CMPLD Local History Collection

Highland Park News (1874), 15 Apr 1898, p. 3

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t"\ Ierstands a Woman’s ms 1y Hellt'a Mazes Women ’ISPUSITION. lay. .\8 er'. fhvatrr.( h Ago \ Fumll» fievl‘ot Gwa’ai: \ledflah Sold by an ‘ su for .6 Her. only Hood‘v. LETTERS. Ilrvnanubl» nuol.‘ 1080 :nmgntly v-n‘wi‘ons that, leprw‘uzo ,. :1an me danger of u. Huvwll r‘mrsanarilla :9 :EH‘. when and Vluhze the (but. am Emu?” the system "M had ternMe H u ‘ hack and right My \E3n11.1“'5D0Y - 1’." .ure I nad taken x! I I’uuml mud! imâ€" t“ .nnd feltso we]. ‘ills -I I - I'I ‘ 5.... "a.“ up;:|fu,.}<\\’uer>t..\.\'. d’ssszfilfa r n'nu'hnn ls Haalth «w 2‘”; 5mm. pzmplcs. ' I1 '11 :r, ‘m’vr blood :3 ’44" Hm d‘s Sarsnparili; .L .d guzrv' 4nd promptly ’: 'lhes‘. 1:; we spring anal “.1: unpurzhms -r:;»:‘ons that, lood IS Life to take flagrant ”v p: How} ‘3‘) H “"lemd is a ' pram-n by the "W i'v'k'd. Herc n l‘unnumptlon - Neil and .gluzas advice. CUTE Indy in for it did for wuld not. do." u; of lfprufapsus 0'. r W1) 78 happy :‘xt that raga-fag . and so i I‘m)- : u. dx‘ud to cure wn up nkham . Idrid it. but and it W 5 mm m the hi my which 11 I! “nu it» [ll ‘2 ”(41! 1 by \H h the You (It'd (‘nlored Troolil Ga South. St. Paul.. Minn. Apri113.--The Twen- 1_\‘-fifth infumry. L'. S. A" passed 1hmngh St Paul Tuesday en route to i‘hatmnooga. The enlisted men are all colored and are the pick out of some 3.000.000 adult colored men in the coun- H'y. Th0)- ure a fineJnoking army. 'nPany all young men. The regimental and cmmnxssioned company officers am: It” \vhi't‘. most of whom saw setvicc in 1110. (351 \ler. 'l'he- general has not perceptibly changed in appearance Sim-e he was last in Washington. His eye was as ivright and his step as elastic as ever. and nothing in his manner indicated that there had been anything unusual in his experience during the last several months. How long he will remain in Washington is not known, but it is as- Mimed that he will make his wishes conâ€" form to those of the president as to the lengih of his stay. . \h‘mh Hm! it inul z'vm-nml 3hr >lntmn tnel't‘ um u 'rvnwmlmis rm»): to gvt a look at By the lllllt‘ llzi was rvnlly to alight thu crowd \\ 11:; so lensv about the train that even with the assistance of £1 plzltuon uf policu it was with difficulty lrw l‘é’fl4'lli‘ll the- plutl‘nrnr Smrrul por- u-nnl I‘rie-nn's ul' the grnvrnl, among tut-m :1 nmnlwr 0i ladiés‘. pn‘ssod fur- \Htl'tl :1 nd finally bllt't't‘t‘ilt‘tl in grasping him by the) hand. One of the laulivs gzxcsentctl him a bouquet of rust-s Iiwl mgmhm‘ by ribbon of the natiunul col- urs :mzl iu-aring :1 tiny vont'mlorato hub llf‘ flag. lnnnediately the crowd bo- gm n m clim‘r. and round nurr ronntl 0f “uplansv grcvtml him as he walked slowly and uncovered down the lam,' platform of tlnr station. ()n reaching ihv } sin-ct entrance Gen. Lee vntorm! a state ile‘purtment carriage and was lapiilly drive-n up the avenue to the Mzm- department. 