CMPLD Local History Collection

Highland Park News (1874), 4 Mar 1898, p. 2

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There were 233 business faitures in the United States in the seven dfl's ended on the 25th, against 205 the wegk previous and :96 in the corresponclifxg yerigd of 1897. ‘ The battle ships Kentucky and Keg}- sarge will {be launched at Newport Nef's March 24, and it will be the first (1011 e launching of first-class battle ships. n the world, Final services over the remains Qf Miss Frances E. Willard were held in the Methodist church in Evanston, 111.. and the body \yhs laid to rest in Rafe Bill cemetery. ' During the absehce of his wife Frgd Simons,aged 50 years, in a fit of drunk‘n despondency killed his two little daugh- ters and himself at Ganett,1nd. ‘ The planing mill of the A. M. Stereés Lumber company and 20 dwellings we e burned at Dyersburg, Texm., causingfa loss of $200,000. The cotton miIl strikers at Vc“ Beé- ford. Mass” have issued an appeal fur aid to continue t‘ \eir fight. i In Fairfield county S. (1. 7‘0 housqs “ere destroy H] by forest fires and sev eh women “ere buxned to death The prosidmt has signed the resold- tion pass’md by congress appropriating $200,000 for the raising of the Maine. ' ’usscngers on a vessel from Cuba an, riving at New York tell of insults 0?- fcred Amcri 1an in Havana and to the American flags. '1 0‘ At Dos )Ioinm p1 ominent u nmc‘n hive for med the In“ :1 X5: ociutiou Opposed t6 \\ uman Suffrage. Senor Du Bose, Spanish (harge at; “‘ashington has admitted that the (1114 thori‘nils at U: Hana plamed submaxinq mines in the channels but not in we; harbor. \ 5 James McNamara, formerly of Spring-i field, I}!,. and Clara Selmllcr, of Maw coutth. UL. wvrc found at a hotel in SH Louis with their throats out, making 1]1 suicides in that city within 45 hours. Angry because he could not go hunt- ing Richard L'luuson, aged 15. fatally shot ‘Miss Minnie I’ogrht nem- Cedar Fallx‘ Jr... and then killed himself. DOMESTIC. The business portion of De Kalb, TEX., “as destroyed by fire. In the scna‘e on the 26th ult. the pension calendar was cleared by the passage of several private pension bills and the right of Henry W. Corbett to a scat from the state of Oregon was further discussed. . , .In the house the time was occupied in discuss- lng the sundry own appropriation bill and thou: 20 pages were disposed of. Henry W. Corbptt's right to a. stat in the senate from Oregon was under considera- tion by the senate during nearly the pn- tire session on the 25th....1n the house the senate amendments to the armyappropria- nonabiil were agreed toand a. long dehue over the question or river and harbor ap- 9roprirniéns look place during the donkid- emtion or the sundry civil appropriation bill. Both the military academy and the dip- lomatic and consular appropriation bills were passed in the senate on the 23d and the Cuban question was del)me(l....ln thv house the sundry civil appropriation hill was considrrvd and a resolution wan mm)- duced to investigate the murder of P06?