CMPLD Local History Collection

Highland Park News (1874), 19 Aug 1898, p. 6

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PF ME NOW A REMIIY. accident issues a Procnmdon Ordering 1 [cessation of Hostillties. m mvnsms as In women. Quinlan- Wile! Have Been Agreed to by Both Co‘trleeâ€"S’Ih Will Leave “fencer. nenh’IcHOfl- -(ulol to Be Appointedâ€"Interest- I.‘ But: Council!“ War. Washington. Aug. ISLâ€"The president‘ Ins issued the following proclamation: “By the President of the Cnlted State: or America-A Proclamationz- Whereal. By A protocol concluded and signed Au- gust 12, 13"}, by “‘llllam B. Day. secretary of state at the United States. and his ex- cellency Jules Cambon. ambassador ex- mommary and plenipotemiary of the re- bllc of France at Washington_'respecrlve- representing for this purpose the gov- ernment o! the United Bates and the gov- ernment of Spain. the Unlxed Sate: end .9111: have formally agreed upon the terms on which negotlulons for the esâ€" ublighment 0! peace between the two countries shall be undennken. sud “Where”. ,It is tn nld protocol med uut upon its conclusion and signature Minnie: between the two countries shall to wspended, and mu notice to (hare!- !ect shall be given u soon 1! possible by each government to the commanders of in -fllury and naval forces: ..... ,, .._vr:_1.._ â€"u-;â€"- ,,v -u- .... . _. “Now. xherefor'e. I. William McKinley, presi‘ient a! m United States. do. in u- oorduce with the sxipuiatlon of the proto- col. eclnre and proclaim on (be part at me 'mted State. 1 suspension of Mum- ua; nnd do thereby cpmmand that orders De immedmteiy given through the proper channels h [be commlndum of the mill- ury 1nd navul forces 0! the United Sula: m abualn from an not: inconsistent with (N; proclamation. ‘ n runes: whereof I have hereunto let my mud and caused the seal of the United flute: to be affixed. Done ll the cny of Wuhingxon. this xzm day or August, In the ‘,,__; _._|.. 5..."; wunxns‘uu, Luna u.“ a... _____ a, , ”r of our Lord one xbousnnd eiéfit hunv dred‘and ninetyâ€"elgm. and of [he indeâ€" Qenglencg of the [Inked States the one hum ._;_.: (red and Lwemyomird D, LMC A Anon“. "WILLIAM R. D23}, Secretary 0! Skate." A copy of the proclamation has been cabled to our sun)” and navy command- ors. Spain will cable her commanders like instruc‘ions. The Pro¢ocoL The protoeol provides: L That Spain will rennqulsh all clam: of coverexgnt over and title to Cuba. ' 1 That uerto H100 and other Spanish Islands 1n the West Indies And an lszand m the Ladroms, (o be selected by [he tinned? States, shall be ceded to the latter. E 1. Tha: the United States shall occupyl and hnld the city. bay and harbor of} 1. That the United States shall occupy and hold the city. bay and harbor of Kamila. pending the conclusion or a treaty v0! ace, which shall determine the com (1-0,, disposition and government of the Phi“ pines. l. hat Cuba‘ Puerto Rico and other Spanish islands in the “'est Indies shall be immediately evacuated and that com- missioners, to in appointed within ten «ya, shall within 30 days from the sign- nz of the protocol meet at Havana and Juan. re ectively, to arrange and ex- ocute the deta is of the evacuation. 5. That the United Stats: and Spain Will u- Anal-‘1‘:â€" chte (ne new”: u: um u--.._-.-_v. 5. That the Unlted States and Spaln wxll «ch appoint not more than five cpmmls- clones to negotinxe and conclude n treaty of Ace. The commlutonern Ire to meet at um not later thnn the lit 0! October. 