11;.- mummL . ‘ "l mum me Spurfish officials." 119 1‘0- }xii«‘(i."klu!IlUHieXLHiHHCU. I think some w." the- umviais “'ch cognizant of the plum m lit‘sIK‘U)‘ the \‘csmei. but [do not ‘nmivw that the captain general was." 1km. Loo suid thuL he had no immu- migo- of the reporxs that 11 mine had hwn ilf~i-i.»\'e!‘(‘\i by a diver under the \lnmguxm-ry while that vessel lay in the harbor n! Havana. Arrival of Gen. Lee. » ‘ “inhmgton, April ILLâ€"HCunsul-Ucnv «ml Fiuhugh Lee arrived here from Havana a: 23:30 o‘clock Tuesday after- noon. .\ lur; udmirvrs had \uniu Maxim: udmirvrs had gathered a! the Pennsyl- \uniu rliAKiun. and when the general au‘ppvd from the {win he was greeted \viih a tremendous outburst of ap- pluuw. Women “awed their handker- ('hil‘fx um! men their hats. and alto- getiwr :he dcuwnstrmion was zl'nutu- ”Io Mn. \Vuahingtuu crowds as u 1‘11““ .1ch 1m: .vIL-mmwu‘utnc. but this occu- : (H. \\ i1: .1\"_"IX>XHL'KHHL\ \‘Xk‘LPIHHl. LU“ ~ in :.:1':- 11m huur nut I'ut‘ Ihc ur- tzuin (in: crowd lwg‘uu to Lad} 'l'lu' LEE SAYS IT IS WAR. Spanish Agencies ReSponsible for the Maine Disaster. He Hl at? IhI‘ \\ “whingtun. April 13.~*(qusuiâ€"Uvn- “1 Lee “(is before the senate commit~ v on foreign relations for an hour to 'l‘m-Hiuy. Ile {allied freely wiih Ls i-mnmittee in regard to thr‘ condi- ux:~ in ('u‘uu. and especially with ref- I‘IH'I' m the (h'SXX‘UL'IiOU of 1119 Maine. e mi“, that in his opinion there was , mum In duum that the di‘btl‘uv‘ihll th \msyl wag due to Spanish zigeu- Du 3 mm mmn‘. the Spanish authorities um hr “11:11:le by a, member of (‘0nlul~“(‘ll(‘l‘ul Testifies Before fionato ('olumluehk [longing l-Icunfl‘ Extended lilnl on "In Arrhnl 1n “‘alhlngton. \. large crowd of cnthus astic SAN jUAN, PORTO RICO, WHERE SPAIN’S WAR FLEETS WILL RENDEZVOUS >ln l‘z-m: ‘thmu mu 1 uuhup. 11 my lust ! win-n it wu: known ml :hr Mutiun thel't‘ m»): to gvt a look at MINI ”11' SM t :n)« {'1 the m; Lumber Boom company. (if this 1-H}; are out an a strike for n ten-hmirdzu' instead of 11. as has been thv ruiv, Mass meetings were held in various halls and the men are den-runner) not to return to work until their demands an» granted. The company. of which 1“. Weyerhauser is president. says it will shut the mill down l'fltht’l‘ than give in. 'l‘iiiSJifiH is the largest in the world and i: will be a great injury to ('hippemz 1”an if it shuts down. There is much cxcitnment here, but as yet the men an- pmu‘t‘abi». "1n the event of the government requir< {ng funds for use In the prksenf (Tish. the facilmcs and resources of (Ms hank we hereby oflured for that purpose: and should congress authorize an issue of bonds for popular Investment, we desire to offer the service’s of Unis bank with Its 5,000 corn-- spondonts in all parts of tho country for