CMPLD Local History Collection

Highland Park News (1874), 8 Apr 1898, p. 8

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‘Mrs. Dr. Hull of Crystal Luke.lll. is visiting her sister. Mrs. Hurry Clampitt. f Misa May \Veh'h is spending her Easter vacation at lmme. Mr. M. S. PctitJutehds to move soon to Fort Sheriduums Mr. Mow- ers is going to move back to his old home. from East Aurora. .\' Mrs. Henry L. Harvey returned last Snmrday from a threv mouths stay at Jacksonville. [“lu..gre:ltly im- provvd in health. Miss Marv Sullivan. who has been ill fur some time, has resumed her position in the Fort Sheridan posh olfice. She is stuyingatMiss DeRoo's. , The. preaching and Sunday schuul services will be joined next Sunday. The Sunday school5 pupils will do the singing and the pustur. Mr. Cluym‘ill preach a special Eastor sermon. The Highwouj public school was started ‘2‘.) years ago. The tax levy at. that time was $390, which was us- ed to pay one teacher at $35 per month, running expenses and interest on the bonds. The bond: Were never paid before. but only renewed until the present board raised the levy$250 per year. and the first bond of $500 has just been retired. That thebourd can pay three teachers and running expenses. from the same levy which before was used to pay one. argues Well for the business ability of the present board. Mrs. J. A. Diugs has lx-vn quite sick (he past Week. The Kuviniu Improvement Society met-ts unfit Monday evening. Mr. Baker has moved ium Judge Cumstuck's huuse. upper flat. Mr. \V. PfiLucus moved into Mrs. Grant's large Imus; on Judson uvu. Mrs. Van Dayna, will move from ldlewilde into Mr. Sue's house on Huilmzul uvvnue. RAVINIA. Mr. Lew has engaged the her: house. Mrs. S. J. Willuughbyentertained her brother‘iulaw. Frank Willuulgh- by. u fewdays lust Week. The old school house was sold m Mr. Cue, same being alluwed uu a debt for refit wf the land which it 0c 'upi d for u long time}. School election at the North» schud Saturday. the 103th. Tin-re in to l e elm-(ml one dirvchtr fur the full term Mr. Stipe'a‘ tilm- is nut. We have Iward of no candida“. except Mr. Stipe. who will px‘mhnlfly (unsent to wn‘e- I'guin if elected. TOW‘N MEETING. Called to order by Clerk W. J. Qhec at 2 o'clock 1). UL 011 untion of A. \V. Fletclu-r. Dannie-l Page was elected moderator. Records rend; :- . reports of supervhor and highway Lounuissioners \u‘re- road A. motion “1H made to transfer tlu- balance» of 5M“ in the lot and town hall fund, to the town fund ffor gwuorul town purpose It (K‘(‘il‘~‘i()ht’(l u lotof di~; unruions. soun- of it‘ relevant and lots purposes‘ 1t 00 'ilfimnvu u mun um L'IlSa‘iUHS. soun- of it‘ relevant and luts‘ «if it fur off. and the mutiun was car ried. Then an cider'u‘us pusaml by an almost unanimous vute. tn sell the Int. Then after several attempts to adjourn. a motion [irevnilmi Hihhurd tried to make a speech. min the ground that "his opinions were valuable," but Judge Dooley, true to his stern old Roman virtues. objected and so file town lost a big chunk of UM firm-n mountain wi>du1n. ()rd'pn wvre issued by tlu- roux? mundaut at Fort Sheridan‘ this Week to haw 21!] horses shod imuwdiutel). A5 thw post Macksmiths could not do the work fast enwxgh. quitea number \u-rc taken to thv shops in the Park. r Thomas Lunnim has opc-uedu shoe qhun over John H. Muhr'.» bu rher shop. ahupm' Mrs. W. W. Drnslu-w has n-turne manwooo HAPPENINGS. ureu gd‘: Co-bln-uo- mun. Bell 3-4 am 5 Made hy Burl-table Mel. * A patent vi'as granted February 18. 