CMPLD Local History Collection

Highland Park News (1874), 14 Oct 1898, p. 5

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‘LEJVED ETC LOCK VENUE. IN LUMBER .DISTRIBT. and BOCK. ioods and Crockery, SHOES. ‘irs of All Kinds. mm 535 to ’HITE, )LL 5: (30., :change... and Furnace Work. LTSON, aterial of All Kinds. .d Split Wood, Kindling. and inspect new residence Hig hand Park Illinois. TclephoncSfi , LMMIN GS, Manager. been_used in Chicago with ibers that it is now to be O/V, Sewer Builder LARGEST mm mm :94 THE ’WE Highland Park, Ill. 5an (floods Delivered Fm d Clone. ‘ E A. NELSON. 1‘ Merchant Tailor. Evangelical DLuthemn‘ Zion’s Church, .Mr. Salomn pastor. Sunday service, 10.00 I. In. Sunday school, from 9 to- 10.00 a. m. a Trinhy Church, P. C. Wolcon. rector, Holy communion, 7. 30 a. 111. Sunday school, lo.oo a. m, Morning prayer and sermon. H I. m. Second celebration first Sundny in 111: month. Even song, 5 p. m. Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing. Presbyterian Church. Rev. Pianstiehlputor Wotship and preachmg, 10.45 a. In Sabbath school 12 m. Chnsfian Endeavpr, 7. g. m Prayer service, Wednesday, 7. 15 P- m. Cbeskomng Tribe 0. R. M. No. 11‘)â€" Meet at . \haonicH HailI first and third Tuesd'ayl: F. M lngF allmSIchemH UH Dufiy. . 3y Lodge, A. F. and A. M. Reg- 1113 meeting nig ha hrst and third Monday m each month, at gMasonic hall, over M. Moses ).'I i store‘ Highland Park Council No. I , Royal Arcanum. Mac! in. Mosonic ha I second and fourth Mbndays of every munth. Regent, W. A. Wilson; secretary. Frank B. Gfecn. llcltuuw ymv. ...... -___- , m.; Epvonh Lea ue devotional meeting Sunday evening at I u‘clock p. m. preaching “715 each un d... _ cning; prayer meeting from 8 lo 8.30: ngonh League business meeting and social! efourth Friday of each momh. Swedish M. E. Shurch (over Waldo‘s marker] Rev.().Wesallng. astor. unday services as follows: Sunday sc 001.3.” p. m.: Epworth League. H!) p. n1.; Preaching. 1.45 p. m. Prayermeeting Thursday evening at us. Everyone is invited. ‘ '~ First Uniled Evangelical Church, Rev. A. ”Icicle. pasmr. Sunday services: Ger- man preaching, 10.45 8. ur.; English. 7.30 p. m.;Sunday school, 9.30; K. L, C. li., 6.45 p. m.‘ prayer meeting, Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. The Bapds‘ Churlch. W. H. Vina, pastor. Pfelching, 10.45 g. m., Sundq school, ”.00 --;Bup{ist Young People's} Union, 6.45 P- m.; preaching, 7.30 p. 111. Friday my“ mating: 7:45 P- 3'2 ' In ,,L From rhe north . . . 12.47. 3.” p. m. From the south. 7.30, 9.12. “.39 ‘a. m., [2.07, 3.25, 5.37, 7.29 p. m, DIPAITUII. For the scum. 6. 50. 9.30 a. m.. 12.47, 3.14. 5- 33. 7 39 P “‘- I-‘.orrhenonh 9n, ll}9a.m,719p m Mail pouches close 15 minutes Before the departure of trains. W. M. DUDLEY. V Postmaster. ' 'iéd'epe'éé'efi Order Foresters. coun High- hnd. Meetings first and xhird Thursdays of each mm in Formula HI“. . 1- m “I.“ u- n'uwuu nun... Modern Wpodmcn of Americn. Mada}: first Ind fourth Friday of ,each momh in For- atcrs' lull. William Danna, V. C.; R. J. Rice, Clerk. . _- ;, n u Evangelical A880. Rev. F, M. Gin rich gum; Sunday services at Young en's ‘eadmg Room. Sundayschool at 10.00 I. m; (gcrman prencbin at 11.00 a. m.: Y. P. S. c. 1341635 p. m.: ‘nglish preaching at 1.30 D- 111-: Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.. cottage Drive! meetings: Saturday, at 1.00 p. "2.. Cat- ecgeupgl C198}!!! pastpr’srgtudy‘fi . u. 1‘ r}‘s C'a'z'holic Church: Rev. j. 0 Madden, pastor. Hrs: mass, 8 30; second max, 10.00; Sunday schqgl, 2 3o. Livery, Banding, ’ and Sale Stables. 1.8. ALEXANDER, I. D. 0.. V. S. Ravlnia M. E.Chu§ch. Ravlma. Rev. E. J Hangman: pmgr Sunday 73791399143: fl 1) rm 78. ‘0 :1.“ - "in... A‘ I. ‘0 P. I. Dr- 0' 3: Fem‘ld' Until further noflct Unexcelled Accommodations for Sick Horses and Dogs. MW Witrlnuy Harlin. Long Distance Tele hope Mex . 1016 v1: Street. nvanston. Ill. PM man:- olflt'! flol‘ll (mice : Highland-”Block Houns: 2.00 :0 «L00 P. 1...”... No. 0. HOURS Inghwood) We“ in Chicago Veterinary Collegé "I‘M Park. I». ll. an ”mu a... 3.0. kw “17 LLOYD M. BERGEN. M. D. DR. I-L H. BOULTER, " St. Johns Ant-o. T W“ 31- BR. FMIKLII B. WESBOU, ROOIJ HIGHLAND ILK. cinch” 01 Scent Soclqflcs. manmo PARK POSI'OFPCB DR. E. C. KAYE. JOHN FREBERG, « WWI «- GENTRAL AVENUE Vottrlmfy ""9”" 3nd Dentist... Moving and Tannin! Prices ue Remnabre CHU RC" 1)!le nits Made to Oder It ,euonable Prices- DENTIST. Dentin. AIIIVAL. III. HIGHWOOD. Highland Plrk, Illinois. 