BOTH .s’HOUSES AGREE. The War Revenue Measure Passed by Congress. An Abnract’ of "I Mont Important Feature: of ’I‘nxntlonâ€"The Bond blue â€" The Silver Clan-e. concert halls in cities of more than ZOJJUU pvpuiation. $100. 7. L‘ircuses. 8100 No special tax paid in our state is to exempt exhibitions from the“ tax in another state. though but ono special tax is (0 be imposed for exhibitions w1th‘r,any one state \ Prom (tors or aants of all other public exlxihiti ~ or show: {or money, not onu- mv‘rateri hexe. $10. 9 Bowling alleys and billiard rooms. $5 101' vavh alley or tablet 'l‘nhnvcnd‘lg‘lru.(‘lnarotlosnml Snufl. Ir 11ml of the tax now intpnsod by law, a tax of 12 cont: per pound upon all tolmvm) aLLX muff, however pi-vpztred. manufacu tun-Ll and sold. nr removed for consump- tlun or sale; upnn vigars and t'ignl'mtes manufacmred and sold, m‘ temavml for consumption or sale, the following taxes to hr paid by the mt nu tuturt-r: $34301)†thou- sand on cigars weighing more than threo pounds per thousand: Si pm" thousand on cinnrs w ig'ning not mor» than 3 pounds aw mnnmra- SRGO ner thousand on rig- ..\u :ouv‘.» .v . 2. Bmkérs. 5k, but any person having paid zhe speclal taxes as a banker shall no! hr requlred to pay the special tax as a broken 3. Pawnbrokers. $20. 4. .Commerclal brokers. 820. 5. Custom house brokers. 810. 6. Proprietors of (heaters, museums and AL,_ «(mm rvr thousand: $3.60 per thousand on rig- ai'vitm wdglilng more man R pounds per thousand, and $13) per thousand or. Ci:- areztes weighing no: more than 3 pounds per thousand: provided (hat in lieu of the two, three and four ounce packages of to- house and snot! now authorized by law, thzre may be packages thereof. containing 1 2â€"3 ounces. 21/; ounces and 31-3 ounces re- spectively. and in addition to packages now luthorized by t’lx-nlv ihere may he packages coniaming one ounoe of smoking tobacco. Insurance. LIFEâ€"0n each policy for each 3100. 10 cents on the amount insuredi Policies on tho industrial or weekly plan. 40 per cent. of the amount. of (he ï¬rst weekly premium is :‘harzr-d. Fraternal heneiiviar)’ societies and orders, farmers‘ purely local cooper- a: v2 companies, employes' relief associa- tio's operated on the lodge system or local Cooperative plan. "organized and conducted solely by me members thereof. {or the ex- clusive beneï¬t of its members and not for prom." are exempted. MARINE. INLAND. FIREâ€"On each polâ€" icy oneâ€"half of one cent on each dollar. Cooperative and mutual companies are ex- empied, ,A, ~-. A 1-. . ‘mnnn empzed, (‘ASUALTY. FIDELH‘)’. GUARANTEE .L A »A_ \ “Jpn“. -. - ._ .__,, ,, wliach polim’ and each bond for the per- formance of the duties of any ofï¬ce or poslâ€" Iaon or OILH’ ubllgafllon of the nature of inâ€" demnity. and Each contract 0r obligation guaranteeing the validity of bonds or other obligations issued by any state, county. municipal or other public body, or guarâ€" anteelng titles to real estate or mercan- tile- oredits executed or guaranteed by any surmy company upon the amount of pre- m:um charged. one-half of one cem on each dollar. - .