CMPLD Local History Collection

Highland Park News (1874), 6 May 1898, p. 4

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“Old Glory" unfurled it's folds to a good stiff breeze. Guess Mrs. Egan keeps her "memory cup" on all ‘_ the time. for ours was 03' till we saw-the stars and stripes. 'Rah for “Old Ag, Glory." We reget that fidelitytu the truth compels us to record the {act that the backbone of the famous “mulwtrust” is broken. A muletrust was forni- ('Ll in St. Louis as soon as war with Spain seemed prohahlc. and the price pushed up some $2.3 per animal. Re- cently [incle San] called fur hidsand the trust put in svveral. but all high priced. l‘ncle San) “smelled tar" and declined then] all. Then 'anw private otters at reasonable prices and he got all hv wanted and the trust haw their high priced mules on their hands. What a noble thing disinterested patriotignn is anyway ! THE editor Bf the NEWS has lwvn rvceiviug congratulationn. >amplt-s of which appear elsmvht-rv. m'c-rthe fact that little Vermont has out quite a figure in recent \‘ict'orivs over the Spanish fleet in Asiatic watvrsx We don‘t know but it may turn out that Lord Nelsuu. the hero of Trafalgar. was a Vermonter. and may ht- that Sm”: uur‘ keeps an alert mind on the national and state holidays pretty well. Last Saturday. April 30th, was just 1H9 yours sincv Washington was inaugurated in the city of New Kerk as first President of the L'nitvd States. and as we wheeled into Cen- trvl avenue, at the Hipwell corner. Lord Howard. ‘Sir Francis Drake or Sir Francis Hawkins were veritable "Green Mountain Boys." However. it is tlw victories we are after. not the nativity uf the men who win thezn. But “'0 do confess to 2: hit of pride office THE City Council will have some lim- and perhaps knotty points to decide in this Brand-Peters contest, and we shall watch itJvith interest, because we believe the aldermen will try to decide according to the law and the evident-v, and that is all that either contestant or his friends can or will ask. HI Adverflslng rates mad. known on application at this office. The Highland Park News. LEWIS B. Hmmnn. A. E. EVANS. - k Published in the Interests of Highland Park, Highwomi and Ravinia, every Friday ancmoon by Runs, 51. 00 per vear. 50 cents for six months. :0 cents for three mnnths. Editor’s Residence, - Business and News Office, Entered at the postuflicc at Highland Park, 11].. 3* sccnnd class mauer. (mice: in .\'cws Building, 255 Avenue. Highland Park. Illinnis. ’x f ‘ . \v ' t “(mks mm {'3 EVANS 8: FORREST. FRIDAY, MAY TELEPHONES ). - « EDITOR Bt’smEss MANAGER ilS we have No. 8. No. 92. (antral The world has a new Bible. called the "l’ol_\'ehro1ne." that is. "many colored" Bible. lt i~ printed in colors. lilit' wall paper. or a fancy poster. The higher crities have‘di» covered. fur instance. junt how far in the book of Isaiah. Mr. Isaiah No. I wrote. say to the middle of the SiX» teenth verge of the tenth chapter. and this is printed in red. Mr Isaiah N0. '_’ wrote thence to the end ofthe first six words in verse 9 of chapter twenty-lin- and his part is printed in yellow. and No on. all through the book of Isaiah. I‘:Zl(‘l1 writer having his own special color. and so pf the other parts of the Bible. How these critim know just how much No. 1 and No. L’und so on wrote. We don't know. and probably the old original Isaiah himself. Would not understand it any better than we do for he never heard of Mesa“. lsaiahs Nos. 1 and L’ and so on. But of course they helped himont allthe same. for these higher critn a)’ soazidtheyhumuof eonrw The, conVention will undoubtedly accord to this town of Deergehl one place on the county ticket. provided the town goes to the convention agreed and united on its one cumli- date. If how‘mer. it goes to Liber tyville with U“) or three candidates it will get nothing. Any one who knows much of Luke county political conventions knoWs nll this as well as We (lo. Heucc the real question i~a this. which one of these two men will the Republicans of this town select as