CMPLD Local History Collection

Highland Park News (1874), 11 Mar 1898, p. 1

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id’s 'ulcanizing. LUIS STE 2 of All Kinds. Park. Y0“ seen!” LUMBER DISTRIGT. L, $12 to $32. Grade $45.00 Swarm. d Crockery, " ice Candies. WARE. . . than"! In. o! M. rues Models ? parties I ‘pcunln . HIGHLAND PA RI. Assistant Supervisor. The mwn board met Monday and issistwn Siilwrvimr Hogan. instead of waiting to draw straws. simply withdn-w or resigned as assistant. leaving Supervisor Fletcher undis- turbed. The»! was a getter-nus “in! For county clerk we- hear uf no one but the present popular and etficivnt incumbenn Albert L. Hemlvr‘ and as we don‘t want the office. he is our choice. The county trvasurer handles lots uf money, belunging to u grout variety and number of separate- fnmls and accounts and it demands an e-xpert in book keeping‘etc. todu it Welland in a business like manner Hence Wee-think Mr. E. W. Parkhurst, thv Lilx-rtyville banker. stands lay far the better chance. He is cumpetvnt. skilled. accustmnml to business life uml Would till the- utfice with credit to himself and honor to the county. For sherifl'. we under-tam! Wanker gun in true to its historic modesty and has some three-or four cantlidatm‘ already in the field. with sewral back “(let-stricks" to be hmml iron). Little Highland Park. now that “'0 have. passed the 3000 mark in Impulution, ‘nbout thenumlwr of \Vuukegan the‘ first titty years uf its history has. become modest and so has n candi- date of it's own and a winner too! ‘ He would have W01} before, had nut the prem-nt incumbent been fixed in‘ advance. Highland Park. Deertield presents the name of Archibald W. Fletclu-r. for} next sheriff uf Lakv‘ County. We have nailed our ('ulurs to the mast head and say to the rest of the county. he l.~ tlw best mun within the county limits fur thepla'ce. Any one who has spent a fnw hours in Waukegan this \tht‘lx’ need not he told the political cauldron lwlletll. Then.- is the county trensurvr which seen“ to lie- tailzu hem cvn Mr. ll est- ‘ lake of Antioch and Mr. Purkhurstl of Lilwrtyvill». W» (lull t know an} ‘ thing about Mr. \Vestluku. otlwrthun ‘ that he: is a retired former. as we. understand it. But here is 011* sari ‘ ous obstacle. in his “uy, he will make} the third county treasurer from that corner of the county if not from one town. That 13 croniling the mourn- ers a little more than some of them liketo he pinhed. Then another; thing. there is going to be a big bolt 2 this time against the idea, as it was Expand to “that kinda» it than is “a good teller.” or it “would help, him out" etc, therefore he must be elected. There are lutn‘ of good fel- lers and many of them nendor Would l l l i appreciate lwiug helped out, whourv. no more lit for c:Minty/treasurer than ‘ they are to command a man of war._ run}! “I hum all Ins brnlxm’. 1'” anc may gun. Hm lmnlhrum'xl sulzlwr-t m run-«ms I‘ll make run! His priflmrfs. hidden m fun-fl and field. Shall nulrmm‘ xlu- fight Hi my gliltrr'mg Shldd, M y un' is Ihr pleasurv Hf hnnuinu L'nml (‘hcvr And helping to hrmmt-n mu‘h upmmw yrnrfi Bur svri m ummw hm. hrn- v mws in his might. Kmx SunJhth hm mmnr it” lmrnishml and Ixnght: Hr huls us no hmgn-rn- ~4hiu‘r um! quake Fur frur uf flu: tymnr “hose pzmcr he mm break. “I [much f-mh In rnnqm-r, my followers (rm- Shalh‘aum‘thc (mum! gunned hl!