Secretary Long said at Washington that while the United States is not seek- ing war the government is preparing (or any cmergencies that may mfise, After serving as a Unifed States judge in the Norfolk (Va) district 24 years Judge Hughes has retired. The Nicaragua. canal commission es- timates that the cost of the work will be $100,000.000. ‘ The navy department has been in- formed of the arrival of the gunbont Newport at Aspinwal] with the Kid- umguun canal commissioners on board. Four tmmps wcrc asphyxinted in a refrigerator car at Fort Worth, Tex. They built a coal ï¬re in a stove and were overcome by the gas. Secrcturv Long xocnisnl :1 disnzncn from \1111151'111 Sivmi mfm 111111" him â€mt H10 cmut of inquirymto tl:1*\fui11e disaster “ill be 11111111111 to re 1111 um'5 conclusion (13101111: (‘111150 of the (mph)- sion untii after furthvr invostirralmn by the divers 110w at “01k 11,1111) the wreck The court has X‘Murned to Ha- vana to resume the iuvvstigntion there. Thr- Sownth «national bank and the Fourth strm't national bank in Philudul- Him have consolidated. Twenty head of valnnhln (Jum‘nsm‘ vows wz-ro burned to death on :1 stock farm near Bel-Wyn, I’a; Diamond thelz rgvst 4~Iophnnr m 041;) thin: {454441 at Peru, Ind. 114* “415 44414144 ut $10 4 944. ' grandmother and three children all of Bridgeport (‘onn , \wro (lrmx nml. Shep \\ 00d. a prominent 3 0mm farmâ€" er m, (‘ortlela' “(1.. shot and killed his brother Thomas in 21 quarrvl and then killed hlmsvlf'. The sohooner Speedwell capsized pfl' Marquesas‘ Hm. and ths- three childéeu of Capt. Collier and the entire Nichols family, mnsisï¬ng of father. mother, A judgmr‘nt 0f ouster “(as pm» nounced against Mayor John N. (Hood in the Circuit court at Springfield. 0.. for \‘iolaï¬on of the Garï¬eld untimorrnpt oiwtion pl'at-tice art. K lar: 0 dry kiln fell' 1n at Tcxarknna. Ark. .. killing Iixe persons. Large 1311pmenIS ofsuppfl'ies are 1101an sent to Cuba for the relic of the thou- sands 110w st.1r\ 111;; there. The condi- tions are declared much worse than in Armenia 111’ W. X\'.Ho1mrd,who has “sited hoth count1ios. n‘ An attempt was made to “'rvck the scum-bound passenger train of the .\tâ€" lama. Knoxville. Northern railway near ('nntmn Ga. As the Bostonia steamed out from her wharf at Cincinnati for Louisville eight colored rousmhouts were thrown into the river and four were drowned. The Ohio Icgislatï¬re passed a bill au- thorizing the governor to appoint wom- en notaries public and itis now a law. Martial law has been declnrved at Skaguay. Alaskn‘ and United States troops are enforcing law. A concurrent resolutioni'leclnring for biennial sessions of the legislature was passed in the New York aSSembly. The main buildings of the trans-Mis- sissippi exposition at Omaha are nearly ready and exhibits have begun to ur- rive. 15' the Bursting of an engine béiior near Brewton. Al:1.. \Villium Kelso. An- drew JV Enirght. Arthur Atkins. Peter Thomas. David Alston and U. W. Thom- as (laborers) were killed. The aileged fllibusteriDuuntJess, un- der guard at Jacksonville. Fla. bus slipped mm V t6 Cuba. earn Eng recruits and 1 000 rifles ; DOMESTIC. The