7 1880, for a diving apparatus called the er: Esubmarine explorer, to Sewall Short- 3 and Noah Bradford, of Runnable. The i ll, - description of'ihe invention was an lol- ___i lows: This Giving apparatus consists of I hollow buoy which floats in the water, and is in form like an inverted bell. Both ends of this buoy. or bell,nre open. It mus: be made of lightmuterials and covered with leather or other sub< stance. so as to render it impervious to water. There is a platform. or Mat. amuud it on the inside. to accommodate the assistants. To the lower end of the buoy is attached a flexible water-tight tube. Which may be two {vet in diame- ter, and must extend nearly to the bot- tom of the water. "SUBMARINE EXPLORER" OF I880 A Windlass is provided. which crosses the floating buoy. and is necessary (0 draw the diver up when necessary; an air tube to force air down und 3 by- draulic tube to pump up, wnwr up which may accidentally emer. are 1130 appended. The tube is distended by strong irnn rings and sunk by means of weights- its lower part terminates in a “nur- tight dress, fitting the legs and arms. and kept distended like the main tube by suitable rings; light in admitted through openings occupied by strong panes of glass. The whole apparatun thus forms a. bug open It top. .but closed below. It is to be moored in a secure way. and to be of lufficieut length to allow it to rise and fall with the motion of the water. without. dil- turbing the operator. ' lxyhutlo- of I Stu... Gum-o-- chI Fell. A colored waiter in one of the lead- ing hotels of this city has been sorely perplexed for Weeks, but the other dgy he came to a satisfactory solution of the problem confronting him, says the Philadelphia Inquirer. A wellâ€"dressed young man, smooth faced, dressed in blur-k. came in for lunch at 12 o'clock one day. and partuok heartily of every dish on the hill (2! {arewrewarding the waiter with a substantial tip {or his diligent-e. Two hnurs later the waiter spied the same man at his table, and wonderingly hastened to supply his “ants, ’l‘he mistt-rner ordered every- thing on the hill and devoured it with etident relish and satisfaction. Ileleft, (lpplng tln- 'wuitvr. The same thing oc- (urred the t.t-.\t day, and the next. and the next. for two “eeks. till all the waiters in tho plat-e became interested. marveling at the vpicurenn propensi- ties of the man. till one of them ven- tured: “Say, mistah, 'scuse me. but how (‘an you out so much so close to- gether?" The man was now perplexed. "Eat much. “ h} '3" he queried. ” 'Cause youze been in fur (“0 dinners ebery day fur two \\ L-eks." “Oh, no, I flmven't." he answered. "Shure you has. mistah." Matters were becoming embarrassing IiH 'the customer in black bethought that his ‘win brother dined “mere regularly at noon. Wondertul Sun-hm Thu: Como "on the Kanpur-unlock. I Mr. D. M. Nelson. agent of tho Wee-m: Steamboat company. at l'rhuna. 