__.L A _AInI-- UUll'di. Proprietari Articles. Medicinal proprietary articles and prep- Irations: Upon every packet. box. bottle. any pills. powders. tinctures. troches or lozenges, sirups. cordials. bitters. anoâ€" dynes. tonics, plasters. liniments. salves. ointments. pastes, drops. waters (except natural spring waters and carbonated nat- ural spring waters). essences, spirits. oils and all medicinal preparations or compo- sitions whatsoever. made and sold, or re- moved for sale by any person-wherein the person making or preparing the same has or claims to have any private formula or any exclusive right, where such packet. etc‘. does not exceed at the retail price ï¬ve csnts. one-eighth of one cent tax: when the retail price is between 5 and-10 cents. one: fourth of one cent; between 10 and 15 cents. (hree-eighth- of a. cent; between 15 and 5 cents, ï¬ve-eighth: of a cent. and for each udditional 25 cents in value. ï¬veveighths of a cent tax, Perfumery and cosmetics nnd other similar articles used as applica- tions to the hair. mouth or skin or other- wise used. where the packet. box, bottle. em. does not exceed at the retail price 5 Cents. one-eighth of one cent tax; when the price i between 5 and 10 cents. one-quarter of a cent: betWeen 10 and 15 cents, threeâ€" eighths of a cent: between 15 and 5 cents. five-eighths of a- cent: each additional 25 cents in value. ï¬ve-eighths of a cent lax. Chewing gum. each package of not more than 81 retail value. 4 cents. and for each additional dollar 4 cents. Sparkling or other Wines. when bottled for sale, upon em‘h hoztie containing one pint or less, 1 cent; more than one pint. 2 cents. Inheritance Tax. A tax or.‘ lnheritances and legacies exâ€" cwdlng $10,000 in personal properly ls pro- vldml as fellows: On sums between 810,- 0w and 525.0(0â€"flrst. on beneï¬ts to the lineal issue or lmeal ancestor, brothr‘r or slsteror the deems-ed. at {he rate of 75 cents for second. to KbL’ descendant of a e\ ery $100; bro:her or sister, at the rate of $1.50 for enry Slim; mird. to the brother or sister of tho {mm-r c-r‘mother. or a descendam of a brmhcr or sisxer‘ot the father or mother, a: :he rate 0(83 for every 3100;10urlh.tothe hrozher or sister of the grandfalher or gmmlnmiher. or a desrendant of the brothâ€" :er of the grandfather or grand- }; for every 3100: ï¬fth. to those 0! â€gr Mgrec of collateral consanguln- a: :he rate 0(83 to brozher or sister gmmlmmher. or; e:' or >512:- of t! n10:§hr.3£ior ev in cities of more than 25.000 1e 10.â€"-The house agreed _ report on the war rev- 54 to 107. The following the moat Important pron ity or strangers in blood or I. body points. or corporate. at the rate of $5 {or every 8100. All legacies or property passing by will. or by the laws of any state or terri- tory. to husband or wife are exempted from tax or duty. On sums ranging hetween $25,000 and $100,000. the rates of tax are to be multiplied by 15.; on those ranging trom 8100.000 to 3500.000. the rntes are to be mul- tiplied by 2; on those ranging {ram “.000 to 81.000.000. the rates are to be multiplied by 2%. andton those above 31,000,000. the rates are to be multiplied by 3. The tax is made a. lien upon the property until paid. and it is required the: the tax shall be .utls- tied betore the lentee is paid. Certiï¬cates 0! Indebtedness. The secretary of the treasury is nu- thorized to borrow from time to time, st 5 rote of interest not exceeding 3 per cent" such sums u. in his Judgment. msy be nu- essary to meet public expenditures. and to issue certiï¬cates of indebtedness in de- nominations of 850 or some multiple of that sum: each certiï¬este is made payable at such time, not exceeding one year (rom the date of its issue. as the secretary or the treasury may prescribe; provlded that the amount of such certiï¬cates outstand- ing shall at no time exceed 3100.000.000. Bonds. debentures or certiï¬cates of in- , debtedness by any association, company or corporation. on each 3100 of face value or frsctisn thereof, 5 cents. and on each orig- inal issue. whether on organisation or re- organization. of certiï¬cates of stock by any such association, company or corpora- tion. on each 8100 of face value or fraction thereof. 