CMPLD Local History Collection

Highland Park News (1874), 12 Aug 1898, p. 5

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t1 greatest care. 'ven all orders. }ds while In ourhands. ms Moved. ed and Shipped. £13, 10:. art or the city. BROS, 5. Tea. Coffee as been used in Chicago with cribers that it is now to be LTSON, aterial of All Kinds. ENUE. IN LUMBER DISTRICT. DUFFY *ime Parcel Delivery. ,d 5pm Wood, Kindling. Chase 8: Sanbom Tea and Coffee Flour. ”av, Feed. Oats. Bran, Corn, Heal. Gluten, Men Wlddllngs and Straw. J. H. DUFFY. Manager. GETABLES. and inspect new residence MMINGS, Manager. TELEPHONE 46. {.r»>‘¢1t()it‘ll it t0 you JOHN FREBERG. Livery, Boarding, l’rcsinyterun Church: Rev: I‘fanstichl paslnr \Vnn‘hip and preaching, 10.45 a. m. Sabbath Schnul, 12 m. Christian Emlcavnr, 7. p, m. Prayer service, \Vcdncsday. 7. $5 1», m. Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing. E. A. NELSON. Merchant Tailor. .‘d.1ddc11.pastnr. First 111us~. $513; \L‘Cnlhi 111.1<<. 10.00; Sunday school’, 2.30. The Baptist Church. \\';. H. Vinca. puxtur. Preaching, 10.4511. 111., Sunday Schmil. 12.00 111.; iinpiial Young l’enplc'.‘ Lnlnn. “‘45 p 111.; prcaching. 7.30 p. 111. lfriduy pr.1}cr 111cetlng. 7.45 p”, 111. hvungelical Lutheran 7,11111‘5 ('hurch. .\[r. Nilomun pastur, Sunday scu-icu. “1.00 a. 111. Sunday schuol. from 1) 11; 10.00 a. 111. Trinity Church. 1’. C. \ancuu. reglnr. Hniy communion. 7.30 :1, n1. 511111121); schiml, l0.0ua. n1_ Morning préycr and sermon. ll .1. 111. Second celebration first Sunday in the munlh. Even song, 5 p. 111. h at H; L5 1). m.; ”\an prcuthin at 11-003. ”1‘: Y. ‘nglish prcm‘lmxg p. ”1.: ~ (lncsduy at 7:30 p. m.. prayer {nu-{mg cghutlcul clussu Saturday. at l m.) p pustur‘s study. 5L Mary's Catholic Church, lx’u First L'nitml EVJHgL'chl ('lmrch. Km. Hacfrlc‘ pastor. mefay scrvxgc‘: (L nun prcnuhing, to.“ n, VHL, English. 73,0 p, m.; Sunday schuul. 0.30; K. 1.. V. .. 0,45 1,). m.; praycr mvcling. \\'c:{n;-\d.\}' .u 7.50 I" m. EvangL-Iu'al Aasu ij‘. F. M. Uingru-h hastnr. Sunday nervu‘c at \qum ML-n's wading Knum. Sund; \ 5(‘hUUl Ht 1}! 00:1. m: R1n‘1111a.\LE.Church. Ravinia. Rmx E1 J1 chthrutc pastor 751111113)“ schlml at :3 :w p. 111.: Epwnrth League devotional mcvtznu mnuluy cu-mnu Ln 7 u'clnck p. m. pruu‘hmg at 7 4.3 cm'h 5111M“ _ c11111g;11r11yL-r Inn-(1111; frum :4 m 8.30: 4pwurth Imaguc humm» nu‘ctilllg and socml H11: munh Friday (If mrh 111M]! 1. Swedish M. E. h urch lover \andn's 1112”ch 1 ~~l<cv. (). \Vrssllng. pusmr. Sunday scr\'in~~' as fnliuw ' 33111111113' «haul. 3 30 p. 111.: hpwwxh League. '. m p. (11.: Preavhing. 7 J.) p. m. l'r.A)‘cr-111cet1|1g 'I‘hursday cvrnlng n! 747. liveryunc 151111'111-11. Hix'hland Park Cuuncil’\ U. 1066, Rnyal ;\rcanu1u.\lcct in \Iosunic hall sccnnd and fourth Mondays of cvcry mumh, chunt, W. A“ Wilson; secrcmry, Frank H. Green. Inskntung Tnbc. I. () R. M. \n 11'.‘ Meet at )lusunk Hall hrs: and lhinl' l'ucsda) s h. .\l. lngalls Saczhcm J H Durf), C. m R. .\ 0.1m lodge. \. P. and .\. \l. Kc;- ularmcrtmg nigh.s hrst and Kh'ml Mnmlay In each umnth. at Masonic hall, ovcr M. Muses )1 , shut. Indcpcndcnl ()rdcr Forcszcrs. Court High- land. \[cctilws first and third Ihulsdms nf each momh m bl‘orcstcr 5 Hall. Modcrn \anhncu of .\1ucrica, .\Iccting< hrs: and fourth Friday uf each month in For cstcrs‘ hall. \Villiam Danna, V. (2.; R. _]. Kim. Clcrk. Long Dismum '1 c 1c phone "1!; 1010 Um 15 Nun-L Ilivunston 1H A. S. ALEXANDER, M. D. 0., V. S. For m: south, 6.50. 