their candidate for the sull'ruges of their county frieulx“: stated, Mr. Keuiie, of the south school, became a candidate for super- intendent of schools. and as such proposes to go before the Republican county convention for nomination. No one denies him his right to do this, and moreover no one charges him with any attempt to sidetrack or derail Mr. Fletcher. Mr. Kenzie is comparatively a young man. and u good man. too. but he has not lmd the experience of some other men in political management. llis intenâ€" tions in this matter are wholly lmn» arable and honest: lné saw an upon field. and entered it, encourugml. no doubt. by some of his real or appar» ent friends. I Now how does tlu- paw stand? What are the facts and what are his prospects? THE NEW BIBLE. a labors and Now. will slwlw him mun whom- The Inngnitunli- of Spain" (-riint- against ('ulm. may he went in :1 fun suggestive ligurt-s. us cunipzirml with the l'nited Status. Arc-u: l'nitml States. Rlllliln‘ niili-s. 2.93“”le To-i. [105509. -ll.75H;. Cuba. H.635; Th.” is; tllt‘ EH'NI of (‘uliu is Iv» th:in UIH single state of 'I‘t-nne‘s-e and w» linu- (in-r thirty status. t'flt‘lt ()l which is larger, HUIIH‘ nf thmn wwrul tini-w larger tli: n Cuba. At Illt‘llttlo‘ at our civil war in Hill. thv pnpulutinn ofthis cu'untry was. {'nitml Staite'a. 32waw; Culin. mummy That is our country had a pupulutinn un-r twenty times Its large as (‘ulm has now. Compare the death lossvs in: curred by the civil war un all the country. north zin.l snuth. with thv death losses inflii’twl on littlv (‘uha by the hrutility and cruelty of thv Spanizirtls, must of tho deaths being: from ~‘turmtinn. l‘nitml Stzitm $3!thle ('nlm. Htilfl't‘tl. Il‘NUMl That is. during all mir fuur yum ml civil war this‘ muntry {wt in lmttlv. hospitalsaniltlwiths. other“ :1) .~ :ilxiut HUJMM iwrmns. or mu- ihzitli to m‘t-ry T7) of tho lmpulutinn, ln (’ |ll)i| tlw lliltllmtilt Spaniards liziu- vuuwtl. t-hivlly li)‘ ('ruvl sturmtinn \\;ii.tunl_\ inllit‘tt-(l UH l'llt' tic‘uplv. thc‘ Ilt‘Jllt ..f zllmlll. inurv in~tmiil nf in“, SW Ultkt ur u (lt’iltll lt'iks t f unc- in ziliunt m‘ni’) fin- uf thv [bultlllilllUIL Ext-apt as u curiusity. \vmlun't cure a picnyum- for this \mmlc-rful pal) chrome. hut wa- would like-tn n-ml :m exhnuhtivv rm'it-w n; thv thing (mm the prim of Mme: ur lu'liab or l’nul. in fact “1- will nulmcril'w fur n yuan in any theolugit-nl l'l'\lt‘“‘ uhivh uill publish such it n-vic-u'i ullwit it might nut inert-urn. tlw sale.» of tlw “l’ulv chrome. \\'«- shall ~~till lump uinl read ()ur Hagan-r, ~mull pit-u. hi thv gnod old King: .lulnve'. rl'\'lsn‘\l, as innit-ted h)‘ the Spaniarti‘. “1111M make our lasso-s [uliy \IX hundrml lives. Win-n m- think «if ~ix hand red human heinus beinu diurnal ur put to «1v 1*h111w111t- nthe-nrml man 11er in our littlr city h) a iurt‘iuli force. we got z-zuuux idva (7f the- 11111;: nitnde and inhumanity of thi~ Spun iahcan1paigninthat111111111111} Man! That cruelity i~' 1m \mrm- fur twin}; sunear 11<.li11t it maki-s unr tint) clear. for it is 111a11ifostly the. tint) (If the man standing 1111 ”10 uhnn- hard in tupnll the (trimming man in 111 the. “atvr. and not wait fnrhc it) frnni sump (inc miles mm} in tho‘ wuntr} tn cumv tu his rescue. g l‘nm‘) Bake Ice Cream at All Ordrrs promptly drlhrrrd H11 DUI Express, Baggage Irunks, J Col. Ingersol once told the world what awful mistaken; Moses mud:- in his part of the Bible. 0! course it 50, though David and Christ and Paul never heard of those errors. but the brilliant orator said they Were there. and that was enough. By and by. one day Josh Billings “rose uudsuid in his droll,dvlihe'rnte \vaythut while he Would not give live cents to hear Ingersoll talk about the- mistakes of Moses. h» would gins tin;- dollurs to hear Mose-s discuss the mistakes of the brilliant, blundering intidvl. and tho idz-a finally dawned on ”11‘ Wurltl that the humorist bud hit thr- hulls eyo The {not is the Bililv and sun dry parts of it, as the- writings of Moses and lsuiuh and Paul and John hun- lu-en demolished and annihilut ed soimuny times. only tot-omo- forth clearer and stronger en-ry time- that the world is no longer {rightmml hull out of its wits «An-r)" time soun- pompou \. conceitvd, imlwrtinrnt and impudvut critic uttvrs his petty am utht-mus. Or to state it in smutlwr ml}. thn dvth rntv fur uurvit)‘ uf Highland Park. with a populatiun «4 3AM“ would have ht‘l‘n about furtyuu-n while tln- actual death ratt- in ('uhu. For tln- ruund trip on cvrtificute- Idem tn Cleveland. Ohio. and return “ill be nmdt‘hy tln- Nivkt-I I’lzm- “mud account of luevtinguf Suprc-nn- (‘mm Ci] of thv Hnyul Armlmm. .