CMPLD Local History Collection

Highland Park News (1874), 8 Jul 1898, p. 4

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WE have received from th» vener- the homlqumn‘s ahle senator Justin S. Merrill of ‘ fifty years of um Vermont, the “Father of the Senate" be sunk, and un as he is afi'ectionately and reverently ‘ blood drawn by styled in Washington. his formal ‘ paid by another 1 speech on the annexation of Hawaii. ‘ as was said thret deliveredin the senate June ‘20. 1893. . so still it must The senator is in his 39th \631’ and; i merits of the Lol though he took his seat in the sen leous altovethe r ate 31 sears ago last March after]- "‘ patriots pnnera years service in the House. he inthose linesoltl about as vigorous and ready for star 15‘ Twenty-five y. vice as any member of that body. ‘there was a gra Senator Merrill, to his honor. the; that historic fieh honor of his state and the nation. 30f Stannard's bri says “No," to the question of annexa-f division met as h tion. and he shows why. The speech I nists, as in Hltil is virile, fresh, full of facts weldedl that days victory into a solid logical argument. that 2 South. for men s the jingoes can't overthrow. We are, Lee's surrender 1 MONDAY was one of the niostquiet Fourths we ever enjoyed. and one reason we are told was. President Hogan and his village marshall‘har- leer Gordon. of Fort Sheridan village insisted on their saloons being run according to law, closing on time. and keeping order etc. Personally we don't believe in saloons. but we rather have the present license sysâ€" tem as it exists and is enforced up there than the Old order of things when Mrs. Carpenter and Thomas Myers were running their shack with all its nnnamely concomitants and' collatterals. “0f two evils I choose the least." as the good brother in Vermont said he did when it came to a choice betWeen going to the prayer meeting or staying at home. That's our preference. the lesser of him evils. Some folks. we umrerstand. seem to think, we had a thrust at (‘olr Clampitt in our allusion to that mire pit made in the corner of his lots. thilxgrif the kind. Col. Clampitt probably knew nothing of it till he saw it in the News. He lives near W. W. Boyington and during his absence some of his neighbors up there have literally poured their sewage upon the corner of one of his lots. We want our city street and alley committee and our city board of health to go and see it for them- selves: it is an abomination which demands immediate attention. Col. Clampitt. you may he sure, will do his part. Ir our friends of the rival papers at “'aukegan would spend a little less time and give lessoftheir “valu- ablegnace“ to bragging over their own brilliant achievements. and en- larging on the failures and "flunks" of their “esteemed contemporaries." it would please us in this latitude much better and help the cause far more than brag does. We Observe that the one most guilty of this ofl'~ euse is the one that is loading its grip. Give us the news. and the truth about it, and you will come out ahead; the public is no fool. Tn: very latest news from the seat of the war is that Bill; Pfefler.of bleeding Kansas is going to run for governor. Poor Kansas. dollar wheat is no compensation! Advertising rum undo known on 099““th a! this om“. stxs B. Hmmnn, A. E. Buss, - E Entered It the poshofiice ll Highland Park, 111.. as second class mallcr. ' flaws-Hones; Editor's Residence. - - No. 8. Business and News Olflce. No. 92. Terms, 81.00 per year. 50 cents for six months, 31 ccnts'for three mamhs. Office; in New Building. 255 Ccmral Avem‘o. Highland Pnrk. Illinois. Published in the interests of lhghland Park, Highwood and aninia. every Friday afternoon by The Highland Park News. EVAN$ FRIDAY, JULY 8 x, - - Eon-OR Busxszss MANAGER :patriots pnner and the prophets' cry in those linesoftbe Martyr President. Twenty-five years latér in 18?