national pure food and drug; congress met in Washington. ‘5 The senate on the 4th pasged tho bill ex} tending the homestead laws and provid? lng for right of way for railroads in xh district or Alaska...,In the house the pen sion and consular and diplomatic appraq' priatlon bills were passed and sent m Lhd president. AL (he night 3933101132 anslonl bills and nine relief bills were passvd. Ad-ï¬ Journed to the ’th. In the senate on the 3d aha house umv d- monts to the bankruptcy hill were hour 11 curred in and a conterenre committee ‘ 3 name The» rosolutxon {or a. (-ungresslo l Inn-stigation or the murder or the po l master at Lake City, S. (3.. was referred ‘ o acommittee‘mln the house the Loud hill 0 correct alleged abuses at the se<‘cnd««-Ia 5 mail maner privllvgv was 1qu on the u “ by :1 vote of 103:) {0119, 3 A {avarablv report was mad» in thcgfl 9n- ate on the 2d on the joint resolution to: an Investigation of the recent killing ofï¬thu colored postman»? at [rake City, S. (f; A long debate took lece on the Alas an homestead and right of way MIL... he nous? spent the time upon the Loud pm relating to sevond-vlass mail matter‘ 1 Proceedings of First Regular Son-ion INTELLIGENCE FROM ALL PARTS HIGHLAND PARK. Casualties and Fires, Personal and Po- litical Notes. Business Failures and Resumptions. Weather Record, gighlnud @ark itméï¬. ROUND ABOUT THE WORLD Happenings of the Past Seven Days in Brief. THE WEEK’S NEWS BY EVANS 3:. FORREST“ CONGRESSIONAL. ILLINOIS. T‘e nave! court of inquiry reached Haï¬ma from Key West and went to work promptly to ï¬nish what business renï¬xins to be done at the earliest pos- sible date. Gtintz Arabs pillaged the Jewish qunfters at Tatza, Morocco. killing maq‘y of the men and abducting the women. T e Anglo-German loan of £16,000.- 000 has been ratiï¬ed by Chinese im- pen I decree. Japan is said to be rendx tn soizp thr.‘ I‘hiiippinc islands should the (‘uhan quenion result in hostilities between Spain and the United States. Right-l chiefs in the Philippine islands areasaid to be plotting for nnotlxcr re- belgon against Spanish rule. FOREIGN. 11‘ governments 01.111111111.(1111'11111115' (11.1.1;t 5110111111 han- rmlu'd the 511119 111“ 1141 1111-111 111 \\':1s~11it1}:1(111 1'01 111111111s‘111 111111‘ 51111101x “1111 \\'11'1‘ :1111011" 1111‘ \1111111s111 1111) 31113111' (1151\111‘. 11“ 111115 110111 1121:1113 >1111u 111:11 1111‘ 1111?“ 11:111- $11-111'v11 {11 1‘1111 r 11r1111ls 111111 1111‘ \1111111- \\::1 11111111\11111\.1111\\11111:11 1\[fl(1>11111.'1'114‘ 1111\11 1111:1111 11111;. 11111 11“ $11111 111 11.11111- 11111<1~ “‘1101-111111111111-11 1110 01111 131*. 11111 it 15110111111111 1111-1111'11- H‘rjs nmx' 1'11 5111-1151111111-1111'11 Spain \\'111 be required to show who was respon- 55mg: V\ I‘ $1111We John V1111 ton 111111111'011. 0x- Ymgnsurer 01' 1111:11011fw10rntv st: 110s (110d 11111111111111111‘ \ :1. . aged" . .'1_1 0111 \ Hugh .1. .vaort, the famous mi1roa11 ï¬nilncier, 1111-11 in New York. uged M _\r1_1rs. farm]111111111'11-kx11‘11'11:111'1111' Springs a\1‘ ‘ 11v 1111\‘111’111111411'11‘5 11111111111110 fur-1‘11 111'11'11111111111'111115011111'1'1110 Hahn ( hurltnn. for nine \ ours a mem- be}. of tlw board of I uiwd “tan-s In- (“er commissiunors. died at his homo 1n 110k .