0n the Rnppahnnnock rim-r. \ irginin. brought up to llaltimorv a curiosity discovered by him which has created considerable intermt among strmnbont proplc- about Light street whnrf. says the Bultimorc Anlericnn. It is a livv oyster of lurgc size. growing out. of the mouth dt‘ an yeast powder bottle, which was found ontheahoreofthellappuhnnnock river. The oyster is considerably larger than the bottle. and only a very small por- tion is inside. Upon the sides of the bottle are sew-ml small oysters of tiny size, firmly fastened there. mac, nun-n, unue..-“ , Mr. Nelson has brought up a story more wonderful than his oysters; and for which there has as yet been no evidence produced. It is of on old gen‘ tleman who lives near Urbammmd who. so the story goes, while bathing during the sum er, lost a set of false teeth. which fl > ted awny or went to the bot- tom. Last week, while dredging; un oysterman brought up to the surface a pair of false teeth, around which a number of oysters were vlinging, some of which were of good size. and fastened on firmly. The old gentleman prompt- ly identified his teeth. and keeps them as a curiosity. flow I. Armenlnn (Ell-I Sueeerdéd in Etc-ping Iron- Turkey. Warned by the tt‘rrihlv {ntt' which befell her beautiful 301mg sistvr, Roan Alongha. a young Armrninn girl sums- months ago (lL-tt'rininwl to csvupp from Turkey or diu’ llcr sister, sags a for- eign exchange, liml ln-vu force-(l tornh-r the harem of a Turkish ufl‘winl of high rank. this being the (-ulminzition ui‘ much pérscmniun. Then it “in: that Rosa determi’nvd mi flight. \Vvll knnu » ing that onct‘ in the l‘nitvd Stutm Sht‘ would be safe from all danger. :hc en- deavored to scour-c a passport to thin country. In this she was unsurcesuful. whereupon she took refugo with the- wile of the British ambassador at Con» stantinople. The American consul then also intervstrd himself in the vase m THEiGARB or A nun. OYSTERS WITH TEETH. HAD A BROTHER. and rendered .umlenal assulunm- to the girl in her «florta to gr! nun). Disguise wag, of course. mmruaryfinnd Miss Alonghu IdOpted the costume of a mm. in which the was smuggied on board I vessel bound for thin country. when: she arrived surely. She inn no time hr gem'ng m Berktlry" (‘11.,whon her mother's brmhrr rciidel. Mi. Alongha come of A rich and nrintocuv ic family. She is highly cdurMed, speaking fluemly Armenian. Gmh, Turkish. French and other languages. SUGAR INVIOORATES THE BODY. i Colon-’00. o! a In." Qua-1hr III- Iolelt to Rovlvo 'l‘lnd Insoles. Experiment: of an interesung nuun- have lately been made at the instiga- tion of the Pruuian “3r ofi’u-a to un- deavor to decide the qurniun as to whether the consumption of small quantities of sugar rrndrrs Um tired musclrs capable of remme-d (\xvrtiun. In order to oblnin apru-tical result, lb.- person who was made the subject U! the experiment was kept totally ignorant of the object of the t xperimentrm. On one day. 83}."_ht‘ New York Medit-nl Record, a (meet liquor Ins adminis- tered. containing 30 grams of sugar; on the next day a similar liquid‘ mn- tnlning a stifiloiem amount 01‘ sacâ€" chnrine to render it indistinguishable from the other a; regarded taste. Aft- er a very large amount of mum-uh" work had been performed it mm {mind that better results ('(Hlld he uhtnineil on the days when the sugnrwan giwn than on the days when snmharinewns gin-n. The blood had become very punr in sugar in consequence of the smere muscular effort, and the administrat- tion of a comparatively small qutmtit) of sugar had a markedly invigorating effect. (ll-non; In (‘hl-s. There has always been a prejudlce again“ cultivated ginseng. Among the (‘hinese n111l.l:1pnn1-se. v1 ith “ homuluno it is considered :1 1-olc‘lyraled medioine. the wild Klwvixm‘ns bring the highw- prim‘s. .