(30.. “5‘ Chm 1K0- ial Of All Kinds. ierritory. lit \de, Kindling. Beamâ€! DI Furnauc Hark. FG. CO" E151? Pl.) $60.00 $l00.00 d Varnburl. eenhouses, MONARCH. nd uzarstth‘ xctor. (“mg for purl/rs a special“. I Ingenuity: CK. and Crockery, .f our long r'ers ’lowerinz Plants. E BIBYGLES 1N LUMBER DISTRICT‘ Choice Candies. Q CO.. IL L . Card! mustrahnz lalv ‘ar Jjnrs. All Kinds 00. ,Hr 001$. \ LLOYD M. BERGEN, M. D. DR. H. H. BOULTER. Telephone No. 6. Horus Jimhwuud) Horas: L: 0010* ou in)! Ingrï¬ï¬a'sxmk Fletcher Building. Successor to Dr. 0. B, Fernald Studio. Open Noun Blk. From thc nnrxh men the :uuth Cheskumng'l'nhc, I, 0. R. M. Nu. 112», Mcvt ul Masonic â€all first .md mm! 'l‘wusdayx‘. F. M. lugalls. Sachem: J. ll. [)urf)’, C. or R \, II. l‘hy Lndgu. :\‘ I". and ;\. ,\L RC5- \ur :nccung mghm' nm and third \1unday in ’h :ntanhA at ,\Llsul!i¢ hall. uvcr NI. 310565 ‘53,}, 7,29 p. m. For Lhc horn] . 9.12. “.59 a. m. 7.29 [9‘ “AH pouches clusc [5 minutcs before icpdriurc of trains. W. 5L l)\‘)!)l,l~l\'. l’wsnuastcr cur-«'5' hall. \hmum l'auurl, KICC. Clerk; nghhnd l‘ark Council No. 1066. Royal \ruuum. “set in Mosunic hAll second All‘ munh Mnndays of cvcry month, Regent. \\'. ,\. \Vllsun; secretary, Frank B, Green, 1.1 Modern \Vn'nlmcn uf \zucricu‘ Matting. Hm .lnnl fuurth Friday 0f such month in For (Sir-«'5' hall. \Yxllium Manner, V. (L; R. j \, ". l“.ly’ Lvi(l:_:L‘. :\‘ \ur nun-{mg nghm' nrsl ash :uvanh. at \Lnuui; mm‘s storc. Buttericks pattvrus fur sult- an Erskine's. Mrs. Minnic Wickhum hlhv’un tuck of tho grippe. ‘_’0 quarts Jersey milk for 51 Allen. 1’. 0. box U). .I, \V. Cuuke of Chicago is guest of J. W. Mowvrs. DR. FRANKLIN B. WESOOTT; ROOM 1 HIGHLAND ILK. H) Mrs. Fred Rudolph is confined tn hvr [mum with u s‘vvt-n- attack of the grip IN' Mrs. James P. Maxwdl of Luke Fun-st visited with Mrs. John Ruâ€" dolph and Mrs Suydi-r. lesduy. Thv Alta schooiclusml \lem-sdny fur a week and some of the young ladies am' visiting with tiwirpurvnis. Good feed and care, is lmuud to bring good results. that iswhy Allen is having such success with his cows. Get your sweet pm s It Buhr 5 gram hnuw' Ofï¬ce in Thi~ ofï¬ce is indebted. to A K. Skeurus of the Waukegan Sun and Lake County Patriot for a very pleas“- ant call. There are estimated m be about 3064 languages in the world and the averagn woman when truly indignant is master of 306‘?) of them. M 11 h NORTHWESTERN R. R. TIME TABLE. Lh ANIVC km 4;: lulflll‘ MRS. G. M. RAIKES, HIGHLAND PARK POSTOFFICE lcpv‘ndcnt ()rdcr Fun-stars, (‘nurl High- Mcetings tin: and third 'l‘humlays uf month in Furcstcr‘s H.111. Directory of Secret Socictles. III 30 4) 34» on u) II) 1.3 If) '30 30 HI) ‘7) .. Protcssional -- Dhl‘JKTL'NE 'uuih, 0.30, 9.50 4‘ DR. E. C. KAYE, P )I Ur leru (ah-n And h-Nuns Kin-n “1011! \Q Awr [Tulur‘ mud Chum. l'mnnugv H ll 1') ll DENTIST. Arrive L Park NEWSLETS. ARTIST. 'weot pm see-(ls. mixed. Dentist. H ‘20 P M 05 H H I)! H RU ‘il W in Auluvn A M RES. HIGHWOOD. ’ l \‘v-IF' OI» :1 go“ C» U. ti CO- 0.0 l ~o e,» 1° ‘00 .1: 3' DAY Highland Purl. ll . m 13 lU 0"]?! HOURS: 9 A I Lu 5 v I L'nlil. turthur notice tv Id .47, 3J4 p. m , 11.39 a. m- 1H [H L‘: ‘11) Highiand Park. Illinois. Uh 'ur sult- at Miss x c .