6. 0n the slgnlng of thegrotocol hostlll- ties wlll be suspended an notlce to that‘ dect will be zlven as soon as poulble by each government to the commanderl of its mllleary Ind naval forces. The above is the otfiuial statement of the protocol‘s contentl as prepared and given to the press by Secretary Day. Thelprotocol was signed at 4:23 p.111. Friday by Secretary of State Day, rep- resenting the United States, and M. *Cambon, the French ambassadur, rep- resenting the Spanish government. . Some Data. ' Hcre are some of the most impor- unt. facts connected with the war: Wu" began ................ .. ..... Apt-ll 2]. 1838 War closes .............. ..An_gust 12. 18! “Hath-m nf hostllltle. ”.114 d.” Cuba --------- ruegto Rico Guam ------- thppin“ - u my--- vv Duration 01' hostilities . Expense of actual warmre.. Americans killed Americans waunded . Spaniards.killed ....... Spaniards wounded “ ‘esseli desxroyed (Americnn) Vesseis destroyed (Spankinw THE TERRITORY OVER WHICH GEN. LAWTON HAS JUST .2 It: rant; }....I. :S.:LL>K K.~CZFHN ..~w< Em Nam-5.3m“. 2 ‘.1I...4~D.:.a Territory Awo of actual warfare OFFICIAL MAP OF my L6" by Spnln. Square miles. Population. ........ 41.655 1,631.0“ . 3.670 806.109 acts Inconsistent with 150 ,smmoogn 7.000le Receive Order Dlmtll. The- to Cone Infilluu Inn-Canal,â€" ‘l‘roopl In her“; Rico. Washlngton. Aug. litâ€"A: noon us ‘he peace protocol wu Iigned the president sent for Secretaries Alger and Long and Gen. Corbin. and by his direction orders to cease hostilities {orrhwlth were sent to Gene. Mlles, Merritt end Shelter. ‘0 Admiral Dewey and Sampson. and mllltlry commend- ers generally. r T17: order} to Gen. Merritt to Inp- pend were as {allowsz "Adjutant Generni'a OflIce. Waahlnnon. A x. B. 1W.-â€"Menitt, Ianila: The firesi- de t directs all military openttona against ‘ the enemy be suspended. Peace nexotiam tion: are nearint completion. a protocol; having just been signed by representativea ot the two countries. You will inform the csmmandera of the Bpanbh forces in the Phlllppinu of these inatructiona. Furthu orders will iollow. Acknowledge receipt. “By order 04' the secretary of war: ”H. C. CORBIN. Adjutant Genenl." In accordance with the proclama- tion issued by the president auspend- ing hostilities. orders were issued to the naval commanders at the several stations in the United States. Cuba and i the Philippine: carrying into eflect the directions of the proclamation. The navy department not only transmitted the president'a proclamat'on in full to the several commanderajn chief. but also directions as to the iapoaition of their Vessels. The following ordera are in that sense sell-explanatory: “Navy Department. Washington. Aug. 11. â€"8ampaon. Santiago: Suspend all hostili- ties. Blockade of Cuba and Puerto Rico in raised. Howell ordered to assemble vea- aela at Key Weati Proceed with New York. Brooklyn. Indiana. Oregon! loan and la:- aachuaetta to Tompklnaviile. Place mon- [tors in sale hnrbor in Puerto Rico. Wat- son trlnllers hi) no; to Newnrk and wlll rL-mnln u Guantanamo. Assemble All cnzlsen In “re harbour ’Order murlnu nortn In Resolute. (Sl‘nedk' "ALLEN, Acting Secretu'y." “Nnvy Depnrunoht. Washing-ton, A .r 12oâ€"Remey, Key West: In accord: ce filth the prepldcnt's proclnmulon tele‘ graphed you. suspend lmmedlatel)’ all hon- tllllles. Commence withdrawn] of vessels from bloclade. Order block-ding vessel: in Cuban "at?” to assemble at Key West. (Signed: "ALLEN. Acung Secretary." Ponce. Puerto Rlco. Aug. 16.