gigmaua 2.351: gums. THE WEEK’S NEWS BOUND ABOUT THE WORLD Casualties and Fires. Personal and Po- litical )otes. Business Failures and Resumption. Weather Record. INTELLIGENCE FROM ALL PARTS HIGHLAND PARK. WAR NE‘VS. Gen. Merritt and Admiral Dewey were instructed that the Philippine inâ€" surgents must, recognize me authority '91 the Uniï¬ed States and that there could be no joint occupation of the city. The massacre of more than 100 na- tives of l’uerto Rico by Spanish troops 1: conï¬rmed. me only oflense of the people being in raising an American flag at Cieles. The president has announced his de~ cision to muster out of the service from 75,000 to 100.000 of the volunteers. Reports from Manila were to the ei~ tect that the American loss in the re- cent’ battle was six or eight killed and (0 wounded, while the Spanish loss was quhe heavy. Manila was said to be “under, martial law. with Gen. Merriit u military governor. In an interview Premier Sagaita ctated that Spain does not recognize the surrender. of the Philippines as the islands \vei’e relinquished by the Spanish commander after the signing of the protocol. Itwas reported ntPonce. Puerto Rico. that. 80 natives who took refuge from Spanish soldiers in the belfry 6f the cathedral at Ciales were overpoweced and macheted. It was reported ‘that Gen. Men'ht had prepared a‘ prociamation to the residents of Manila. deï¬ning the form of government that will prevail. Hung-Kong advices say that the terms of the capitulntion of Manila. as sgreed upon between Gen. Jaudenes und Gen. Merrztt include the cession of the Philippine archipeiago to the United States. The Spanish cabidbt has appointed Gen. Gonzales Pan-ado, Rear Admiral Luis Pastor Landero and Mar-quit de Mouton) as the commission {or the evacuation. of Cuba. Charles‘ W. Gould. of New York. has been appointed by the president a Ipecial representative of the depart- ment of justice on the Cuban military commission. Private Otto Hofler. of the Ninth New York. during a thunderstorm at Chickamauga,,Tenn., Was struck by lightning while standing against the pole‘uf his tent and instantly killed. The war department has promul- gated the tariff rates for Puerto Rico. 'l'he‘mte is the Spanish minimum tariff rates heretofore enforced in the is- land. Gen. Shafter has informed the war department that. it will not be neces- sary to send any more troops to San- tiago for the preservation of peace and good order. _ The attorney-general has rendered on opinion in which he holds that. the word "goods" in the new war revenue measure as applied to package: sent by express or freight includes pack- ages of money. New York gave a royal welcome to the North Atlantic squadron under command of Rear Admiral Sampson. The ships were the New York. Iowa, Indiana, Brooklyn. Massachusetts, Oregon and Texas. Oregon and Texas. Maj. Gen. Merritt notiï¬ed the war department that the cable from Bong- Kong to Manila is again in operatid’n. A dispatgh from Manila states that the Spanish loss during the bombard- ment and the assault by the American troops was 200 killed and 400 wounded. The American loss was 5 killed and 43 wounded. " President McKinley cabled to Ad- miral Dewey and Gen. Merritt his and the nation‘s congratulations upon their capture of Manila. Adjt. Gen. Lawton, in command of the miIitary department of Santiago. notiï¬ed the war department that he has enough troops to maintain peace in mat provincc. DOMESTIC. At Stanford. Ky.. George Stephenson (colored) was hanged for the murder of Joe Tilford. a white boy 14 years old. :1. Crab Orchard July 4. The barn of Peter Foy. an miles north of Independence. 