5 cents. and on all sales. or agree- ments to sell. or memorandum of sales. or . deliveries or transfers or shnres or certffl- ; antes or stock. on each 8100 of face value or fraction 2 cents. In case or sale when the evidence of transfer is shown only by the books of the company. the stamp shall be placed upon such books. and where the change of ownership is by transfer certlilâ€" cate the stamp shall be placed upon the certiï¬cate: and in cases of an agreement to sell or where the transfer is by delivery or the certiï¬cate assigned in blank there shall be made and delivered by the seller to the buyer a bill or memorandum of such sale, to which the stamp shall be “ï¬xed. Penalty. :1 ï¬ne 0! from $500 to 81.000, and imprisonment for six months. or both. , u... , â€N..." _. . v . _ Iior party) for any goods ux' mvrvhinzdiw to ! be exported to any foreign port or Maw. 10 cents.‘ A iax of one cent is imposed for ’M’ery telephone message for which over 15 cents is charged. Any telegraphic mes- ; sage. 1 Cent. Indemnifying bonds. W icents. Certiï¬cate of profits of any asso- iciaiion and on all transfers thereon on each £8100 of {goo value. 2 cams. Comraci. brokers‘ note or memorandum of sale of any goods or merchandise. stogks. ibonds, exchange, notes of hand. real 92:- ltaty. or property of any descripiion issued lby brokers or persons acting as suvh. for ;Each nc-ic- or momm'andum 0! sale, 10 Whig. ‘Conveyam‘e or dPt‘d for reai yam!» in whivh the consideration exceeds 31m and does not nvr»n:-rl rm :14) ventsi and for each addition- up. we. Upon each sale. or agreement to sell. any products or merchandise at any exchange. or board of trade. or other similar place. either {or present or future delivery. (or each 3l00 in value of said sale or .gree- ment of sale or agreement to sell. one rent. and for each additional $100 or tractlonal part thereof in excess of 8100. one cent. Provided. that on every aale or agreement of sale or‘ agreement to sell. there shall be made and delivered by the seller to the huyer a bill. memorandum of such sale. to which there shall be afï¬xed a lawful stamp or stamxm in value equal to the amount of the tax on such sale. -- , . nt any person or pm rsons, tOlnpAHiCS or corpo raiionsx 2 cmxh‘, Bills of rxuhnnge (inland) draft. cortifl \ur Ian vn. sun†N“ Bank chwk, draft or certiï¬cate of deâ€" posit not drawing inn rest, or ordrrs for {he pnynwm M any sum of money drawn upnn ' Ind by ax v hank. [rust compAny or mmum - u ..., Bills of rxuhnnge (inland) draft. certiï¬â€" vmos of dexmsit drawing ints‘rvst, or urnlor for Ihc paymvm of any sum of money. mh- Prwi<o than a! sight or nn ‘lvmand. or any prom my not? bxuepl hank not?! \ssuw‘l for cu 'uleuion and for (ravh rem-“ml or the samr for a sum not rxvvoding $100. 2 ('x‘ï¬l". and for each additional 8100 or {rm-{ions} part {hereof in excess of 8100, 2 cents. BUM of hiding or receipt (other than char- The [land Section. The secretary of the treasury is author- ized to borrow on the erudit of the United States from time to time as the proreeds may be required to defray expenditures authorized on account of the existing war (such provecds when received to he used only for the purpose of meeting such war expenditures), the sum of fliN1.1V>0,(lJï¬.nr.