9.30 5.35, 7.19 p. “L Fur thc [lul‘lh . 9.12, 11. Hull pauchcs close 15 icpnrturr uf trains. \\’. l'ncxcelled Acconnnndmmns fur Su‘k Horsus and Dogs. thnston Vuerinary Hospital. Successurm Dr. 0‘ B‘ Fernuhl Fletcher Building Telephone 78. ()fiicc: Highland Block Horas: 200m4 00?. )1. "53- HIGHWOOD. HOL'RS (Highwuod) Telephone No. 0. H St. Johns Avenue rum thc north rum {he south, l’mfn asur HI Chlcagu Vctennury Collcflv Y'lL‘R DR. H. H. ‘ BOULTER, LLOYD M. BERGEN, M. D. DR. FRANKLIN B. WESOOTT, ROOM 1 HIGHLAND BLK. Directory of Secret Societies. HIGHLAND “urns CENTRAL AVENl‘E Mm-mg and Teaming Pnccs um Rvazinnubrc Suns Mtulc tn ()rdcr at Rcasonublc l’ric s. DR. E. C. KAYE, CHURCH DIRECTORY “ “WWW" n Vcterintry Surgeon and Dentist... and DEN us I, DEF Sale Stables. Dentist. PA RK POSTOF FC E .fiHNnAL 7-29 p ARTL'RE 39 :1. l1] Telephone 27 minulcs hcfn M. 1N)H1.1C\ 111.. 12.47. 3 L'nm 000 A. M. 12.0010 1.30 I'. M 7.00 t08.00 P. .\L Highland Park. Ill Ill Ulrrh'l Hunts 9 .\ M. In I r I In!“ mum-1 ”unvc In. J. L1! 8 50; \L‘Cnlhi: 30- I Viuca. paw”: :' -schuul. x1001 Lnlnn, 045‘ v 47, 5,14 p. m ”.59 .1. m. Highland Park. Illinois. Telephone I05 mun-Aster 7-39 P before at 7 mm ”L. L Fl“ B1 {hr flange of the rail all right. Of course l‘if our “heels truck too “ide. short Eel) the axles Hm tracks \lel he heré gal“a351 no“ and the macadam mav {be made to fit them too. l Nearly all the streets in )[znlisun lare niacadauiized \\ ith rather (-unrse- r istone than we uw uud thc mils at i the street cars an- laid right through :the center of the streets, and they 'hzue no trouble driving mw-r tln-m, E“ 6 took pains to go out into the street and “ alk along hesidv the rails :for several blocks at a time tu Him, iand their road bul is smooth and flush right up to the mils. the wlwels : run along on the inside shoulder or : “'e, spout a very plrusuut fore-- inomi Wednesday. visiting the [hi- ‘versity of Chicago We had 21 hrie-f lbut satisfactory visit with ('ump‘rul. ‘ler Henry A. Rust Hv is a Spring field, Mass. buy. an old sissm-i; ta of i “i. \V. Boyingtu‘n. of whom hvspokw ltenderly. also the lutv Col, James. :ank P. Hufikim fur all (if whom he inquired The l. niwisit} hv the ‘way, has about 1501) students this item) and will excel that number lie ' tow the quarter ends. ()nealdernmn tells us lit-don‘t want next Tue-sd'dv awninvs council Illt‘t‘t‘ in” confined to St Johns uwnue re- sidents: it lh‘ a city all'uil. \\ r sug- i gested the limited size of (I10 city flnill. and he said if that were nut ilartro t‘IlUlll'll to hold tlltfit‘“ lm “Mi- l l l- I l ml to hear and be heard. 0'0 some l l fwlwre where they can get in. L(‘t itlm people be heard. That's right ‘every time: keep in tuiicli with tlw l peuple. “'8 congrutu‘iate our neighbors, the Andersons, in the Rev. Smith cottage on Prospect, next Dr. Has. kin's, that after having their old plank side-walk torn up sen-ml weeks. a dozen harrelsof ccuwntund a pile of grzu'vl lying in front of their door all this whilw. thv mason: came out Tuesday and put down a tine strip of milk. The first katydid of the season struck up his musical not» Sunday night, the 7th. Just six wceks from that date, or Sept. 18, unless thv signs fail, the first frost of the seas- on. Con-r your house plants that night and carry in yourtonmto vines. In tlH‘ [university of Chicago divin- ity school catalogue the calmlistic letters “a. w. sp." stand after pastor