- mastcr Baker at Lake City. S. C2. by a moth The fr-amre in the senate on the 2-ith was: the spew-h of Senator Spoom‘r (“'is.) in favor of tho ri"ht of Henry W. i‘orlmtt to u seat in the mutate from Oregon undm' {1"- pointmmzt of the governmx...ln the ham}- Mr. Roiitvlle (M0,) introducvd a bill pr - vlding [or the relief of the uurvivors of ti e victims of the L'niicd Siatvs battle ship Maine. Thirty additional pages or the suit- dry civil appropriation bill wen» disposdil of and the senate bill to prohibit the puk- aage of local or special arts by torritnriul legislatures and to limit territorial indebt- edness was passed. Proceeding: of Fir-t Regular Scallon‘ m'I'ELLIGENCE FROM ALL PARTS Casualties and Fires. Personal and Po- litical Notes. Business Failures and Resumptions. Weather Record. ROWD’ ABOUT THE WORLD Happenings of the Past Seven Days in Brief. THE WEEK’S NEWS HIGHLAND PARK @ighland @arh “item. BY E VAXS dc FORREST. CONGRESSIONAL. ILLINOIS The French line stmmvr La (‘hnm- pagne, six day: overdue in New York was tmuxl in to the .nrlmrut Halifax, N. 8., in a disabled condition. The board of inquiry at Havana. it is stated. believes the bottom of the Maine must be examined if the positive facts of the cause of the disaster are to be kngwn. The disclosures of the divers seem to prove that the ship was blown up by an ou‘tside explosion of a large torpedo or submarine mine. A succession of torrific earthquakes caused grout destruction of property on the islanJ 0f Montserrat, of the West Indies group. Two government cutters were cap~ sized in u gnle ofl‘ Wells. England. and 117 persons were (irownml. FOREIGN. Latest "drives from Havana my that the American officials there are con- \'inced the Maine “41S blown up by a submnrirm mine opomtmi by Spaniards. but. Gen. Bianca is not thought tn have a hand in the outrage. Th0 naval court of inquirv is not expected incomplete its inv'estigntion for several wovkx Ex~Jndge I-leimt Anthony nm‘ of (In- most \xilleV‘kn/an jurists at tho \H-st, dim] in lininslnn. UL, ugl'll 713'4‘411‘8. Dr. Jain] P. Maynard, famous :m (h:- discm'orvr nf ('aHmIinn. us llsl‘d 1n sur- gery. died in Dulhnm, 31:155.. "god 7.: years. _\\'iHinm M. Singcrly, editor M the Record and president (I the Recon! Publishing cmnpnm. divd suddvnlv of Mart disease m his home in Phi ladelâ€" phiu. aged 66 5 cars. Mrs. Jnmvs Lym‘tt (volorml) dirt} in Milton. N. Y.. aged It‘viiyvm‘s. Asa1:.Stow.mwofthepionoervircus propric'fnrs‘ of Hm (*mmh'y. diml Smi- (ienly in Alimnvtmvn, (01111.. ngu 73 mm. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The Illinois republicnn state (-nnvonâ€" (ion will be held in Springfield on June 14. ‘ ' The steamer Munimlm nrrivrd in New York with .1 herd of 537 rcindcor pur- chased by the government for Alaska. The British stonmm lwgislninr .nn route to Boston. “us (Imtrm-ll In fin- in midoccan and six of lu-r « um “on: lost. The mun! court of inquiry into (hr: Maine disaster has shifted its luxsv 0! investigation from Havana to lie}; Wesx. FlzL. and “ill examine xumo wiz- m‘sses of the explosion who are now there. I; Awarding to a report laid before {President MoKinlvy, 10,073,376 nh'rn {bodied men are now mnilnhlc fur mili» Mary dufy in the ['nih-d States. Of kthose 113,082 are nln’ady in the militia. E Siren persons. plensurolteekm. hesi- tdenfs of West Harvey Ill" Worecmshed (to death by a train “hick struck Um]: bus m a milwnv crossing. The \\ vstcrn Baseball Ion ngue sensnn “in open April ‘20. I (111') um) I..indx (Explingcr. (mm! sis- N‘I‘S‘ were burned to that]: at Hwir home near Mineral “'0le W. \‘n. é T119 entire business portion of Cortex. (01.. was destroyed by :1 11 Hi. John H. \Vilkiv, :1 “11111-111101”.