-xo much thereof as may be necumry. and to prepare and issue therefor coupon or n1:- istered bonds of the United States in d:- nominatlons 01820 or some multiple or that sum. redeemable in coin at the pleasure of the United States after ten years from the (lat: of their issue. and payable 20 years from such date and bearing interest pay- able quarterly in coin at the rate at 3 per cent. per annum. The bonds are to be first offered at par as a popular loan. Mlle-ell-neons. Proxy for voting at any election for of- } ï¬cers of any incorporated company. except religious. charitable or literary societies or public cemeteries. 10 cents. Power of attorney. zocents: not to apply to the collection of ex~soldiera' claims against the government on account of the military or naval service, Protests of notes. bills of qchange, IC- exceed 3.1m. 50091113, and for (118500.50cenxs. Protests of notes. bills of qchange, IC- ceptance. check or draft. or any marine protest. 26 cents. Warehouse receipts. 25 cents. The stamp duties on manifests. biiis of lading and passage tickets do not apply to stelmboata or thor vessels plying be- tween ports of the I‘nited States and porn in British North America. Compromlle on Silver (change. The aenlte recedes from its coinage of the sli‘ver selgniornge amendment and a substitute is agreed to simply author- izing and directing the coinage of not leu than 1,500,000 silver dollar: per month from the silver bullion held in the treasury. such silver dollars to be applied as provided by the act of July 14. 1890. Louisville, Ky†June l.’).â€" Dr. John A. Larrabec. one of Louisville’s best kuo“ n physicians and prominently known in his profesaion all over the country. died at his home in this city Sunday of Bright's disease. aged 58 yours. Dr. Larrabee “‘3: a native of Maine and was a man of wide popularity. lle contrilr utetl largely to medical journals and was the author of many lreklllwm upon diseases of children. “II-our! River )u-lnx. Kansas City, 310., June 13. -â€" The Mis- souri‘ river at this point, Saturday had risen 0.4 of a foot since the day before. now registering 21.4 or four-tenths over the danger line. Ten Bulldln‘l Burned. Titusville. Pa., June 13.â€"-Fire A Spartansburg destroyed ten buildings. Loss about $10,000. . Xoted Physician Dead lawnâ€"Continued oioudiness and hen-y showers have prewnird cuiixunon and corn ï¬elds are becoming foul Spring when. oats and barley are in imminnnl danger by rust nnd lodging and ('Unflldrr» nble area niready down. All i-rops ntrd drier weather. Wiscon-in-Rainfan abund-nt. well dis- i i | iuibuted and iixueiy. Temprruiure above Chicago. June 15,â€"7The reports In to the condition of the crop- throughout the country.und the general mm 0! me wenthr on the growth. (‘llhh‘flhml and barren of the “no. were Tucaduy made by the dircclon of the rrrerul cli- mue and crop sectionl. The reports received at Chit-ago were as follows: Crop. In All the sun" "clued by w" “'enlherâ€"A Generally Fl- vor-hle “'eek. Michigan-Ample And fairly well an- trlbuted lhowers h-ve been very bene- flclll to I“ crop: "peel-11y on: and (ran. Winter when and rye nre In flno condmon Into potato Ind bun plnmlnx neuly flnllhed. Corn made vigoroul [rovlh und has good color. Indiuna~Wnrm