William Madison Vim-'s nanm. We have been trying togness their invan- ing. and finally conclude thvy must mean “a wise spirit." The niusi -al institute has closed a most successful term: tlw last swwt singer has gmw. Tuesday. busini-ss Manager Farr took his grip and left‘ and now Col. Davidson is no longer obliged to sleep on an army blanket spread on the floor or a dry goods box. David A. Holmes has gone to Mum achusetts and litigants zit this legal centre will have to put up with such justice as Judges Dooley and Hi!)- bard can, administer. orgo ioRaviniu or Highwood for relief. Four Chicagoans wure looking for summer-board out here Tuesday. They walked across the new step] girder footbridge and mudc inquiries. Some of our people attended the Woodman Lodge picnic at Diamond Lake Monday. They all reporta fine time. Arthur I’urdy has returned from St Louis, where he has been for the past two months in the employ of the Kellogg Switchboard Co. The second volunteer regiment of engineers, stationed at Fort Sheridan. have been sent to Monatuck Long Island ’ The new addition to the DrillHall at the Academy is being fitted up as a business department. Butterick's Patterns for sale at Miss Erskine’s. NEWSLETS. 17 and IS. inclusive. at rah- of 3W ‘ fur tlu~ round trip. Tickvts will hr 0(- valid returning until September 31L ‘ inclusive. ()u amount of lwavy trav FrCSh anc el at this particular time, thus» (la-i POULTRY. siring sleeping-car accunnnulaliuns AN should apply early to J. Y (‘alahau General Agent. II] Adams Strm-t. W. Central Av¢., (whim EXCURSION T0 BOSTON . Tlu- Nickel Plat-e Road will so]! ex cursion tickets from (‘hicugu tn Hm tun and return fur trains of Sept. 10'» Hun-yon soc-n the ne-\\' ufiit't‘ ul William J. McKinney 2' It is in the. {UFIIH‘FNEWH iith'w in that nhl Thump sun him-k. Mr. McKinney has paint- edtlm vntire {runt of the hh'x'k in a wry limit and beautiful nmnne-r. and then in thv unit-v he shmvs S£|Illpiv~ uf intn-riur decorations. which far and away are ahead of anything of tin- kind in thistuwn, in any puhlicrixun. He Silt)“‘8 on tht- “full:~ of his ottiw thvrv jnat what yuu can: (in in punt-1 work. a style of interior house-(1mm zition we have long advocate-d. Just gm and look at that if ynn .“Hllt to sm- something nun-J. striking and lwuutiful. l The public (luvs nut llmk (u llllt“ iwilll gent-rally fur grunt tliwuwrim ‘ in tlic appliml S(‘it‘ll('t‘.\. m-vn-rtln-lu.\_ ltlu-y will liinl win» rar-- PXllilHHHll‘ lin: that sulmrli. Nut lung .~inm- tlw file-titling citizen of that Pliu't‘ m-t nut :tU l)llll(l u (lrnin. ninl won (‘nnn- to n 'lla)’ stack. right in his Wu}. H:- ('(Hllll not llHH'O' tlwstzn'th-ur l‘llll\\ll llw would nut. tnniwl lnnlvr it he- ,cuuld not. from lxlllltlt‘rh‘ or ntlwr *uhstrut-tinns, nnd su llt‘ Immlvrml for ‘21 time and (lwidwl what to do. lw ‘ \VUlllll run tlw smwr owr tlu- stuck. 'Hnd there it, is. a tilt- (lrzxin «no-r tlmt lHlV stuck I I’cuple have wunderml again and ngzlin what 9x pqstmustc‘r Brand mu putting up that nrw brick building for in the rear of his studio. We- have not uslwd him. hutul’ter linking at the edifice with scrutinihing curv. “'9 have decided that it is to hain- in place where he can store. away the wealth he made while postmustrr. and the photos of distinguished [wr- sons. There will I»- a grvut rush now tn his gullvry for sitting“: w.- ure- in training”' for ”in purpuw. \Vt- saw in a scrapixmk, in thv Ver- mum section of the- \\'i.