the distrihunon of the bonds tn the peoâ€" ple. without commission ur vhargo Oran)- kind." Washington. \er 13. Sm-r. (Hr) Hugo. has received the ntthing letter from Edward E. Poor. pmsidont of [hr National Park bank. of New York: m by (up: Hi Hurreu, the ufliciui nrgzm. givt‘s its first ilnln‘e‘ssiflhs >inm- the i'u‘vlilion (If 1h» ‘11bit’ti cxtmu-ts of President Mr- Kinivy'snwssagt‘. M says: "President Mt'Kiliit‘)'m finish-nu» an the right (if Ann-rii-zm inti'rfrrvm‘c in (’uhu is little agreeable to SpainAvhiIu his couipiuints against the pmionguiion of the war ap- pear to partial minds sti‘i‘pmi in hitter irbny in View of \moricu's inbisteucc in causing the prolongation." "The cabinet has commenced nfiiciul negotiations \vixh Spain, suggesting that the futuw relatiuns between Cuba and Xhe Spanish government be based upon the model of Canada and Eng- land." \ U‘ New York Bank Agree. to Float [lands “'nhont Communion or ('hnrgo of Any Kind. xm‘xiltg: them ti) ouuw thv >unn' to ho rummunicntml m Hu- (*m‘my. 'l‘ln- Irnups will snipvnd In»! ilitivu im- mmliuh‘ly. maintaining tlwir prcN-nt position “ithnut any ofl'cnsiu‘ mun-- Lumbermen Strike. Chippewa Falls. \\'is.. April 137. “In £100 mill employes of the Chippewa Huvuna. April 13. ~(‘apt. (Ll-n. Mum-0 hus issued instructions in the Chiefs of the various cnrps uf 111v army relatin- m the edict suspvnding hostilities. (ii- mvnr. hut (.‘nhlm-t OlnA-oru and Gen. “‘oodtord Are l'lvnM-d wlth Tune of Die-Inge. Madrid. Aprii X3.â€" Senor Sngastn. the premier. m: [caving the palace after his daily wish to the queen regent, in- formed the newspaper representatives London, April 11Lâ€"The Vienna cone slmndem of the Daily ('hmniclv Hus: L ’.:1t tho gowmment was waiting {01 the full text of [‘msidcut Mchiule) 5 1116551113 befor - actihg on its'contvnh. }It‘ said also ttmt he considerml the unrasnge, so far as it was known to him, not 1103‘“? in tone toward Spain. mid that hv would continue desirous of peaco, for obtaining which the armis- tice in Cuba afforded the means. 1w two kilonu-trr.~. l-Zu I'varrcd to the gonm‘nh (hm. ‘Nnm‘o will rnwm (- lpprobmiun of ”1910mm A PATRIOTIC OFFER. THE SPANISH VIEW. iH wmiic {\ng i: )fllh’hiull hiMb-tini s gruntml "envy Lon by Fire. Dayton. (L. April 13‘ \ {irv brukv out in the Villagt’ of Osbnrnc. ten miles from ‘his rit)‘, Tuesday, and only the prompt assistance of the Dayton flro drpar‘mout snw‘d the filing» from (Mat doshumion. The total loss is about $20,000. chit-Hy to business hmm‘s. ’ \erdlrt Again-t 1h} "Sun.” Vow York‘ April 111. Rulu-rt Burr, Hn- English novelist. uhminu] u u-nin'l of $1.000 damage; in u libel pull upninr‘. tho Sun m'uspapex‘ h)‘ a jur_\ in ”19 l'nited States ciwnit L-uurl. On May 1?, him. tho Sun publkhed u pnrngruph 5:1) Eugthut Mr. Barr had been “n-mmm‘. to an asylum for inebrimos." This was 1h:- sxutomvnt complained u." Death 0! (’nnllunl 'l‘nu-bvru-uu. Quebec. (':1u.. April III. - , (:n'eiinal '(‘uwhvrc'uu ()n‘d at “:15 n'vlm'k Tue» day nighr. ('ardinul 'l‘.