wither. frequent 1mm: and In localRIu heavy mm- were bonrnclnl I and com, oats and oxhrr crops arr in good condition. “'luu ls ripening rnpldly Ind head: Are large and well ï¬lled, prumtninx I good crop. Meadows promise hoavv hay crop. A ï¬ne crop of clan-r hay 1: bring cut‘ Tobacco plums arg‘ hum: 3H um Illinolsâ€"VVeek generally favorahlr, al» though too wet ln many central and norlhv ern oountlea, musing delay In lau- cnrn plantlng and cultivation. and ï¬elds are 1;» v coming weed): Too rank growth of cats with tendency to rust 1n wheat and oats \Vheat harvest begun in wutlwrn Poun- tles with fair to good yield: vluver cutting also begun. broomcorn planting continues. gardens and potatoes exvellent. early small {runs plentiful on market». normal. All crop: mad:- unusually good growth. (‘orn cullivutmn nturdrd by rain. “'InHâ€"r wheat and rye heading WM). Oats and barley \‘(T)’ rank; wm» vunr plain! of lodging on rlvh ground. Tuhun'u letting In progress and plural: snarling well. Strawberries beginnhzg to rlpo n. Fruit prospect excellem. Thc Million-Ire Parker '1‘: Lcfler'l I“; “1.0-! 0. I!“ Hud- Chicago. June 15. » ‘ Arx‘ungmnvnts were completed Tuesday “hrrrln the. loan cash wheat which hrnnght the “Leiber grain deal“ to a sudden U’I‘nlinth tlon is practically transferred to Armour ' Co. Tlu plan was formed by the banks which have lmmrd money ‘0 Lelter. Jr“ on his grain. Armour 8', (‘0., an- to take up the deal where LeiYer dropped it: and by acting as agents for me pool bank.-. will carry nut, LeiIer's plum» fur merchnmiiring his grain. Armour dues h vt Hummi- ownership of the gruin in any sense. but will simply plum- llu- mm'lxinrry of his businrss at the dispnxn! of â€11- l> mks interested: and, it h lwliewnl. nll (-lnims will be liquidated. nfu‘r whivh vquit‘x will be established between Lt-ltvr and Armour.. The Importanv‘ of the (10:11 has: d\\in- (lled considrmbly “wing to the fm-Hlun Lelter's cash holdings are now “nu-(l to have ‘own only a trifle aft-r 5.000.000 bushels. lmitcr‘a holdings in July and September futures haw. it is under stood. been liquidated. This line umouxnpd to considerably over 10,000,- 000 bushels. and was thrown upon ‘11: market Monday and Tuesday. No reâ€" liable estimates can he placed upon Joseph Leitcr'u losses. It in not gen- erally lhonght. hu\\(‘\ or. that me}- will exceed $1,000.0m PLANTING THE STARS AND STRIPES ON CUBAN SOIL. A BUNDANT RAINS. ARMOUR TAKES HOLD. Pucker Taken \ onnl dull has! d\\in- to the fm-Hhm 9 now hHIU'd m 0vr~r 5,100.00!) I25 in July and Dell ‘mr vumr Tuhun'u snarling Io rlw n. Washington. June 15.» -Witbout re!- flt‘ncr ‘5’ 1hr rxm-t hour at “llli‘h the Unitrd Staten army lrft l-‘luridn tor Cubu, it um) he huh-l} Mid thut brfurc the and ot the use-0k (irn. Sin-after will haw lumlml with his 15.000 l'nited ‘Stuteu. troop: on (‘uban uuil and that thr inventtnrnt of Santiago by land will 1 blue begun There win some confusion ‘l‘h the uï¬lciul mind here on (M- time of departure ot the transports. though uh- surance was {urn that they had all got- ten awny. The confusion on this point i in ennUy aconuntvd for try persons who lknnw anything of tlu- difliculties of muvinglimultuncouslyn numerous fleet composed of \stels of all Iii?! Ind Claan‘S. No Ins than three timns. bo- kiluzlng Hundu). “an a dvtinite hour selected {or tlm start and the “ur de- purtuwnt so nntiflrd. Yet; in t'ut‘ll ('nse snme untold obstacle “as enc-uuntorrd 'tlmt roqulx‘wl notiï¬cation