CMPLD Local History Collection

Highland Park News (1874), 25 Feb 1898, p. 2

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w: IWR There were 1'05 business failures in tho I'nfted States in the seven days cmh 4} am HM hth. against 295 the week previu'rs and 31-9 in the corresponding pcyriod 05'1597. North and South Dakota. Minnesota and northern Wisconsin are being nwept by a blizzard. The Spanixh war ship Vizcaya arived In Xl \v Yo Nothing new has developed in regard to the cause of the “211' ship Maine exâ€" plosion. The divers have not us 1 ct beg-1m their work at Hmana. 'ch navv department places the loss of life at 246 and 135 bodies have been recovered. Three important business house? were burned in Pittsburgh. Pa.. involvâ€" ing a loss of 3260.000. Iconium. a small town in Missouri, was destroyed by fire. Christopher Colhmbus Luhy was hangr‘d at Blakely. Ga..‘for murdering his wife. A counterfeit ten~doHar 113%!!! bank note of the Hibernia national hm: of New Orleans. 5615951882. chock letter‘B; Rosecrans. register; Nehekor. treas- urer. has been discovered. John D. Hm‘t, convictfifl in Philadel- phia of aiding the steamer Laurada in a. filibusten'ng expedition to Cuba. has been sentenced to two years‘ imprison- ment. \ Mobs h'ave destroyed all the school- houses and other proper“ in Lonokc- countv, Ark. belonging to colored peo- ple. It is said that the administration has decided that. another man-of-war should be sent at once to Havana to re- place the_31aine. Thc‘American Newspaper Publishers association met in twelfth annual ses‘ sion in New York. President McKinley has ordered an Immediate inquiry. and a naval board has bqen appointed to 'go to Havana at once to investigate and learn the cause of the disaster to the battle ship Maine. The total loss of life is now placed at 269, and the funerals of many of the victims took place in Havana. A model of a statue of Oliver P. Mor- ton. of Indiana, for statuary him. Wash~ lngton, has been approved by the widmv and son. Rumors of the removal of the Chau- tauqua headquarters and Centurv Press from Pittsburgh to Chicago are current. The first corn convention} called to further the interests of the cereal, ever held in the United States, opened iri Chicago with 21 states represented. Tramps at EIIejoy. Ten . robbed;2 Levi Rodgers, a centennarian. of $1,000, which he had been 50 years in saving. Cornelius Lang. aged 75, and his wife sged 85, died in Chicago of starvation. DOMESTIC. . The tugboat Frankie capsized and junk in New York bay and five men were lost. The senate was not inise‘sslon on the ”thunk: the house the bankruptcy bill, which contains both voluntary and invol- untary features. was passed by a. vote or 158 to 125. The Maine disaster and the Cuban ques- tion occupied the entire day in the M-naxc on the 15m. The resolution appropriang 32005700 for raising the battle ship Maine and saving what prop/wry could 1m sawd was passed. Senator Mason (111.) bitterly anackml the policy of (he admjmszratiun in Cuban affairs