A nmv doparmwnt of the army 11:1 been (ambushed. with heath‘nmrtersa; Atlanta, Um. to he commanded by Gen? Graham. ! Arrangements have been completeï¬ for the mobilization of the army on 111? Atlantic coast. Prince Albert of Delrrium was gircix a dinner [W the president at the 6* ecuthe m 'msion. Gen. Groeiy. chief signal ofï¬cer, ha}: been orrlared to establish rapid rele- gmph connections between the sen coast, fortiï¬cations. i A gale smopt me bay of San Fran"- cisco \x racking: many vessels and can:- ing a loss of $200 006. For the past eight months the increa+ over the exports of domestic products for the same period last yearhas been $63,842,000. “ ‘ 7 Rose Miller and her daughter. Winnié 'Adington, were fatally shot. at Erppirq, 0.. by David MbCoy, a rejected suitor of Mrs. Miller. ; ‘ There were 348 business failures it) the {Tufted States in the sewn (luvs ended on the 11th, against 251 the xx 09k prcrimm and 256 in the corresponding peflod o! 1897. ‘ John I Driwni, a teacher of shod hand in \nsluiiie Tenn. .. Lompellpd his wife to take moxphjne and then kineh himself “ith the same drug. I’mort? was the muse; ' A dispatch from “ashingtm says that orders have been issued for thy immediate mnnnim;r bf hitherto 11mm;- liscned {cits fiom Boston doxni the \I- inntic coast and along the gulf to Gal- ".(‘EIOH ’ There “are 348 business failures It) ‘Ln 1'. ‘2A,1 ru,‘, per 0011'. of 111:: \ear‘~zroro>p: corn. 7x" : 000. 000 bushels 01-411 peru‘nt of 1115’! year s crop. The agrivultm‘ï¬l department crop rg’ port shows “heat in farmers‘ ham“, 121030.000 bu<hels. equivalent to “3:25) DOMESTIC. (‘01..\f._\f.l'arker of\\as11ingtah “ho \isitml ( 11‘. 1:1 113111 the senatorial 1mm“, saidin '1111'11101'1' 10“ :1t hm \\ est that th(‘ famine snï¬â€˜vring: 11111} aw ful dustihnioé among the reconeentmdos “as 111111» scribable; that ens-r5 Arum-111111 111(1111a "was “atvhcd as thourm he “ore a (‘Iiilb inah1hz1t the Spaniards 111110 111; and do not hesitate to 531 so, and that awryL one 111 “(Hana knous that the Mumb “11.3111101111111121111 111011111111. A bill to revive the grade «if Iier‘urmtum geneml in the army was roporxrd favorably In the senatv on the lvtth from {go comâ€" mute» on military affairs. The nomimmun of \Villiam .1. Calhoun. of Illinois, 50 M‘ m- lersxaxe commerce commission: 1', Was con- ï¬rmed. Adjourned to the “thwaln (hr house the time was spent on me? Indian appropriation hm. The senate mendâ€" uems were nonconcurred m and L he mu sent to confercnce. ~ - 3 The senate was not In session on he nth. ....1n the house the bin to pay the Bowâ€" .man act claims. aggregating $1,201,000. for stores and supplies furnished thei union, army during the war. was discuss . The. bill for the cession of an arid land to {he} news in which they 'are located as reu‘ ported favornbiy, as was also 22110! L rcso: lutlon amending the constkutton )rovid~= £121; for the election ofmembers cf thb house; of representaiives for terms of foui years; Adjourned to [he mm. ‘5 " a? bill was introduced appropriatln} .SIWJMU tor the toxurn or the bodies of me Mainc viczims to {he United States unfl- {heir burial at pubh‘c 4 xmnsu at such Nam-s as (he