(1.1m. $0 uou‘spapcr 111.111. \\ ill sum-11111 “"11- .1111] 1’ ”:1/‘1 ‘11 :13 (hit-f of 1111' R1 (‘rct 51111111111 H1111rms11r11Y1p:1rl'~11‘nt. . 1 H10 1|11H1111illstlikv:1t .\11\\l;11l{11r11. Jflussu i11\11h111;:.’1.1(‘UH 11'111':1t1\1‘.<. 11111r. hpnu 115 s1.‘\1‘1111\‘.ul\ \\ 11.1 1111- 51:11111‘: Brill firm. 1 1 The \\'nr\\'i1~k (‘ycle company 11! prinszfir'd. Must. 1111'113 11111111111. i11in~ Pnlwncy. its indublcduvss [wing $300. '000 ‘ In a fire in (‘hurlesmm S. (‘.. Mrs. Ro- boo- :I Knickmeycr aJIId ht‘r six LIlIiiLlrcn ?I!(i Cnsu ell 0 Non Were bIIrnIId to draw. III II railunv wrock near “nvomh (.11.. Mrs. Frank I) Holden. of YIInlwrs N Y.. “:13 liillvd mid si.\ Olin-r pasI Lengers “are lImHS' in iured I EInngolixt Sum Jone-s [Ins \ Ithdm“ II P! a candid. Ire for gomrnur of UL‘OF'Vin. 1‘ lire brniiu out in H10 Hull chomiI-ul iu‘m‘ks at KIIIIIIII' IIznu. MIL-h. .. uni] (prio- Signs that occurred kilicii ton mun and injured smelnl mhc Ir pvrsons. ’lhe Indians at Pine Ridge nwency In jehrnska are on the “nrputh again. The United States cruiser Minneapo- I! . has been launched nbl‘ hHadL-fphiu. '1 he Sp: mish cruiser V ucn_\n left New ark for Havana. \\ illiam H. (oh (colored) was hanged nt GrnnsLoro, Mn“ for the bruta! murâ€" cr there three months ago of John A. infirlonv “He and ch'ld. Ray Frv and Hugh Seuo”. prominent young men quarrelod nt Jumesttmn, Pm, about 11 young wnmnn and Scwcll firms: .1 knife through Fry's heart. kill- g him. 1 'lhe [resident has appointed Col. ranr) C. (orbin mljutnnt general of the arm). to succeed Samuel Brock. ro- tired on account of age. Hum-ism) for Honolulu. , After a prolonged cabinet meeting In \{ushingtom at which the Spanish sit- untion was thoroughly discussed. it was stated by one of the members that t are is no occasion for alarm or ex- citement. and that the present situation ii not even critical. h‘he exchanges at the leading clear- in? houses in the United States during t week ended on the 25th aggregated S ‘ 1,784,156, ugainst ”356.703.2013 the p vious week. The increase compared .W‘th the corresponding week of 1897 w‘ps 54.0. H‘he pinnt of the American Tobacco campany at Louisville. Ky.. mu de- 5 Dyed by fire. (be loss being over 3 50.000. aPresident Dale. of Hawaii. left San w r r. ‘ 7-“ - ”15*wa '.£,._ The war department nimndnnod We expedition for the rrliq'f of Hm minors in the Klondike onuntry hvmuso {hm-c- 300an to be no npcossity for it. Th0 pnbliv debt smtvfimvnt issum? on ”19 lsf shows that the (‘0in (Increased 81.591122 during: the month of Febru- ary. The cash baizmoo in the frmisnry was $‘~‘36.571,7fifi. 'I‘hn min) JrM. Ms! 21w cash linlnm-o in ”10 tn-nsury. amounts to $910,104,216. A party nf senmm‘s um] momlwrn of the house Iv“ \Vnshinghm fur n trip in (‘uhn to make n prrsmml investigation into affairs on that bland. ('harlos M, Mme. n! .va ( finding his wih- out “Hiking young man. killed her and thr mittml suit-i110. \ "PW ('mmtvr {Pit two dullur 1n nsnn hfitl‘ has mudv it. . nppenrnm n. It hours the check Ié-ttvr I! and pinto numlmr '3‘. 1111., wvn’ awn)" Hn-ir hum: slruyw! by firv um) thvir hu- dron pvrishw} in 1111‘ {hum-x. Thv Muh'mvnt Hm! :I mun-l numuhu-Hxn-rx 0 mm In combine has Inn-1H \Vhih‘ Mr. nnul .\1r.