and Senators “'olcou an] Lodge openly rebuked him. Adjourned to the 215t....Asâ€"Ide from adoption of the rv olun’on giving the secretary or the navy permission to use $200,000 in the work of raising ”14‘ bame shlp~Mame the day in the house was devoted to a. continuation of the debate on the bankruptcy hm. .A reszution was introduced in the sen- nte on the 17th for an Immediate: and thorough investigathm Into the cause of the disaster to the battle ship Maine In the harbor of Havananuln the house 9. joint resolution was introduced apprcpr‘x- sung $150,000 to aid the families at thosfi lost in the Maine disaster. The bankruptcy bill was discussed. A discussion upon coast defenses was the Interesting feature of the senate on the 1601. many senators taking the ground that. the appropriations should be for the full amount of the estimates by the war department Instead of some 84.000.000 1255. Senator Mon-m (VL) oceupled the entire time of the executive session with a speech opposing the ratificatton of the Hawaiian canexatlan treaty. The de‘bate on the hankrupmy bill opened m the house, but It attracted little attention. the Interest of the members being entirely absorbed by the disaster to the Maine. Mr. BouteHc, chairman of the naval committee, present~ ed a resolution. which was unanimously ndopted. expressing regret for the’disaster. condolence- with the families or those who lost their lives and sympathy with the 111- aured. frog-ceding. of First Regular Sen-Ion. INTELLIGENCE FROM ALL PARTS Casualties and Fires. Persons.) and Po- litical Notes. Business Failures and Resumptions, Weather Record. ROUND ABOUT THE WORLD Happenings of the Past Seven Days in Briefi THE WEEK’S‘NEWS HIGHLAND l’ H: fiiglfland‘i’ark 510115 CONGRESSIONAL A FORK EST ILLINOIS {Cmerlgfll‘ Huchos X: (‘o.. “huh-Kale goon-s n Moutrcal, failed fur $130,000. "finistér “oodford has assured the Spanish {minister of state in Madrid that t§e e\pi(\nati0na by the Spanish gnv- ('tnment h. up smi sflctarih claw-d the incidcnt 1of 1110 [mi iimti on of ‘ (' nor do mee‘ R wri‘ {to 1‘ {Mr {A filibuster-in}: expedition dosiinod f0? Cuh'fi has beon ixitorm'ptod hv the Jdmaimd authorities and a quantity OE arms pm! ammunition seiwd. gAdv iceia from Constantinop‘ o ghe ac- counts of the murder and torturing in :30 most ghorrible fashion of Bulgarians Macedonian finnges. n explosion in a coal mine at Unm- m rly, Pk‘ussin‘ kil‘ Pl 3?} minors and several otihors \u‘ru scrim: J. inim mi. 3\ mass 01' ll 0 broke loose nn tlu coast 0f~the (Zulf of] inland am] L ur ri< ‘1 to «ca fishermt‘n and svwmi hursv \. , pain has officially .disclninw] in p ‘itive nmmwr flu- n-flm‘lions can- t Ined Inf the D0 Lomo letter, and it is officiallyrnnnounccd by the HMO de- pdrtmon that tlfc incident is satisfac; (($in c1 'scd. {The French steamer Fluchnt. [mum] fr m Marseilles for Colon, wax wrm'kwl on the isl'pnd of Anagn, one of11w(‘un« groug. and 49 passengers and 30 of (1,1,;> crcw More drowned. tiring sewro storms on Hm Chinese on st mc'r 100 lisos “ere