rcldzives of the dwzasud migkj: dvslg~ hate. The. committee on rivers umnl hur- hora voted not [0 report a river un'l lumber appropriation hm at this Sissfcn. ‘ By a unanimous vow the sonnté on the 9th passed the $304900me defense- hill with- out «lemme. Hawaiian annexauon ï¬'as con- sidered in exwutive SysslonmJn the housp Proceedings 01 First Regular aim-non INTELLIGEXCE FROM ALL ’PXRTS Casualties and Fires. Personal fund P0- iitical Xotes. Business Failures and Resumptious. Weather Record. ROUND ABOUT THE “EORLD Happenings of the Past g‘Seven Days in Brief. THE WEEK’S N EWS HIGHLAND I’A KK gigmaua gm: gm; BY 22mm»: s: FORREST conï¬nassnowAL. ILLNOIS A block of unrolmnscs at Toronto 0111.. was gutted by ï¬re, the torn} loss being $X35,000. in six week‘s war is inevitable burwvon the T'nittd States and Spain. The report that Croat Briiain and the I nited State: hmo signed a (Nah for the settlomont ofthe -\]askan boundary disputp is untrue. Oï¬iciul circles in London sny that if the Cuban pmbfcm is not soln‘d withâ€" The Hawaiian legislature has adopt- ed a joint resolution extending sym- pathy to the United States in tho grout loss of life sustained by the destruc- tion of thv cruiser Maine. The com-t~ of inquiry at Havana took no new evidence, but spent {he usual time in executive session, discussing their forthcpming report. studying structural plans. diagrams, photo- graphs, drawings and reports already made by divers. Nineteen stearEvrs carrying 4000 men, sailed from St. Johm N. "HF [01- the ice ï¬eld in quest of seals. The Spanish government is said to have changed its policy toward Cuba and proposes pushing the campaign against the insurgents. FOREIGN. It is said that France. Great Britain. Germany and Russia have advised Spain to accept the inevitable and abandon Cuba. \[rs C(rtrude \ckerman (dohmted her onr‘ hundredth birthdau at bar home in Kirkwnod, Ill. William E. Spencer, journal (‘1er of the United States senate, died in Wash- ington. P. H. Bell o\- -gm ornm' of 'IM IS die (I at IittIt-ton ‘_\' Gen. “KS. Rosecrans died at his home near Redrmdo, ('nL. of aenile exhaustion. aged 79 yours. JI'ISOH R. Brown. who was :1 member of the Fiftyï¬rst Fifty-59001111 and Fifâ€" ty-third congresses‘ died at his home in Seymour. 11241.. amid 3‘.) yours. The pooplv. p urn of 11:05 ‘-v< and ( on grogsional district (of Indiana hns nmui unted Rev. William J. Trout for con gresï¬. PERSONAL AND POUTXCAL. Dr. \V. U. Ihnlgvrs. 1mm] phyxivinn n! Woodmen of the World. dim-(l in Umuhu, Nob. ‘. Mo‘mbors of the (‘uhim‘t say that 3 must promptly yim’d m \xhutmvr mands may he made upnn hvr by I'nitwl States (T 12w imh'pondvm‘ Cuba will be rec-ugnizcd. Thomas RUM), .1ng 19 \ e:1rs.shufm1d killed \[rs Rosa [u .111 'It lwhhm“ 11 I\\ and 11101111111911 hims:-)f.No<n11s<-is kmmn fur (111- «1111111. i 'l‘hP Kansas Methodist ('onl'vruxwv in «km rrucc doctnred {or lay roprcxemgl- (Jinn by a vote of 50 to 23. “1 Senntvr Proctor has rmurnml tn '\\‘ushington from his trip tu Cuba. 5 Domestic truuhh's hvtwv‘rn Amirpw Sehuller. A stock broker in Sun Franâ€" cisco. and hi}; wife. mxded in the fatal shooting of the woman and his suicide. Senor Polo Burnabe. the