1a.. wasl struck by lightning. and ï¬ve sons, the eldest being 16, who were sleeping in the mow, were burned to death. The American transports Peru and Puebla. having on brnrd Gen. Otis 3nd Gen Hughes arrived at Manila. Charles 0. Kaiser. who was under sentence to be hanged Septembero for the murder‘ of his wife, committed sui- cide in his cell in ‘he coumy jail at Nor- tistown‘. PE- BY Ennis FORREST. of the Past Seven '3 in Brief. ILLINOIS The 'Adminl Dewey. the ï¬rst of the {our steamers being built by me Cramps for the American Man Steam- ship company. was successfully launched at Philadelphia. Four men were killed and ï¬ve others badly injured by the collapse of a cornice on a new building in the course of erection at Philadelphia. Alphonso Dagion. a private in the Twenty-third Kansas volunteer in- fantry. and another negro. name on- known. were run over and killed by a train near Kansas City, Mo. The exchanges at the kndtng clear- ing houses in the United States during the week ended on the mth aggre~ gated ngnioet $1,122,929,- 527 the previous week. The increase compared with the correspoudlng week in 1897 was 7.9. There were 195 business failures in the United States in the seven days ended on the 19th. again-{196 the week previous and 221 in the corresponding period of 1897. Alex Walker. a troublesome negro living near Pleasant Hill, Aim. was taken from his cabin by a party of white men and beaten to death with buggy traces. - eign policy of the United States wu opened at Sarmoga. N. Y.. and an in- teresxing address was delivered by Henry W. Rogers. of Chicago. Joseph A. Choate. of New York. wnl eleded president of the American Bar association in session at Suntoga.N.Y. operating mines in the Jellico dislrict. near Knoxville. Ttnn.. has been placed it. {he hands of :1 receiver. The liabili- ties are placed nt 3165.000. Charles Stcgur and Willlnm Miller quarreled over a debt of 15 cent: at Davenport. In.. Stegnll ï¬nally kllllng Miller with a knife. A cloudburst in SnwmiH Run near Pittsburgh. Pu., caused the drowning of six children and did great damage to property. .v I" “rԠ.., . Nathan lIolIenbeck, poundmaner of Oakland. (‘u!.. was shot dmd by Qunn Mon. 3 Chinese gardener. who was watching for vegvtable thiovrs. Hugo Zellner and wife. of Chicago. aged respectively 65 nnd'T5, “'0 re found dead in their mom m a boarding house in Milwaukee. having committed sui- cide by taking chloroform. J. H“. Haverly. of New York. who was well known years ago as a (hvatrica) manage-1221M! especially in connection with negro minstrols. has ï¬led a peti- tion in bankruptcy. with‘liubilities of $327,740. Six persons lost their lives by the burning of the Nations) and Windsor hotels at Hot Springs. Ark‘ Already expel-43 6! live