-â€"â€"0n Saturday Gen. Miles notified Gen. Mar cias at San Juan by cable of the sign- ing of the protocol. and Monday re- ceived from Macias an acknowledge» meat of the receipt of the notification. Gen. Milt-s also sent Capt. Mickler. under a flag of truce. to cummunicntc the intclligcnce to the Spanish com- mnndcr at .-\ibonito. Gen. Miles says Aibonito would have been his “ithin four days had not the protocol been signed. Gen. Wilson was moving to turn the enemy .~ righ: flank. Gen. Miles threatened his front; (ien. Brooke was pushing into his rear; Gen. Henry Was wizhin 15 miles of Arecibo. and Gen Schwan had reached Mayaguez. Gen. Miles personally is unceruln whether he will remain here during the period of the negotiatiom for peace. but the {our army column will remain where they are until the nego- tiations are completed. WAR LEADERS NOTIFIED. Portsmouth. 0.. Aug. 12.~The floods in the Scioto valley have covered over 12.000 acres of corn land in the Scioto bottoms in the immediate vicinity of Portsmou'h. causing a loss of over 8200.000. The Ohio and Scioto river- are still rising. and it is felted that the loss will be increased fully 8100,- 000 more. Somersworth. N. IL. Aug. 16.â€"-Num- gm- ber 1 mill. of the Great Falls Manufac- aigr turing company employing 600 hands. the resumed work Monday morning after I tell a six weeks' shut down. due to I sen» city of orders». ‘ \‘ Named for Another Tern. Tupelo, Miss.. Aug. Iiiâ€"“Private" John M. Allen was on Thursday re- nominatcd {or congreu (tom the Flu: Mississippi district. Heavy Lou by Floods. THE EASTERN END OF CUBA. “'ork Rein-ed. BEEN APPOINTED MILITARY GOVERNOR Minneapolis, Minn.. Aug. lG.â€"-A spe- cial to the Tribune from Glry. S. 1)., , a)": A terrific cycloneJccommnied | by ‘8". running from north-9n. no southwest. struck Hort: Siding. about five miles west of here. Monday. Every- thing in the path of the storm was. swept away. Eight people lie dud here, nnd more hue been found. Thousands of dollun' worth of prop-t any are destroyed. and many cattle 4 and Sheep were killed. The Northâ€"i western railroad is torn up. telegraph 1 poles and wow fences Ire down. The wounded are being taken to Conby.[ iOne farmer had 200 acres of wheat in} ”hock. and it wastakeu up by the wind, ‘ and no trace of the vrop is left. The (lend were found on the prairie with ‘hf’i!’ clothing nearly stripped from their bodies. and badly manglxd l Inch Property Dean-ova and Rich! lee- In“ I1 lost) Oak-(.â€" GOI‘.II‘({:II Mic-m. Knoxville. Tenn._ Aug. m.â€"Audiiion- a! detaiisrclative to ihe terrible cloud- burst in Hawkins county lax! Friday morning were received in this ch" Monday night. It vus previoudy re- ported that 20 lives were lost in the flood. but it is now estimate-d that per- haps 32 persons become victims of the downpour. ' ~ .. .7, St. Louis. Aug. 16.779pecials received here indicate that the severe wind. rain and hailstorm which visited southeastern Iowa and weitern Illi- nois Sunday and Sunday night caused considerable damage. "all as large as apples is reported. Corn is leveled and fruit and melon growers have m!