~'..l« riding on n plantation m The court of inquiry intu h‘n- Main: eVplnsin’n v-xmninul sou-ml mnrv “:1 HPSM‘S‘ but no midvnm' \mx mmh- pub “c. Thu walk of din~rs at Hmuxm mu» (innul, hm nmhiug inh‘rvsling “.n mmlv knawn. .\(‘an\ thv 0min hnsim‘ss ,mrth the \illzu‘m ut \\:nu\m¢--.(r _\ié<h.. dvstloy'd by (Irv. Sg-rmus hr‘v'mf rinh m‘vlh’rwl at (in!- Iipnli. Turkr)’. mu! :1 lnnh :nn-mplml to burn 1))» mnernmvn! nfiim's. Fun in :\ tvnvmv-nt Imnw in \(»\V York city mmlv TU {arniliq-s hl‘ll)£‘lt‘~§. .Vnrum! (-mulivinns "gum ruin in “Eushmgmn px-ndint: 11w h‘pnr! 1:! 1h:- Muinr Imnrd of inquiry 'I‘hiu. it i« lw- Iwu-d, will nut In“ rn-zuly {Ar tun nr thr‘o u'e-rkn. as tho mun! vnm't i\!1|l\'\* hu: a thorough and puimtukmu inhwh- cation “in: .1 \ivw In uwvrmming Hu- ('\:u‘t {HMS on the wins? 4:! (IN ¢-\)u1n» him]. One of the ofliN-ra 0! HH- Muimg nftor his ('Vnminnlinn in [(vy \\ mt. mm! Iac‘ lmlim't‘nl [he (‘onn would find that H"- unr ship “as hlmvn up by (It-mun. 1 him. but an- m‘ arm“ from un] They do hul ml Pmrtirv nmh the- nmghémr. 1.“ L‘hfl‘ugu INN} \ Lam“- l )LH'PKJLP )um healthy xhn n- 1 ”11' but .uul L d l’ru‘o 21> “qu In. Rarhrlur. \ 1 who him nnnu‘d Dally News. I’m-1 .1 I‘m-II. a“ UN cums 501)} ~7 . __ ~,-, .._. A {1011 of SO schnum-m sailor} Irum I'nrimw park of Xq-wfmmdlumi In prom-- onto tho m-nl fisho-nx Move and were {Melly burm ' "('IHV llefiner nnd “Mr “031‘ mm" from their home In “Inn. 0.. when their three Iitfle children pmred Hus George Collins. ngvd 12, smhlwd hi- thor Min”)! 1!! l’nrkrrslmrg W \n. .. while «he “as trv mg to “hip him. canton!» of n can at powder on the Thv «stimnh‘s of [I‘m Muir drln of Iowa for ”w fiscal your mule-d Juno 3|) lust is $122,326.50. I H is said that Foch tun Inna has or- w (1010:] ”w 1: Hal flu! n? )u \ \\ "at to hr- run!) to pmw-ui to ”flHIXHl .1! u mu mom's nniivr. an it is harm! Hm! rinh may m'mlr in that «fly. The M‘nmvrs H'unlmML )Iv‘rlsinr nnfl .Vuyw Mlih'd {rum SvntHv fur Alas- kn will: 75¢) guiui sm-krrx on lmzzrd Mn. livurm- Uninhun. ngvrl 1‘7. drownmi hum-If and Mn. \\t-I'k\ nhl hnhv by jumping: in”; tha- riu-r n! ’24-“- tnn Harbor, Mirh. She “us. vru/NI lu)‘ irkncss. Frank Parker. exwhumpiun lvillinrl phyrr of Hm “()Hd. dim! at his hunw in Chit-nun, “zed GT yvnm. A rc-xnhnion was [Vlmwd in thv ['nin-d Stun-s St‘llutl‘ on Hn- In for the cranium 0f :1 ln‘nnm tublvt in \"ushinprnn (n (he ‘ memory nf \ictims 0f the \(uinv. 'l'he hunkrnph-_v hill und Hm Alaska hamp- s1mul nntl right of Wu} hill \n-rc d4;- lmfmi. .‘fi-munr l'iun intrmlm-ml n hill in n-uulutv tho- i~suv n! (-irvulminx Imh'x by state hnnkx of (It-pod! and dis- count. In 1hr Dumm- 11w 1min! MH rvlu- thv m s umm‘Iâ€"rfmaa mnILmnHvr “:15 die (‘HSKWL .mr! during: thc- drhuh- 5”,] Mb 10mm to make .1 political spvm'h um- sfnmwd by Spc-ukrr Rot-(l. “hm nn~ nouns-m] Hm‘ holt‘nftv-r ht' prupumwl tn hnM momlwrs srrivfly (n the bu'hJ-u’t umh‘r Cumidvrnfinn. Senator Sixisnn introduced u n-solminn for a cough-axiom“) inu-stigulipu of the murder of the negrn postmaster nt Lake City, S. ('A The huuse p855?" Uu- sun- dry civil appropriation bill with the-up- propription for roprenrumlion at UM: l‘nris exponitiun (-Hminntod. Mr. llmmwdl (0.) introduced a n-nolminn hmlmprinting um] making immc-diulely available $20.01”;wa for us:- by thr sve- lfi‘mry of (he nany In his dim-runny; in Mn-ngthvning