to the depart- ment that n pubtpnm-uwnt lmd been ‘foch. Snilnrn nay Itlt‘ll délap‘. an- in- ;mitnble and that rurrl) does it fleet got ‘1 off by flrrt intention. Departure of INK ,\ Tnmpu (Hm) diqmtvh sans the flovt u! 35 transports and H cmnnyu sailed for ('uhu Tumduy morning. After :11]. the dt-lny of a any or tnn in the start is not valvulntrd tn make- nuy mate‘rial dxflrrencc in the plan: and the only per- Inns who “ill sunrr from A will be Sampson‘s marines. vnnqwd on the (rop- iml buy of Guantanamo and obliged to 'mnintuin the Krrntvst \‘igilnnoe in re- pelling the hnxh“huck3ng Spanish ir- ‘rrflulurs \\ ho nutr'n All the thivkxts, This {09 gin-h no trouble during the ‘ daylight huurs, owing to the prom-Inca of thv Mariulchrud “ithiu vas; rungv, {but at night, when the warship is un» able to distinguish their (mu mon fram thv enemy. the lot of the marine: in I wr) vxvitlng one. liming blurted the Santiugn vxpvdi- tioit. the war dopamine“ him how ('Un- centmted all its enurgirs on the prepa- ration of the {owe to lw H111 to Put r20 Rico. Actin- mmements in thn: line have been made» on a hPalf no extensive as to lend thv nuppusition in some quar- ter» that tlw nitut'k is to be directed upon llumna, but if this is so. there in no open indivatiou of it. The volun- teers millet-ted at (‘hnttunoomu 42,000 in number, are reaching u (him-w of ox- (‘vllem‘e under the magniï¬cent mun- ngmnent of (ion. llruuko, that would warrant the gm‘rrmnrn: in ordn-rinz them immediately into noun service. lmt. unfortunately. thrn- l! .‘lill :1 ran- stilt-ruble lm-k (it t-qmpment that will not permit of this. (ion. Mrrritt ha: lirnnght the noond inuulmont of his furn- llllO readiness and \ull: {or Manila Urdu-L It is lw- llt'\("1l that tho- :Hhmwr guard, the three tramports which {mlm-u-d thr (‘hariph lull to Honolulu. met the owner than: and Filllt'll in her cmnlmnj {or the Philippine: about the 12th of this month. In this ran- it is reasonable to expect them to arrive at Manila “ithin ('rop- In RIIIII. St. l’rlenburg. June 15.’ The winter wheat. crop: arr satisfactory. rxcept in tin: provinces. and the spring crop. are satisfactory except in two prov- incu. Troop- INVADERS SET SAIL. Irf of "In I-‘h-el Tun-porn.- >09- !» tub. Jug-II All- noo-rod "-0- Tanâ€. Lie-t. Blue. by I Dali-3 Exploit, Prove. That All 0' Cervcrl'l Slip- An an “nu-(o. 0" ()fliviel recognition the vuior of the crew rimur mm the en“ hnrbnr when Sevmta‘ dora m Admiral Sam prwnuiinn of all mm E womms ms Ammoms'r. ,. Liv-it. Inuo travrled about 72 miles, («dinning the nastwnrd lim’ n.‘ the city. Ho hrnught out to the flagship a copy of a Santiago paper. issued lust Satur» <';i_\. in “hit'h unmpluint is made that. â€it navy and arm} are failing to dih- trihute- to the vitizvns their proportion: of the prmipmns remaining in the City. Limit. Blur's repnrt has deï¬nitely ex- prism] the- ï¬ction that may of (‘ervera'l (-ruisvrs were in the Bahamas or in npo~ hiliul’) tn attnvk the transports. which arr now conï¬dently expected at- an rariy date. Admiral Sampson compli- mrnted him upon his daring and suc~ (‘vnftll minim]. Limit. Blur rr-ported alt-,0 that. skir- miuhing continues in the hills around Santiago lwtwrvn the Cubans and Spanish. The latter have been repair- ing the fortiï¬cations of the city. as it is oxpex-tc-d that Admiral Sampson will rem-w the bombardment. in anticipa- tion (it n possilm- arrival. and landing of trnopa this week. ton-l Dc Cancun-e, Inch-4 0! Ann. Gould, lehln - Duel at Paris. Paris. June 15.