at remarkably low ï¬gures.“ He has permanently entered the lumber business here as a dealer and has entirely given up the contracting business and offers superior advanâ€" tages and facilities tothe purchasers of lumber and building material. The knowledge and experience gainâ€" ed by him in his connection with the building trade enables him to figure closer and more intelligently your building contracts than other dealers who have not had his experience in contracting That Mr. Robertson has made a success.of his business in Highland Park will be seen by the following contracts he has filled dur» ing the last few months. He has the contract for supplying the city of Highland Park and Village of Fort Sheridan with lumber during the current year. He also furnishes tho- ('. 5; M. Electric R'y with all lumber used by them lietween Highland Park and Lake Forest. He also supplied all the lumber used in the construction of Fort Sheridan Park. and has-i sold during this season over half a million feet of lumber. That he is eminently successful in business the foregoing facts clearly show. He is a careful buyer and has nnqnes~ tioncd capital andzcredit. He is pre pared to supply any desired quantity and quality of material in his line without delay and at the low-st market rates. He also handles a heavy stock of hard and soft coal. wood, kindling, etc. sold at prices which defy competion. Tin-t Nitwsis plcas‘ed to note the suc ess with which Mr. Robertson has met since locating here and predicts for him a later moved to Chicago where the opportunities in that line 11 ere men greatel. About one and onehalf years ago Mr. Robertson deciding to relinquish contracting for the lunr bee and supply trade and after care fully lookinu own all Chicago sub- urbs decided that Highland Park offered the greatest advantages for a man of push, experience and capital and so in July. 1897, stocked his ex- tensive yards ‘in this city. These yards have a frontage of 150 feet on St. Johns avenue, running to the Northwestern tracks. giving him (’X» ceptionallv good shipping and re- ceiving facilities Mr. Robertson since locating here. has conducted his business in such a fair, square manner as to secure the conï¬dence and patronage of the citizens and corporations of Highland Park and the North Shore. His yards contain a large stock of lumber, lath. shingles and in fact every grade of lumber and mill stuï¬', all of whiclrlare sold city of Boston and there successfully followed the contracting business‘ THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS SOCVENIR SUPPLEMENT. liaocsaws. D11\'(loons. H.11111w1111-1. l“l'RNITl'RE. (‘1.(1T111N11. 1111'. Any review of the mercantile i11- terests of Highland Park would be incomplete which should failtomake proper mention of theoldest business man in our city. Mr. M. Moses es tablished his present business on April 13â€. 1868 and has from that day forward been closely identified with every movement of advance in this community. He is today one of the most widely known and valued citizens of the North Shore in whose mercantile circle he is considered a gentleman of unmistakable ability, keen intelligence and unswerving i11- tegrity. He has always held a prominent position in the affairs of this communitV. haviuu occupied many public positions of trust and honor. ' “1‘. Moses conducts one of the largest general mercantile estab- lishments 111 all Chicago’ :1 suburbs. Known to the public as “The North- western. " \Ir. Moses’ establishment is a veritable emporium of dry Hoods clothing, foot- wear furnishings. 0m ceries, hardwear, furnitureandhouse furnishing goods. His immense stock ï¬lls two large stores and the trade requires tilie constant attention of several capable clerks. “The Northwestern is well known as the place to buy all articles at the 1011' est possible prices. Thirtv vears of experience. in Highl nd Park has happy and Iucrutiw fumrc in the lumber trade. tiH'lght Mr. Muses" every dt-muutl of nur p90ple and no “'th -nn llwir wants be supplied more fullynr mun- I‘t’2l-‘()llill)|_\’ than all thix’ gn-ut mnpmr (funiidrm'c- is u plum ufsluw gum th, but it is the- ('hit~f vlvnwnt whirl] vim-rs inh) Hm Hucvvss Hf tlw Ivgul uuunsvlnr: this is notably vxe-mpli “ml in tho curve-r uf Kt‘mwth H. Smuot, city attorney of Highland Park and Lnke’ Furvst. Mr. Sumnt‘.» przlt'ticv has hot-n of such a nature» as tn vxlmustiwly fumiliurizn- him with Hm («unlitiuus um] nocossilivs nf Nurth Show municipal litiganiuxL Tn mm u large t‘xtt’nl llu- inh-re-sts ill this and its neighboring lmvum :H'o‘ (-nm mun. and in rocugnilimu nl llnis‘ {not sc-vvml of llw contiguuus municipal lllt‘fl lmvo followed llw menple- nf Highland Park uml lmw entrustml tlwir legal matters to our city attor- nvv .Mr. Smtmt. and it is safe» h) am KENNETH R. SMOOT. \TTIW'NEY \T I, m M. MOSES, No Illinois citv numlwrs among her prolessional men mow gentle. men of talent and ability than does Highland "ark. This fact is almost too well known to require comma-ht. but on this occasion when the NEWS is endeavorlng to acquaint thousands of its readers; with the just claims, resources and advantages of High- land Park we can not refrain from mentioning at least one of our pru- fesslonalnie'n who has reachml Hui able succesn and '(listinction. Dr. E. (7..Kaye. one of our leading (lent ists, is a gentleman of great ahility and widé kxperience and “his dental work has lan ofa character tnstantl the test O'f’years. Dr. Kaye is a graduate of the (‘hicago (‘Hllt‘gv of Dental Surgery. class of WWII Bt‘ that their trust could not be rcposcd in a more faithful, capablc or con- scientious attorney. An befits his character and poaition Mr. Smoot takes an active interest in all that promises to contribute to the perma nent welfare and ad 'anccmcnt of Highland Park and the North Show. He is a notable. figure†in our best fraternal cluband Social life. In professional circles of Chicago and Lake County Mr. Smoot has achiev' ed a prominent and Wcll merited standing. The Democratic county convention of Lake County hasnomâ€" inated Mr. Smoot for the, position of county judge. ‘ Hf (luv Nurtlnu‘flvrn .‘lili' DR. E. C. KAYE. MAJOR DAVIDSON, DENTIST. £ll\ \rn-h'nly