the 1mm] form-s of the country. The Spanish nrmy organ in Madrid announces that war with the United States is expected in April. By a vmo of 50 to 1!! (m the 2‘1”) nit Henry W. Corbett was denim! ndmiw sion to the senate as u xcnulor from fire- ”on on appointmem by the governor. Advices from Madrid any there In an appalling acurcity of food in many prov- ince-a of Spain and broad riot- nre of daily occurrence :1 Balnmnncu. An "mun-033ml attempt was made in Athens to nsmsxinnte King George of Greece. James Vincent Henry. archbishop of the Romnn Catholic diocese of Kings- ton. Out, is drpd. It “II 1er inL'! I), Hm lwr‘xn ”confirm. LATER. .va UNI-mm. “Ling “ith :1 1| (‘nm :I “as myrtln uwnrr‘ sku hmur- \“l‘l‘l' (iv- m-wl n hill in'ulminx In! 11 0d mrnea. in 155:. until last year, I was under the doctor‘s care. l children. I have had nearly every doctorin Jersey City. and have 12 l Hospital. but all I!) no avail. I saw Mrs. I’inkhazu's advcrcia paper, and have used five bottles of her medicine. It has done I than all the doctors I ever had. It bu suippod my palms and has a fine little girl. I lmvc been Well over 5mm: my baby was born l rm-ommond Mrs. l‘inklizun‘x medicine in all \vumrn suffering Iron; j Mm. LL‘U)‘ Lynx, :55 Henderson SL. Jam-v L‘nv. Ni 17 “I am mom than proud of Lydia E. Pinkham's V cannot find words to express the good it has done In badly with the loucOrtha and severe Womb puinn. married. in 1882. until last year, I was under the d< children. I haw had nearly every doctor in Jersey City Hospital. but all to no avail. I saw Mrs. I’inkhnn \ ‘ , .w. (‘ uu‘u'. and me aunculty ceases, Here. \\ / again. Hm Vow-table (‘ompound work. won- den. Ben Mrs. Lytle‘s letter. which follow- in this column. Go to m.- root of the matter, mum the Mrongth M the nerves and the- ton: of the parts. and ugh". will do the rmt. Nature has no boner ally than this Compound, nude of her own healing and restoring herbs. “Vite freely and fully to Mrs. l'inkham. Her Iddresl in Lynn. Mus. Sh. will tell you, free of charge. Hm cause of your trouble and what course Intake. Believe me. undc-r right vonditinns. you ham- 3 fair chance 1/0 become the joy. {ul mother of children. The Woman whose letter is here published certainly thinks so: There are many cu rable causes {or “crib lty ln “mm-m (mo of the must common its m-m-rul dvhility, m-rompauied by t _ peculiu- condition «if ilu- blood. Care and tonic treatment of the {0- male orrans rrIiL-vc more (33503 of sup- posed incurable barn-muons lhan tn, 1 V uthvr known method. This is why I , Lydia E. l’inklxam'xs Vl-g'etable ’ a.“ puund has (Afl'vctod so many on ’ the uterine system. Among other are displacements of the we r summniup the womb and the ovaries: ro- /.wnm, mo Vegetable (‘ompound work: won- mtoro the Mrongth H! the nerves and ”16' L011? 01 the parts. and Datum - ’ V f/ Ag 0% . ‘ I ‘ its tunic m x-rties are directed obi P l . pccially to the nerves which supply \ (2/ \ causes for {sterility or barren!) \ These displacements are caused l , lack of strength in the ligament. I y ston- these. and the difficulty ceases, Here. \\ {K den. Ben Mrs. Lylle's letter. which follon» in this column. Go to tln- root of the matter, will do the rmt. Nature has no boner ally than this Compound, nude of her own healing and restoring herbs. lac I / yr support ‘ /stor(- £110.54 again, mo {\ am. 8.... in this 0011 .tI aunt, m I hum“! up wme reuwdion for myneif. um! final)» imp K'Ill‘d on Dr, “'1'!