lust nmst of th m hem" Chinese and Japanme sail on}. y A British Imm to China has been pmc‘~ tiQMly arrpngcd on thv ‘erms prm‘iously plAZflisbed, Further ‘ndvices say that 1hr- dosh-uh tiQn of the l'nited States hattlu ship Miine in Havana harbor resultod in death of .158 men The total num- bq- of the crew was 3.54. and of these only 06 arq now alive. Many of the sur‘ viiors are buffering serious \w unds am] seycrnl mime mny div frnm their in- juiioxfiTHIe cause of the explosion has ndt ms \et [)9le ascertained but an iu~ veitigutiofi 1:; under “an. According to Spanish Imports tho camp of (mu. Culi\tu Garcia in Cuba baa bCQ‘H.dL‘SIIO}‘Ed and many insur~ gems 1mm). ‘John J. O'Neil. fnrnmr (nngrr‘ssmnn fl‘fim the oh] Eighth di<trivt of Mis- souri, (limb in 9!. Louis. aged 3‘: \ vars. Punt-r111 Senioos m'or tlm rmvnimnf M iiss llamas I Willard. pnwidvntmf l “011M. and National \\'nnmn‘> ( rigtian Temperature union. took plum- int the Broadway tabornuclt‘ in Tie“ York. Final services “ill be hv-M in litnnstnn.711. . Miss Fmbces E. Willard. president of thie Worid‘é Woman‘s Christian Tom» pdrance tmion, died in the Hotel Em- pire in New York of influon/a. :xgvd 5'.) ydars. i PERS NAL AND POLITICAL. n muni ipa! elections throughout P nnsylvar‘ia the republicans were gem cmlly succéssful. Adolph P..l’.1mtgrrt‘s motion for n nefw trial Vms denied by Judge Gary in;3 Chicago; and sentencv of imprisonâ€" mént 1%)er for the murder offlxis wife was pronoy‘lncetl. Rank ('nmmissimwr Josiah E. Just, 3ng SI. IIrOppNI dead from Iwurt dis~ 11550 at hi9 fimmc in Inhin. \[ivlL 3\ special} train on (120 Eric ruflrnml rah {mm $ulnmum‘a. N. Y.. tn New» bu‘rg. 0.. n Histnncu 01220 milt's, in ‘.‘l)\' m nnh's. trunking: n nrw rvcm‘d. he post 0mm» and store at “llnxlwrp. Minn, was imrucd and Postmnsh‘r Olaf liértunz-n. ,\\'lm slept in the building, was cremnlml. John Kellog- (Colored). who IRWIN“- rvdf a 1»lâ€"}'t‘:Ir-nld whih- girl namml Robâ€" vrts nmr Blanch, .-\lu., “as lynched bf, :1 mob. William J Scanlan the famous lris‘h comedian mid song “nu-1'. div-(1 in the F1?Oflll!lgdfll(‘ 1155111111111 “hits Plains, .. ugvd 4.. ‘ 1031's The \utiaunl Baseball league svnsnn will open on .\p1il 15 The Spanish cruiser V xzcma nn- vh9red in \d“ York Inn-bur and her on- sign was planed at half must in regret {mi the Maine disaster. Rev. Sam Jones the evangeiist has announced his candidacy for the gov- emorship of (.eorgiu. Illinoix‘. Wisconsin. Michigan and Iowa. 11011: $119,111 111 the 11ers! blizzard of _the goasop. By direvtidn of President \chinlcy Consul (Zem‘rhl Lee “as notified that the Cnuted StatoL “ould not accede to thb req 209: of Spain that a 10in: m\ 95:10::- (in be nmdp into the Maine disaster. The first ianuiry. it “as. (1(‘( Med. must be made l)_\'}oflicial reproscntutivrs of this countryi The barge Excelsior founders-d on Handkerchief shoal off (ape Cod. and font of H)" qrow “6 re dro“ nod. Tye Cincinémti chamber of commerce pasid a reglolution calling upon the president am congress to end the Cu.