\. 3 . mwd (1‘ \' 0.11%. "10v. Dr. Jnlm Fulton. aged 82 yours, pastor of the First Baptist church in Abilene, RAIL, dim] sufldvnly of paraly- g. Fred Firm-outs am Frank .Tucknmn 'v scntvnvcd at (‘rostnm I'm. 10 im« 1! sunnwnt for life at hard labor for at- tg-mptod Maximum-king. {0th an- pkmng nmn \drixm Ih'ann, :1 convict in Sing: Sing (§ 1.) prisun, murdered his wife. who Was paying him :1 visit. 3 Adolph L. Luetgert was taken from the jail In Chicago to the state prison ‘ t Jolie! nnder'n life sentan-c for the =murder of his wife. ‘: Dr.» Edwin Klebs, professor of pathol- a‘my and bacteriology in u (‘hiongo mul- ix‘ul schnol. has discovered the cause of fellow fm‘vr. Crazed by jealousy C. W. Wood mur- dered Mrs. Irene Breider and aflerwnrd Sent mbullet through his own brain at Ottawa, 111. It is announced that 38 United States war ships will be at Key West and vicinity within the next 80 dnys.,_ 111 u tenement house ï¬re in Pins. burghâ€. I‘m. Mrs. John Enriello was suf- focutod and four persons were family burned. Alfred Splleuly, n 25-}‘enr~old stvn~ ogrnphor, killed 10-year-old Libbie Ilruuschnnd nt (,‘Nlar Rapids. ln.‘ and then killed himself. X0 cause I’m“ the tragedy is known. Adolph Kmus. tax-president of the civil service commission; Dudley “'in- ston. Hempstend Washburno and Rob- ort Lindblom members of the commis- sion. were indicted b3 the grand jur) in Chicago on charges of violation of the chi] service law. The tug Underwriter, rvpnrted to have been lost while en route to Hu- vana. has renched the (‘haï¬oston (S. C.) harbor after a rough pnssngu President McKinley has n‘fnsml :1 roâ€" qxu-st from the Spanish gm‘u‘nrm-nt that (‘nnqu-Geneml Loo, he reculh'd from Cuba, and‘niso a request that Hm American war ships w \ich have born designated to carry supplivs 10 Cuba for the relief of the sufferers there be replaced by merchant vessels. At, Biddoford, Me.‘ the strike of the 3,500 employvs of the I’opporvl and Lu- vonin cotton mannfnoturim: (-nrporn- tinnsnvhivhbeganJannnry17,11351wvn devlflrml ofl'. Will Jones (colored) was [\‘nclwd at Lake Cormorant, .\lisS.. by a mob for assaulting n onlored woman. At 11 cabinet meeting in Washington mrvward of $.50!) was ofl’crml for Hm arrest of the murdm'ors of l‘osnnustor Baker at Lake City. S. C. “Kid" McCoy. of lndinnn. rhumpinn middle-“right pngilist of the wnrld, defvnted Nick Hurley. of California. in Hot Springs. Ark" in the serum) ruund. Advices from Tacoma. Wash†say “mt 20,000 persons are moving across (‘hilknt and White passes toward Klon- (like. The uxvhungos at the h‘nding chunk ing houses in the. l'niu-d 513105 during Hui week ended on ï¬le 4th uggregutvd $1.541. 55.20% against $1CJU1.7"4.15“HR3 [irvyirim “(’é'k. 1 ho erousc command with the corresponding week of H117 “le 17519. In all portions of the Country all signs point to an unprocwlvuted vol- ume of business being done, There were 251 bnsinesa failures in the United Skates in the sm‘vn days entlvd on the 4th, against 233 the wnck previous and 246 in the corrvspundiug period of 1897. Gen. Merritt has returned to Wash- ington from his tour of iuspm-tiun of the southern coast fortifivntions. great- Iy pleased with the conditions he found prevailing. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL respon- In Chicago Henry Levesnn "fled twn ten-pound dumbbens nhove Ms head 4,500 times in two hours and 49 minutes, breaking the record, which wan three hours. Advices from Peking my Russia has iemd Port Arthur and Ta-Lien-Wan in China for 99 years. The naval court of inquiry in Havana. continued its examination of divers and gave considerable time to close per- sonal inspection of portions of the wreck of the Maine. Spaniards seized the American schooner Esther on the snuthr‘rn must 1)! Cuba, but. she was noon relonsml. I‘rcsirlvnt Mvh'ink‘y has Aignml 1h!- hm providing for two ndditimm! rvgi- mQ-nts of artillery to man Hu- man! do- fensos. (‘unmmmivr lirxmvwm. 1 «Mini frmn New Yurk furl nuthnrity to buy \\1H‘.\']Iip> forthix‘mn'vrmm‘nt wwinn m: 'I’mmhu‘. \1 m‘ HIP luxntiun qmwt in: 2hr \lit'hi has nu: â€w M: rhm‘vh Imlivntinns at 1110 tvnsion hot“ am] Spain has I) tinn Hf ('1)!),L"Y‘P\'5 at the disï¬usn} : T110 I'nitwi S1: cry suilvd from m 1:1](9'1IH’DLH'I‘ \(Innw Kansas ernMican: state convention at June“. I'I‘Q‘Si1iK‘1H MrKinivy hm: unpainted William J Calhoun. nf Illinois. inn-r- state vmnnwrm‘ vununissinnvr. “mm 400 pm‘sons nrv ufl'm-h‘d In u kfrike‘ nt 1110 lk-rknmn \xrmlcn mii's in (1N0! flLd. 0.. for :m im‘rpnsv of un pt-r cm! in “nun-.8 Thv Inmpnny had agreed to 2mm thc- im‘rc-nu- \pri! 1 Kansas ropuhiicans “in 1mm thl‘ir Spain hus withdrawn )wr n-qm-st for the 1‘90““ of (‘mmul-(mern! Lo». and it is lwlim‘mt that tlm int-idem is prac- tically Maxed. It has lwrn din-Mm! by tho nm)‘ de-purtIm-nt tum-m1 thvt-ruisrr Mrmtpmncn' tn Hm'nnn to tukv â€11‘ plm‘t‘ loft \ucnnt by the destruction of tho Mninv. ‘ Negmintinns have been begun look- ing to the purchnso by the navy dc- pnrtment of smvrul irmu'luds and nnmv 0f the larger Mass 0! torpedo boat de- stroyers. A frrsh rem-Him] hns Iu‘ukvn out in the Philippim's mu] 53 Spanish soldivrs have been killwl. Cm. l‘inm'. The l'nited Staten supre£ne court has declared unconstitutional the Ne- bruskn maximum height rnto m‘t, ‘ The ï¬re loss of the United States nnd (‘annda duri the month of February amounted tï¬mzmoo. min“. 88,676.- 750 in the an ac month Int year. Thv schooner “aunties: was seized by ‘the government at .hmksnnville, Flu., ‘01: n chnrgv of ï¬libustering. Thrc’e members of the “Roh'lwrs‘ ' Hons!†hund nf nlltlu\\s \u-rv (‘npturvd I] in tho mmmtnins m-ur 2h» \\'_\'uming- Colorado boundary line and lym'hl-(I. In 1} ï¬re punic In Germanin hall in . Hartford. (‘mm.. nine persons were ae- ‘ riously injured. The naval board of inquiry into the Maine. disaster continued its investiga- tions in Havnnn. nnd it ix expvvted that the Work will be ï¬nished in a few dnvx. Mnbel Kontimz, the â€queen of pivkâ€" packets " w mnhul and {Man “nundx d in "Sun Pram-ism by. Jen) Sullimn. The mceipts of the governan for the‘ï¬scnl year up to the 7th haw been $232.39~.481; expenditures. $2s(u,243,bL’f-; excess of receipt: uvor expenditunu, 2,152,055. Mr. and Mrs. Justin Aleumzh-r. 1m agml couple residing at Mentnr. 