‘z.~<-Pn‘r<-uu um um- wf Hu- fm'rmux‘l vhuu-hxm-n of HM (HHHJH' hivrnrvh}~ on this sidv n! the .\U:mlir. ”is full mune “In Eli/var \)0‘\UHU'H 'l‘usvhrroau, and hr “11> burn in Smith- \lm'iv :h’ In Hénuw‘. Que-hem. in bin». llulihn. \. 5.. .\pr1l LL Hml “Hui Stuhm \szrshiln Sun I~‘rzun-1.\ru um! .M-u' (H'l\'4lll\"“ suiim' u! Him n'vhu‘L 'l‘uvmluy morning: fur New Ymk, 'l‘lu‘) lmxk (>11 board 2.30 («ms of coal at lhis 1mm. .\.- Hmn us tln- \un'slxips \u-n- \u-il \luun Hm hzlrlmr ”H‘) put an full qwed 1:1.d \n-rc mm“ nut of night. The «Mu-n. \H'n‘ t-nu‘rtuinml m. lht‘ \ul‘mlh vi!) clulw Maud“) night. ()nlm's to hurry in X0“ York. it is nwu'mimd. ('uHN'd ('onxmmlnro Howell (u ruuntvnnund In: wwlrr fur :1 full supply of (~0an Irwin. l'n.. April 1.1â€"5“)? ¢-.\t("nhi\f‘ plant of the Penn l'lutt‘ (”ass vumpnn) in North Irwin is in complctc ruin». Fire startt'd Tuesday night m-ar the new mating huII. L‘flHN‘d h) the Mu“- ing out of a gas cnnu-rter. ’l‘hv ”lllllt‘h spread with great rapidity from um- buildingr to :umchvr. and in our hour nothing but mnnhh‘ring Tllillx rcâ€" lnninvd uf tho lnrgvd and mmt sur- cvs>ful intlt-pt-ndcnt plzttt- Khlss \xnrks uf tht' l'nitwi Status. It “tuthv ll()IU‘\‘t and quirkmt tit‘t- ('H'l' M'( n in thi~ “huh- t'nnntr). null “ht-n it tint lyl‘ukv out it \\'1t\ knm-n that III-thing nmhi lu- tiunt- tu stu)‘ tlw Hahn". 't‘hv In.“ is (‘.\< - In Hm what“ :\ lung argunu-m rm suited upon the hill incr‘:1<ing(hvm\~ upnn (“prom rumpllnit's' varniug~ from onc m fin‘ per m‘ntu \\ hich amounts to un "tron-«'0 from $1.25!"? In $121M? pe-r yrur. This bill is passed us it cunu' trom (he housc. It.luck-‘11hnlf8nhmtrufthc- u'me I‘nwi for :uzinln‘mm-nt “ht-n 1hr consideration uf Hm “Hr Inc-usurp “2m nun-had. '{ht- hi1" milking :1 uur n1)- Lansing, Mich. April 1.: The extra snail)“ nf the state Icgi alum» Culll‘d by Gov. [‘ingrm- In rousidcr his meas- ures for thy direct taxation 0‘! X‘uHX‘uud prupt-rty cumc In an end Tursdny uigln withum tho :u-oomplishuwnt of u gingh- object for which (hr senimx was cam-(1, The bill In which Hie governor had pinned (1H hi> hnpt's “an kiHL-d in (he senutv Inst um-k. and m his frimzds HH- other mrnsures “or: of xnilmr rouse- quvucv. consideration uf Hm “Hr Inc-usurp “n: x'm'hed '{ht- bil'.‘ milking :1 uur up- pxuprmiiom of SJ ()0 000 m. d H: ( hi“ nu luting to the reorganization of ”w nu- timml guard and Land rrsurn-x \‘i‘ll p‘l3’t'd at 1:3 n'clock. “’nrshllm Flu-e Dentruy- Extrnlhe (.‘l-o- \\ or].- n( Ir“ In, I'mâ€"Lon. E-tlnln- led In $750,000. l‘hr ~“lchluan heal-lulun-‘I l-ler- Scnsion .\djourn-â€"uo\. I'm- art-(“I l'llln Falll. ENTIRE PLANT RUINED UNDER FULL SPEED. H ENDS ITS LABORS. \urk l ndvr (lrdrrl l0 ‘llll‘l llannx fur \ru 1‘1 .1» (Ant-11H” 1hr Hilhnln ' tht‘ .