- ¢ ban-war. 1 Engineer ffiolhmder, Fireman Osborn and‘Brakemtfin Cross ware killed in I raihi‘ny wreck at Hubbard. In. At? a meetidg in New York of the Nav- tional I'ublisflxors’ association Charles W. gnnpp. of the St. Louis Republic, was ’elocted fireside-m. Thia excha s at the lending clearâ€" ing youses in the United States during the freak end (1 on the 18th aggregated $1,35§,703.203.4aguinsl $1.434.975.054 the prev us wee . The increase compared \vithathe co pending week of H591 was $2.3. Grant (,‘nrtér (colored) was [ringed M Decatur, Taxi, for the murder of Floyd C0} bf)”. 3 FOREIGN. Th0 NINTH! I! (‘hnpmun Hm-r‘vk :IIIII \er‘king ('IIIIIIIIIIII' (If VIM Ym‘n' Pen siunrd n (‘OIHI‘HI'Y \IIIII (h. pun-III” I III to mix» Ihv hnIHr «hip Main-n “'ashI'IIJHIII's hirflulzn ua~ «‘I h III-AL ml in ()II :Ihn In (II-whim: In HII- plthI‘ HII- pod M‘iua \IIIII h hm: bun III HI: (-mIrsv (If r-nndrnvtinn fur vighv ‘vq-er Thrnuuhnut the (‘()UIHT_\ 'hn hirthxhn (If (iI-nILw “ashinph: II \\. I.- gr-IIII 'IHI ohwru-d uith [InfrinriI ”II-I‘I‘;h"~ III I’hIIndehin [IFOKHIPYW \[I kEIIFI \ m!- drt'ssw] Ihv MIMI-uh 4»! ”Ir "H'd' 'lHI‘l r- sin :IIII} in (‘IIiman 1'\‘}'I‘I‘\i EvI'I H H‘ rIerII .xpnkv at thv ('III'IIII Lvngm cl'lh meeting. Gm: KYI-pIu-vw 'mx :«mmi! F. Mnrs‘hnll. vi‘) (-unm‘ilnr to Hm .\!S~.\tmri Alprruxv )n m‘rti thfim‘ \M'I‘nl'lswd. t! (‘hnrli-N Hulk-x a fzxrmm nmur. ImL in :a qum'rn-J m:- “fun:It't'(vnnf\huflxi~t'l1|])l \ViIMHanI tin-11km”! him of mob \‘inh‘nm‘ men pvrishml. Houses wvrn hlmvn dnwn. 1N rootml and mhvr dummy.» dun: turnzuln in Hmmhflm An nnrthqnukn 0" the islund of \mâ€" hoinu. in \h-- Muluvcu group, killml {m pvrmms mu] owr L‘lu) u'e-ro injured. Thx- Hrithh ship \sin. bound from “mm“ fur "(NYUIL \\':\s \vrm‘kml m-ur Nuntm'km 11m! )wr o-mirv k'rrn (v! :1” l‘ostmnstwr Zulu-r, u m-grn. and his (‘hild \\‘l‘l"l‘ shot to (Ivnth :nul Hu-ir lmdivs (‘rvmntvd by n mob n! Lulu-I in. vaultn thus fur of tho inw-stigntinn into the- lhszlstm‘ tn the Main» in Huvmm hzlrlmr indicun- that tho {nrttwr thv in- quiry prm-m-Ils thc' mun- rvmntw are the "hunces that thv v'vido-mw- will shzm' it wus an m-vidvnt. Anmricnns in Hnuum huu‘ hq-vn notiliml by (‘nnull-(h'nrrul [me that it might he “1-“ to tnkc- thc-ir {mumps tn :1 phmo n! sah-ty An t'xphhsiun in a stun“ quarry in Phi‘ndvlphiu hiHI-d Mike Dr Sundm Frank Dr Sum-in and Mike Hnrnhm-th. The nnnnnl New Orleanscnrniva‘l was uponmi by Rex and his n-tinuv. News has re'm‘hod anxon (If n rich Enid strike mi \mrrivnn (-rlwk. 1310 :nilow «imxn Hn- Yukhn riwr. on Amfri- :s-nn soil. i Amos H, Kim. prnprivfnr nf the Fifth \n‘nln‘ huh-i. Iiimialn New Yur‘n“ :igI-ti 9“ yrnrs. A (iixpntvh {rum “Bushinmnn says that President MvKiIiI-w “ill within '1" «his [)H'N'IH to Spain n (ii-mum] Hm! 'ht‘ war in (‘uhn im stnmwri h w'H imiiozitn that 'hi‘ pnlii-m-i- (if Hm l'nitmi Stutvs is nhuut oflnnwn-d. rind “ill nntify the- szmixh gnu-rump“! Hint this rnuntr)’ i~ “iiiihL' to aid in gaining: pom-r. A mm‘hh- bust of ”iv into (‘bnrli‘s Ruh- insmL first gm'vrnnr n! Karim». “as lino wilwi n? I.u\\‘rviwn. in thc nwlw- hath mrn \Vl'l‘l' kiiil'li. [uh-run] rm‘r-nuv (‘OiivOYiHHS fnrJnn- nary nnmnntm] m 31243131337. :In in- L‘TA‘HSQ' m‘c-r January. 