now Span- ish minister, who sucvoods Dupuy do Lame as the representative of Spain, was formally presented to President Mcâ€" Kinloy. * Isuizls 1110mm (uflurml) “as lmnm (1 st Sparta, Ua. .. for uuuuging a negro girl. ifty Inns of rnlief supplicw have bee-n In (In-d at Mutanzus. Cuba, In Hm L'rgtcd 5‘me grmvrnuwnt wssvl l-‘crn uni! the Now York steamer Box-gen. fountt‘rh-it sih'or dollars, (hum! IS“, a 1 having a small “()"under :ht- vnglv. w re discowrvi ut Hm min! in ih‘nu-r, :1 id 5! is vstimntm! that Yherr» arv fully s ,()(H),(I(W\\'nrth(if-(11050 spurious Quins in, cirvululinn in Hm (-mmtr)‘. Â¥I»‘oiu' mun \wrv dnmnml in the [my nit .\.lontc.rey. L‘ul., “hile trying 10 bur» [form L; s} zrk. - 1’11- '1'cyl105sov 511111011111 vmut I): Is .1" CMWI th It the state Inu requiringr r: 1i!- ruufl cmnpnnics to prm idc \« pal: 11v cowhvs for \\ Info and culurml passen- go < la (unmilutionnl. gifï¬; Inns of rnliefsupplicwhat-011mm At: Monticello. ((33. n. bank, thv-rcoun- [housim post 0mm and many othef places wch destroyed by ï¬ro. Ellery luminess hnnso :H (lulflvn l‘oml. :I\'.\'..i\\';ls xu'rpt away by ï¬re. T50 wnr department has promulgntml its érnlor crmting the departments of the gulf and of the lulu‘snml ulmlishitxg ‘the glopurtments o! Ilm Missmm and of Texï¬s. (ien. Milos has Inntnrn-«l plnns for ï¬lu- mus-sin}: of all available trumps, botli infantry and (-znzllry. zit sluliuns 5101 the .\t,l.mï¬c seaboard. 1-3 own nwn lost their lives In a ï¬re whié-l! swept through 1110 Bowery mis-‘l simi- hf‘llSL‘ in New York. l‘xmenso orrlvr's for henvy guns nnd nm mnition hnve been plural wi‘h Cnn~ rmcéicnt concerns by tho gm ernment. uik of \‘leich goes to 'his vhildrvn except‘ $100$H$h~ft to colleges and charities. Tl‘o will of the late Amos R I-‘no. of Hartfqrd. (mm. disposes of S; 0 (m0 000 Seizor Polo. the new Spanish ministcr. said M Washington that he fvlt sure that heilbz‘r the United States nor Spuin “'athd war. and that his guvemment won «1 do everything honorable touvcn host lities. This post. oflice department has com- menced to issue ï¬ve-cent stamps cf dark;S blue, instead of brown. which has beenithe color of these stamps, Infn street tight at Higginsport. 0.. Mayér Charles Halï¬ll, John Donald and the Euler's son were fatally shot. The duel “van the outcome of an old quarrel. A ll Kraus, Dudley Winston and Hen )stead Waslxbume, indicted in Chi~ cag ,for violating (be civil service law, werq‘; found not guilty. \1'1‘ (Iv by H): 'm‘o of [min .\ disputr-‘n from Madrid sn‘:\< Spain “EH 51111111 by Hm rupwr? n! in ham! (‘nurt of inquiry into VLr‘ Mainv v'\[l!l‘~ sinn. rvgurrllc-ss of an} vmwhhinn That may he reached by the Amer? .m com- mission. EV‘I'n‘sidont (‘lmrizmd says nil loyal citizens. should suppon the pm‘m‘n- ment in any CXEHOHPY that may nriw, but ho is hopvful flint lhvrv may he nu 'l‘rosident McKinley mm a m-namrinl caller he would "rather Imu- his (Uhllill- istrntion called a fnihn-v than to bring on an unholy wnr.“ Nerortholosx he is resulrml 10 do his duty T?!_'HI'(H(‘FS of what the oonw‘qm‘nm-e may 1w. The court of inquiry in!