\t :1 time when {huh-111111111 111-- (‘nmc almost haymul supply 11tl1er roull began 11» lm substituted. nnluhl) 11mm: (111i111lu1-f111‘111n1. nr 1.11111, “hirh “sq km)“ 11 us 1111- \mericnn r111)t.Tlu~1lvn- nsh fmnrml H10 ~1 11g ulfluinml in Man- 1l11|111 :1111l l1\ tl.1‘n1\\1§111L<11l11r11luf 111111111 1l1 ll 1 ‘. ‘1 ' 1- 111-1. l'.11ti!l)1-rc11111‘~n rzlrv "1:11 1111 1:1'11'iul 11hr! “as inuwl ilj'flllf‘l ll11‘ gullnring 11! it. (linm‘ng 1-11'l1wt1‘1l 111 ll11-(‘l1in1sr t‘mpire is im pvlinl [r11 1rt\, and is sold nnh t1) 1‘11151‘ l1) \\ 1111111 while-gen haw been 71111111‘11. and {rum \slmm it brings its weight 1111:0111. During 1111- flrst part of H11- \\int1‘r the population of Sjansui turn 0111 in d bud)‘ l'o cullm‘t i1, slPt‘ping in th: field while the season ventinuel. mn'IW'hH‘ lu’l iill [‘r l'mst' In gumhu‘. (‘oot of - Cardinal's flu. 'l'ho rrtl hall of a cardinal cost; him mun- mun-y than kings pny fur My ex- n‘m (lu'ir u-r_\' hex! crowns. 1k-fnrv mum-min}: it the grateful prvlut» mull! luulu- nlfvriugs m the thv propaganda and to hi2. (itular vhurl-h ut “mum. and pug. [11% to u long: list of oflicinls. [Ill]:- ing from leumlwrluins m tlu- \ntlvnn «lmvn to tlw (mold and ram-[I'm nml 'he MHlllt‘Y‘k‘ of the Snix“ g'unnls. lntlmd. tln- nvu cardinal has to I u} {(-05 mun-1y M-‘p (rum the nmnwnt of his vnuIIinn m (In- m-mnion of his ream-hing: Hu‘ H‘d hut ‘n public runsistury. and uhvn all is (“Dr and done finds himself (m' U! pm-lu-t to tho (“tom of $2.501) ul firm-t, If the cardinal ix \sithout moans 10 de- fray the cost of His rlmutiun. and if he is to ru-side in Rome. llu- \ulicnn is rvudy to muiu- him a loan to ht- rvpaid in in- stallménts out of his )eurly allow one“. The sale- In Bur-nub. Th0 III-w “OIIIIIII simuhl tukv hur \\ p, to liuruIIIh There. trzn'I lvrs run is 111" only piano on earth \\ horI‘ IrIII I-quli'Iy ln-mu-HI HII- S‘A'\(‘s wish. in spit) of this. it. is I-IIIiuu-I]. Im wcun-n nn‘ marc- \IIImJIIIh’ HI: III the iIIrrIII-w “omen \\ hobo good st “54" (' Imhh 5 ”mm In w- IhI‘ line win-r0 HII-_\ oup‘h' to Mop III HII‘ iIi'ghu r IL‘va-x II \IIIIIIHII iHL\ pro] I rh of IN r U\\H1H‘ll llhllL‘lL‘P.‘ il in IV H III ”11‘ kmm‘ Iiutsw-s shI- lli\\(l_\§ h: |\ ‘- 1I'III1I- IIIIIl rlIIIs iII-r iIIIsiIII \s‘ on hvrmx II rcspfilrfiihiiil)‘ HII- s“\1-s I‘hnuu- illl‘W‘ Im II ”III-rut. ms III] M is I lll'ilvl|\ in :I-I- Hu‘ llll‘ll H: mm HH'H 34'“ iI V ('H‘ I "”71“. J- I‘ ”w “011.0” hnn- III-.IrI) III' urilllY u, A. E. WICKHAM. Electrical (instruction, Orders Promptly Attended to. rring. “Hilt- ‘hn- \xonu-n h; the rumil H‘mlr of ”11' ml hands. oal. Building Material, and Ice. New Work. Lamps furnished, All Kinds or Electric-I flux-rill. Ofllce: Cummings' Pharmacy. RAFFENézBAKER, TELEPHONE Highland P-rk. I" on L‘leEr for? mill ml: and LUST A sum” yellu“ and white (1)1“. harm-d "('lu~rr_\ Anyone- Nh‘ruing In-r tn tlw “made-nee U! W. U. HulmrlH‘a-Mrul “\Pnllv “I“ he n-wnnlml FOR SALE ('HICAI’ l luundr) «mm, 1 mun-h. l puir [-HFUPTR.J “Initr mmnwl Inc-‘IHINHL I umwr whim-t fur «lulu-:- :vr Imokn. I hull rawk. H kih'hc-nrlmirs. I nmuumh‘. l .whih- v-Imllu'l ‘lrmwr. flyurth carp»! :\1Mrr-h M Hmuusn SHAH“ L”). H ’HIIHISUIIH‘ 1‘“. WiHI gout! \iru n1 lulu i~ n lmrgum Less Than 7c. 3 Day FM ”10- wunfnrt, mmu‘hivm‘r and mfvt} nf )uur hulm- hanv :1 h-lvluhum- in _\m|r rvxitlvlu‘t'. (‘llirngn To-lvlnhum- (W. (inn. B. ('Illnlning~. Mgr Hun." u'um imlmnml nr unim- [Inna-d Highland I’ulk. Higlmuml nul Furl Sin-rink“: l-m'wrl} DUFFY BROS’ Express, Baggage and Dime Parcel Delivery. Arc responsible for all goods while In our hands. TELE'HONE 56. vary»! 