stock from Texas to Cuba have begun. Thr: percenfuges of the baseball olubs in the National league fbr the week ended on the 21“ were: Boston, .663: Cincinnati. .636; Baltimore. .620; Ckeveland, .602; New York. .567: CM- cngo, .542: Pittsburgh. ,505; Philadel- phia. .480: Brooklyn. .386; Washing- ton. .373; Louisville, .371; St. Louil, .283‘ 7 The Chicago~ Railway Terminal eleâ€" vator was destroyed by ï¬re. the loss being about $360,000. . ‘ 1“ The steamer Glenfnrg arrived in' San Francisco and brought word that the stars and sh-ipes were raised in Hawaï¬ on the 12th inst. Trains crashed into each other at Sharon. Mass., and six persons were killed and many others were injured. An unknown negro was lynched by a mob near Americus. GIL. for the murder of Mrs. Mary McGnrrah. a wealthy widow. and her son James. A cyclone in Dickinson countv In. .. killed Norman E ggesiein and wife and wrecked many buildings. The national conference on the for- eign policy of the Unitedemtes closed its session in Saratoga, N. Y.. after passing resolutions asking that island: taken from Spain be considered as wards of Ameri‘ca and' commending President McKinley for his course in mango: u. AND POLITICAL. The republican congressionnl con- vention of the Fourth Tennessee dis- trict at Lebanon nominated George 11. Morgan for congv ess. striving the War John 8. Robinson was nominated for congress at Norfolk, Nab. on th: fusion ticket to represent the Thin] district. Wisconsin republicans in state conâ€" vention at Milwaukee nominmed a ticket headed by Edward Scofleld for governor. “iim†Bradleyâ€"the well-known turfv man. died at his home in Lexington. Ky†aged 32 yenfsl Democrats of California‘in state con- vention nominated a ticket headed by Congressman Maguire forrgovemor. ,,,, Nequork r'epublicanl wlll hold their convention at Snratogn on Septem- ber 27. 7 J. W. Fordney was nomlnued for congress by the Eighth Michigan dil- ‘rict republicans. v FOREIGN. Gen. chermiefl. the conqueror of Tashkend. died suddenly at 81. Peter-- bu rg. John Hay y. United Smtn minlner to Great Britain cabled to President Mc- Kinley his acceptance of the position of secretary of state. Advices from Kongâ€"Kong say mer- chantmen were leaving daily for Ma- nila and a great rush o! trade was ex- pected. 7. ~~ ; The Black Diamond Con} company for peace-and then pushing The death of Dr. Zeller. the u‘dcu composer. occurred in Berlin. Sir William Augustus Frazer. Burn the Iuthor. Ind one of thequeen‘l body guard.» for soon-ndjdied in London. United States Minister Hunter, of Guafenznhl. cables we stale depart- ment that Gen. Morales. leader of the revoiution, was captured in a care Ind died on his way to prison. Alimiral Sampson called on Pral- drnt McKmles and spent homo lim» whh him in a diwuuiun of the Cuban (mmnission'u plans and other nnuv ten. hi or ennh in I bhrgh. l’u. Admiral Sx-hlcy “as said to be con- ï¬ned to his home at Westport, (‘unn.. in i'lness. the nature of which wu pronunnu‘d to be {Her Fire (it-singed the business panion of (nrlcniiie, 111.,101 tho. second time within n year. The prcsident has promuu‘d (apt. (‘hnrles l). Sigshee. l" S. .