1W7. of “Jujim. (‘ili/vns of Swine-rim“! in_\' :\ popular \‘nYP haw upprm‘qd ”w pruposm! xune Capt. Sunumun and his tissucintcs uh [he mnni hoard hm‘v begun at Uuuma their investigation into the Maine dis- “MP: Rigid sen-soy on the testimuny “in be enforced lnl‘mllg in ”11‘ ()ul ('igur rnmpnny M Quincy. Hm. \m.» lmrm-d, Hw fins M-v m1: S‘mn‘rub, Thu 11"\\' “huff nt Tnmpivn. \lA-Vir'n. “as dvs'x‘UM-d by tirv, 1hr lass luring Hmuuumtl. Jnmrs Shumulv. chic-f of pnlim- (H La- fullvttv, Truth.nlh-mptod1nurr1-st\\ilâ€" lizm: Hmhx-rfnrd. uhu “as drunk. and in 1hr IIH'IN- lmth lllt‘n \Vl‘l‘l' kth-IY. The (Mu-Hing of inmn-s Arthur“ M Hnmn township. Ont. “LIN burnt-d nml Mrs. Arthur» um} hsu ('hihh‘wz “pro x-rmnu'h-(L, ~ Jm‘ul) Hianburg. m yours old. mid his “ifv. .\nniv_ ugrd TR, “'vrn- :)\ph.\‘\i- :I'H]1J_\'gnsul Ihrir hmm' in .\'t'\\' York. Um- of the iurgv (‘h-nrinyg hullN‘s Jun hum-in: In ”11‘ ()ul ('iLrur wmumnv M '1 he Juhn \ nrk company. doulem in dr) goods in (lli(:1gn.fnilml fur 81"!)- NH! voutiw session the (‘ulmn question was discussed In the huuw hills wrrr in- troduced to revive the grade of iioutvn- amt general of tho urmy and to establish :1 military puxt at or near lmiizumpolis‘ Mr. Julmsnu (NHL) spoke- against the annexation of Huwaii. In the l'nitod Stntoa senate on the Etst the joint resolution appropriating $200,000 {qr the recovery of lhl‘ bodies of ntficers and men from the wrecked but- tle ship Muine was passed and the hill providing for the taking of the twelfth and subquuent censuses \\‘uBliiRt'U$t-1Pd. and the bill providing it gmernmont {or the territory of Alaska wns reported. Adjourned to the 23d. In the house the sundry civil uppniprintion hi” was re- pm'tmi with a reduction of $H,NGLS‘JO from tho affix-in! estimate. At the night session 38 pensiun hills “'vre passe-d. -\dj0lirm:d to the 2.111. Senator Hnwiey‘n bill to mld two rz-gi- ments to the urtillvry {ort‘o at the army ‘ was pnssvd in the I'nitm! Stntvs sonnte an the 22d by it vote 0152 to 4. In 0x- One hundred and ten bo'dg'n have been rocovored from the Prussiawmine where the fire damp explosion ocburred. , Austri: may prohibit the importa‘ion of American fresh fruit owing to the danger from the San-Jo” cello. Cnmu has Vugréed to open all her in- land waters to nm'igation by steamer: (run. every nation. There were riotous proceeding- at the trial’in Paris of M. Zola and he nar- rowly escaped being lynched by the mob. nmiliml by (‘nnull-Umwrul might he “1-“ to mkc- Un-ir :1 Wave 0! Huh-t}: rmut (whmwn-d. :md punk); gnu-rump“? I". “i“ihL’ to aid in MTER. I ('igur rnmpuny m lmrm-d, Hm In.“ m-v himw‘ff I-r w-H}: nu in? 1'5”], - In a <.|:\L\‘ \\') (‘AITIJC HUI ('HF FL' ‘1 H M‘vzh “‘HliA‘I Max :‘(rHV ,\‘ .z A writing toadwtnm‘ar \umws anything .bout grammar \\ uhmmwn hemucrnt. Fpinder- lehvr u buy leh a top or In Ildcxly unmmrmd lady. h Mnu‘ l. \t'\ \\ [in'rfl are pmn'h‘ “ho Hunk it is 3 hi‘ Hung 1n péuy 1m lznds l'ul “luv-L» Whammy ton Ut'mm‘lu! Takr hunt ivu drugflnu n-fun ‘. Teacherâ€"-At whm age doc. a man usually [ct lin'd?’ ‘ Bngm "up” What kind ofa mnn~mnr~ [it‘d ur amulr‘ ('hu'agn Evening News. Lane'- Family Medici-£1. Moves the bowel: ouch day In o n to be healthy [hut n- neomuun'. Acts gcnllv on the liver and kldueys. Cum nick headache. Price 3 and 50c. Submrihm! and mum to before me this fit)» day uf Ami}. 1597‘ “l'HlL .11 ”INSUN, Jushrw- of the l’wu‘e. Those [nHa are wonderfully «(Tm liw‘ m the frmlnnm of u” dlM‘ilM‘K nrmng from un- pun- Mund. or shattered noru- force. They un' “dug-(«d xu ymmg or old, and may be had a! any drug lhlfl'. nArh y. x “'hen (11d you arrn‘v~â€"n«:t u. know 31 Juobl le wul cure a npram ngm ufi. The dodor came and WM Ilurprmed to see nuvh an mxpruu-nu-nt. “0 mid u- to keep gnu»: her \hv mmiwmo \Vt- ‘1.“th nnr r” m’h-r (‘m'h nwul mull mph Lou-n hld mrn uu-«i “ht-n phc \Lm \nw! Mic but not hum rm k MHH’, and \n hnw nu four of the old lruuhiv I‘m-hymn“. \\ «- Hunk the cure shun»: mum u!- u~ " Y)2\NK 'I‘IW‘KFR. MRS. FRANK 'I'l CKFR‘ 81}an mvmlmvn! fur a workungmnn ii anoba (MI. I! (um rhoumuh-m. ’inh'; “One morning," uid Mn. Tucker, "the dnvior laid ml to give her Dr. \Villmms' Pink PM- for Pulp People, which he hrou‘ht with him. He and he was treating a llmllll‘ me with these pills and they were curing (hr- pt hem, “'c begun givmg the pills and [be next day could see n Chung: {or the better: of his collar and In oyeglau, addnuin'g a , Could No! love without Great Info nmnger. said: ‘ faringâ€"Hood's Cured. “Beastly nuinm‘e. isn‘t it? Spoken) that . ‘ -, mm. over mareâ€"cook him for a ram-man ' ‘ my shoulders and arms were very Pill- ;-nnd found he had a ribbon on his coat; { “11"“) rheumatism ‘0 M1 ”WM huh”! Kmme bloonn’ng head wanker. 1 mmm." lmovc them without mat suffering. I th:(:~te;‘t()bfrt‘}:2':ee’zzhi:: p ; “m",‘m‘nk' ’ have taken (our home. of Humfs Baru- f "Dash n a”. now. i. in" raid the atom .1 Wm“ 9nd "OW find "1M! me from ; inked awe”. “Look here, 0k} fellow. as you *rheumanlm." Mm. MARY A. Tum ¢ know awn-body, would you mind alums { (N Ninth 8%. Red Wing, Hum. ' next me at dinner and telling me who every- . a i - m» 1' Hood’s Sarsaparllla _.“Sbnuld like to very much,” replied the; From the Htpubllcan. Vern-men, ind. The Tuckerl, of Versailles. Ind., hko Ill {and parents, are munpletely \\ rap )ed up in their clnldrrn. 'l‘hmr daughter Lur'y, in arurulur. lmu gun-n tlnxn murl: concern. 'he u fifth-n, and 1mm 3 strung. hmlthy girl, thrve ycnn ago, had lu-wme weak and rpt fallmg all m ”(‘Ill unnl alto became a nwre lkvlrlmL She seemed to have no life I! all. llvr blood lm-ume nnpuroand finally the berume tlu- \ “rum of nervous pmnra- tlnn. l)ul'(0rl dud not help her. Mon of the time nhe- wan oontlmd to bed, was very nerv- ous and Irritable, and waned on the verge of St. Vuuu' dam-e. “Shauld like to very much,” replied the othPr man, "but you nee I cannot. I'mflre mourning Pu-ud wa:ler!"