“. there was a grand cslehrutiou on that historic field and the rc-mnauts of Stannard's brigade and Pickets' division met as brothers. not antagir nists, as in WWI.” and celebrated that days victory for both North and South. for men saw by that time that Lee's surrender at the Appomattox ()l‘R friend. James Andermn of ‘ Lake Forest. keeps "pegging awa)"'l on his idea of sewage diaposal into‘ the Chicago drainage canal rather; than into Luke Miéhignu. Mr. An ‘ ld won is ri 'ht; he is one of those men gifted \\ith a large far‘reaching foresight. He, asks the inevitable, ins wull rs the inexorable necessity of the case. and one German fallow citv i ; izen told us the other day. he (lid not 1 think it was just the thing for thin city to pour all its sewugv into the-1 , lake and‘then pump it back again lthrough our water mains and faucets 2 into our homes to drink and cook :with. And We said to Ullrs‘e'ln’s is lnot that German about right. Val“ :though he can't, as a Highwoo’d citi- l ‘zen once said. "talk the ['ultc-d‘ lStates" ren wall? What do you; lthiuk about his query“ 3 "If Gal wills that it (this war) cun~ tiuue until all die wealth piled by the bun‘hmzm’s twu hundred antl fifty years of unrequited toil. shall be sunk. and until every drop ~0f blood drawn by the lush. shall be paid by another drawn by the sword, as was said tlireethousaudyears ago, so still it must be said the judg- ments of the Lordare true and right- “I tre-mhh- for my (-nuntry when I reniunlwr (ind is just." Thai fifty thousand at Gettysburg was God in, sisiting on hie pound of flesh. from u proud proplv, drunken to (lt‘lirillll) with the wealth. political power. possible and actual. drawn from a national iniquity. Hnnve those im~ moitul Words in President Lincoln‘s smmd inaugural. Man-h 4, I‘M-1 Just thirty‘five years ago. Mon- day last, the country was thrilled from the Passamaqumidy bay to the Golden Gate. by the newa of the glorious r1110“ army. loss- according to Gen. Mead's estimate. 23.5134 killed 13,700 wounded. and WH'l missing and prisoners. an appalling total of ‘_’3.l‘$ti'men lust and disabled. It is estimated that the sann- conflict cost the confederate {on-M nearly or quiti- 214 many. John Phlox the his. torian. pun it at on-r SHUNM a grand total of owr 50.01)” in hm}, armies. Think of it a moment. one single battle. vxtundingit is true or -r portions ol two or three dayn. invol ring a l()Ss of 50.000 of the flower of our Amvrican Inc-n. it was a south ern orator and statesman who said. How many folks- went OH on the Fourth and had a "good time" so cially with friends or kindred, or at some saloon. or on a little gambling scheme, and used up theirlittle stock of money instead ‘of paying some bills that have been waiting sen-ml months. How many will be obligod to beat their grocer. or meat man. or coal dealer. next pay day, because they squandered their little pile the: Fourth. We know of more thanone man in Highland Park who puts his having a “good time" himself before supplying the real wants of his fam- ily. to say nothing about paying his honest bills. A man so dishonest. and low, and selfish as that is too low to waste sympath yon. or help much; all these are almililtely wash-d on him. proud of the man and of the state which keeps him there and rejoice that our'country has such staunch statesmen as he. men who speak in italim and on the right side of every question. THE FOURTH OF JULY. There was the IF YOUR TICKETS T0 BUFFALO For the B. Y. P. l'. met-ting. n-uil Via Nickel Plate Ruadyuuhaw priv ilege of a boat ride between (‘letjc- land and Buflalu. or stop m‘vr at Chautauqua Lakc- within final limit of ticket. Alw return limit tn leaw Buflalo tn and including Septouxlior lst. by dapniitiug ticket« with Joint Agent. Rate $12 no for ruunll trip. City Ticket Office. 111 Adams St. Van Buren Street Passenger Statipu 9" Chicago, on the Loop. ;)_ : dent. ‘ Hamlet Bufirick's Patterns (or sale Miss Erakiut-‘s ' Tlie- one- lQ'sSUlI of this astounding ‘achievelnent [or us an a nation. livi linthis question and it: obvious an ‘swcr. "Dues! i: pay nalinnu. any num- lthan individuals in run slim-art {lu- 3 law and manifest purpose- of God"? lThut victory owr Spain will he ours lis self‘ovident: that We should use lthat vidury Bright is not my self evi- The significance for us of Munilul E Bay, Santiago de Cuba. and otheri laimilar events to follow. lies in the: 1fact that the Almighty i< balancing P f his books with Spain. The