\'.. now (‘nm- manding the St. Paul. by advancing him ‘hree numbers on the list of cap- mins in the nuvy {or "extraordinary heroism." Don P mm.“ rhlndrazo the cele- brated Spanish painur. died in Madrid aged 84 years. The Fillmore county bunk ton. Minn. cloud its doors bililies of $50,000. The indictmen! against Mrs Myra Atkinson, “ifc of Gov. Atkinum. of “'02! Virginia, fur forgcry has barn quashed. and the case against her diu- missed. * near Bloomington. Ind., drowned hr:- clxild and hers: 'f in a cistern. She"ll dusnnndent because of i1! health. .luhu' . Blair. the hankerand philan- thrrxpim. celebrated the ninetysixih nnniu-nnry of his birchday at 21h home in Illnirstown. N. J. The piant of the (‘hnnannoga Pow- der company nt Cohenuh Station Tann.. explmh-d. kiHing two men and wounding seriuusly. if not fatally. pix others. Minnie Sexton deliberate!) that and killc‘d hm- sisxer at Noumurkvt ()m The dead “omun “as to hm? hevn married shortly. and htr bibttr up- powd the match. The deal!) is ummunced of Prince Paul Esterhuzy, one of the rivhen sportsmen in Hungary. The secretary of the treasury has dvcidrd lhat under existing ‘cnndk. tinn! lhere is no reamn “by Spanish veesels should not enter, 10nd and cfcnr a! porls in â€19 L'ni‘ed States. Gen. )iilu left Puerto Rico {or the I'nited States. leaving Gen. Brooke in command. The war department has ordered all the troops of Gen. Mcrritt‘s departâ€" ment remaining at San Francisco to be sent m Honolulu with at least four month's subsistence and mrdiqfl sup- pIiM. ,. H . L. . Bids were opened at Wushingtnwfnr 16 torpedo boat destroyers and 12 Mr- pedn boats, the cost in the aggregate nm to axon-d $16,000,000. The store and Hock of 11...]. Lamar Sun. the- Inrgnt whulrsnle nnd rmnil drug house in Macon. Hm. wns mthy destroyed by ï¬re wixh a loss of $105.- pun; gas In New Yoxk. The supreme iodge Knights of Pythins convened at Indianapolu. Ind., represrnlnthes being preu-nt from every flaw in 1hr urion. Dr F. .\l. llibhnrd. hmm‘ plï¬sician of the l’lnntvr's hotel in St. Louis. Wul instantly killml by failing doun an elevator shaft. Scar Angnulemt. Frnnre. a captain of artillery ‘murdrrcd his pnrunmur and his orderly and thrn blew out his (mu brnlnst The triple crime grew out of a quarn-l. \\'liilv (lrspnnrie-nt Nlrflt Kntr Marigan i‘mxl lilrsr'f and her tnn vh '(lren (utl; v r: n" fuury I|T> I†4W :lmlJ â€ml \ u 1‘ mom!» will. l_\ Hit 3L3 oil immu- Suven men were kil|ed by the caring The wife of Morris Lucas. 11 farmer LATIII- tunnel nrur Pitu- Prel- Ih 11:- Colin's-cc In “lulu-(Ion o'er the Portico-II. “‘ork of (to lult-ry l‘onu-l-nlon. Washington, Aug. 24,-AAxlmiral Sampmn and Maj.-(ien. Rutlen two of the member: at the Cuban military culnmissiun. held an rxtcudwt confer the: Tursdu)‘ with Anistuut Secre- tary of Stat: Moore. Gen. \\ ade. the other member of the (‘()Il)llli>5i011.hua not )rt urrn'rd. The purpose 0! the conference was to talk owr the gen- eral frutureh of the forthcoming work of the commission. The ï¬nal instruc- t'rnu VHH be couxplctrd in about two d:i_\'~, and “ill be giu'n tn the commis- uunrrs in strict (Ultï¬dt'llcl). for their prrsuhnl guutunce. The Cuban \ounuission “Ill tail on 51!.ofSrptcmher.urcordmgtnprruont valvulutimnn either from New York or Fort Monroe. on the Sr“ York. Ad- miral Sampson's ï¬ugnhtp. if she can be mudr rrudy in time. Hen. Hntlrr “11; he ut‘cmnpnnit-d by two uidrl. and h in pruhulfle that Urn. “ado. chutr- man of the commiunon. “ill have three. .