1’ mm X r “5 All nur lumber is thornughly kiln dried mu! m- guarant.-.- (“up maiv rial h, In-mlllill in qualih' and Wurknmnnhip tn um mmh- Send (cur a-stinmw' Doors, Blinds, Glazed Sash, Brackets, Mouldings, Screens. FOR SALE urniture and Pianos Moved, “Packed and Shipped. Eggl In SCI-OI). Moncy lo Loan. A Bargaln T0 RENT. ETC INTERJOR FINISH IN PINE OR HARDWOOD. MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS- Trunks, 25c.; Parcels, 10:. To or from any part of the city. Goods handled with greatest care. Prompt attention given all orders. ('1 Hm. Uunrr H MillerHNHJ \\ ‘Ilihwi. Inw' *[nu ml Valv- . - ldlewild Poultry Yards, . . S. L. Wyandotts and B. P. Rocks FOWLS FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES luundr) UANUI’ACTUICI 0' WARREN, SR. , Dr. Frank {1. lngalls. Superintendent WK “Us \ The Folding Pocket Kodak. I"! Only UK Inrlu .3 l 35‘ man. m rmbuduncnl dw-phnc ammo» Ind cum. Mo. 'dflu M01 I“. V“. In. ’5‘“! m ”C.” “chipâ€"i "a. tu‘rfip. I‘IIM X“ I 7“. .4. unleu manufactured by fine Butt-an Kodak Co. noouu‘nn. I. v No Camera II I KODAK HIGHLAND 'ARK, ILL., Urn ing Mw'nrml son or Rnfit'll J: “Mu-I 5|. Jnhnd an Abdel Can-Janna In: 'Ull IRED ONLY Agent (or Blue Flame WkkIeu Oll Stoves. STOVES, RANGES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Tln. Sheet-Iron Ind Furnace Work Done to Order. J. H. DUFFY. \ Manager. LOADS IN DAYLIOHT. C. A. KUIST. Ind-u in IMAM“ when (Ir-«d, yet rank. gnu-h “in. 1““ mu ham-pron! Mm unndgu n. ANNOl'NCEMENT Hardware. scu‘l'nl (D‘I'I. (iI‘PU' EAST!“ KUBIK m. nl‘k l'tH bill! lllll I!!!“ ‘ur ed on “.odIu-Mluy1‘ death 0f Harr} liq mouth pay-L 1m- {’04 morning: hm it"wnq vmu‘eruiug him {01 should hear that 114‘ during 1hr mum. ward hip mMulzuwe; gnu ity nf Li‘ man! of hi! r(‘(‘H\t‘Y'\' “'q man} in liw Hwy 1 was of H)» nature During lm~ bug («I hm lilxlr puma «umplaininuh . :u-l m llw u-r} Hui ho h(‘iu1lMll‘,“ about him 1.» rolieH-l m-ic-uvo and 1hr (liw-zuc- in; y-null 1|!“ llli‘l'H ll math )(‘urs hl- huvi ‘A;~II( Mrenyztlr and \ iga :lfu-r lhv munyh-l N-mmd )t-al' hr i.» 313} he H"! .u Tu hi~ {MILW a 1.x unh MM \ :\ J” «w! hrnl'lh M mpmh} 'L‘lw 1a In uni In 1m Jn i1 lung um“. uflur-f l‘ lihl‘lhln!’ L'm «va half :1 mm " .1“ (2f hullx‘ .1111 \\ U [ix ulnusllu lusv lhln!’ L'm lml «th half :1 Inner Hm " lot of humm; I “'hll'h ~uun- mm wu-kq-d pars vh hm: have dune Hm: n‘ sprmg and aw m! Thvy arv nut uhll; Nu n- HmL uh: my h-‘dvlu-n urP mvlnl‘ “21 Thru- «ml. hrv~ hf h! :L-l lulH'Ill “inch ”WM ln-HM rnw1 (-t‘ 'n hurrr 1‘ a m \ timc- \\ r had “10‘ n.“ |w~1 dresunp ,\-v\\ rum-put hum» { the [W51MPLM H H ‘lll ll” guru nn. Hum- “i1 Our entire (-um VOL III. km! in“ H HI llwl‘ll d! Y “HUM-U \\' .- H ‘ hnslx :\|l~ HARRY PN SIN! \iu'H ulH. {hm 4111‘ H HI 111'“ .‘I (‘ 'L'hl (-14»: in- 4 H [HM HI mu- II H‘ Hid 10¢ run}: tll‘ mi (I!) lh xlh 1h H1 Hl‘

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