod fur framing. and four! copies uf “l‘p GERHARDT CO., Bakery and Confectionery... All Orders pro-pl Iy delivered Hard and Soft Coal, Kindling, Wood, Lumber. FRITZ BAHR. Proprietor. Floral Decorations, Cut Flowers “and Flowering Plants. MRS. A. BOCK Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods and Crockery, BOOTS AN 0 SHOES. Full“ and Vega-Men limb“ Dull) A. ROBERTSON, Lumber and Building Material of All Kinds. OFFICE AND YARD: ST. JOHNS AVENUE. ll [UMBER DISTRICT. Highland Park Greenhouses, Hard and Soft Coal, Sawcd and Split Wood, Kindling Goods the Best. Prices are Reasonable. JOHN MI DDLETON. . KUIST. ~ Sewer Pipe, Lime and Cement. Building Material of All Kinds. CENTRAL AVENUE AND FIRST STREET. Fancy Bakery (1004:. Clpu uu 0pm. Ice Cream Vll'ld Soda Want In Seam. Stoves, Ranges, Housekeeping Goods. H. PURDY. see the New HIGHLAND PARK. ILL. DEALER HIGHWOOD, ILL. TELEPHONE NO‘ 52 Full Line of Choice Candies. TELEPHONE 67. ‘ '“ HARDWARE, DEALER IN and .'?_id good returning u'r w .. imlmling ltb 2Mh Three through \' in each direction Du of colored porters. Ever) facililx afl'orded for the com far! of the IraIeIling public City â€lIc kcl "Rice 111 Adams nrect. do put corImr 12th and ( lark ï¬treeun. Telephmie Muir: 33M). Imim (luil (machcn in c hargc Telephone 54. Catering hr porn“ I specialty. 000‘- 00“ch Fm 0| Chum. HIGHLAND PARK. sell Innuv}. dn gawk dad ('luthvh, (l'c's~ guards NH in] 5 1.21pm puhhdn-v N'H.‘ flu- m-I Hn- husin‘v»nf Hu- “lg“ N1\\,\i.~1t\MllI‘yh '1‘ gum in“ 1hr “awn d HH- ml) 11 “hm nu “Inn 'Jw lmu» 1~ a} Sundry thmgv- «:1 Into [1:11 «In our attvmiun Il-n» IIIHHG‘H; paperï¬ and um Innu that questiunh: â€fir“. \Hml n~ ‘ paper. that "A uh: I! I- II (or1 how shmIMI in Inmim-u ,lnst whw “uhh an E “141‘ “he editor and ‘Hl‘nhhl! km most in NI! II IIIIIM 'l‘Irst (If all lhv 'II :1 “mu-p lHlSint‘ï¬h o-IIIvrprIw II â€9 l for the min» uf IvIumnImg 1 li-Jn-r'h ur I‘dIIurK lu-nhh, uI-I mmw ‘M‘Hlblf‘ HH- aIHHIvtII ing bum-5M h-u 'I‘h-r pull MI†II In makr mama} JIM men bu) and will grow ru ~.d (-luIlIiIIg. PH 11 I‘ In a thrnpic iImIIIutIuII in it“. In pilul. UT frm- (il‘l'l‘h‘al). HIV IH‘HP. qu \ht- WUIM. «If 0r liltlv cit) and (M‘r tlu‘l‘ ll ii~lur lu-gmuunr mm». 1! 1- I: m~h its Innrum and “I or fail:- 1odufl|t~ 1'. \p trim-t wilh lhv lull ln(' (1 “ML hulnd‘ ulw “11h htbifl his own i1111mrtauw.1vllu{ nut in publidn mnnr nuns or Inn fumil) um] N'l‘lu‘ k hih H [writ-v! right h: d1) “1 Mn nwrv Huh! ! div Thai! m1.- 1.;Hn gnu-c | “La! gm. hm 1mm r) urvlmn'hJu1mâ€) hum] lvt't'undlu H‘I' ~a|lhn luh “Mu HI-rn ()I I!» mlunzmx g «ml \\I~hv~. h rvuxuh HH'II- r VOL 11L H . li‘iH‘l dow- hh “us! â€It l'ullnm are {Hr 19w 1)â€. and I'\I â€NHL UH and m l’il“ It 1rm- 21th nun-h r1 Klil“' lll' in: slum-v wf n m-ny-qun-r it~ u-umnr masking luau-I haw nu nwrr ugh! h-"it Hm) huh [u HHH'I In-(‘n‘uu frc-r Thv llllldhhl'l l‘~ um tn Ivnlvluh ull Hm ( hum. “ML-2 and tln- -n fun In- '4 l|’~ll an annuum-vnwnt uf “bum h; tnkn plum- in WI mm arr intrrmh‘d; Hun" take" hi- 1“?†for: 11 “'ln-n n mum-s tn the- "p adv-rim“; um! xhnull‘l'k lll hltluv- [Hm-aw. huuvu-r gu'nvml umh-rslnmlmg 11 palm-r “1H yuhlmh Hm glu- HM lui lmh gnu-urn r H 1. of lumplv m (-n-m w†and with»! Hu- ur ruhingilnn 1~ m-su. In)! nl ABOUT NEWSPAPI: ‘3‘ n] H): mp (it-zilt‘f‘ “I"! 1H rv Huh! 1 , x‘,]|‘ :r‘n'c| H lu- 11 I“ â€H HA4 1'01 { â€w â€1"“ «mun In huh "l-;1H~' «Thug; TM mm by .2 :L- IL. '~ Hf “I“ “tum! hll .lun.n~ III h in .n‘1 HIIHI‘I 1 X tln ll! ma ~u|mr HM 4'1â€â€œ H! HM hum “Hr“! nulutu Mm]: Hl‘ MIDI win I? HI Irll~ lint i†H