\m\ c .lrk Chu'unl) A .‘l for $1.0†'» coutypvr 7.29 p m. before (he H ï¬ttings 10 |() H M} A M 10 :10 '20 Barrington will send back Editor Lamey of the Review as supervisor: he is a good man for the place. Miss Florence Duggan of Wuuke~ gan, who has been visiting Miss El- la Duggan, has returned to her home. Orville St. Peter, formerly with the North Shore laundry, has secured employment in Lake Forest and soon leaves the Park. Alexander Raï¬ertv who has been so ill with pneumonia. is able to be around once more. although mm h changed in appearance. B. F. Allen has added tm: more fresh Jersey cows to his herd. The increased demand fur his milk has compelled him to do so. W. S. Lasher has rented his home to a Mr. Richardson, and will remove to Austin. Ill, for three years. the time for which he has rented ills house. A portion of the water pipe for the Linden avenue extension has arrivml and it is expected operations in that street will he CUIDIIH‘HCt‘ll iuunv- (liutely. Sidney Lomerry. while 911111155011 in a wrestling bout with Josvph Duffy slipped and fell to tho floor with great force strik'imru piv'u' of l 1 l- i i l ( 1ron nearby 11nd cutting :1 (let!) gush in his arm. Dr. llihliln was 1cullvd 11nd dreswd tlw “'Ulllltl. uftvr 'tuking four stiches. E The firm of D.A.l)1‘i>1oll 1\ ( u. lbicyclc dt‘illt'rï¬. rupairers and sheet lmetal and iron workers. has bevn ldissolved. D. A. Drisc_,)ll will (-on i itinue the business. He has root-ntlv: built 21 shop on the nest sidv \\ I111 b will be uwd for his stow 11nd she-«t met t21l repuirinu business 11'hil1- tho out- in \IcDonultl 5 building \\ill b:- 1l'1-1otvd to bicycle repairing. Saturday afternoon Mrs; L, 0. V1111 Riper game an enjoyubh- party 'to about 3†ol tht2 young f1'i1~1nl>ol Miss Edna. in honor of lu-r 7th birthday. The afternoon “'11: do _\'oted to games. etc, lollowvd by u luncheon. Before leaving for their ,honu-H eat-l1 little guest 11:1: pn-svnt 1ml with :1 beautiful soun-nir. 11111- » l appropriate to Easter. ‘C. (‘1. Muhlke. one 'of the ol1l1~<t st’tlll‘l‘hi in Deerfield, if not in thr- .coui1ty.’diml Tuesday morning nth-r '11 brit-l' illness. He was widely and l211orabl1 known throtwhout this I. lsection 215 11 1111111 of 11111111 Hood qu 1|. iitit-s Mr. \luhlke lenws tho 1 hild ,rvn. t11'o ~'on.~ and three (lilllUlltt‘r‘. . i 11..“ 1.! his d.1|1(7l1tt‘l‘k..\lilr\. is: )lr~'. Fred Clow has been awarded the contract for building H. (7‘ Busy-â€s. block, on the ground formerly mrcu- piai by his home. Mr. Busye re ports that he has secured threw tun- iuxts for ï¬le stores and experts to be able to rent the rvmuining two in u slmrt time. An expert diver and his assistant were summoned frmn C hicagu Wâ€"vd ncsday to ascertain “hat the truulilv has lweu with the intake pipe dmxn at the lake. itit-s. Mr. Muhlke Ieuws ti‘ hm. twn sum and three (121 One of his dunglmrrs. Mary Gourgv Brand. A uovvlcznvwns argued in tln- Highland Park Laundry, mrcmt court hut nwht be fur: lndtre A (1 ORTLUND. Manager. Donnell)". It “as a ulst ('1111 red In W. B. Smith. cmnpluinant -against First Class work County Treasurer. James Murric to prevent him from giving the tax li>ts for publication in Antioch. The 00111 ‘ 11111111111“ zlrguml that1111'115111111111gi11g to his intercsts 11) 112110 tln- lists 111111~ lislu (l 111 \ntioch1mtlwr1-111'1- >111111111V persons 11111-11151011 111111e li.