‘ mischief tn 'l‘hcv pmwc not for dawn-r. In [HIV urn: Mind. ()‘t-r \ m' .11).! m M‘nnm 1hr \‘ ru~.h like Hu- yx ”HIV .\'u halllk-t 1« (Mr \\ hu‘h tin-v plulw Iu invmlr. Xv. «in w ‘un- frum (hm! V .mvlnl-iikv rzmlv Jm'k Frmt N x Emu-m}. his uuhlu-r‘ :m' braw- ‘l‘ln-y mum at hm \mhlinu. his mum's.“ In sane ervulh-w {hm mzm‘h nu-r fun-s: um! “'0”. Thu} hmluvu'u (hr rpm-rs. they harden the VOL II]. f1 COUNTY POLITICS. SPRING SUNSHINE. I he Highland Park News. I M. I The announce ent in our last weeks issue in radial to the. mar- raige of Jacob R 'tenwaltl was in correct. Thai! 1 mm luft at our office as all righ i and we publishml it as such. We )ruposo to have a“ such things cor t, and regret the firm into whicl we “'er 19d. Miss Be ssie Hallgfumiéhml Hw mu sic of the afternoon and the ladies; ware entertainvd at ten in Mrs. \\. P. \Iurgan and M a .\e\\man. [The above reincztld us > aftvir last Week's waspublisliul. EDITOKNEWS.’ The ()ssuli Club hel' its regular meeting at the Highlu id Park Club Housenn Thursday. Hurt-h thn-tliird. at half after three u‘cl'kx'k. , The subject of the i meeting was “Sociology." Mrsl'hnl‘ler; MeQuistoli :of Fort Sheridan. wailing upaperon "The Theory of Evullitiou. as applied to Society." After (lulu-hing on the development of the dice. from. the family. through the tl‘ilmlstagetuthe nation, Mrs. McQuisRnn vunnidefetl the iiiilitiiry and indtlstrialcundit‘iuns‘ through which the natinns pass. While obedience. lo Inlty ‘and J)()lill’~ Hess are characteristic of ii ' rmilitary (lesputism. indifi'ererice to life, cun- tempt fur labor anllfst'orn of lmuw- ledge an- equally mérked and the in- dustrial stage, is th' productive of the highest develop lent of the race. What is the govern?wut of the 20th century to be? Socihlism or the ad- mimstratiun of justice by the state with all else left tofindividuul enter- s, d ' v prise . l But hesidvs all that 45 we said a matter to l1.1\ 1- thmn successful” or in 11 huh thew WPI‘F financially inter week or twuago.Mr. H mm has done gauizml into a populai muncal clubuestod. They haw evaded paying good work In the hog: and in detail as no new, man courtesv to a I‘uelevtio for the full could ; lens. be and having done we l one year. is wark and care and skill anal patiem‘o entitled lngoverv mn illeratiun of by the quantity. ' . l‘lvvrytlIiIIg. NU fur. M10111 1‘: _ m his l playing or pairing in» whoa,- snub hand on some importan Aggie". is doing his légil’iliiate puff. and filling familiar with thelmsinefs in general . his place exactly. 110 mon- and 110 That involv‘es time as well as P itheir fair proportion of use both. which had to be mined from oar citizens In 1axation.THay have ig numl ordinances puss-ml for the promotion of the liws (If ciiizvnu at a Alangvruus grmh- crossing. Thvy lmn- failed in furnish MK‘lI lflCillllt'fi 21ml mmnnnmlutinnn fur the- large pus familiar with thelmsinefs in general and in detail as no new, man could be and having done we I one year. is entitled by iovery mu ideratiun of courtesy to a ruelevtio for the full torn: Fort Sheridan are there imd uré en- titled t0 representation 111 theoouutv board. '1 noble thing to do PIKl it hi. just the kind of a thing Mr. Hogauiilms alwaw done since 1w first knew 5 him some fiftm-n yvars sign. Andun that ground. other things being equal._i we should favor his rtrrlection. as zit man who will do an manly and (liséiiten-sted a deed as that proves his fitness for re- election. Then that end 310! the town is