- hamn' l‘mk l‘nHl {or I’d? Poo nlv. l naked mule of my nemhlmm about 1 o mniwmr, for n Ind been used by um um) per-(ma In the mmlnumtv, and they recommended it very higMy‘ l procured I hex. The pill- nelped me ri hi awny. and I mnh'nned |lk- in them. {commenced tnkln them In“ {a . Ind finished ukmg 1h:- mu box I few month. ago, I am llwl hath-red \uth flu- rheumahnm no“ lln- mmhmm- ha- cured mo. 1 (‘nn "Mm! m'rimn‘x n-rumnwndlk. “'11- )ufirg‘u' l’mk l‘zHu tur l'utr 1’90qu " Lam“- Faun“) )LH'PKJLP )uqn ~ 44;“: healthy xhn n- umvkaY ”11' but .uul L dm -.~ ( I’rnrtirc‘ nmh's 'N‘h'wl am] (Jun maku the- nmghémn {Ml My nnmnhmg Hu- planerâ€" L'hiragu 1m!) Nun Thvfiv psz are nut unh- gum! for rheuma- tllm. but an- un'ninnhlr {hr any tin-emu lhnt arm“ from mun u rmhml. 1‘! Lad blood. They do hnl ml nn 11H- luau}! 1-1 1 1mm- mu) “Mn Fl My Map UH (um: Kimmy >m m.» n uuL Padnrlnr. \ irrn‘vhv-r From (ho Krw inn. drum-burg, 1nd. The {nliuwmg :5 n ulrmglunnrwurd Mutt» mom w! Lu In in n Hum.“ «4 the Lah- \rnr. N0 comrade “1!! ram! furllxer pm”! than their fnrnd’n nun \mxdr. 11> )n‘n- gn'vn. 3 51111110 Jv\hn(:n!:~1 1:! Nvulmtm, Ind, ii: the nnnalm, and 1m 'mnvsl, ['l'DINKU'l’ ml- I iu‘n he 13‘. tau. ”0 mm] “I Luv lu-mtmub led wuh rhrunmrmn m uH nu Jmnu. «\er uinu- lurm h- Hu- um I: u...‘ Muught un by my rxpumrv ler h mmv on HH' grud- unHv. nu»! lulu! 3:”ng \n x». uh!!! I "I: unnMo \o «in sun v IIL I the-d svl'nral rig-11mm, Lul 1).” «in! nw nu “and 'Hmy mm! m_\' (ruuhfr nu» 1hr-um..m~m u-sulmu: in (hm-int of thv lu-mI. and that then “lui hu 1 HTI‘ fur H .\:'\r lHu'Ir“ I had I.\R‘d hhd (Hugh! lhv dun-Mr fur 1h:nyyvnrr.and did In» mu-nd to dw, nunpiy hmnun they and the (drug Ir. The hltlv uumun nailed on V'wlnrimhs‘y. )umHy rtumvmg fur the run- ventinnal word of npuhvgy, nnd the nu! of town uumnn “an 11-“ lnlm-ulvnu. hvr bonnet hnnging around \hvr nwk by Hm rlnngu nnd ‘he thl4'L!}' quIng Hmu puuuirrln her lousy Hark ban. Hm not In: lung gxd she unwm. “Sum," 5hr Ian}. mrrnly. as sho Iawen-d hm great 31.1!th to n («mu-men! damn-(4w and prrvpner in right I.” IN (rt-310d “fall pn-nr Imam. "(h'vv Iu-rn hrnrmfi in! swim tunm- HIM (In-y mudr lhm Women mkr nfi (hour l-llhnfli m puhhr plm-vvn n. “mango, but (in h|\'Pr nuppum‘d they did it, {vr them in thor ”Ly-m, ‘ A vmonofis *B‘Anus. l'nhu-l to nu “mun, But She ”preâ€" dated the Humor. It wu- during nnt‘ m‘ the malt never! um» Ital-m: wlmh ( hu‘ngu hm oxperwnced thu- Vinur, Ind the umbwlla “Mob a little bit of l woman mm ”rum m Iron! of her face. standardtmarcr tusuun. came into clinging mntm-t With the mmrt bonnet which wan hulnnt-nd on thr hmd of the comolv lflflitvul‘lflll “hm “an mnlung her way, }lur(l(‘ll(‘d whh a beam value, m the op umte ultrerhon. 