â€"â€"Sun Francwco A rgunu 1ft “Beastly nuinm‘e. isn‘t it? Spoken) that fell-h over thereâ€"book him for a gentleman ~nnd found he had a ribbon on his coat; mygbloor‘ipnz'hegq wai’er. 1 nymmf" _ in asun- 1.1M up I». St .Ynmfl-s OJ curt-s Hu‘ “my. Nrurmgm. Just before a recent dinner given in honor) of me Innglmtr, l young Iwe I. whose chief ; claim to dmmvtiun named to be the height of his collar and In oyeglau, addressing a . npgger,» said 5 , ‘ To (‘uro A Beauthul Girl’s “fiction. HH 4( MA“- Ma 31.. Inter-allo- “'III led. THE MARKETS NH.“ A m”, Mn) Ho fioeled I Chapel-one. a (‘old In One 0.7 annm Quimnr Tablets All 1111 ~va _\ 1! II 1min tucun. 25C. SLnn “HIT 2 “Id mum) h’) ‘ h mm”; m: :11»: \\ nr' HHK‘I u Dvm Hm n n-Lm 1-3 1110 I) Burl) QI u w n V rum I.’.I"|I’A n. J11” Prim. «”1 l'Ll-I' Mam . . nu 'v m.» put- And N rt.” Minn-1n: ummy 14., L I 'r | 101' and Inn nun. tummy O anus A. man sun «3.. urn-In. mu “.ucumw. ms (u, ,3 O. 0...... essential to a full um her raw. and i! ahe is vermin to come: - V - - --_--vvvvvv-UUIWI {CLOVER SEEDE No woman *2 is exempt ‘ 1mm physi- cal wonk- noss and prr- iovllcul pain. and young girls just budding in- h) “’uuuuh J hood hlmuld lw ll \ gnltlrd physicul- Vl/ 15’ as Well H-‘s mnrull)‘. l If you knuw ml any young lady who is blvk and ncmlls mutllrrly advice, ask her tu nddn'sn Mr» l’inkhum at Lynn, Mass“ nnd tell t-w-ry detail 0! hersympâ€" Imus. mrrnmangs and occupations. She will get advice {mm a mun-op tha‘. huts no rlwu in exporimu-e of Women‘s ills. '10” her to lawn nmmm. Lur- Sweet young girl:' How often they develup into worn. listless, and hope- less wumrn because mother has not impressed Upun them the imporlmme of~ attending to . ‘ physical do; ‘ Y __, \Plupmc-nl. The zm'emor of suspenders that W)" no! pull the hununu ufi qu )mvr u Mun-r for- nuw ”Inn :4 uhm-m-imldor m Klondike.â€" \\ anhxymlnn “vnm. ml Feb ‘17. the Inmnul Lxhputmnn m their m-w gorgmmn sprrlav-lo, "The Fairm Midget- mwn " “'edmmdn) and Saturday Manueen. 'l'vm \Vel'kl. ,,,, . .Un... u-vvn, u. Queen Crem;nt liuulc.L1m-iunau (‘run-r Home). mun-nun. Ark. Opens Murvh Int. In heart of Ozark Moun- tum. (‘hnlidv mud and hracl inceuery Wild and bcuulnui. L urquaivd no mum} waters. Hxnurniun rates. Thmugh alerpers from St. Lom- vm Fl’lfit’o Line? Addreu Manna" Ore-cent, Eureka Springs, or Geo. T. Niel» olnn. G. P. A., Frinco Lune, St. Loni; Mo. Are but find cheapat in the'Nev South. Lind 83 to $5 an new. liq-y terms. Good ‘ schools and churn-ha. ho blimrdn. No vold waves. New illustrated paper, “Land and n Ln‘ing." 3 months, for 10 cents, 11: stamps.- (\V. C. KIXICARSUN, G. Y. A A Illndoolur Mela) I'nyuer Cunei- AI. Book Mark l‘omlplnI-d Fun frm‘ uf WNW? under st-mvd cover on r4 . 11 ht x! In H H m~ m allur ul Humpl. '1 he [an :1. In ~1 and numl m r\ u 9: «bit adjunct of : \v n Mu: U\ uni mum». --\<Mnu (6m. H. N;- ufluxd 410 ( Ildt nlom Bulidmg. k 'mrago, of a railway ”'1qu running between Chl- cn o, leuuulwo, St. Paul, anea HI, Asllund um‘ huhnh. known as (he [Ril- uzmm (‘rngz'ul me. Before making s journey in am n! (hr-w nnrthwmtern puma, Inquire xelahrn to the Fast and Elegantly Blmmwd 'l‘mms whwh Mn‘thk-agn daily \‘m the- \\)uwll.