“ tho oxplosion has convhxdvd its w Havana and [zone to Key West. The marquis of Salisbury. prime min- isier of England. has hoon (-ompellod to relinquish the burden of his public dinit‘s on account of ill health. \ pool that “ill ( 0111nt the: Iiossymor r iron mnrket of the I nihd States was! formed in Clexelund O ( \Yillinm J. Kocrm‘r,‘ a newspaper artist. was sentenced in New York to imprisonment for life for flue murder of Rose Redgate. his su'm‘thenrf. $400,000. (‘01. Parker, who rovontly visited Cuba with Senatol‘ Proctor. drolures the insurgents arc in control of the island. Thc‘ inhoritnnm‘ m\ In“ in Missouri } 1.3:. boon (1m lured unconstihnionn) ln' ¢ 1}): state supre-mv court The Motor \umIen mills in Chhnos, N. Y , employing over 1 M0 operatorm! :wre destm) 0d hv tire, Hie Inks being< '1'111- ordnance 11111'1- :111 of tho \\ 111* 110â€" [1111‘11111'111 11115 111-1111 gin 11 $3,500 (H10 for 1h» pun 1111s? of 111‘“ s11pp1ies. \11wr11411hxwll n hmhvr 30 penr‘ 01:1,.x110111151x1'h- nnothor “11111311. Hicc- Tnnnmv. 11nd himself in Smgnrn 1.1,118 Spain i< roqmrtod In )mw (‘nitcd Stutvs gnwrnuwm struvï¬on is in 1w pLu-m] m pun-haw nf warships nhrn (‘mmtrL The editor of a paper in Madrid has challenged l'nitcd Stxnes Senator Mn- snn. of Hnlmis. to n din-l becnuso u! “mum's Mrir‘luros-nn Spain in his H‘- vent spm‘vh in 1hr smmto. It is salt] that the mnnl court of in- tnniry hm: m’idrnr‘r Hm? thvro- was not only (mt- mim', but m-n-n, in tho Imrlmr of Hun-um. Th:- prnpnxirirm fur flu mmhlkh- nmnl uf :1 dvanse fund for llw I'nitw! \lim‘ \Vnrlu rx nf .\mvriv:1 has hm'n inst {by :1 \(l!!' nf thc- Im-mlwrm 'l'llv fuc'Iing u? \Vndzinytnn iu that thr- pruspm-t fur pvnm- hn< mn1vrinH_\‘ hrighh-m-«I. and Hm? in the em} Snuin Cam. “I 0. annkv \\ us shot :1); in 1ri> L'm “mu- in Dumqm». In nnknmx n mun. pumped for pvnm- hn< mn1vrinH_\‘ hrighh-m-(I. and Hm! in the em) Spain Vi“ )‘iPM m 21H Hw l‘t‘ilM‘Hilhlt'1It'llithd‘ «If thv‘ I‘nitwl Stairs but}: :ns re-gzn'dw 1hr Mnivw fmgo-d‘v and (‘Hlum rvfurms, Aftvr a strike lusting ï¬ve “'(‘t‘kli â€19 1.100 npc-rnliw‘s of the “'hittondnn ('0!- Nn mills in Tuuntou. Musx., returned lr‘ work. The l'nitvd Stun-s gm‘t-rnnu-nt hat bought lhr litrlzilinn unrships Amnâ€" ynnus and Admiral Abrmmn. which will he h‘unsfrrrvd umh-r (he Amt-rimâ€) flag. Tlu- Ix’hndu [alum] dvmncrntit‘ (‘mn'c-minn u! Provide-mm numi Daniel Church, of Tin-Mun. for ornur. Fur?) umqflmh-d [mxsdor (~_\ {rum Iht‘ Muinv muguzim-s [fun f(' u! h) the divers. Tht- (Emmi and Thznnvs ri \n-stvnn ()ulzlriu mrrflnwm]. gum! damage in-hmdun, Gult {0rd and “(hm- tnnnx. MN. Thurston, wife 0! Srnntnr Thurston. nf Omnlm. NHL. died hum apoph-xy on the _\.'u‘hf Anilu ma it “us (uh-ring tln-qmrt uf Sngnu. ('ubn. .\ (lispntrh from Madrid rlvr'fnre-s that "w ministry is for 1mm:- nnd lhut trun- quilt)‘ prm'nils. .mupu'u. In â€10 houm- thv Iime- uns‘dv- \‘ntwl Yu Distrivt of (“olumlvin busim-M. The (iuw in the ('niu-d Slum .wnme- 011 Mm 1.31)) nus [mum] cunnidvring 1h:- mc'uzsurt- prmidim: for n nntiunul x} .s- tem nf quzu'nntimh In the hum-v i( “um ngrct'rl m mmsidrr llu‘ hill fur Hu- n-lirf ’0! the loyal heirs 01' 1112‘ \ivtimn and sur- [Vivnrs n! the Maine disaster 1â€: mm}: as the post unit-e upprupyimjun Mi ig out, of H10 \\u_\'. (Iiécussiun u! “hid: Hymn- piwl lhv l‘lltirt‘ M‘ssinh. 