0., were asphyxiuted by gun from a con! .shwe. 1:1 rim A mrm‘ugv “us row-inn] {rum 1):» )muu- (-nnu‘ying tku- hill upprnpriutiuu $3“. 000.001) for HHUHIHH deft-um- unrf if “as “Jen-I'd tu Hn- upprupriutinxu munmi!» (0". The humw, by llnnnimmu \ntv. pussvd thc‘ hill appropriating $30,000.00†to he used ut the- dim'rmiun nf the prrbi- dent in nntinuul defenses. The Rossini) u! the l'nitml Maura svn~ ate on 1hr 71): nus drum-d tn w'unhilh‘rih Hon 0! Un‘ Diatric‘ u! (himnhiu npprw priutinn lIiH. Smnznnr .\an (NHL) pr»~ suited tln- pctitiuu u! I‘JWU ruihul‘v nu-n 0! l’mms} l\':mi.’\ in fuwur n! Ivyis» lntiun tn prvn-nl the “1an of 1hr \u'i! 0f injunvlinm. In Hu- DUUM' the 1m! prmiqling fur 1Ҡudditinmll hymn-nix of artillery wma passed. Mr. (’nmmn (UL) intrmim-ml n I‘(‘Nih\hnh npprulu'i- Ming $50.:‘nmmm fur thv nut“ xml du- fQ-uso'. uml Mr. Nurtun ((LI inlrmlm-ml a rmmluliun for â€H- vunxixlu-rulinn of in joint resululiun In ru'rmm/e- the inde- Anwrivann are making hurried preparations to fem-(- annnn. ('nnxu-r‘ [union prmnils among Hu-m «In m-onum of the rumors of â€w Wurlikc- attitude of Spain nml (hv l‘nilml Slulcs. Owr iii) prrnuns lust lhx-ir lives In a burning mim- in lm-slnu, Prussia Walter I}. linker. United State‘s cun- su! nt Sugun In Gmnde. Cubn, has ro~ signed. Four ï¬shing n-ssvlu lwhmymg n Memet, Prussia. “en- wrm-krd in ltorm nml lvn flshcrmen \\ vn‘ drowned ank I vptvd u trnpnlil in \\';r~ \ lu'v‘xx‘ nk Ih’ixml. nfli\:m<1m‘..fll._ M] H OH†In tho- [azldul‘nh-tvf pal-51:â€) \yl'VhINHKE {Elvin-(mu! “Inhilghln. “(X (mum. niuht mum" of â€mu mm“ :1! Orrxiilo. 0.. and 1: nt Aiming SHL’I’M :n‘t‘ mi~~my~ (“1w hco. ll) {Hr K. \V m un tho n Nil}: '1 Mm» th' m' NHL'I’M urn H]i\\ ilewl n will «mm 1h; lshingtnn LATER. -rui~ \ert ‘I'f‘ ‘1le H Hulvhinmm on H!!! niun (I l)“ \I in In Hf n T(‘ Ht r0 that Sinh‘s‘ Un'nr'~ ruihul‘v n! Ivyis» 1hr \u'i! the 1m! pinu-nh (’nnnnh fly. in hot. I naked on over. Wu not. sblo to rule myself up some at tho time. I had no lppetim tad was no nervoun um I could hardly sleep. I have hken but two bottlel of your Compound and feel like another person. an now cu and sleep to Mention, in fact, an perioctly wenâ€"Mn. SUI HOCULLown. Adllj, W. Va. Lyman.PIIIham’sVexeuMcCommaMWomal'slemeayforan'sll-b wn m: we“); be men! flare without meiving ()nmwl \K‘llha P111511 Four Women “ruinedâ€"Axon!- Io Srll Murat Hal- nt-nd‘n Great (‘uhn Book: All Mmut, ( ulna, Mun" mm! “in; mm! m Ulcmvnt; mononc Lu.†1!; our agent mid Iimhtysrvvn H) mm uh). .‘lHUlhtr madx- 8mm in one lmur. 6m .upm; maximum-m iHursU’ulum‘; phnlugmwn. pix-.1 lmv prim", “‘1‘ gnnrnnlm-lhx-[nu-1 Iilu‘rul h-rmu; freight paid. 2011..†lf(‘<ll(; nullil {rt-e; send (Hm)- urn! ï¬tnmiw tn [nu pustng'; 'I‘HIC HHH‘L' HUI'SJC. â€24 Ihlarhurn N .