- A Ax. Illllll‘h \\lll he rcxuuvcu nu... “u.--“ lmxuur ln-furc Illa cmnminiun enters. l! is not known “helher lhe 'L'nixed States will limit! aho llml Morro ('anle be put under H: control. bul at al‘. eu'ntl {lu- Nr“ York is not 10 he LU!)- jevh-(l m nu)" dinner rlmilar to thin of ill: Maine. l’nnrr. l'urrln llico, Aug. 245 Senor Imp 1.. rdilur u! the San Juan (‘ur- quntlrnciu. is here. He repuru than Um. (lrn, Man-mu is pushing pn-paru- {inns fur {lu- mncunliun of the :nland. The obstacles in Illa harbor of San Juan arr being cleared away and I thip ‘umlml “ill: (3) namile lxna bee-n re- mmul. (lvn.Macias,SHmrLopezmys w I! return in Spain in a fowdnyr. lun- lllg the details of lht- evacnullun 10 his Inlmrdinalel. , -_ 'A. Ina-runny“..- \Ve‘flpon, Comm. Aug. 24.--Reir'Adâ€" miral \V. S Schlry. who has been in- disposed at â€19 Suugutuvk residence (f R. S. Wurtiry, his smx»i|1â€"la\\,ibim- proved Dr. J. (i. Gregory Hated Tuesday morning â€mt no sympmms of {Her have bteu din-mend}. lie (‘hnr- ne‘erizu it as lwrvous exhaustion and â€.0 reaction im-ido-nt upon a sudrirn nlie! {rum the r\(~ning events 0111:: past few montha. an n_,_1___.,.. Lomlun. Aug. 24‘â€"-Thv Stnminru; Snntingn d:- ('uhn correspondent, writ- xng under date utAugust 9.191.: of an lnterx it“ “ith (Fen. Demetrio (‘uatillo‘ in whit-h tht lnttvr claimi to poster anuranoes from the Washington gut- crnment that by May. 1899. not a single- American soldirr “ill be left in the island. “hich will be handed over to n duly elected ('uban government. Havana. Aug. 24.-â€"(.‘apt. Stewart Brice, of the volunteers, 3 son of Senn- tor Brice, arrived here on the Nor- wegian steamer Brndsberg from Sun- tiago de Cuba and is now at l’assaje howl. The-re wvre three nevupaper onrrrspondcnts on the steamer, but (Sen. Blanca “(mid not allow them to land. San Francinn. Aug. 24.â€"' ports Australia and (‘ity ‘ ha 0 begun fouling. They u1~‘_\ Muilfurliunmulu1rxt mm the Scandin (m ‘9)il l3 which ma) huh-r on he s91! It Is undernuud that Hm E {urnia “111 be une m" lhu 12m ‘0 go 5' ' ' ‘. partmont is considering plans for fee-(l- ing the people in (‘ulm who may tr: fund in a binning condition wl en the Spanish trumps u‘acuute. Very little information is _\H at hand regarding the conditiun of the people, but from what was known of them before hon- tilitiu began. and the fact thut very little opportunity has been aflortlrd thou) since to secure food, it is be- lieved that thousands must be duti- tutc. Plan. for Feeding llu- Starring Peo- ple on the Inland (‘oI-Iderrd by the “‘Ir hep-rlnenl. Lansing. Mich, Aug. ‘2‘." Samuel Dickie. of Albion, was (‘hmrman of the prohibition sta'c comention. “hicb met here and nominated the following ticket: Governor. Noun W (‘heeven lumen-n! xovtrnor. N Norton Clark; lecrelnr) of auto. John Swen; lute xruaurer. Robert King: ludilor-flnernl. Henry Andruj, land commissioner. Jucob Van Zolltnberx. u- unmyâ€"generll. Myron H, “'alker. :uper- tnundem of public innrumion. D-vid B “'nrner: member of ï¬ne bound of true.