\Il:mlir NH‘ \II‘M'AHU'H burn in Suit}: )e-v. in 193'». (Irdorrd to 5"“; l-‘i'llllnj. ILnunu. \pl'll 1‘..."’l~hl‘ Ofliviul Ha- Io-tw p'lhli~h«'a :1 (lovn‘l‘. \ig‘nml by (‘apL lit-n. Mann). nnvmmluug Hull 1h.- Spanfih guwrnmcm, yivhhng 10 the n'itemtod wishes uf 1hr pnpv. hu» :1"- r‘n-wi a suspension of humimiu ’m (‘11- lm in ordl-r m {mainlan- tht' rv'pi‘manjuh of pear? in ”w island. X0 Hm:- '.~ (nod for 1h; I-xpiiuiiun 011;...‘d1‘i‘rl'r, \li‘i‘i."‘l)‘l" in ”W Him' \. H. Hnunn and [1K km: HUNT. “h“; h-rrihh- frml 1110 I'hilpnh, Ihmunh {m- (m I rim-M. Ivrvumm l‘rmll um! Sm “tn-min-l)Lilith-(1h)fin-l’rmm | amd 1hr luv |~ pmvanH) inv m n being mlinmlm! :m} “In rr Hum mm m $1,(IIH|.‘K’VL 'L‘horv \u-n» m WAN“ pmh'rns in Hz:- lmildilr-g 'n \wru vunuHm-(L 'l'lu- Virn- iahu-iuw 12:.“ \Izn'ivd {rum Hw ln-zllihp “hit-h 11m through vhu lunltlilu A>1"|illlllh‘llfl “HI'.|1\"L'U!l|1’l|‘..':" in «Inp‘ivuu' tho- ]!:|1V4‘!llhlfd'\xlll)l llll‘ll b\ h I'll ln‘e'll rm‘mmui and (M- numu u! 1.70 mlrsixxg huu- {nu-n l‘I‘p‘ll‘H‘tl us ”hilt“ rnumw! {mt I! i~ hurt-l} ponmfr than unm- of Ihvsr hm] «nun-mini in crows- ing Hn- PMN‘ lwful'u the» madam-hr m:- < urn-1!, \ nmwnuxiu‘ («limuu- is that hotnw n 73 mu! .m'» pvhm'n \u-h' Milt-IL Thv unrl‘ Hf I!'\I‘Hl‘ him ('unhnuwl ln‘xi. I“llll\.|:ui‘ 1|, 1""‘1‘ (umpui in \in- \ivmiY) Hf and \n 11- >00“ upmx 1hr ~ ing Mwll :l.\~i.\illh(‘r .1\ In inrnm 11w 1 h Sixlyl hurl! l night lu'lll: Ii] ing MH‘II:|.\~I.\|1\1HW .n lluMhh‘. “up \nmlu-r l0“ \h-llml. SmuH-u Walsh... April H. Later ‘1.» fails lm‘rivui hunt Sundu} frum Han-kn im-n :lw (ho ln‘nur U! (L‘- mnlnnrhv in SHHHP. \\;A.~h.. April 1‘. \ upland: from Skngua}. .Hznku. dutu! Apr)! :1. brings urns Hf an awful Inn- '0 1111mm; Mfr from :L Huuu-Hdt' un Vlw (‘hilhuz trail. Thv dun! new crush”: lilidth' uh nuilzlm'lu‘ (If um“ um] h't‘. uhwh r-wrnn dour) thv xrmunhmx Hdv ”1,0” 1sz h-H hand M'L’r (If Hm lrnH luinun; 3w! .u-vu lhv 5"”!qu 11ml Fhmrhmlu' Sru? Overwhelmed by an Avalancre on the Chilkat Pass. SUI GOLD HUNTERS mm ILLINOIS STATE NEWS. Near!) - llnldn'd "on lam-Jr: In Man. 0! Snow and Irvâ€"Name u! the Dam”- of (hp Au- lnl Ilnrror. All]! “l1 uI‘Hn 1hr \ blinlin'u 5. «man I! H'Yh. Sp! (h', “1'“ SK MMi'l' ('1' k‘HlLkUUT PASS HI) Inn-MY [lirnhf hwn \l:|nth-.~.rrr nus; nunnf, « \wm-lilTnH in} vmmt} , \m: \\'-I were \\a_\l:liul nml “(mun-d w \1-r.\ prnmmrnL ,\ frml hm bH'h raping lwhuw-n Ipn1s_ ...k« rs (umphtHh and - ft-x' Hv 1.;st )l‘ul'. 'I'nt-nty v‘ hw'n Inilmidnrimr (but timv, «in-:11 h Heny‘ Luna h) Fir: \h-nm- of - Feud. IwV‘H, Kt .. \lbl‘ii 9 'rh'w? hwn \lnm'hI-r “'15,: \wQu'lHTUf( 1': Ill {(-I' ”H hw'n Ix Hum um] u-r. \\ unm‘n Hdv up Hm 1H luiuun ”1 HM Ha nn‘mir Y HHIM‘ \\ ~KOK “A ‘\ .