sueeess which has “crowned his efforts shows that our people, ap- preeinte reliable work and pains- taking methods. He is a shoe- maker of long experienee and undoubted skill. and pnys particu- lnruttention to m‘dking ï¬ne shoes for tender feet. Repairing is a feature of this business and is done BooKs, STATIONERY, AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. The above named gentleman oc- cupies a ï¬eld exclusively'i‘liis own in Highland Park because of the large‘and complete stock he car- ries and the central location of his well patronized store. Mr Dunn established his present business 15 years ago and the continued growth of the school and literary population has brought him an increasing trade with each successâ€" ive year. Mr. Dunn carries in stock, or will promptly secure any new or standard book or publica- tion desired. This store is head- quarters for ' school books and school supplies, a fact that should be borne in mind by parents. All of the current magazines, periodiâ€" cals and papers are kept by Mr. Dunn. He also handles a com- plete line of stationery, novelties. ' toys,’etc. Strict attention is paid to theycigar department and the best brands can always be found at this popular house. The propri- etor is one of our best known and most respected business men and he is active and prominent in all matters of true public welfare. SHOEMAKING AND REPAIRING. The question of footwarc is one which deeply interests every man, woman and child in this 001111111111- itv, and it is well to know just wherc to order and purchase such shocs as shall alike be handsome and service-able. Mr. James Lar- kin our custum shoe- mak<r and dealer, has been engaged in this husinvss hcrc since 1886 and tho JAMES LARKIN A. P. DUNN, work and pains- Hu is a shoe- oxpvrivm'v and 11nd pnys particu- THE HIGHLAND PARK Forms all work entrusted to him. His facilities for upholstering. furniture repairing and enhinet, work are unequalled herenhonts and he enjoys a ï¬ne and growing trade. Mr. Norrlen in the owner of a ï¬ne furniture moving van and makes a speeiulty of packing and moving fine furnituro and house- hold goods. He is worthy of patronage and oonnngnds the reâ€" speef of our people. CABINET MAKING, FURNITURE AND ’ I'pHOLSTERING. The suvcess achieved by Mr. Norrlvn (hiring the eleven years of his business (um-01' in Highland Park is due tn the artistic and capable manner in whivh 1w per- 9 .. WEST SIDE BARBER SHOP. Paris, although a very large and fashionable city, is said to have thekpotnest barber shops of'any in the wOrld. Highland Park, however, is extremely fortunate in having located within her borders a barber shop where can be ob: tained a ï¬rst-class shave, haircut or shampoo, and we challenge the state to produce a barber who can do better or more agreeable work than can Mr. J. H. Mohr. He established this business iii 1894 and operates tw0 chairs. He is giving the very best satisfaction ‘ and is rapidly attracting the bulk of trade to his shop. Taking everything into consideration he has a strictly ï¬rst-class establish- ment. If you are in search of a place where you will not be tor- tured to death but can get a nice, neat, easy shave be sure and call on Mr. Mohr, for he is the man you have been long looking for. i11 anuuuwr which brings more trade. \ A well assorted stock of men’s, women's and children’s shoes is carried and. your inslwc- tion and trade are imited by this tried and reliable gentleman. A. E. NORRLEN, our pvnplv, JOHN H. MOHR. 2Ea<w m3d<m2~w m~._v1FMKHZ.â€".. Work in hnntl, wrtninly all tho .lntvst and most improve-(l washing and ironing mm‘hinery. This laundry oxoroisos mlwcinl mmI in the various mnnipulntions of the ('lothing to avoid rough handling. and permits the m-w of no injurious (-lwmiculs. This lnnmlry givvs employment to selvvrnl hnmls. The manager is respected and popular nml (-njoys thv pntronngn of our host lwoplo. A. G. ()RTLUND, MANAGER. As cities progress and grow. and as business increases in \‘olu me, the old-foggy, slow methods arv necessarily snpplantml by more modern and perfect moans. High- land Park boasts of a stoma laun- dry fully equippvd and Iwrfoct in operation. The steam laundry now sucvessfuily xnan‘agvd by A. (9r. ()rtlund.was established yvars ago and contains every device cal- culated to facilitatv Hm prompt, and [wrfvct lanndvring of tho MERCHANT TAILoa, CLEANING AND « REPAIRING, Most men are judged by appear- ances, and in these days when shapely and well-made clothing can be secured so cheaply there is little excuse for any man looking shabby. E. Nelson, the represent- ative merchant tailor of Highland lPark, has an attractive and cen- trally located place of business. He carries a ï¬ne line of the best and latest patterns for men 's wear, and has for three years enjoyed a large trade among the most careful and fastidious gentlemen of our town. l He is a thorough and competent artist and his work will bear care- ful comparison with the products of the best Chicago tailors. He has a thriving trade and pays particular attention to repair work, cleaning, dyeing, scouring and al- terations. Mr. Nelsoniis a well- known business man and enjoys universal respect. HIGHLAND PARK LAUNDRY, L. NELSON,