- liun, Deievnn B Reed. Soldlor- Killed. Philadelphia, Aug 24.â€"\'ictor Tenn- ly. of St. Lenin, and Willi-m (Michelin, of Jeruy City. priune soldier; 011m!- iery K, Sevenih United Slate: nrlil- lcry. were inn-mly killed and “we other: uriuusly injured by liming their heads crushed again“ â€it iron girder: of the ruiirnzui bridge at the Ridge avenue cruning of the Penn~ thunin ruiiruui in this city. llnr‘ln- In All-Lu. Tacoma. \len. Aug. 24 â€"{'apt. Ab(‘f('r0lllbl(‘ lam u-nl in letter in Sto- relnry of “War Mgcr from Port Valdel, Aiunkfl, asking ilH' gmtri men: intend a stunner â€lift 11, bring hum:a the stranded nu-n “lit- nrr ulrrmiv de- pr-mlt-r' npm, .‘ererumbie‘s (“l-"“4â€" tiux, ;:ir'_\ for f. t d. \Yushingtnn. Aug, 24: The “ur do SAHPSOI GETS POINTS. ‘ . lmiral Summon lay: thu the m. “H! be removed from Khulna nor before 1hr cmnminiun enters. )llehlgau ProhlhllIo-hl- FOOD FOR CUBANS. 24.â€"The trans- (‘ity of Sydney They will prob- Suiun‘m} 1hr- troops to Manila £0th (‘un- rrgnut’nls Nervous Peo; Are mtmfl‘omra nnd they dose-n â€my rather thnn censure‘ Thar 1 h poor and mm and Muir nerves u“ mummy weak. Such people and 11' and cure in flood“: Sammrhla bea- puriï¬es :md enrichvs the Mum] and ‘iu power to feed, slrcugthf’n and sum. nerves. H [on are nervous Ind m sleep, lake Hood's blampunlh and“ ha nerve strengthening power. _ Hood’s Sarsaparit â€006'. Pm. Cullco troll: (‘nllcut II 1031, 01100 was Iirll manufamurrd m a of Indra (-uHcd Cahvux, iron which it run xu name. h was Introduced“; England in H1? year l63l._nnd ï¬nnlly m thxa country. but as the Lmud State-w, sum" by far 1m mr «ml qunnmy 010.1“5' of Iny country m 1m World. )1 n nee.‘ nnlv manufu-tumd hero mm! “Willlvely.'4 The ‘highesx grade made hm a m-h-t on (""er may upon whu-h n pruned the In- VIHiam Simpson Sons. The†grmd. In noted for their gem-r11 QXN-Hence‘ be“. hancy and permanrm-y of mwr. How to grow wheat \I'Ith In? proï¬t at“ cents and aampln m’ Mlzor'n Lc-d (‘rou (D Hughel» per acre) \\ mtrr “Meat. R 'e. on; (‘Inu-rn, Ho, with Farm Med (Iautwue for 4 09an pendant. JUHN A. FALZER SEE) (30., IACxoue. \\ xr. x Hide The- All “'ork. Mr. Luxoeâ€"J‘hen you don'! When in {out oi n u-rvanu’ grin TIrnï¬-â€"~\Vith 1- "‘ft and three grow. daughtprs" Nol I 1 [>911er encoungm. home â€duskyâ€"Brooklyn Life. Not “'holly Hautu’ ifnxd you mend to Muru- Hun rennin pmu- vs were In! summer" "50. 1 Wu: (9! but I dAdD’l/5â€"Delrod Yrre Press Fiu no ped free and permanently cund. No ï¬ts a. ter ï¬ns! day'n- use of Dr. Khne'l Great Nerve Restorer. Free- 3'2 Lrnl hon): t treatise. Dr. Khnc. 93? Arch St , Phil. Pg. No man should have stomach ache after he reaches an age of dxst-r.otnon But a! A rule, die older I man in, the has lame to bu in utmg. â€"Atchuon Giobe. ._.. V. “ nu \\.( . merson. P. A. (nruélm Ruute. (‘1:u-(L,mnuu 0., {oru {no book! and mum $5. 00 L mt mum to ( ‘hnw nooga hxmmon Sept. 8 )0. A man who is alwau ready to suspect olbem xs gvuem. '\ '11:! an \ hvo sale himself. ~“ uhmgton (la \ Do murral. Take Laxalivr‘ Brnmq Qm'nim- TaHt-ts All druggusu refund nmnvy x111 tank Locum. 