entitled to tlw ussistuujl: it has large material interests. {he Post and the growing village of Higbwood or A CORRECTION. OSSLLI CLUB. HIGHLAND PARKJLL, MARCH 11, 1898. Whether gum! or bad. wisi- ur {nul- ish. the alderlnen lxmseas tho- sole pnwe-r tn Him-t the laws which gm. em the city. and i‘egulatv "H Inu- nicipul afl'mrs. Within their proper sphere of action they are supreme. The present and future welfare of the city must largely depend upon the wisdom with which its affairs am- mlministvrul. Man U! experi- It is nut my desire to ihtt‘rft’rt‘ with thv right of the people uf vuch ward tn sch-ct their uwn thvrlneu. It may nut. hmwwr. be unmidflml an interference to make a few mlgv gestiuns for their t-ureful consider- atinn. moment that [In-so ynung Im-n mmw out hm'v on their uwn Iwrsunal mvr- it. They are not rlmpvrmml by :1 mafia ul‘ pntmnosm-ss. but mm)» as worthy vollvgv students and giw u~ tlwir ln-st and \u- admire their (-nur- ago, Mr (-lmpcmnes, however 0mi- nont ur “(mu-mus (-xumm add a par» livlv m the cxcvllonce of the nutsh- -llmt all Ill-pends on tlw young: nwn. :u/nl so [lump couw ulonv. Lot us slmw mn- upprm-iuliuu of talent. vulture and special training. and above all of :I self-reliant :uul nolvln mnnlmml, Don‘t forget our own l’aul )lcQIIisIun loadu llw nmndu- lllls. hie-place exactly. no mon- and no less. That involv‘es time as well as Milk and care and Mid" and patiem‘o by the quantity. The cut herewith pulnlishml mn- ‘ tainn most of ihv nlmnlmrn nf the Chivagu l'nivcrsity (Hop and Man- dolin Hubs, who give an i-ntprtuin- mom tomorrow vwnlng in McDon- ald‘s hall. They are :1 fine hmly uf young im-n. an the picture slums. and smne of them are exceptionally fine artists. and as a wlmlo the «'lnhs have an enviable reputation for the length of time llgoy hn‘e lum in ll“? field. it is nine thing to have a score of excellent mush-inns. “each on his own hook,“ and it is quite :umther enm- nf Chara as nhlnnnvn. vml qtmlifical Hue sugge done. i lerc- him 1 ing tlw nigh much impart» twm-n the rit‘ and the .\ mmpnny. M wttlvuwnt. Thin mmpa dt-layH‘l over)" ‘0 us it is A RARE ENTERTAINMENT. A NOTE 0F WARNING. u main-r Man U! «uteri of no small A match .‘NX‘lHl undo-r tlw unspim-a of the Y‘ P. S. (‘, l5, uftln- limngvl icnl (‘hurch was held [it‘d c-n-ning ut the home Hf Mr. H. li. llrund. un Sacmid ntrm-t. Altliuiigh th» i-wu Jug thrI-ntvnml ruin. )i-t nvnrl)‘ fifty p(‘fMHI\Il~~’o'llll)lt*tl liu-L ‘l'b' tht- \ll ivu-r‘ begun tn lull. Tln- Mn “ii \\;;f "l""' ed With at llllhlt'ul In'ugruin inlvrqwr- Red by u {A-u' realm-t reading-i. Mi“ l.. \‘etter acting um-hairlady. Tho- piitlni and guitar m-lections we'rv highly up precinttd by all. >whih- thc- ludie-s' quartettt-wusmien! the na-w fi-utnrm (If the program. “'0 hupe tn lll'flr lllt' ladies again. Mr. G. L. \‘vttc-r with rmphutic gmticulatinnn di-pictn-d thi- horrors of tlw cunning Spanish Ann-r ican war. Afti-r the it!!! M-loctiou uf the liti-mr)‘ prugmm. M r. U. Brand a-xhibitml u hmnlrr ul init'rPriIHl and mirth pruniking i-ilhuuvttc-n. The Miriam A. lllsittel Hlfll L. Ffl‘it“ then uth-ndwl to the nlutt'h making and right Well did they nun-(«l in aiding the bashful parties in thv munpany. Then hilluwulvxmlleut and abundant ‘ rolrmhuwnts, “insisting“! sandwich- es, cakes. lemonade. t-tc. This warn the first social gathering held at the ‘ home of Mr. and Mrs. U. 8. Brand ‘ and they deserve a large manure of praise for