'Tnuriut! In town {or the day onh might havr l)l‘('n [mnh‘d upun her. so unnu- mant' drd rho )u'lnn tn thtn ritual of \‘Is Hum; a warm! gn'nnw «'(rnyed the fut"! that she was lllldnullll‘dh' crowing the mlyjrom one depot tu Apt-1h” m‘ “’Imrll (he uml-rolln laugh! in her honnt-t, whirl: “an unvhorui In Dunno)! by 111A w‘lw! firings nlnm‘, Haw lwmw! was warrior! in the Mfupgh-K Thy hltlv uumun nailed on SHE REMOVED HER BONNET. nvvln-r on Hfo'n ruilwn" Lilli (unnulluun, {I’m-ago ‘nhnl "l LuH' mu m uH 1m «- um I: u ‘ "'lr h mum" ",lwng “117-. v 'IL 1 m . l I \h-dlelnr Mrs. Pmkham Declares that in the Light 0! Mod- ern Science no Woman Need Despair. A JOYFUL MOTHER OF Cmfi in unit-r10 lw Jersey City. N. J. ’inkham's Vegoiable Compound. ‘ has done me. I was troubled v1 womb painn. From the time I ‘ under the doctor‘s care. We had a Jersey City. and have been toBeX‘ rs. Pinkhazu's advertisement in 1 nedicine. It has done more {or ' ”ppm! my pains and has brought 1 Rnptnrr‘, h‘xmmnn . Book (run Writeforfl Lob'J Stu-mum. B;w$uliu1.Mt,\’0rnon.N Y. ‘Hu- ynnnyir-s n1 truu‘bm ('hnugo l); A pnur nervr alwmm hmdral \A'u).“\\'na)qnwh Why sufier wzth (if; «he or pain ' “ hen 5L Jacobs 011 “I” cum? “'th " § -_ A. x3 “'1!!! Hm day the fight, “uh blu- rold m Hrrnglh to trmd NunumJuhnwn. Don't run from a bore; he in ka-pmg \‘UU {mm bormg oomcbo Clmngo Record. Dr. Hayearof Ruthie, N. Y.. iltuecedi in «arms Asthma so that it my- cured. puns} cnrd mu brmg full informhon. Both the bride and- groom mny be Itimil', vet they always stand up for their ma.â€" Chxcqo Daily News. . rhfldn-n'n t‘4;u;z»)ni":a~nafld;ja;fâ€"Â¥I$IIr:if Blunt, Bpngue, Wash, Mach 8, ’94. livery dog has hx~ day (mgbhrvdn net (‘nlt'rvd at l Chm-Mu ljucurd. Takn Laxalur Hmmo Qummr Tabb“. An druggmu x‘efuxul mnnryv 19 H hula tout". 5c. Km » an and suflvr 1f yuu lhmk b‘t. Jacob's 0:1 won't cure rhea 1h- 4 awful hnn )rm it is often terribiy b1 Humid. Cousin-x Load- (0 Can't-Dual. Kemp's lia'mun in” atop the to h It nnnu (m to _\our druggnst todly uh I sample home fn-v. Luge boulea, 50 and 81.00. (.‘u m uuoe, delay! mdmero Safe II All Hours. 3‘ ti Humanity m nm-«r utmnr‘d. The “111) :1 unhinhg. .1 “(Hum “no and a M we baby dam no! im" Milo wathnut a bun- glar alarm,~Adaum {Mum} 1‘ recman. Spraim-d last mght. Today you are “'0“ :1 you use M. Jacobs ()1! to cum ,‘v plum-Ii 81 31,00 Ila-r lmrmlflh}; alongâ€"b: $1.5“ pl'r LMHM. \Vr :Hh'flk' wudmg 5 m“ pustagv {ur halzer‘u (analogue. In :lu- ndverlm-mrm u! xhoJohu A851“: Kurd ( umpun), Lu ('nmw,\\'1n.,ulewwc¢b r'm'r, lhv- J»: n r u? pu'JAlorfi wan lnldV'EMtp .y plum-d at MDJJu-r Iran-(«1; ling would b. :u L. "X can (raw my nnr‘ostun hnt‘k (on hun- dred \«nrn In hm' \\ Lllmm (hr Cunquel‘or.” "“"rH. 1 mn't “nu-v mmv that far. but] lmu-n'l the ulmim-n dnnm Hun mme Hit-m \\ mm In A"): l’\'(‘l) mrhvr than thl‘."- (‘mnmwu linqmrcr. Hood’s Pills Hood’s“: Scrofula Gunman, Because i; does win: a)“ medicine» {all to do. An an in“. or am peculiar md unusual cur-n power. consider we must iuudk diaem‘nnd the disco», which m; the blood of most people, produq incalvulnble suffering to many, w}: in “won H. )5 a lawn! the flank burst into mum and produce um. manery on me less! provoijou. - Kn! “‘orrM-d About HI: Ante-tori. America’s Greqtgst Medlcme cromla is the mm wmmt fig winch the humun family in “mm «A Wind: the above Iwu-pmg 9mm” (an honest!) be made \mv 0 cine Uiflti’fln meet this 1ommon an of mankind and ropcamdly enact Wuudvrful (um. Hand‘s Sump; ' ha: 4 war” has Um mph! to the duo Q; Amenca‘ I Umk-st Medium To Cu». a Cold In One Day In sold l'r ml drtmgintx. “:7le {or ‘. res- “ Lynn, Mus. Sh. 1e and what course Intake. chance to become the joy- ,5 here published certainly Cure n: the minim-me In break ‘ mu; done more {or m ins and has brought mo y was born. I lwarfll’ wring Iron; swrflny."