~ts \\ 1111 re 1111' paw-r (luvs not (in 1111111) 111- [111111 1 side on 111111 111110 slum.- “here a1g11e11 1111111111 Tn-11s11r1-r should c011- 5111111" 1110 U11111-1111 1111-11111tiui1 of the 11111111110“ 1111111111 l1r111t1111v“115.1«11111 1~(1.Tl1e jutlgt took the 11111tt1- 1 under t!(l\lst‘lnt’ll1 for decision 111 \t Thurs “111111†R. V1. (11011 ‘1111_\ 111tv111oo11. appeared for thé 1.1111111111111111“ 111111 States Attornm Henlecker 111111 Attor 111-) Faurell. 111(1111-11go fur the (11-- Tuesdu}. , 11111111111 $1111.. At Reasonable Prices. Goods 511111 for 111111 111-1111'1-re-11 to 1111 purtn of 1111- city ()r11nr-111v 111M or talc-[11101111 pmmptTS'111161111011 t1) TELEPHONE 25 GIESER BROS. The Leading Market, ‘ DEALERS IN Fresh and Salt Meats, POULTRY. FISH. BUTTER AND EGGS. W CcnmlAch - Highland Parhm . TELEPHONE ‘2. Mrs. Garholot. of “out awnue. wishes to sollfrwh [0 2| fvw custmnvrn. l"rw ('ull m" drop her :I pu>tflL A gypsy Queen, daughter (If in sex enth or ninth daughter. or wuwthing‘ of that sort. while walking down (‘t'lL ' trill avenue, happened to glimm- ut‘ the display of eustvr bonnet» in tlw “iinduw of Mrs. (‘hurh s “Hugh's; milliuery emporium and was ï¬llmli with admiration. The urtixtil' in»L stint-ta so long dormant in her wrn- {mun-d into a blazvunddiggingduwnl into lu-r insidt- pocket she extractedl tln- prom-«d.» of her furtum- telling tuur wrung from the [XX‘thvllXDk ‘uf the superstitious, and went in- isidc- and investvd. So Qucrn Culiuy ‘m-\‘t Banter Sunday will umn-ar in "1 brain new Imnnet. Ullt‘ that will rival tlw lustre- uf the sun in its ~splvndnr. dazzle the rpm of all whu behold it. and (me- which only Mrs. Waugh with ltt‘l†rare and initnitutnhlv ltustc and skill cuuld trim. Nxmn- ls lu-n-hv L'Ht'H that an (hr lmh (luv \prll. A. I)‘ lama m lhv mt) at Highland l'nrk Lukv Cumin" Hlluula. an n-Xu'tiun Hm hthl tm' llu- rlrrlmll m lhc tu‘nhm‘um “11] |;!‘} Nuhu- is hvrwln' 'Iu-n that on Tuvalu. (hr H‘thy nf April. .t I), IHHH. ll (he Villngr Hull m Village of FunSIu-ndun. HHlu-t'nunh of Luke and Stutc uf lllmmu. :In vim-nun “I“ by hrhl for the lnlluwm ' \‘Illsluc “"31"“, \11: ()m- ['I’L'E‘idt‘lfl u! the hoard nt ’l‘rusu-t-s, 'l'hn-r \‘Illngr 'l‘rllau'vs. ()m- Villas“- flu-(k. Alsn for or against a one null tax {or u Pub “C Library. \Vhlk‘h rlvrtinn \nll I»: nm-nn! at 7 u'thk m (In- mmninu.mu| wull cnntlnuc upon mm! 5 o'rhwk m tlu- uï¬rnumn of flu- sanu' (Ian (Elm-n umlcr nn‘ hand at For! Sin-“dun 1hr 135th day of Slurth. A 1), mm!" -- r. A .4.. Tvu» .\lAh-rnu'u ()Iw .\l¢h-rln:m ()1n-.\Mvrln:m 'l'\\'u‘\l1h-run-I' In >3le 0 h': th Imhinu. lll!