1’ Missouri drnmvrnls “ill huh] [heir smu- cum‘rnliun in Sprmgl‘n-ld (m Au- gust 10, MN. Thurston, wife 0! Srnntnr Thurston. nf Omnlm. NHL. died hum apoph-xy on the _\.'u‘hf Anilu ma it “us (uh-ring tln-qmrt uf Sngnu. ('ubn. Scnutur )lunr introduced u bin in the United Stun-5 senate un the 14th pro-J Ilibiting the'hnportminn into thv ('nitodi States of birds or their {cuthvru fur ur- i nnmcnlul purpusru, and imposing“ flm‘ { of $3†for (‘m-h 4)thth A bill “11‘: [mam-(I authorizing the vnnsfrumion "H cight no“ rormmv cutters nu! cured-j ing in uggn-gntc cos! lhc ï¬lllllllf‘2.1)‘.'5,- , 1H0. .\ n-sulmiun uulhnri/ing Hu- rmn~ 4 with» on nuvul uflnirs h) m-ml for per-I sons and puprrs in the cuurs of the in- ! H-Migntiun uf tht' Muinv disuslcr “usi nloph‘d. In thv houm- Hm Hmn unu‘lln. ] A genernl wpic of'gossip in London is m the eflcvt Hun Que-Pu \ icloria M using her person"! inflm-nm- m kmp pouve between France and l-lnglnndand Spain and Ame-rim. .\n (‘urthqunkr (It‘Mroyed the to“ n of .hnboinn. mpnnl 0f Amhoinn island. our of the Muhwcn group. and bundrcds of natives “ore killed. The court of inquiry in Unmnn ex- amined Ensign l‘owelson and such divers of the wrecking‘compnny u. have been inustigming tho wrrck. 'nl heirs 01' the- \ ivtimn um) sur- the Maine disush-r 1â€: mm}: as unit-e upprupyiuliun Mi ig out, n}: (Iiécllssinn u! “hich "pru- ported to )IIH'I‘ mind the ‘s mnvrnuwm “hm mm- (1 1w pLH'I-J (m 1hr rH-t'nf warships abroad by this and Thznnvs rivers in riu mrrflnwm]. causing aIuml dvmncrntit‘ stat.- rm'ide-m‘o nominurm LATER. Maine W); at ‘furmF, 11‘â€)va .1») :m “run! imlvrr. hm-n ""t ShouldGet Mrs. Pmkham's Advice-Tho Whole? r“ whorBooauu-hoi‘aWoman. Mrs. I’inkham inVitL-s all “mm-n troubled a at Lynn. Marx’s . and m-curc her advicc {rue of Bern and any.“ crud by womuu unly. ï¬sk Mrs. Plnkham's Advicea Woman Best Understands a , I The suffering nnd pain endured by none working women is almoetput belief. I Here is n letter from one of the multitude of women who have been motored l to health and unfulneu by Mrs. Pinkhnm‘e advice and medicine: ' y Dxuz Mus. PIKIIAI :-â€"I Ml on though your advice hnd lifted me 1m th. grave. I must hove been very near it. 1 sub iered terribly at time of menstmtion. was » 5 constantly troubled with , ' ‘ cold had: and feet, wu extremely nervous. could not sleep well, wu tron- bled with frightened dram, hndhelrt trouble end 3 feeling I: though my breath Wu going to . atop. also had lencor- - ' rho». I tried to get -help but all remedies ’ failed. until I wrote to I you. I cannot thank you enough for your kind advice. and I with totelleveryone them-t / ‘ good your remedies hove “'7 ‘ done me.â€"-Tunu C. â€"=â€". j Hoovnn, Wolfsville. Md. “ (nun Mas. meunlz~l must write 3nd tell what your medicine has done for me. I am a working girl and have to stay at my work all day. I Inter-ed greatly with bearing~down pains and backache. I was adï¬sed by afriend to try your Vegetable Compound. I did so and can say positively I am cured. I have rcoommcndvd your medicine 10 all my lady friends. and would advise any ofm sex suï¬vring from female weakness :0 give Lydia E. I’inkhun's Com- poun . atrial. furl knowit will cure." '0 \' - The following statement 1mm Miss H. I’Anlnsoï¬, bf 2531 Lawrence 81., Philadelphia, Pa. should interest all working women who are troubled with female complain“: Lydin E. Pinkhsm'u Vegetable Compound for aquarfler of a century has been helpigq Wong: tobe strong and welL ('nnsm-wtinn fur L'ulnp $1., Harms] U :1 To (‘ure :- ('uld In our Day Tnkv 11|\.