the hospitable manner in , which they gnu-ted the mmuhem undi friends of the society to enjoy the‘ comforts uf (llPlf ll‘dllll’lll homo. wugvr tratfic nf thi-s' city as its iml'mr lamvn. and tho- (willfurt «If uur ('iti 7.0m alvnmmi. In \‘iv\\' «v! thaw we” klltm‘n furtm i~ it win-tn wlm't as uldvrnn-n tn prntm't the rights uf tht- l'ity :Igzlimt (-nrpurntc grew], mulwln‘uw «If that (-urlmrutiun‘f In it fair tu plm-v Nlfl‘h mnplnyvm. m. math-r hmv u'urth)‘. in a pusitiun whcro- thv)‘ un- rmiuin-d to m-rn- two man-tors.“ If tlu-ir her and but- ter nmum from ”It‘ ('hicugn and Northwmtt'rn railway (-umpany. in it rt‘umumhlv to impact tha-m t0 n-main luynl tn tha- city from .th'h they gat nu pa)": J‘ ('. (‘l'h‘llMtN Thvrc- him been qt .1” times. dnr ingthv right years. quesfiunn n! mm-himpcrtanoe m I» settled bu twm-n the rity Hf 'Highlzmd Park and the Nurtlm'kslrrn Railway company. Many Mich remain for SOCIAL. Yuur two pictures or any «Mn-r um of six you may salad. net in gold human. will lx- sent you from)! chargv ll desired after wing lhem. But-lost 10 ovum in stumps 0r silver tn [my llfltflg“ and packing. \(ltlrwu (‘1. To Univ. ('llit-ugu, Earl: ismw of l' p Tu Dutmhm beau tiful oulnrml from and luckund from furly m fifty large. humuruuu pictures by the famous affirm! I)! Amrricfl. Will lump all the family in guul humor {or a whole month. Twn large beautiful (“lured pick tun-n. fur framing free; also {our cop ins Irw- u! “H‘ fumoun iHquuted magnum. l'n Tn Data to anyuur who wantn tin-m. nn-ry “o-luqm-m am! fascinating "mum-r!" The zmwriatinn afN-r mnw wisr \vurdn frum the "Sagv of Amim'h." :uljnurm-d tn Hm call of flwprrsident. presumably in June in the heart of llu- lulu- rvgion of Lukr Conn”. The Wain-0min Leader and Wuukagan Damn-rut wan- nu‘ reprcwutvd. .-\ commuter was also appointed tn [In-pare (I (-unslimliun. «to. to he [’H‘hi‘flh‘d at thr m-xt meeting. Mvsnrs. Burke. Hartman. Lmuey and Hihhard wun- inn-strum“! to go he fun-Hm min-rvimrs in respect of thy matte-r u! publishing the“ records of [ht-5r [mm-941mg». which Hwy did in Iu Hm alhvrmrum in the. elegant ham-tum of tin-"Sun.”nftvr an hour's informal liiM'UhhiUll and inlorchuugt- uf \‘imnn, an organization was funn- c-d as follows: President. J. J. Burke: \‘icr prehidt'nt. Lewis B. Hib- lnmi: hwn-lur)‘. F. T. Nada-k9: trq-usnrvr. I). W. Hartman. Incense to \‘ulutizi. 1! “HS served in Landlord Murmy'u ban style» ind patrons of the old time honored “VYlukeng know what that mean?»- and it It”. vary. agjoy. ”M'mfifly tinny exciting thing anhehuiquo! was when Super- visor (‘mmiuu B. Easmn‘of West Deer- fle-Id camé m the banquating table and handed Editor Burke of Antioch a yvuru «Ida-riplion in advance for the News: vwry mun warned to get hold (If thnt munvy. hut Burke got it imu hia “Weasel skin" and that night lwfnr» hr xii-pi. had it safely dqmit rd in the Amid-h hunk. Mim‘v I’iv Apple: I Threw "dininguinhml grutlemen" 391'?!de Hm Inmpitality U! A. K. Sh-urm of HIP Sun in u dinm-r. or h-vhnivully spanking a “banquet" at th:- \Vuukvgan Huum- an follows: Swm-t ('urn. Lima If. lilgin Butter Spin-rm \Vlmlu Whom! ”rt-ad ”Mun Hukwl Beans Runs! Bod. Rum“ Pork Mildn-d I’uhlhrfi Builfil "UNI! Aqua I'um COUNTY PRESS A550ClATION. Two Benufllul Picture: Free. l’illuhury's Bur-l 13mm] Fri-huh Pudding Bananas Squash Lima “vans Applr l’it‘. ()ruuges (TUE!!- NO l5. R ivv Soup ‘utuhm

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