-_ x! hmv yrm grasp an opportunity- tern'My hard to let (xx-Chic“; or alwmm nu-HI word; {h \Vnahmm « m Dvmm‘rat. “runs! 1"» are noun zi)‘ hewa. um harmoniously Hood's bumparzlh. u dm'; but only thor- at 1116 bemh show. â€"- rhedmatiun. parii - 7 . . . ,,, . , Jurxodwtmn m .1 n aL open lhu )‘vvnr' mum: ' cl «Ham u 1| In ”wan pose- of IBSPMImPhl Hwy h nencmg wm. 1514', y”: ‘14 b. revmed (\l-l) gt-a! (a? mummy no new It \al Jummwmuwu m ax r r94 d dlmwr 1mm fire, flow: 1 the maps and 1-131! shun ‘ aordlngly. Board- 01 nkleuorfl, rm .nd supervmoru or utensil “dad. lhl“ nun umr «a o :ju ”‘97): mal’5 ltld p...” n: x Aueumennz, an 1' he éoubiucolumn Mar” Um .(v of property. or me prm 1: fair volunun Bhlt, lmmx < first column and one hm. ‘ belnl .01 down In the m on: use-ed vfluauun . In mummy um up '1': am mot-t thn‘v 1r ‘Wnnu .A m. tenors. the 121w! me ru Ipf‘clholy In, 1:»: 7w um yhnrr hm! on {m .« 3 5.”: ”Hon (u [N 33.174): in }'i\’ “,4 Ion than 1? HI,ul“:1U‘ lownnhip orgayzzn‘ w' :mâ€" UNT ll (“x-unh'h may. ' \ \urt In the 11‘ mummy: )uhnil under ll)“'l).~h:}r ntuanmulh lrouurer u rA-«It’uil: 1h: (-1 In :11 101mm” :1 wmm.:u inhuman”, 1w: .‘ymy who Mann of «me (A), m. zuw u made u-um‘ 1.. Ha (ml-u! make (hr upsnumnm .1. rein he is Ell-(ltd . are ‘- l‘rrnxoa H n: (‘0 review. with 1m. 5.; vu-r or equalize xht- yawn-um” or dlnrms I: in <u',»f‘: In comma hanng mum in. three "lfmbrt’p {M 1e. th!’ memhrrr “r 1 mg oflive FG'I‘M'tUVnI)‘ If“! m yarn, thwtr (4: fixed by the county Imam. | m nu \hnnlz.’., hers. whammy of m. w chairman of UN «mm; cmnn 10 heappuilflrd M ch in counties nut umar ruw don. Hie county Imam un- Propért)‘ OI‘nl'rl are uqu ’ f Prfl‘lhlllhh nl III! used In tho “Hunt- On 9119 {In} L." 1m 1 uni of the F}K‘r1;ll:~u\_\ u; . ; 1) i’kllil‘v h In H n u nu: In boluu \\ ions of fin to effect Jun slx‘oei, ('1 Ulinuis apl)1m}m..zmi building and e \Lm.r> .At sinfippj and hm “an...” Omhu. (Sm. 'J;.- wr mi L‘OXIIIIHSAIHH. “4051 (I! \\ I}? peculm‘rl} “MALL-l their exprrmnu- 1.. ‘ n! n world's fun: ‘1 luv um; aside $2UJ/HU {m .-. Hm. for which has 17w n M :rt' the Illinois lmlh: ';' )un 0d uud the nrchilm 13mm 1 more prmvmis w MM} hen hadum NH. Mn! fuir. exvppxiny m I\ (;.§» unis. The Mr'm Ivrt‘ i.» n b' ation M ”m [mm-h ; as. with n .kupgw dim, . re is u vummm wiry! Of ’BUJUPSE Uri-Pk YJrhfh Inn: the nod) u' V: .1 1mm severity. mu] 1hr lb mm; renter mu» :m ,x ; H: M»! ing through lmll‘ Huhm dimonsinrn an u. - 1'“ {m the dome is. 11.5er My: '3’ 50.0001'91'! Uf\{>:u N has by IHinoira 17.1% M \«hu for the ngriczxiln": Y imp}: and QUJANI {Pi-f fur Yht' ll) hfibit. Construmlm, vurk )ng in umlvr nu} TL: 11 Of farm ilnph-HH'LH “lull The tollo'wing arr 1); 118de by lim‘ 7mm” u. McCormh-k. 01 | Law “ice 'presidvnr Clark E. "arr, y-valv' Wulilm H. Harm-2 CD John M, Smyzh. (‘thA I... 0. Goddprd, (‘Uu'hpn Ferdinand \\‘ 1’14)‘ x'.‘ will by far rxvp} v24 11] clan m sun-\‘anmn n-.\pu.~. \K‘Ilimn. h I Eduarn “ Lows H M Wuhan: H Laura): :16 J ‘ James A )1‘ Randall? SH “harm:- 1‘ H C. 1! 1m» MAN” I\ 1.66;}? "\x 'n‘. (‘harlm A M;., «hung» We. , 1 who Structure In I a Row Being Erm-md o ‘ Expoeztzon (3n ILLINOIS IH'ILDI THE REVENUE; ian ”II-IIIIII «I I|Ir ‘un VJL ”DH-e laun- an Cull Alnbul I20 ‘ llll'11)|H‘1 u 11‘ Il.4‘\1 [UH up ‘1 .1“ 1‘; u g,“ ILLINMS 1n L1!”

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