|11\« Mum . (‘u v m: Tâ€) ‘a! thug. ~l.~ “Hun! 11mm x ; .1 tam-1mm: 1 ! Frrn vncd : Dr. P. Huruld Hun-u, of Bufl'uln. N, Y.. I Inuuunvvl lhul Animus run he rural luv U)“ -n 51.1): «um-d, and sap, "I: a mum)! u; loyal 10 [Pm lufldtllnhn of u rung tau-n (here in no nmrrtmnty “to the run“. In all the wruM thvn- n, HM an Asthnmtw, free from Heart Discs-e, Hugh!) Duane, 'J‘ulwrrlca in the Lung». or other nrgnnw rumplx‘n» (ions, whu (1mm)! be run-d 0‘ Apnimn and In nay cured." Dr. Hayes hul now trouod morn than {Orly lhaunnd can-n uf Asthm- Ind Hay Fever. and sends to all uppinunll am}: tmhmnny nnd prvmfu n vnnnnl be gamsmd ur «iuuhud. Amon hm patient- un- mum' “ha hm‘v not hmfn parhrle 0! Asthma for mom than h-n w~ur> and some of (Emu )rnr hnu‘ Man-J run-J for neurb': twantv Yum. X1. phump u "1...!“ in- m... ‘ “V Mark Kurt u" wlï¬uh in you in give way to uh I: Imiu’grnvv. nn't )1" I All“ lruh my (hat I never feel that \my 'mumn Tram-- Icrwt. Hmu n »\'..u nul' nu “Huh 4!! Hm!†I don't mydvrflnm} hnw you um 21-! so far 1w hurl \« \v :1- !ur Hm, I! I: ahâ€). a Measure 0†a - l ‘- Imh' prupm-xun lune (we pmwm thu Dulfun- fur mm and fur hut (if! Addn-u F .l I NAM In Drum: Hall H )umu) (lll’t' 1‘ mkon Internally, m‘lmg sizrm'lly Lynn (hv Mood and lnuruub mum-ca u! the thrm, lhvn-lu)‘ dmllunng Hm {unulnimn . I A I ' 7 .77 .. - rur‘. u.†w ur-Au‘u to Iran: lhul (in-H: )5 M hunt our “~11de duc‘uc that suture has Lw‘n «Mu . cure In all x!» alum-u. and Um! m L'alurrh. Hull} Luuum (Lure In (hr uni) lmflfll‘ cure Mmun (0 (hr 11-min .xI “alum“ (’uiullh bang n mmmulmlml (ï¬x-«ash nmmm a ('nnsldulwnul lnanrnt. Huhâ€:- (nl u’rh (lll’t' 1‘ Xnkvn Hm-rnlllv, ammo «hrmvllr mzm Him-k have In "My huihnnd look I “were com lad cough Hm yen- Iun lull “<10le Inn! 0! the \l'orld': Fur. uh“ h we lurndrd. Thu cou‘rh luau-d over twu yenn. uu accum- pnmed b - opinin a! blond. Ind nmhmg rould be inund lo tip Mm. nlIhouxh van- on» â€mama were tun! sou-l dmlou were con-unrd‘ but than yrs-(ripuono nflunird no â€He-l. FInulh-J In: In ad verulcmrm 0! Dr. Aycr‘n (‘herry Prcmnl in my pump" Ind ycrulrd upon my bus. bind 10 an u but! (- and UV n. The very 6n! dope helm-d him am, he um; (um plclely curcd In I "no“ that. w: led 1‘ N: '. h H‘nirri, (‘9.1 h pundlr- and Erwin-h Nth n'p gun am Hf (In-w .. mm .1 I have read almul? '» Ih-t )rm The rent World’s Fair. at Chicago. in It»; 1: He it glve plrnnre to many. Ivt pun In not - law II An mdnru usu In! thcn nut (0 (he Wth (117. Fevplc I‘t'f lured along me mne- o! wonderlul cxhtbr tn by the new mnrvelu lhu mm the In I! Pvrry ucp. :nd dld no! yellin- 1 en exhunlmn unhl Uu-y dlnpped lulu I (hut In some Many uuncl by the hie. Ind "round of! ‘ Thu I whnl begun â€I! tmubXe.1n runny cucn. 0| nle and: can. '1 He. _ .. “V... yuan ,\l. drum» n- msuiv fur con 1: kw mm! and «H rum-run are In ) u'ntr Hum! [PH-1r nun 1.;31‘1‘ None In Slork. (to do: {gnmrrbâ€"“Wmt Li HE BROUGHT IT FROM THE ' “ WORLD’S FAIR. a How he lost it at last. rum-rm 9: Un- pappr “1U beplvugvd u-ntul‘: .u umng n- umk. [hey A man tnLr- r lune om murh {uxth m nu (1113- my tMu‘rL. “Jul 11 that (he) nth-r (mo Hundred \\ unhmglwn Hm r mm uuv Hm! :1 1a)]: Ur cure. In nf tcmtimmxmls Ir...