(‘hwumï¬n Iâ€. .nr. uuu uviu tut ï¬rst box he began to improve. “'lien he hnd taken nine boxes he was completely cured. Thin famoua blood and nerve medicine had accomplished what all big former expenlive treatment fouled to ac- compliah. Mr. Mm r ny- hio utu-rli hu entirely left him; it: in Itrong unit: Ind weighl nine pounds more than he ever did. He given the pills the entire credit. He in Martin; tear-hing l sin and feels nbundnntly nble to mnlinue (ï¬e work. To prove that the above in true in every m ct, Mr. Kem- per makes an afï¬davit as fol owe: Subscnlmd and sworn to before me this the lOtli dav of {\‘e itemlwr, 1897. ' ‘ll. 1’. YAT'I‘, Notary Public. “(1 doultt if these pills haw an equal in all the rangt- of medmnv. fur l-mlding up a run down and debilitated system. Perm)? who thinkVthey are misundvr atom! are n-nHy understood {nu well.-Chl mgu Rowrd. In ‘ , , .7." ._.‘ . ..,. _.. .. W... .. "mm. In uddnmn to kn: “min-n, Mr. Kemp†wan tcachiu n whoa] home three miles from hm homz. nnnlly, 1m â€revive uudy and the exposure of oinx In Ind from urban] m illnklnd- of you! er_undcrmmed his huallh. Drtuunnvd (u rm- m hm rlmwn prufvs Rum an an l‘dUl'ilIUl. Him->1 hvnnwr, M l’wrwlun, 1nd,, nH-qumi hum-r1! mentally and 1.!1,\.~n.nil). No I.â€- umlullnuu. Inn 1mm) “in Mun)! nu hm “ulk. Frum mxl)‘ lnnl‘ll unnl late ul uxght he (onlmanlly yuxbd ou-r his lmukn. "“Ul'lll'd the candlr nt lmlh ends." me' pcrmna, even \\ Ilh liu‘ nuongul (-onr Ili‘tutiopf. can keep up ungh-I sgqh A ulrmn. Ptlclie-l You-3 “fa-nu Ind-'1 n In! to lie Arou-ed ll .‘lgln. Kmm (‘ity hm- “ lean mm 301an mar- rird Wonmn \\ ho “km a u-ly [xl‘lniln' vie-w of ghouls and Ito-culled am 1! numlirnuhnnm ‘ Shr nu {orwd to I ‘hd u mgm alum In I ‘ 8!. 14min hate). hvr K‘mlmnd hang damned ‘ rlsn‘hvre lv)‘ humm-m. ln Hu- dud n! 1hr ' mght Ihr “an nxquc-nm! out n) a mum! pin-p by a lH-IIu-ndum num- m 1hr “uhllnhv h “an Huh 4 nuddvn mu} unnn'lhb Ill-rm" Hm! Hu- “unmn, Mllmlllv um] Inn-1w"! Nmugh th' “An, vun highlrhml '] hr llI-IN’ ('qu‘d. HIM! rl'lulIu-nl. '[ hr \1 Huhâ€: )umpm‘ up. huhh-J Hu- gm, hxni unuiv u llnrlnuxh M'Jh'h [nth u! (hr uunhufu- nllli Hâ€, lHHIH 'Hn'n' uun’ rmHnn M! (at m Mn N nirru :- of thy srnmw “rm u m h (HUM unnunl fur Hm mrlvl. 'Hu- uumnn In! um Hw huh! and \u-m hmk \u lmL J‘ln- mmzr um» um re pt'alnl. "\Vm'l. \nn flu-Y 10†In" muflwr." 1hr» Knit]. "Hm! (hr m'xl lnnv nhv “nnhs In mnnmnm min “-an nu- nnt tn unlu- my I: nnnnfnl rm'k e! In Hm dead or mght and HmMrn Im- half out of my u-nne-n.“ ( 111mg“ (‘hmnu 1v. wmnun “.13 m 3":le Flux“ hut hint“ In her Me nml r|.|~,l\. xhv “(NM '1 u M mg; Alum»! nunwdmlrh â€(h-d plum '-,-I turn“! 'nu: pm!!! u \nur mullu Mn. and :-)u- «an Hm! M\l â€n." Hul‘ (My-u dnh‘ h)†uh- \u! I )uu In Inn-um n llw lH:lemlv1.."1 lmuu CHIDED HER MOTHER‘S SPIRIT. Thr AN OVERWORKED BRAIN. I-‘rom the Juana, )‘u'nwlun. 1nd MRS. PINKHAM CONQUERS BACKACHE. "It \ thlv}. 5'! lmun nmn'n [IIJI‘UL ul gum! m-mw dnl no! mbn afh-rwunl .1: H1 Sun Hum Who Owe Their Present Happiness to ‘illl I'lumhun and lur â€I We nml with out u! on» 1M {:1 u Murthnqn nun-L Inedmlrh thl- mv-dvnm. n lnrnrd In hrr and MW" rur mulhvr [h [Irma-M. mndr Hm! nu â€:me up“ mum :‘h‘ 1")!