~cuusin “is turit'ul Library in Mudisun last ‘21! urday. a statement that th» first Sun- day school in that ntutv was sturtml in Middlehury. in 1‘13 lay t\\'n cu] Iago htmh-nts. and they thuught it was possibly the first 01min Anwrivu. Do any of our Luko- (‘uunty Sunday school workers knuw of an rarlivr (um any where visa- 3’ While in Madison Saturday. W. 1“. Edwards Went to ihe statv house- and looked again on the culurs (if his mid regiment, which hruml his mmrmh-s followed through man). a hard {might battle to ultimutv and [wrumnrm \ ivtury. Mrs. Elvira S. Green left Tumday for a visit to bar native town. hunk- of her childhood and where her old friends dwall, Berlin. N. Y. llc-r friends in the Park hope rillt‘ will have as pleasant a tinu- as she antiu ipates. Don't forget the excursion tn Bos- ton m‘er the Nickel Plate Road, Sep- tember 10th to 18th. iuclmive, at rate of 3'91” fur the round trip. Hood returning until September 30, 1808. inclusive. (SH Lots of folks practice what they call economy, but if .3 real pinch should come. they would be greatly surprised to see how much their “necessary expenses" could be rv- duced. One of our. friends complains that he} neighbor's boys robbed her fruit trees. Swear out a warrant. madam, heaV'y penalty for that kind of rascality in this city. 'l) wr I. B. BECKER. for h@Merchant Tailor L amen spmmms moms. '.. fHENRY EWART, Fresh and Salt Meats FRED BOTKER 314 Central Ave GIESER BROS.. hrs PEG! TENSlON Suits Cleaned and Pressed. 75 Cents, Clothing Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Orders Promptly Attended to.f Horseshoeing Blacksmithing A. E. WICKHAM, Electrical aonsmlction, Back of Freberg's Livery. fled. w. Schumacbcr, Repalryour Carriage Md Shoe your Horse P IOW’S and the Original We nmkr our own Syrups (lira-t from the Fruit. fired. «1. Schumacbcr’s The Leading Market. Hux ro-wnlly rl-mm‘wl tn Pm up“ and q-ummmllulh Inn-k \III'P on ('c-ntml. (-urm-r uf Park :l\n~th‘. the Rclnbk J. J‘ J J J! Hui In Haw Your Frontage Sprinklcd by Fred Denman POULTRY. I'ISII. BUTTER AND EGGS. 11h gum! uurk omc‘: Cummlngs' Pharmuy. New Work. Lamps Furnished. All Kinds 0! Electrical Mutt-rial. 50h: ‘Ill [0 fight. and the price u always rIghl. PRESCRIPTION DHUGGI‘T ICE CREAM SODA. snisfnction 00171!”ch KEEP COOL I iws :|~ In“ 1n Allegretti Candies TELEPHONE 42 A FRESH .TOCK 0' LWAV. 0N HAND High'md Park, Ill. St. Johns Avenue. .11 "It'll-ad Park. II llsyt lloch DEALERS N IV DIINKINO >|r|~urc sLIL llu' muwu nghhnd Park, In. II'III (ELEP'IDNI 25 First Class Work At Reasonable Prices. Highland Park Laundry. A. 0. ORTLUND. flan-(er. A Fine Line of Bakery Goods SOMERVILLE’S Bakery and Restaurant. Hot Rolls and Bread Delivered for Breakfast. OFFICE: HAHTROIF 8:. KEIMEREH NEWS STORE. All work t'xw‘uted promptly and In the hm! manner. Highland Park Electric Light Co W. J. MCKINNEY, Painter, Decorator m4 Paper Hanger. Private Telephones "4 Speaking Tubes. Electrlc Light, Electric Bell, Burglar Alarm, Flre Alarm, Electrical Hot and Cold Mods It All “can. hxx‘s M'HT for mad dvliwn-d hi all parts of (lu- ('H'L Urdu-rs In} in»! or tvlrphwm' Phillip”) aHI‘mit-xl In Um unrhm-n an- ('Xlrrn‘ wr Im- unh' the by,“ walrnm "ml uuv gun r.~ un- np hm II In 1 “unfit”! um. mun! york We mr mm prrp-n-d In do all kind-Lu! Elk-dual.» xmrudmn Work and rep-Ir- lnu. lurh n SI. John- Avc.. next to P. 0 uh’n) a un hum! Construction.

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