â€" 12-1... Moo now-rd not». (3‘.},( WORKING ' WOMEN“ WHO SUFFEE «n \\ Ithuut l‘wu‘n (‘IIrr- fur 20 Iran I 17.7w l'orrI-l, Hug. I’:I.. Mm 4 8H mule "th In: inmnmls I’honq- ¢ Ll of! ‘ Thu - whnl'bclun â€It ‘ho 'wvulr 1)†may CIICI. 0| nne uuh (In. A\cl' ct heâ€) bkvtul. run rumcld Mc . } m. \r1)1HH-1 )unr) L'o 1u$4d0,0 -r« .fu- ’an un the hut. Sflfllh. vu- nu munh 4!! â€mt†And kept it two years. an very near it. I su1~ of menstmtion. was ill: , 'u dd Dn- Entlble Command {nr nanny-nu- , “Hum (hr )mlu'Ll ,(Yu- ‘ unnhtuhunvnnd muglnuumk. Hue tam-1mm: 2m g:1\hnnhd~ Ih-txml J'rt-o troubled about @hoir heahh to write to her .-z of dog! mgton '0 hmr (Y‘!!!‘ 1: \Vm-lnnglun I): up “'hkn 11L“ L.†Hot and Itchyâ€"1a n'l'roatrrbiite. Cooled Ind Soothednus a cure by EL Jacobi Oil. "f ï¬ â€˜ ‘7 ~__. A fellow doesn't really enjoy I 1'va if he 1n mum-dum-ly baked to return H..â€" \\ whinging: “mnm-mL ,1. ill nm'H‘ hm (-1 \\ nth M. JiH’ObF Nu m. 51;! II'! ï¬ril c3}KEEPI‘SFT’KFKz}: Great Nrrw- )(mtmvr Froct? trml bottle 6 tmune. Dr. Khnv. 93? Arch 51,, Phill., Pa. (‘de Um \Vhl‘n ptâ€, "(\(1 r' m: probub L. MM )9; (nun and hlll‘nglh In “'intor Rn’atim in wane. Anytime St. Jam)!» ml in (hr he“ 1 um Isn't a nu: lnnom-nl Children Sheri-(‘0‘. TM "Mnuuhrm u! the mmwenu'V‘untinv mm. mm! H m mnmtodthalfuny one-fourth n! the hunmu rhl‘r du- hctore stunning their 6th birthday. 0ng in are“ measurd to nu: ngurnnn .md than HMO climate. And \hero nre thdh‘Alldi u adults. even in this lnnd (-l Plenty, Hm! Munmrh. liver and bow- rl mun-Anna. :arr I‘A-dnmng 1n (-nnï¬rmcd in- valndmm. Whom Hop-tenet": Slum-ch Bi (rm \wuld [ummmh n-nm'ound mngorl fl. Mahala, rIn-Hnmlisln and kidney troublo yxeid w the [mun 1n grundm hxr HH- \tiu mlmhluir all charge An Ohio mmmar objects to skatin‘on the round that n has n tvndono)’ to promo“ lm knhdmg. 74 Tin-ago Daily .\ewa. .nlnh \‘vry little 3': 1: man h g.“ cough 1! ‘uvrs- all uruyhar-ud COHI ml I†nflrchuu: u! the throat and lungs prnmmly and rflm hvcly. In relponlc (o numrmun demand» In Avn’l Cherry Pec- lolnllhyu1uy1nhalt Mir boltlcnvwld It halt wurâ€"souun. Mme lbnul cure- rflcurd Ly removal in In. Aycr'l Cute- XumL m n! f1rr. «~n requtnt. by the J. C. Aye! Co . Lowell. Mann AL} (any: h, l \ \he \n) tun-dun Ind (â€N 1rd I complete cuvc In - uhml hunt The alien-ace be. Urn-n In, A)r1\ khvn)‘ l'eclonl Ind all mhcv (Hugh mrdu IHri ruuld not be better nun-d Hun 1n \hu comynuou 01 renal“. H hu- turn! me ")0“ Mum-om Ind obtu- nut unn- ul ( Mnun Munqhuu Ind Isth- m H n a nun .m lur croup nut} wlgqopin‘ U!’ Tun year: c! dot-wring {on con 2:. (w you†01 " remain. 