open ‘ laecnunt has been running {or cen ' turies. while Alva and Phillip nml' ECharles the Filth ran riot in sin. ‘ trampling under the hoof of their; 1 horses the persons and riglntsuf men. icrunhing aml grinding even unto the death subject lwples. till the ('up‘ of their national iniquity is full. unili ,the Eternal has come tn judgment. In lfiiN Spain had in her hume and culoniul possession I) ”(INN)” square ‘uiile‘i of territurv; in lh‘N M in jlht three centuries of unrestrained I having her nwn way. her (luunninnu have been rt-(lut‘ed to “03,”!!! aquari- miles. that is. a lusi u! nearly the five million. purlnne of fixing upon 3 time and plan- fur hultllngy lllt' lnmutivtln an- nual H'flnlflll, l’rupmilinm fur grnumln and enternumm-ut will lw n-ccivml frmn plum-3' that WlI-lllu have the rmmimn. ('mnra leu are in \iled l.~ be prt-s‘enll Claw-land and Buffalo. \vilhin final limit of ticket. Rate 312 00 {or the. round trip. Van Buren Strut-t PM svngvr Station. Chicago. on thekmp. Telephuiw Main 33$", 3! ls (hr short mute- lrtwwn ('lzivagu and Buffalo. and no brtler Mrvlcc‘ will In- h-mlvrml the Baptifl l‘ninn l’HtplP‘s liniun via any Ullwr lirw By (lapmilinglivkvt with Juint Agni! Q‘Xlfllhlfln of return limit from liu fT nln tn and including Svptuinln-r l‘sl. may be secured and also «up (moral Chautauqua Lake within linul limit of ticket. Pussrngen may linu- choice of wutvrnr ruil roule- lwtmwu The executive committee of tin- Lnko (‘nunty Snltliers and Snilnn Ri-uninn Association will mm-i at H. A. H. hall in \Vaukvgan a: 11m 1-. m. Fridzn'. July l7». 1“.“ fur the Thi! Fourth of July in "498, brought no the news of victory for our armies again, over wrong. and for the right, and Spain. poor Spain, is drinking the cup of her retribu- tion, and drinking it to the- very drags. It in not the boys :in blue and the boys in grey. marching side by side under the inspiring. protect ing folds of old glory, that are press- ing the bitter chalice lo her lips. it is rather the covenant keeping and sin avenging God of Israel; of whâ€"nm' it is written on the one hand “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pijieth them that fear him." and on the other. “Vengeance is mine, I will repay. saith the Lord" was only I surrender of the evil for all the land, and a victory [or the whole country from sea to sea and from the Lake: to the Gulf. Soldiers and Sullors Association. M. \V‘ MARVIN, Soc The Nickel Plate Road “Ay. there's the rub." saiil B. A. Drsx, Pros .m the and TILI'HONI I 6 Are responslble for all goods while In our hands. JAS. H. DUFFY Express, Baggage and Dime Parce Delivery. 5Floral flfmrafious, Cut Flowers a 1 . h 3 - “and Howenng Planm Furniture and Pianos Moved, “Packed and Shipped. Fruit: and Vegetable: Rocthcd Doll) Highland Park Greenhouses, MRS. A. BOCK. Fangy firoceries, Dry Goods and Crockery, BOOTS Aw SHOES. ST. Johns Avenue D. A. DRISCOLL 6: CO.,' ...Bicvclc Exchange... Sundries and Repairs of All Kinds ‘x' OFFICE AID YARD: ST. JOHNS AVENUE. II LUMBER DISTRICT. TELEPHONE 67 A. ROBERTSON, Lumber and Building Material of All Kinds. EVANS BROS, Fancy Groceries, Tea, Coffee Hard and Soft Coal. Sawcd and Split Wood, Kindling. Tln, Copper. Sheet Iron and Furnace Work. Good; the Best. Prica m Reasonable. FRITZ BAHR. Proprizm FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Goods handled with greatest care. Prompt attention given all orders. Trunks, 25c; Parcels, 10c. Toorfrom any part 0! the city. $ HIGHLAND PARK. ILL. Bicycles :0 Order From 535 Up. J. H. DUFF Y. Manager. “'0 ”fr prrâ€"pnn-d In 54‘” it to yuu In any quaint”) Chase Sanbom Tea and Coffee flour. flay, Peed. can. 8m, Con, Deal. Gluten. flu! lulu-gs and Star. All grades of Highland Pas-k Illinois. phone 54. TELEPHONE 46. 0004a Delivered Free 0‘ Guam orurl Horn? Hul hr 2 001“ 4 w ("hm Hlulllnnn‘. Telev’m'" 7" kar Hulldln‘ 5H Lulu: (1mm "M uia' c161 w.» hut an C51?!" chc. ( Ian! and . 8. ALEXN BR. FRAM GOOH1 5mm 817 4 hum Anax Ht 2th “I.” flu Ma Haglnan In Clean] Merc Coal. :vansm" HIUN|,AN‘ \ \\ Hwy pnntor‘ rhkADIIIH .11 .\1.|~ Humuuu Ur . \ «My .‘.. v. bu. 1. “no fmnlh V111 nn‘ \\ ('M M

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