â€"â€"C0unt Boniface de Castellamz who married Miss Anna (iuuld. of New York. fought a duel with M. Henri Turut. of the Petite Repub- liquc Franchise. Three rounds were fought with swords. ard M. Turotwn wounded in each round. twice Ilighuy lnd the third time severely. in the right forearm. thus ending the duel. The dispute which led tothe meeting grew out 0131!. Turot‘l comment: upon an avt of inhnticide eommttted by a. senant in the count'uhousehnld. Emperor “'llllnn'u “:r love. London. June 15‘ It now seems prob» able that Emperor William “ill try to stir up trouble with the United States. All turn: point to n threatening demon- stration by tht-Gemnan fleet in the Phil- ippine islands. European powers are minring a deep interest in the move- nn-ntx nf the German fleet and the atti- tudr rat the emperor. becaum- nobody knovn to what reckless action he may resort at the slightest provocation. WHOLE FLEET IS THERE. Ewe-plug the Duty on 'l‘eu. Montreal. Que" June xivâ€"Three hun- dred and ï¬fteen thousand poundsot (en in 25 unloads we: rushed acres: the border to Malone. N. Y.. Monday night In order to avoid the imposition of the new ten-cen! war â€venue tax. The ten reached Mnlonebefore midnight. Heavy shipments. though on a unaller scale. 1mm Toronto m leporled. “caret-f! val-I n from mm d on "29 um day 01 be "sued m be! form. [he coupon 90.3100. SW an! bondl in Genoa! 31.030. 3:..000 and4 Augun 1. Dâ€. A redeemable m'. Unued States due ’1 Llulr ! August 1. 1x95 “The bonds of three per com. terly. the mic rel be paid by meg uched from the come: dun and tend bonds um 10 [ht («rdnr “1 the" adorn-m4- â€The In“ nuL proud“ lhn! I .evrral rut-M rl be ï¬t†m‘mrwe‘ the ‘03â€: mm»: in arrnrdlnu» ‘ mem: w all 1nd maur [nun an 01hr: max. mdn ovripumm in! 3 1:. full in Hwy ‘ I«'I‘H|IZUL> mus! [hr M11»: ' 1am: Uubm 1", wk 1w should uxrevd 1 will luâ€" nmdr 3 Un- reuwm “x "Ir. urdcr 1.1 of tuna- Aux. H (‘on§>u.nv11¢\|l mrrm- unv pul will lrn- ' '11.;H bundr- 1‘ J.~'.JI|1 the mac :leun Hue-1.â€: . v 'h‘ ll lug: â€1.1a, \ qur malnnmr 1L2 bur am»! Hnâ€"n Inâ€! I.“ 1.: 1w. â€1 be 563mm,", 1r paynum \knvll “alum: m- brnpiauv lvnn mum In n. 2.". Ihu “bl .‘lhllvd "Thr rm'Y’ILï¬ â€œï¬‚u-1 can‘t- u. 1m.\mt Inunr} \Il'h'lr ' N?“ Ymk‘ “0 more. “WW bums. 5"“ 0' All mum) urdc drawn. :1. Hum L'nxu-d 5121'†(‘hrL‘kk 5': “'05 toklvulor. l!) 1! Ah 7cmâ€! ain‘t be ( “O bmquw: u 01 5.111111!) VHH \ mom _\ urdu rr 111 com, gold d Inn. ailvrr ¢ was, â€Maury uni notes am Jled I'Hh :hr in of (he dun: 01 ll lecrmnn will by rrgintred l the (re-Mary d1 1.. E w s... 3.1 £3.17. ~95; : newinin; 3.; Fvlv "F10: me mu: Ivrlbern and (I of Run to u been prepsred. lht omceu o! m enlly. In 1hr. 4 L‘nlh-d But", "The bind. 1 and the, "nu free of expend ‘fler1h.(d.le be Imommmq 0' lnu-refl due 0! h“ Wynn-1n. "All Iubscrll trusur)‘ drpl‘ not lulu Hun da‘y, July 14. «Wed Ifxer m liderrd. "Ali remiiul Mom relative drained to the Division or L01 ton, D. ('2 F-nrl'l Auhunz. Im (If (’hurh s “V ruar‘n wm he Six 111011th I patch†of xhl in Ten». wn In (‘hivapy a! Jiir bud} WI: 3311:: held HM fellows u! K were burirld 1 "The Enron take it. imam! It the end of lrar)‘. 31mm 61 to commu- 1h Mop Madrid. Jw note imam-d lrndwtn all t oration.- in 1 American {a $114: In Guan The note (‘Ol Washingto‘ received u :1 high. though mirnl Cam-I found mm 1 in! ‘(ngngd‘ 'r‘ been sh Gugc vxpluil bond I a} pa m u.†l‘nr ht v‘Kl‘ 1mm!