(‘!u \u-. TVH» ,\lh'll"l'll (or â€M" Our .\Mrrln:m (Ur (hr (Mn- .\Mvrln:m for tha- 'l'wu ‘\l1h-run-n fur H)" In >3le nh': that lhc 1 Imhhnu 54ml clu mm In- l’ns! “er. k‘uv t'lcrk 3.1mm \\'.m1, 1) M. (â€â€œ412 Hhu‘k IN 'lhml \Ynnl. “.11ch "h l‘mmh \\';ml. \'.u’.’mt Hun»: nf HM)- lm :L Bluvk ll. \Hm‘h rh-L'hun Vt |ll ln- upcncd :1! 7 u' m the mnrunuz And rnnlmu - npen ul u'rlm-k1nkuflvrmmnthatduv [Mu-d :n llxghlund Park. “1.. tin, 3m! nf Murrh, ,\. l). hugs. l‘,A.- 1 JOHN FREBERG. Livery, Boarding, West Side Barber Shop Genuine Jersey v-.â€"_â€"7‘ The Leading Market, OFFICE: HARTROIF KEflIERER ‘ DEAL ERS IN ‘ NEWS STORE Fresh and Salt Mcats,§ V RAFFEN a: BAKER Henry Ohlwein Back of Freberg’s Livery, ll St. Johns Avenue. 275 Central Avenue. irst Class Work At Reasonable Prices. Goods sent for and dulch-rml to all purtn of thv city ()rdnr-z hv post or (eh-[111mm pmmptTS' intruded to Wishes to unmmm-e- tn his {rim-mls and rushune-rs that hv haw changed his Ruviniu Dairy Milk rnuh- and is now gctting tlw from Mr. Bircln's Highland Park. VILLAGE ELECTION. JOHN H. MOHR. Prop. Notice of Election. {\lm‘lml and Teaming I‘nuw un- Rununnlvn- and 'mt Hun»: nf ‘Jtius Flssm'. (‘m' k Sale Stables. 1‘1le “Inn! >(w‘ulld Ward 'l'llml “Hm! hmnh \\'.ml and Cream ..u l'h' dr‘ugnutml tur I‘I1b1ll)“3i a ()thnu Clh Hmlll nkrm-N Rval Emm- Baker's H‘ Ii FA «Vs \ Illugt’k'l Telephone :7 furu) an l)\‘l'l'ï¬('ll' rich milk tlrliH-n. (mh c m- llgh‘si Thrst- candivs can only lu- lmugh! ï¬llml {rt-sh {rum tho- fucmry through un. Hm»! ulm| h-rk Fred. W. Schumachcr, Fred. W. Schumachcr,é PLOWS... W:- ulm Imu- un assortment of can)- vrus rungiug from $2.50 upwurd A complete line nf umnteurs' nupplim. But these- an- unly Hidv isnuvs. ()ur spwiul attvntiun in given to flu- humlliug (If .. GAMERAS .. Fancy Groceries, ; Tea and Coffee: EVANS - BR05.. Fruits and Vegetables. Repairyour Carrlqgc and Shoe your Horse SOMERVILLE'S Bakery and Restaurant, ure Drugs and Hot Rolls and Bread Delivered for Breakfast. w. J. MCKINNEY. Painter, Decorator All work c-v-cuto in flu- bvr-t mumn-r.’ Coal. Building Material. and Ice. I10! ALLEGRETTIS So he “III AA. ,.. Huts. Huh. kin“ \h 4‘. lihlvn .‘h'Jl. “II!!HH‘L‘~ And .‘lmu H.“ m wcun-«l l :ugrlu‘)‘ M the nu n-hmlml Chum- San» burn ("uh-«- Ir arr pn-[vun'd h: wll n In \uu m an) quantity red Denman ‘ine Line of Bakery Goods Prtu‘rlpnou Drugglsr , 5!. Johns A\e.. next to and Cold Mods I! All flours. AND THE ORIGINAL ()l’l'l )SI'I‘E 'I‘IH'I DEM â€LE AGENT *rtLgPNONI St. Johns A\ cnue. P!“ )N I". I5 I [o rlght.lnd lhe pvlcc ll alum): rlghl. DIALKIS ‘N l-l Decorator Highland Park aper Hanger. Electric Light Co. law-mpâ€) and P. 0 Electrical Electric Light. Electric Bell. Burglar Alarm. Fire Alarm. Private Telephones and Speaking Tubes. Electrical (instruction. Orders Promptly Attended (0. \\' r New Work. Lanps Furnished, All Kinds of (In Iflcll land-l. Olflcc: Cumlnu' Pharmacy- mgvuua Put. In. A. E; WICKHAM. .H‘ “I wmkuu-I. arr rxpml. vu' up. nnh 1hr muh‘rml gnu! um pm ra an- .I- hm n~ mam. m “1le good uurL Construction. .-H II! vrpul!