25c. I In" found Pino's (‘un for Conmmption In unhilin medu-maâ€"F R, Lou, m Scan SL. vington. K31. Oct. l, mu. wmnple’s Puncturineg'j; oloI. Tack lung. Thorn hon-I PorouI un- 0.8: vuv Inn- In I "mm m I“? evr m'ufl "an“: chm-3 _wllrm h rum-uni! n_ I Thldiï¬iaqd' "“1"" ‘UC‘IAL “.000“? To TN. Tlhuc‘ (‘IHCAGO 51:11.13“? Aun'rn â€annual-um. . â€WWI ' lfn A «nu a (hunk, Co. nob-not: ’J “"VV'BPO. If.“ “uh H Ar-cumu Bros. T931001! W “nah n. A \ Kenn" numperOt. Amerlou‘l Gmlost,ledklne. ll; xix for So the falling of the Mir tells of the approach of age and de_c_lining poycr. _ .L , A--- No mutter how barren the tree nor how leafless it may seem, you conï¬dently expect leaves ngzin. And why? "a, ,. A- the mug! of your hair, the threaten dc trmre of youth nnd benuty. nd why? Bee-use if there is 1 up"! of life remaining in the room 0! the hit To Cart- I Cold In One Day the hit AYEll’S DCCIUW n “In: I: a life remaining in the room d‘ “10-1 40 Cents - Bunion vm mute it into hcdthy activ- ity. The hnir cute: to come out: it begins to grow: and the glory of your youth is restored If you do not owl: durum you lmmchnneo‘tboV 0?. writ. doctor About It. I’ V cm h m mummy mu: WI! (9" an! Ixmlpuvhlcb my 5‘ m "ï¬ve-"have a book on the H11: and it: Disc-set. It is free. mum’s- 'Eééau’s'é'hc'r'é is life n the $51195: neeg not Imp-y than}: tron (‘nIIc-t II 1881. 3.33131 man. In cure all liver 1:11} 5 «an; J' v*"lhd you recom- null} plifl'l‘ “hen-50‘ '5 1 Wu: temple to nulumvm (out mgmm Jul. 2‘. 1598.-Th dered w Manx: peb. 9.-‘l‘be De “shed ’eb. 10. ’eb. 10â€"1)? Lom‘ ignition tat-Np: Id). 11..’7 Uun'uc‘ the harbor of H flart‘h Sr/(‘nngre and unhmx d fund 0! :1n=.U.)01 unto!) 2%. lune quiry reports [ blown my 1)) vx! April 11.71'rrsid‘ his Cuban menu Apr“ 20:41»: E ultimam: x0! regent 0 ns t? “he speech. I) Wnshingwn all Ipril 21.â€"‘Mmin< his passport. I for Pans. Ipril 22.â€"â€"â€"w.r o‘ ville's capture‘ ï¬nd the Sew 1 Pedro. Havgm . out: 0! block- Apr-ll 23.4w». voluntedra‘. Ipril 20.â€"-‘€puhl Apt-H 35:40:18! bpgnqpn ApH 8131" called \ troops. ‘pril 26. , (hair “-1â€- rennin?! land pulmuml April 22%. recit war unhappil Ippenlh u» w: April 27. -â€" lg shelled and Id York. . Purim Steamer Guidl monltu‘r Tar! Iqundrun rain Manila. and 11 Manila to me! April 25.4’ong1 approprintloh April zitâ€"Hot. hr bond “II bill passe! thc leaves Cape ‘ [‘3' l. â€"Spanb Commodore )lanill. Elm ‘complnely d Simpson'- '9‘ Wen after pl u us. lay :0. â€"â€"The 31 war erodin- le Urdu} dered to 1h! military 30" â€If Ill-«News nrrivul of th torpedo bold hry gun“! can buy. '4 botterin and 1e, and {out were Mllrd I nu Wu shell Ily 13. ~Reu‘ ported 1%†foru .1 Sun 1 the ion of t‘ wounded. lb! being Inï¬ll“ you. under“ u-iled undcl Hampton rol the "It-gr“ Juan, I’uertl Hay 14.â€"â€"'J'hcl ed u Curac- coou, and A Pun-to P1314 In, 16.--'l‘be one. and Ada reponed OK In, 18.â€"-â€"Thu u at: by 3 May 19.â€"â€"«Spoh reported to de Cuba lay 22.â€"-The1 from Sun I Honolulu. lay u.-â€"Adu reported b1 hurbor by 1 Oregon nrfl‘ lay 25.-The 000 more vol Aunt-.111. ( of Sidney. ' 8n Frtnoh Hay 29.â€"('onl ï¬ghting an go harbor. any 30.43am embark 15.1 Tampa. SI Weir denil MlyBl.â€"Spnu of the ban (on: by (70: June 1.-â€"Deu quadrun at Sin. The K