- fered considerable loss The rain was the heaviest in many years ranging from {our to six inches in depth. Sev- efal bridges were w-sbod om bnwceo Keokuk tnd Fort Madison. Ready to “II. the If]... Honolulu. Aug. 4. vi. Victorin. B. (‘.. Aug. 13,â€"Thc limited States steamship Phllédelphln arrived here yesterd-y, six days and 20 hours from San Fran- cisco. with Admiral Miller and Ltafl on board, who came for the purpose of raising the Amerivnn flag mcr the Ha- waiian islands. Admiral Miller has or- chrstoconferuith Minuet” Smut-ll. and until after the (-nnferenm- nothing defl- n'rtr will be decidofl as to the flag-rah.- ing programme. It Is generally under- stood that the flag “ill nut be raised until ”10' commisniuhcrh arrive on the 17th inst. ('ourI-‘nrllnlcd and .lhol. .\lih\nuke¢-, Aug. 13. â€"â€" A sproill to the Journal from Murinv-Ht.“155.335: Word has horn rwwirrd lwrc from I'onro. l’uerto Riva. mm l‘rn‘nto Ln Luke. 0! the Second Wisconsin regi- ment, who shot and kilfnl l‘riunc Sh!- ford. of the regular nr‘m}, during - quhrn-I in n saloon m Ponce, wuscourt- manilled August 3. found guilty and shot on the morning of August 4. leo- I In-.. Washington. Aug. 12.â€"râ€"Adjt. Gen. Corbin mnouncca that here-{ta the designation of the camp at Mont-u]: Point will be ('nmp Wikoff. in honor of (‘01, Charles A, \\ iknfl. u! the Twen- ty-second United State: infantry. who wu killed at the head of his brigade on the lst‘ of July it Santiago. This order was issued by dirfl-Uun of the president. “'HI Boron-e I Judge. Louisville. Ky.. Au‘.13.â€"*A fipecill to the Commercial from ("hut-non”. Tenn. says: Secretary of Sun Duy will be Ippoinxed l'nhed Staten judge {or the Sim): circui: u soon as he re- light; from the cabinet at Ihe close of in; War. This h Earned from Hr most reliable authorily here. (ion. I... Wan" to Be Ion-tor. \anhington, Aug. 16.'â€"â€"Thc Pout u,- Gen. Fitzhugh Lee will emer the urn- toriul race in Virginia. This an- nouncement can be made without nny quuliflcuion. It is nutboriud by Gen. Lee himself. DEATH 11! A CYCLONE Washington, Augi iti.-The navy de- ; pnrtment has decided to ln'eldnb far A. practicable to the public doaire ct. New York {or I naval review of the drips of Admiral Sampson's fleet. Ac- cordingly Acting Secretlry Alien lb med the followug‘ order: "The department in much gratified t1 the desire expressed to nee I review of the ‘arllipl and cruisers recently ordered home. Ind to hr :3 pnetlmble is datum of carrying out the wishes of the emu-u. who wish to an the whips. But neither the omrern nor the me: of the fltt Ire in condition to pnrticlpate in a :treet parade The department is taking the opportunity of the armistice to nu: these «hip. at once into the best possible condition for such urea as may heron!“ r be inquired of them. It is .xputrt‘l all other I'ork Will be Ibup- Vndld and tie rnzlrt- avlilahle form» 0! tin- nan-y ynrd directed to this work in oh der tn cvurr the greatesz poulple diu- [ntvh The department will direct thnt. upon arrival in New York harbor, the fleet. will steam up [inr- Nonh river II far u GtETL Grant'n tomb. tire I Mlllllt‘ Ind IteAm buck to the anchorage It is expected (halt the fleet will reach New York on Suturdly, the filth inst " The plan is to hue Atlmirnl Sampâ€" son met ofl Sandy Hook with order: for the procesnion up the Sorta river. It is expected that the fleet will be 01! Sandy Hook some time Prida} night. ibut they will lie outside the harbor until Saturday morning. ”9.0-“- I'Ioot I. Be Reviewed ll low \‘ork Harborâ€""III l'lre a Dal-cc at 60-. (in-r. “To-b. Roosevelt and III- Co-na-d. 1“.