“11l‘ti !: «ummum n 'lnnI1’1““)2IUFUI’I‘in DEAR Mm. I’mKruxzâ€"Whon I wrote to you last June, I wns nul able to do anything. I suffered with back- ache, hvudache, bearing-down pains. pains in my lower limbs, and mchcd all through my body. Menstruation- Wcre very painful. I was almost, a skeleton. I fol- lowed your advice and now am Well and fleshy. and able to do all my own houwwurk. I look medu-me from I. | physician for ovrr :1 your, and it (lid nut do me a partlclo of good, I “‘1an advise all sufl'yrim: Wumvn to write to Mrs. l’inkham. ï¬lm will ansvw-r all lctwrn promptly, and tell them how u; cure thwxe m-lxos and pains becom- mon to women.~Â¥rs. C. L.\\’l.\.\‘. Marquez. Tvxas. I 4\.:. 1 1. ' , ...‘u ‘uxu. J|Aa I think it. is my autjv to write and let you know wh'at your medicine has dune for me. 1-‘cr two f‘V'afal suffered “111] female Weakness, bearing-down pains. headache. bm'hathv, and {no frequent. occurn-uce of the menses. I was always cmnplm'uing'. My husband urged me to try your \‘egetal 1c Compoundv and I ï¬nally did. 1 have tulu-n three butLlcs and it has made the fuel like a dif- feren‘ woman. 1 udxise every Woman that suffer: to take your medicine and be curedâ€"Mrs. 6mm†Llf‘HTY. 612 S. Prince St. Lancaster, Pa. 1 bad Suffered {or over two years with backache. headache. dizziness, nervousness, falling and ulceration of the womb. leucorrhma. and about every ill a woman could have. I had tried doctors. but with no success, and it seemed as though death was the only relic! for-me. Alberusingflve bottlesof LydiaE. Piukham‘s VegcmblcCompound. and four packageaot Smutive Wish. I am Well. Have had no more p313, womb trouble. bickache or heAdIchenâ€" Mrs. Cucnu Earmcm Ridge. N. J. "8 Vegetable Compound. m-w-r, 1h? and lur HIP There is nn rhyme {Hr snvvr. but it 'inzlel with gold very nn-z-l)‘ 74 ‘bmlgu DaHyJNer. * . Don't, bond “In! a Lillv. SI, Jarnlm()11 W111 vuxo- _\-:ur hm}: bark. Rupture, Hurm'un‘. Bunk (r09 \K‘rileforh. Luz-H Sherman, Nmialisl.Mt.\'crnou.N Y. {Ahms Mm:- Hm 19m]: arm-n lmns. March | )3 Janwn 0 .‘\q 3H m ' xr‘gmmu." tulluwed ; 'by “ \lonle (‘ nah: ' and “The bad Heart." The llpeculntors “-th m’u-n have to bear \hc Daily News. A man who does not know how to )earn frtrm his mnzialwa turns 1)m_hent srhnnl- mubtvr out of 1m Linâ€"41cm) \\ an d Beecher. It in hi. on malt Vvigorom and nobie u.» tion that man feels wulnn humelf, u Jt were, tho very pulse of the divine energy.â€" George S. Mernam. .77.". "--..v vv 1-. lmlllL l\ "llll fl UGIIT K knowledge, 1nd u: ardent love of truth:- Pint-rob. Wâ€" Wéth c015! Neunlgin increuea. With St. Juobo On! it decmoeutnducund. . The mind require-$02. )ike an earthen vessel, ‘0 be k? I full; comcmunt food and )atlme'nt. only “Lil ï¬xing it 33M: a desire of funnnl dunner, and l Hunk you that," That nut-am 0m» Ins hon-mun (hrnugh. and “as .1 HIM. In Indy wae flllVlHHh ht have a†Klll‘flli understand xtv Sn, m.- gaH‘n-red about the table. she Hurriugh. and “as .1 H‘I|('9. but the ï¬ttle Indy wm anwum xn have all her um" mums understand xtv Su, M.