'Ihul ave no nip. 0! pvtn’llplinns that rmmr only the men ‘ho wvulr UN") and H1“) I trial 011». Apt-l" \ heâ€) 11-: mm]. \thu h helped â€on .L. A very mtclul for what Dr A yer‘a Chen? Juror-1h“ done tor un And nyhan keep: (manually on hind In the hack "â€"ln. 1.. w. (sun in; For: nuns-1d,)“ Ill Prn- n- In 9‘ mi hluir 1n: tufhv c-s or mJun'x flu (in gl;nl|1!:.~u{ww3n amne‘uman n: the u I! Lx n yvmnm- w (nnw In Mn}: aln-nglh. \nL \m: stopped beefing] pormapgntly cured. h: H 1c hear a Move of gousip, {he} :nL (whirl.- n-pmhï¬i H. .. khlumm Globe. All such letters are hr Ia M to curu- Neunlgin UL}. SurrCure. nfl ht! p | (\lr( In Illa High (‘hnlr mm}; frank-nun- mean. I» Luv nu'c We aro.â€"~ m\\' m I) In: omplom mule bragging on.â€" m PP†any lune 1m Lr-r Hymn-0 is good I! vs 1hr Jourdmired Nt'wr mm‘ls the dimmtmu‘ Made from 3m â€â€˜1'â€. "a: ‘hc in!!! he best ('ofl'oo M 2 ‘he m- and svionhï¬c article It 111::Lflï¬for hmltb Woman’s In: m yruwr for Grain-O n-qmrnd to must a buxmng up'“1thlt. Yve; nnd 4-2: rheumatic pain. I prx ,1 upon (nub mm puls her: on.-â€" “ ‘20)) “Win", (in: 'I >\ foul now ‘houl 11m: um " ‘AI )nuw '.'- fll'l I “'As to bedn-n'n' in 1" I has got lung Mum's uud _! if they ain't rerrrmn an a skunk 1mm ix Inâ€. 14) heat up t);i.~ nun m )our still. and ;f _\n'(‘ and kink l)!fll'[' )1,‘,} 1 @prison!‘ ' uTL...L , . A . 1 “'Yo' jest let 19w Zeb “him Fuxvh . ,w and land him )o-n- '1' Hobb- and h m l' m ‘he IUH. 'llwn )1)‘ 35 Wt nan-m1} tun Len. “Two (In) 5 urtu oln womm. Mn.- 5+; 1 kerricd 11 Ow“: Hobbs and Tum }' 1n help Int, m.) u! of us “14> \urh-r J Cm} n (wmpnw :12“; . 1 story 11;!) 1nd n.» H] lmrkil]'14-x‘:lh:~xum. em I man )1:nlu.~mnxmf donr'm‘ 1m- “:11 mu m uuu)‘ and Hut-n gut hum: he died he 11ml “Amh- mine. J‘Lm, 1hr m-u iv and dim]. and he mm 111- drmuul hin- )nn LH‘I' hounded all right hm! 'J'hur's mm} and HM]: u other stufl' up _\eu am always Mninml Hm t 100. Ijvri “unlit-1m: u] the 02: Human dunk owr for :mlmn, um] xh “That‘s what 5hr up; 1710' I thought of i! (I! ï¬PeIDQd. XUHH“. it? u: lmwflé’r. '1‘);ng znm! queshuns. an“! I an“: they ï¬nal); (1171;me .n a mac in Hu- \u-H mud about. Thu-n 1 RM Ind was mine to Y'lHl ole woman 59: to flu. “TH l-JM “vabr it “a: u \‘(w’k Amid the 0M mnn."x\|.m;1h .howed up one duy. T)» but. “ ‘Zrb \thcf «7 in! smart uvrr n cnoo {climax hm ‘ their hand:- nnd F “ ‘As hvu “' 50/ “ ‘JEK! )‘U‘ La) Th0 Old pnsx‘un 1‘ ":1 was in n mikmm mm“ ï¬nd I took th‘l-lllnyo .4 thou! nmnmhrm- v) q.“ subjecl 1w mm H" on this (n'ru‘inn ): w; "Them X‘PAv'l‘huv ’: was up 10 n‘.‘ ,Klll'~ “1 1r had a um}, um: i .m; n in plannm ‘lmvk 1. -....; . puny snrnn l hm; :‘ «In. 1)]?3' “85 hmmi! :.!< ( I '1 r 1". Sun}? u~ HM ' my†(â€(9, ().H- I“ Hm†k; WK “ or. mmmrr \\'.':s n p. V543,â€, n InmI-lmnkrr. numb†““5 lmd bin “rm-rm} In w. du (In in the “our†)1 ‘3“ [trust mumm; " “\Hmru um 3mm sz‘ " ‘Buul Imlf n an (mm rnvine. and 1h:- \\2.\ tin“: ravine “as so “my“ hm they all pawn-(l n |‘\ 1â€,» Bimeby the reu‘um. hurl a me, and fur u mum}. nr Granger shuum] LII. I h pourt and 1m brag “hunt ole woman looks m nu- m1 and no { :l’ ‘4 ,x; 3 (Mp-Int. xm. mecca-con...» M loll White. one he"; 0! for a Lost bold l Lb \urh-r \I ’POSSUM T 'tu 1 AA! paw :12.» 1nd n.» Y :I h»! Lu... an n. wHuIa-d - \xul um, I turn gut hum 11ml “mm. la) )0“ Is â€Hug 't. 0‘ r a brlle‘ H1