- .othcr with Gen. “'hecler, lie-eh loll-ck Pol-t. New York, Aug. 16. â€" The rought rider: with Gen. Wheeler and COL Roosevelt have been landed from the Miami m Montr'k Point and are now in the detention camp. whore they will remain in qulruntine for a few duys. Some of the men were so Weak that thry “ere hard’y able to walk. The neu'hpapt'r men could not get near vmnigh to either ('ut. Roosevelt or “on. “'hI-ult'r tn hint- :tilert io\\> “llh them. Aft: r lhl‘ rungf. riders had all landed nnd r-‘tartml {or the detrntinn vamp. (bl, llnnnuelt was met lit the new spa- per turn l‘hv) CIJit'H‘Url‘li to get him to trll :ilmnt his r‘perinxcos. hut fuilrdt Hr rqt’uxul :iz'snlntrl) to talk nlmnt hi> 1I("llt‘lllll‘li‘>, hut gladly {pom-01th? “ark nthi> men lit-said they \wrc an hrnxe and went intodan- per without linitation. “'ubhingtun Aug 16. ~~ .'\ ('abl. message was rerehed at the vur de- partment from Gen. Shutter at SID- tiagn de ('ulia urging that he expect- that the lust of the troops of his corp. (11?: Fifth) will have ldi Santiago {or the United Stlttl by Thnnday nex‘. nnd that lance. Shun". will start for home next Saturday. St. Joseph. ’10.. Aug 12.â€"The tn- comtlg Omuhn flye'r on the Burlin‘rto- road wu held up It Dug Hill. (we miles north 0! here. It nine o'clock Thursdny ntght by five or 3!: wellâ€" ermed men. After secuflng poundon of the expreu car the robbers rolled the Adnmu Expreu comp-ny'l smell Infe out of the car door into n wtgol end endeavored to haul it way. They abandoned their ttuk, however. and soon dumped the safe out upon the highway. The safe nu recovered two hour: atttr the holdâ€"up. nnd had not been opened. the trniumen nay. Though LCVQ‘I‘I‘ shot: were fired to in- timidate the truinm‘en. none of the par senpers on the trlin were molested. Kansas (113'. 310.. \ug. 12tâ€"~ 5mm aft- er the expren robbery on the Burlinr ton rnad Wan reported here a railroad uflivial nhu ought to have been well infnrmed made the statement 1 net. the rners nun“! $3280 from the mic “hwh thr) two}. from the Adan” 15x- prc-se rumpnm's our. The treasure, it “'13 strut-d. enhsuted of six pnr‘kagel int Slew-w IIL 14‘ {our purlxages (.1 $500. one u! ."fn an? another or $2“ I‘III In Be Annexe-l. 1 Hang Kong. Aug. 12. “Represent;- the: of ‘hc inmrgenl junu at Hang- :Kong callcd on ('omul (nnernl “Udâ€" man and assurtd him that H1?) de- tired anuexniun to the Ln'nrd mum. Thy, said \guinuldo was not houilo Ho Unis cuuntry. “Ill Krrp Fol-r9 0! 19.000. \Vnshinghm. Aug. 13.â€"â€"-»Thus fur the question of the diphnndmtm of 1110 \‘nlumrrr arm) has not hum ghen Ierimu rnnMdc-rafinn by MW “nr 01â€" fwinlm ,\ «'nnndoruble furor neces- taurily “‘1! huu- h. lw mainmincd for son-r31 mmnhn. perhaps a your. h the npinmn of war depurxmem official- thin force \nll be about 125.000 men. n will be kept in Cuba, Purrto Rico and (be Philippine: principally. II- though a few troops will be Nation“! in Hnuuil in nddillun to (he rr-gulur army furn- dintributed among the vi- rioua posts in this country. Pit-s! rump “an HAN-d. ‘m{ Sly-Iv In one u! I-rdor'd Ill- ru-Ily. New York. Aug. 12.â€"â€"Aher 39-" of wrongful Iinng and Mord drunken- neu, Policeman Henry C. Hewley. who wu accounled "a very good officer" by hi: superior: and brulber police- mtn It the “Tenderloin" nation. to which be was uuched. unused NI "may career shortly before nool Thursday 1:) killing himsrlf, aflrr mun dcriug the mother who rniwd him, hi: wife and their two young chihnrcn In . nquuhd aparlmem on 1119 19;. floor of the tenement 643 Sixth avenue. ROUGH RIDERS AT Roll-C. I. lino-r1. NAVAL DISPLAY. “on! 0! 