- tlu-y were gum-red about (ho 13M». she explained: "Mnmma mu (hm Hus 1:~ Mll‘h un in» form) dmm-r {hat we need not have gncc lo»da_\n"â€"N. 3‘ Tunes. gnu-g Even a baby was «'urm “y 5L Jan-ulna 011. Ht Hood’é Pius :2 No Need [or (ï¬r-cc. A tiny girl 0! newer nr thereabouu r. a dmm-r party Hw ulhrr day, fur w id) 12 run-la \A’t‘rv Iznd. :mj than number 0! mm†nmdvm um «Lmn m dune. ll wnu n11]Milomrl'udunnm‘aml\lwhttle boutm hvrwh DI'(‘hldl‘d. :4ng .H Um head of lho lqu. but uhc “as unnuua, m 100k"! for- :nrd (0 x1, 10 do L‘Vcrytinng «a it shou d be “"0, "Human," she asked, “aha†we say If he was 3 "mph from rheumatism, be 1311' I no“. bx. “lambs (nl «und bun. In Amerlcu‘l art-ates: Mvdlrim Cl: It: for ‘ Prepared by ('. 1 â€and a (‘n , Lowell. Nut. erupximn are rt'uulkl linud'a Barsupnrilla expela all impurmm {mm the blood and makes it rich and uourinhinc It builds up the m-rwus crux/am. urorvomes that tired feeling, rronwn an (am-Mn», {was sweet, n-frunhlnu 310111 and rum-wad energy and wgnr ll curm- ail npnng humor-I. both, punpla nud eruptions Hood’SSSL'rï¬fa You flood to Take Hood's Unru- pnrllla Now. Spring is the temwn fur vlennsing 1nd rem-wing Ewrymhore uwulxnlxlutxoua of was!» un- 1mm: Numvnd and )H‘l'plrl- Um.» fur the m-w Hr- of ahnlhm' Demon are bt'lng made This I: the 1mm fur :'»e:mmHg your blnod. \Vmu‘r has loft Um blond im- pun- .pfln' Numon, Bonn, pimples, Spring is the Cleansing Season~ Don't Neglect Your Health. Blood Humors MrV Iekor'n The-tor. (‘hlengo‘ n," .53.; mammm “z: m†be a ï¬erv in- :1 dmnn, and 111mm \ou need not do n Pinkhun‘s Vegehbl. rith female campaign My back Ichad um. Wu“ up some at tho 0m» Ins r-orvmun)‘ to be arr the only In. lo uh. wnh Hood] rupufms N! u! n hum had an‘ Mons but? the market los.‘(‘s-{‘h|(‘aK0 :on O é T $A Fronï¬ tux Luxu w m.-[ â€â€œ1 duo: 1 their! "The preacher Iol' gran'aud he‘l that he pmu-d m “mu-nun! In! [)1 them both 1 mlgbl) men-L n Arum-r H! (L- l Nnrc-«VUMLH In! a "Non-r )u-IL m ed lhiL ".m- i nu: “hrun‘dm: “AL Smprrmmn» â€t.‘ Rind 0f Hmtlncl. and it p‘uidm ul sinus. and 1! \w'< ihere “(mid luv 11 and. No“. uh ride {rum \ In]: in with arirmm that night um) The new dug me where me pn-uc quark-r}; moan J’ou)‘ count), l the Wonnhs. and cabins “2H. pun And-mud (1.1mm. houses pran and travel. and Mn- “lin- nmrrim in' :11):- grand“ N hr "0! “‘1‘ "H in‘“ lnIiu‘ jun \\ h D 1pm]! UN\I bin “'1 lam h'Mwl ! "uu' gl'ull'd'uu Hun 'gumbt nhim- my 1““ huu‘wl ul “)4 prior, mm rhuuull (Aplunwu. "He 1 honest 10.3w Ilmk Ural Jun-n: n fuw (‘uin'l LK' lumeu' I The-y jug' .umg" and m‘puuwm. dud lu'rp “.1 n at†dlmW an 1.;iu s) . “Dunn ' mum prnpvl’ shun u! m "Au,“ bnda rcpt lip and damping ll (‘umlun .; .«umnl 51v! go! um-u :: dud. (In; n . 11mm} u L cuuun}, \\ did“ \ Iu-m â€I“ ungumu . )uun, um: Ni.» :14 as l nu. u.._\ Ax. u. ‘63., but A m nu!" )ou go m: :....:V)' Jun' n bln. m... 4 boun in twin: u! I dowry “Mn ,1 xuq plum dug lu (Loki Mur} um ! um luJ Coul'lm that n In)“ h» ln'! luxuu. ’.~ I 6.1“... nun .u 1‘ n. his rumba «ml nu "New H .n n M ain‘t um- i" w: u . thought ‘i .A gnu lbflllll‘tl \L- ‘1-" All .«H, pnm «mm. It ll bhll‘h'v .4! bid mad. 'uu' in. .1 l1 hit-u lo 3: ‘2. mm drruun' m. u-:_\ ‘ IIIV “1' I furl mu Umru Hamm- l “.3 in' my mu. u! n lily." nunu‘u an; (lined n, I U'l‘r, inn- .Ix )n-mi. hlul Uu‘nugh ! ht’l) rium; 18* Many: “le i‘u‘.‘ t-u-m «I! . (Ayn!) 2% M (m Hu H) 0n ‘ht lwllvu â€A.“ bur-h ll uh ’n'l LAME! Ju «nu: H fill L All H By Lou IL In U. ml >I ml r 1“ h< I“