‘l in»h-Iulnf [15$n'hihgil. luninw huu Hun {m and (M- l 1mm of 13m l l unr 1le {hr vim; I'm“ HI'IY 114'1- >HH4H‘} \H-rn I O 01' Th" «1 \h-muH/N ‘_\ L”: h: in H ,‘ifi éaizidhaiw L111 a! Irv-1‘ :1! ‘\ x u M IHIN'S h Hn‘ pin-d lrn vl \\ 1H4: H. ‘(I lgwl dim \l };(1)Â¥I'L1H.1hr 1mm; rl.1.lhl|;!:|\\fl). FJH- Hrnruwmd unwn vurprnlers in ( Limp: Hrm'k fur nu 11H rt‘ubl' in wugf‘l um] lhvir ‘iv-nmmh \u-rr‘ 1mm) gruuwd. Thv hnmlwxm- I )mrrh )rmldmg of HM! Mmlmd»! lip;uwp:., wmgrvpmmn in Lrhermu “an 101an (Intrnytd 1:) fire, linrglurr onu-rc-d HH' rrutlrmw n! Frill 1‘: ml‘ in 0mm _\ aml Inmk $1431. Thr- ‘vl‘rill lim-wrn quwl. un Uld “ur'd'r in r landmark. “ha drutrnyed 11y I'Hr ml Ln'ngu. Hm In“ lwmy “H.000. (mu fnrm nrur ( Hmuu \nmn Svhvrrr, 1.3111 H‘\\:1.~m111n]-.u-m~unm-ruh-ur- Lrhelmn “:1. mm”) timing.“ 1)) Hr»‘ caumng n i065 0! $12,000. (n‘nrgr Hartman. “hilt rndra‘orm‘ (n lmzml n {rmgm triu'n M Dixon, “a: lhrtm'n under tho vary and both Ing- wwre cm “H. I'm 1d lIopn Are In Illa-tr. Lumx J. Mm”. luul Louis lit-ll. two N" _\I-nr uh) lugs “hm wrx’t- nrrrrlm] in liorMurd. (’Ullft'kld‘d H. liming \amâ€" pcrmi \\ 11h Hnr .\\\ :Irh \\ huh Hunt-d 111:9 lunwngrr \\ rm-k on ”w .\(Il"h\\'t’h\l'rl| rum! m1th of Rockford. rt-suhing in the dralh ul Fin-mun Hun Ulrur). They \ knill the) did A! bm-uusv 1hr. had It N-vtmn Furl-man grim um-r ugmnq rqn-Mvd Hm Pan-1h. on “hum vim-3 blanu- “OHM 13):“. Mu rzf‘f \‘\ “.2. {3-, lm H 'l’l.‘ ma: M Jutm liltk-nrnn. [\uxn‘nh- (I: \ Anhm harm. H: gun HI'LIo \ 1mm AZMLMIM. )1urph):!wl pul' Hu- r03: homing Inplullb \ M-hnol Ln“ lilpl-Ined. Atturm‘)‘lh-m'lnl .Uun lmnllml down In “whit-n tn snm- >uIn-rihh-mlt‘x1t of l'ublh' lnxlrm-Iwn Inglis (-nnrrrnihg lhv \ulniil) of We thllr of 131'? cun~ (Trump: HI- Mud) n! l|))!it‘l1!’ and physi» 01w,“ .nml1hr(fit-"ls.vfulrnhnlh drmkl um! an-r nun-n11”. on llu- 33911-111. The nllnrnn-_\~gvnrrnl huhh Hm! nmlhrr ‘hu M‘huol hoard nnr (hr lrurln-r mm ex- ruw uh) pupil {nun sun! Mud); nlm that Hn- study 11mm he dunt‘ during Hu- rvgulnr N-luml huurx There in nothing In Hu- Munnc ufim-nmz \he re- lnpmus \ mu nf nn)‘ porrnn, fit it} on nllu 1'11 “1‘, HM} lid Um ‘Itl [HI-H Mnlr :- Furnc-r'l H) H)" "H“! II Ig‘ x m\ mun”: :LMIJI'M 3‘ fl $19!:- lo-rrrlnr ll lull Inn run lull! in n mcirn m~ur 1:». “gm! L'I. mm .Hma Mont. 1“le {rum Kmmnmly r (Inn-rm} Hw rrulh'llt‘l‘ n! ‘1‘ in 0mm _\ aml Inmk $1431. In! lint-wry; quwl. un Uld ur landmark. “ha drutrnyed 1.10111").sz In“ lwmg “mm“. lhm: mu 5' yin! (lrL'IHI Fur \hnull \Id n1 HI'I 11h H HI “I”!!! L- 011 UII||I1V 1H)”; IH r11 Ihv- M nu Mun- .u: 5' \Iuhm‘ Md In- nn. A r~u|x~f!\1h()n nflu-c I» \u rr rte-He'd H slull-Xh'! )unn: 1- H» nu r“ lilu-n l'( ”1;! Daughter liq 1» (-hurgrd It“ Hixr) l'j. Iln‘Y‘,‘l11HlKh< “‘11 'hn :xuvre- and -t In Spring- Julia Stone «Hun-m {or , Hull; no fiiu-k-ri. ' 3 \S'H- f\ l‘flrfi an fullh!‘ rhux" In farmrr Hi” In! wuiorl‘dfi r1 pubnn n nlnmst hhl‘(' in .\l|1h‘r’- llrpmy in}! at. H1 1H ([1,; 10 'h \ 2hr :x13‘l HIM M HUI‘ Hm nut V100 I)" HI

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