13.00“. l Col. Dudley Wrdn-nhm did h l Springfield\of kidney trouble. w ‘ yenn. He served in the war wlth lax. ico - carport} in company A. Fourth Illinois volunteer lutanuy, .34 m promoted to he want. 1;: Sept“. her. 1061, he was appointed by Got. You: Is lieutenant colonel of 1.. , Tenth Illinois cavalry. :nd two month. ‘ loter was elected mloncl. commanding I the regiment. until the clot! of the w"; t “It Dupe-In. The doors of the Bank of Waverly, Alb'ert Room-n, president. tailed to open. 0:: the front window was pofled a pllcard announcing that the bank was compelled to suspend payment be- cause of inabitity to procure funds to meet the demands npnn the bank. The bank is an unlimited partnership and the owner! are entimlted to he won) $500,000. The bank'l liabilities are .u the way ham 8100110010 8:00.000. A fire which was dim-Md in the carp“ store of Andre Andre, in Jack- somiue. spread to the adjacent stem and looses to the following firms are pmmicallymtal: BothrhildsClotbing company, Ellicock'a auction mom Andre 6: Andrc. Split Doll-r store, Model shoe store. Joseph 'l‘omlinson~ clothing, and Slepbcns S. Knowles. clothlng. The toul dunuge is $125,000. M m. On’nk. J. 1!. Bank; 20 years poalméter of Willow Springs. committed suicido. in the Briggs house in Chicago by shooting himself. The only reason hi: friends give {or tb sulcldc is that be wag. insane. He 19 t home apparently in high spirits and had $300 cash with him, but his money was gone when he was found dead. A ”national In“. A teusational mm was filed in the (-ih-uil "our! of (‘oh-a count} m ('hafles- MIL Mipnie- (‘okcnovm‘ claiming $20.- um damaging {mm Nimrnd Xeayes {or hrrnch of promise. Noun»:- ia a wrahhy old bachelor and Min ('okennuer is no longer-)ounp. lknh ride-1. lune em- p‘u) ed eminent lwgrnl lalom. Odd Fellows Elect Oflrerl. The colored odd fellows of hpnoi' Idjoumcd thtir lhru‘, days‘ cum-ration in Blonmington aher ell-Ming the fol- hm'mg office”: I). G. M., D..Y.Smi1h. I’eorin: 1). D. G‘. William 3mm. ram‘»; 1). (2. hi. Charles S. Smith. Paris; I). C. T.. Howard Bell.('hivngo; D. G. 1).. Mat- the} Searles. Blooming-(ton. Toll II'I Pow Lines. The first annua! meeting and picnic ol the We“ Central Illinois Odd Fel- lowt' aaaodaflon was held at Rivcrflcw Dark in Beardxtown. and van well av tended. Dominick Curry. I vetenn of the In- dian w-n. of the Mexie‘n wtr 1nd “no civil wur. died u Clinton. used 76. B. wn ton yen-I in l” I soldier tnd many “mos wounded. ILLINOIS STATE N 8% Punk Johnson. of Leroy. aged 1;. wu shot 3nd insunfly killed by tic accidcnul discharge of n revolver in (he hind: of Earl MoVicker. of Indian- apolil, Ind. â€"- c Lâ€" While temporarily inane, Mn. John Shafer bulged heroelf in Elgin. Shh du nearly 60 years of age. and leave. hm vhildrcn. one a IOII now in I mm- lur) hospital .1 McPherson. Ga. Edwin J 'I'humpson former]; mayor of Quincy. died suddenly. aged 57 \Qlfl. Min \ in]: “ our} was fatally burned In Paris 1)} an explosion of gas-01m: The State Annociutmn of Mexican War Veterans held a Ivm dayl' session in Paris. Thr annual reunion of 0H wldnen 0! Morgan and purruundlng counties wu hrld 0! Arcadia. “ilh M‘Vl‘Tfll hundred n‘h‘l‘lnn