~lh (‘vmmL Your nearest m-ko! ngvm mu gut-)1 u mmplrtr imormn- Hun. Jar. l‘. Pond, (3. P. A., Milwaukee, “‘15. Mnnh ”ran at Mobile and New Orleans on 22d inn“. Twice-u: at half rues. Fur qu partwuiara, write to (‘. P. At- mun’, (It-«mm! l’asu-ngor Agml. houinville, he" or J. K‘ lbdgeiy, N. “CY. A.,(7hu-n¢o, Young Womanhood. iiri Flunda'L‘huumuqun at DeFunink‘Sprinp begins on the 4th inst Splendid pro- grglmmf, {Mimi lflhgmj, 10w_rqgel. “mafia." 'Emaisibizi'on mu m: third Tuesday a! about one {are for the ru_u_pd {rung Opfortumtieo for vhmmg the South duo in ‘ )5 month, vm the Luuunlle 6L Kuh- vire Raihoad. are an follows: Doubie mm Sit-rpm: lwtwvrn Xunhrilh and Jackaomnlle, via (Shananoogn, Athnu, Macon and Tiltun. Hum-t Sloqmr between \ St. Louis and Charleston, vm Nah. \ ville, Chaunnooga, Aflnnu and Au- gusta. Fur ”Harm-(ion concermng an. to “'mler Reports, land and Homo 5991mm Iixcursxuns South, Sir-9pm Cup re-m‘ns'ion, run. apph‘ [0 Brand . Hm, N. 1’. Act 32“ Mnrquvne Bldg ('himzo, or .V, H. Mllllnr. .V. \\. 1‘. Am. Box W St, Lama. Mu. For pumphlrn regardmglands. and rpwurm-s of country traversed by Nigh- vfille, (‘hattanrmga 8!. Louil Railway. ad. dram J. B. Kvllehrew. Immigration Agent, gftmm 75 Chamber of Commerce, Kahuna, enn. f! Very gainful la manor: Grown-v. Indiana. 01:17:70:- ‘ Hoof. PIII. cure sick headache. 25c. Florida and south-Dixie Plyer Ito-to. Ilcvlolur'n Tlfimter. Chlon‘o‘ Prrblpn Yo; Have Heard her to keep 110mm).r buck. w “tr story ‘ . 15 to” $0 % I. “unmn, 14nd Ali - Living February Excursions. mnrull)‘. \ x (,1 any young lady who \ a which are full understanding of Gr..- nndl'I”... frank. heip h not to 3 man. Do not hesi- tau- about stating de- was. that Isl”: may not wish to men- Linn. but \ml lit- "I was nation In uatm-I and "Anyhow. H w- Jar enough nwn‘ out reach. A ufnous so muc Great c'lNh'rn 0 sun whivh “u: and the uplu and uigrau iub uncle of (-uka. ‘0 do wxlh th back to nu n whn! a Luu- of thing fix 1:. m: t‘l'mrh-n \~ imn burn“: uni u! i. ' t1” 1:4 «111).rnu hair {A I “CU Capt. hnvnvd He «as a plum... reached that In siory lhan xriul other 0mm)” jd major to go rim lrntion. 1 ix. alum}! r (wt or and (.9 Hr ’1 And, b} 1).. wn: a can of w. nut fil in “MI: our 'I The "my” )ra and the lump“ falling upun In. upon h'n c-an. l ‘iACuminnh-d the Nniie \slan Him “The mm” m bk. l‘iihrr, km: am not puihng ncun nlmm )l wen: hm) ;. “h 3mm him (a a! an 61': ll “undrllhl out “a Hum. 11 Salem-L‘s 5:1 mhr ‘1nIUa{ ;.: )1; Lg: by pron: g I " "\\r.'1f'>uul (1191‘ .paxny Darn.” hl) (‘0??le I m mu} term». X":u.3n'o (yilnrru\1l.g 11' of Urplun: and and linings “an his play“; I: flwre‘n Jun “bum Ed ht‘ I '1 he In enum- ht (ion of l “\\h_\, _\ 41“}!th a In “mu.“ tuna" Uh @ighlaud HIGHLAN I) l ,\ J! “(h HM Enthrall '1 Ital at 11 (M21 iLHL“ I ”1 1h I”: ll may; H”

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