\lu_\ l\ 23.) 139* Tliri-c‘ tliruugli truinwiuil} “ill: senicc (-quui m that ml in.) other linv lx-twm‘n munv points. Ynu will san'e- time and mom-y h) putrun izing the Nickel l’lnh- Ruzul Tr} ll and he cunvinm-il uf tln- mlmntngm alfiirdul the» trawling pulvlii- .l, \' (‘ulnhumfirneml Agrnt. 11] Admin Strut-t. Chicago. will he pleuuml tn. furnish any infurmuliun re-lutiu- ln rates vtc, Trains drpurt frum tin- Vau Burr“ Strm-t l’uawugvr Stutiun. Chit-3g”. Ill. One and One-Third Fare SPAIN'S CRIME HM GERHARDT CO., 3.. Bakery'and Confectionery.... Fruits and Vega-Mn Ruth-d Dull) Fancy Groceries, D. A. DRISCOLL CO.,:§ .{L- ..fiicvcle Exchange... Sundries and Repairs of All Kmds 742nm!“ so FRITZ BAHR, Proprietor. Floral Decorations, Cut Flowers «and Flowering Plants. OFFICE AND YARD: ST. JOHNS AVENUE. IN LUMBER DISTRIDI. TELEPHONE 67 DUFFY ‘BRO’S Express, Baggage and Dime Parcel Deliyery. Arc. responslblc for all goods while in our hands. A. ROBERTSON, Lumber and Building Material of All Kinds. Furniture and Pianos Moved, ‘ tâ€"Packed and Shipped. Highland Park Greenhouses, Hard and Sofx Coal, Sawcd and Split Wood, Kindling. Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron and Furnace Work. Goods the Best. Prices are Rusonablc. Trunks, 25c.; Parcels, 10c. To or from any part of the city. Goods handled with greatest care. Prompt attention given all orders. l‘nnc) Bakery (l(x)ds.£iglrs and Cigarettes Ice Cream and Soda Water in Season. HIGHLAND PARK. ILL. Bicycles to Order From 835 Up. BOOTS AND SHOES. S. L. Wyandotts and B. P. Rocks FOWLS FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES HIGHWOOD, ILL. Full Line of Choice Candies. Dry Goods and Crockemg Dr. Frank 11. Ingalls. Superintendent ldlcwila Poultry Yards, . . HIGHLAND PARK. ILL., FUR! IKED ONLY J. H. DUFFY, Manager. Hi hhnd Park Illinois. '1' cphonc 54. Catering for punk-s a spray/n. 0004- Delturcd Free 0! Our“. n .935 nap-u- ~°- ° orru Q It Horns HUI'R: 2 09 m 4 (w Hotshot A. S. ALEXA!!!)i {)ffim‘ Highland NM >um raw r! I" Dr U M F- 1 m1! H" '5 33- 7 lo; the n Mm} p dq-unun 1 tom Ha from [hr [1 07. h» the Lung l)lh‘1u)n I 'l 1 Jun Chcnkutuhu 'lnln‘, Mom at Mum!“ Hail D‘ M lnuans mum-r A‘ H 1'33 Lodge, ulu Inn-hug IH'I'I.) I each mnmh. ax Man A Sun"; \luH‘ lndqxndrm Huh-.1 lund. Mrrhugr Innl each month In rural Hughhnd Put Ca Arc-mun. Mrs! M and (nunth‘mdnvs \N. A. \Mlnm', sure! Modem “'mnhntn lursl :nd founh Fnd; esKt-rs' hull. \Vllhu Klee. Clerk. Ravmm M F, {hm Ht'llhnm- pagan St II) . hliunfllv Irma Sunday tummy at? n: 7 4!; rad. Nmu.._ trum b m n :w 1-4 run-mm and um mi ll munth .‘wmlml. M L (hm Rr\ H “ruling. as 10110".- Nxmlm I Lraum- 2m 1‘ m l‘rln'r "wrung 'HI [- ua‘s‘um' Ar 1m lll‘d hm k mm: | van H‘ I‘hmrn. puwn manpwra‘hmg 10,4 | m . .‘unuhn .~- hu hvanurlu as“); 5n vadmg K' (yrrman WI )2 a! HA2} 1) {A m "dun-mm» ‘ prayrl Int-chug,- n he“: a‘ <1ISF nl yum 51 May} > imh‘vu “I'ddc'n. pant” l mans. In a) Sumuy [he I’taptm l hun I‘rem‘hmg. w 45 a 1 m ‘anxm \uuug 1‘ HI . In't'mlung. ”23H "In-Hug, 7. lavaugchnnl Luxl \I' \ainnuan pahlm a m Mun!“ v hu lU.()i fl ”4 Ila In the mumh “arshqwmv LLOYD M. Fruit-mu n In DR. FRAIKU DR. H. (‘m-au. agrz um Irnnh n-mltnun H NORTH WESTE gnu-wt"! V01 Directory .1 NOOHLAND P‘ ROOI1HI . "(nth I” nu h¢> -2u; 4 north H Banding H) IHIHUHI-Ull IN a At nnnn um ghumu} CHURCH vu'rl .04 D4 mdn \ u uh Sex and ‘ llflklll m (‘hn 1v \1. n'hl \vv mad \\ rd 131

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