in n1lrndlnt‘r. “‘illiam Woodward. a farmrr living “n: o( (Lnleslmrg. and a young man named J. Ross \u‘re ntruvk by I rrain on the Main firm-1 rrossing in (lalesbur‘ nnd innnntl) killed. Henry C. Bond‘ one- of the pioneer! of Henry C. {iond‘ one- of the richer”. of Jo Davina- count) , died at G hum-god 80 years 'i‘he Vhir‘yâ€"(hird annual convemion of the Jackson Count} Sunda} School misliun was held I! (‘Afbondalr‘ The auto board 01 mine wants!” has fixed the due of holding enminn‘ Non: for mine mun-gm. fine bone. und others. for Scplvmbor 6. at the unrhouae in Springfield. .4, Alvxnudrr Campbell. (“under of “I. greenhnvk pnr1)‘.diod m his bum» in L. 811)». um 84 years. He in sunhwd by I wife and thra- daughters. Barney (-rueu-r a fisherman. “II iro‘ned 1n the Illinois rhcr at JPTSPV- Vinr. Purid‘ Crowle) a moldr- r ix Sin-ingâ€" field has fallen heir m a forhmr 01:65 - 000 It“ him by a grand um c in Dr- lmit. Mivh. John Bechen. a “hm-1mm: of Peru. while (Tossing the Hrrv! (-ar lrnr'kn on his bicyvle MI in from of: troHey car and wn: run our mu? killrd. M “s. Eluumr Tul(01t.unc of ”A car}! new?” of Luke counly and problbly the oldem woman. died It her home 1‘ HM! 1)").np‘td 94 years. Srrgt. lichard B. Knvamugh. com’ pany I, Seventh Illinois volunteer in- !nn‘ry. hut- hr-en dinrharpfl (mm “I. service of Ike Chin-d Mme; "r‘ of promiw. \‘c ave:- ia a wrahhy helor and “in ( “kc-noun is no _\oung. lknh rid” lune em- eminonl loyal lalom. lit-av, 1.0.- by Death or a Veteran. of 0H midi": of CAI’TI‘RI‘I Confirmation Cxty H D01.”- Londm‘. Aug” “'11 from Mud! “The eurn ndq day In MIL .la‘ noumed. “The 1 Hue-d [ atel) m- « upied‘ Au-u-II J ”The Spmnsh a freedom on “”01 udmmls‘nunr 01 pourny .L the h. Inluu'en's wmw 0n? \ rrll Hnnngungfi gave (wn. Augl ‘du at the m: madc- tvn ‘ulju fused to ('1 mp] which began I ‘inurd for lua Ameriruns sh sweeping :11} be in Hie “all: a“ The Fin»! (0101‘ the nu“ r ”rm: inrds into Hun '1‘th 11:8 Amd driving all ler‘ fortifirnt'urlm,‘ m‘qdvr. r: rung “'fl‘ukl'lfh.“ ho surremlvrml, III 1" Firm-c {he lrrxd-Lrs men, '1‘!” A mummy-ed “LC werw but“ a! in brnrr mmdl vs’atcknd 1hr IN {menu The lupin-:- ure no! .u“. “In The Anmrld were 11w 015111 Bouun. Mnulq ‘ilHUl‘t. The 8 fire 00)" Am: fell 51mm. flu- !rnm 1| “null quick firix p g‘ shore. 1‘.) Our I 11 u ulw and 11m: “‘Uu Ame storming «mil flux) of 1):”: e Spaniards vnl hklfl'hlb. and in (-xrt-nmh-I'P‘ M.) Na \‘xmml - line "pawn Think» Unl Ilnl‘dol‘ AHI rm-pumlrx1nf egraplvih ~ 3""? 3 anmp hrv. extnu‘rd mum of {mm Wu? “SUI-(A "Noun” woul Amrrh-hn.‘ «1W rllt'll and Add Ipnn O‘\’r!_\ oh; Cnd (hr lrrm‘ht (‘hl‘ lnllrn WM Bpannh mnem dllumw hum 1 can“ 0! ma I "Defrndmx t1 mim- vu-u no! Ml]. flpuni-r m nuin'rr Ahuu hospi‘u! ’1‘le rum 10.004 In 21 10:” my Mum Over) NFIIPPX lide n! ”m HUI thlr‘ .‘mnvn-r Hun m- 8m] the X'mnd 8U perm! to I'll! mar. Itrr alrol 0|, mph "T1,. rxmkl briuu: Mal. (‘om-ord unfivl 01 1).: Pin K mm :m ll'v-flk‘ Dru phox u: I but )\ h. mu lu-pl up 1.: '1‘ I] flux lab 5:.1'1‘1 lhth n'u‘lI-Id \ -er hr!»- 1).“ l’l.orr (013. ram“: 117- "Rn-ulntauw ,I".le-‘bll‘ 2‘ I'M (m «and ‘hu rrlhvd ‘ outnumbmrd. 0-6 City, A W I) from Hu- lr.lrnnun+ (It Of (It l0‘n, fighting cont Iu'dl Ml‘n “I'M only 1 urd lo the I: write this com) I brat tho album “I. All nrou "The Spam: firmer rut-L chm a... n firm. wu 1m: 1- of “I“ In- Full \H h: Ln- \\ III“ Hull!“

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