0"]? I H017” During all the three weeks he was with us we never heard Mr. Street once say, “the former times were better than these." Albeit he was quite a young man before Stephen son ran his rude engine and cars on A second feature of aging grace- fully is a recognition of the fact that young people may, know something. Age is the time for wisdom fully ripe, as autumn is the season for ripened fruit, but apples are apples in June, though green: the promise of a rich maturity, the shape, sub- stance and size are all there, though the fullness of flavor and rich mel- lOWness of fibre is yet to come. Hence FatherStreet is ready to talk, ask and reapeet the opinion and knowledge of those many decades younger than he' II. A score of times near every day he would ask our opinion on this and that topic. and discuss the issues of the day with us as with old men and those of his own age. You feel a sense of real com- panionship with such old persons, and you enjoy intercourse with them as linking you to the past. Thacker- ay said. in his first lecture on the “Four Georges.” of a lady whom he knew who had been patted on the head' by George I, knocked at John- son's door. been intimate with Fox. etc. “I often thought, as I took my kind old friend's hand, how with it I held on to the old society of wits and men of the world.” Finally, graceful old age is not pessimistic: it is not alw 'ye forever groaningnnd moaning over the sad decadence of the present and forever telling how things were when they were young, but now everything and’ everybody is going to the dogs. the old Stockton and Darlington road and remembers well when the royal mails set out from London for its long journey to -Edinburgh, and when he crossed the Atlantic ocean greyhounds were unknown. There were some sinners with the saints even eighty years ago and Father Street knows it and he seems to know also, that there are some saints yet. Nor yet did he ever speak as though the world would be paralyzed when he passes away, in fact he said one day, it would not. Some folks talk as though they thought everything Would go all to ‘fker-smash” when they shuflle of! their mortal coil. Not be. It is a great thing to age gracefully. Study the lives of those who know how,and then you will be enjoyed while here, and missed when gone. AGING GRACEFULLY. The art of growing old gracefully seems to be lost with too many of our elderly friends. Some of the best men and women we ever knew, in all other respects, Were totally ignorant of this art, or perhaps it would be better to call it a Christian grace. In the first place they seem to forget they once were young, and loved youthful sports and were as full of life generally as young folks are now. We know of course there are 'young people who seem to think the essence of sport is 'in annoying some one else; there is a coarse, un manly brutality in them a low row dyistn that disgusts sensible folks old or young. “e have had Father Street as a member of our family some three weeks of late and in very many, in fact most respects he has this lost art in a large measure. He knows he is. growing old, he was born in 1813, but he also knows he was young Once and he well remem- bers how full of life and sport and fun he was as a boy: how life fairly bubbled out through every pore. Hence his grand children are not painfully restrained in his company. In fact he is quite young himself. He does not regard every bit of hu- mor as a blunder or a sin: indeed he has quite a dry vein of it running alli through him. 1 Butterick patterns for sale at Miss Erskine’s. W. J. MCKINNEY, Painttt, Decorator m4 Paper Hanger. Schneider Highland Park Electric Light Co. All work executed promptly and in the best manner. OFFICE: MARTIIOIF KEIIEBEB IE” STORE. nan uocn mot-cum: nan. Electrlc Light, I Electric 8e11,! Burglar Alarm, E Fire Alarm, Private Telephones "4 Speaking Tubes. A FincLincoiBalm'yGoods Electrical Hot Rolls and Bread Delivered for Breakfast. pastor: what yo mean by that Y" “I mean jea' what I aez." replied the deacon, “ W‘on do plate am passed around. nearly all of dem negloclm to contribute." ‘ SOMERVILLE’S Bakery and Restaurant, “Do contribuwry negligence of the congregation?" Repeated the DO Tumble. “De trouble wif dis hyuh church." said the deacon, “is the contributory negligence ob do congrogltion. " The city recently brought fivo: suits against as many different par- ties for delivering beer. etc. within the city limits, contrary to the new iron clad liquor ordinance After examining the ordinances carefully and consulting the best legal talent all the parties called on his _ honor the judge and settled their cams“. isfied, and instructed by their coun- sel. that the ordinance is so strong that it would hold them. Evoryune also promised to quit the business in Highland Park and have done so. We clip the following from the Ashville. (N. C.) 1)!in Courier: “Those who heard Rev. W. M, Vines of Chicago preach at the First Baptist church yesterday felt that they had listened to the eflorts of a superiormsn. At the morning ser- vice Mr. Vines discussed “The SuA premacy of‘Christ" and the sermon was spoken of by many usbeing both beautiful and able," Dealers In lelcfl nun-ens, Std-gs. Etc. flotudColdMltAll Noun. ()ur workmen an: expert. we use only the be“ material and our grlcrsk an: Is Im» an is consistent with I ‘ ork We are now mpued to do all kinds"! Eledricnlo nutructiun work and repur- ing. such I. St. Johns Av... lax! I. P. 0. IIDAIIINO IIAYLV DON! I'll YI'Y‘D 'lll. AID than on land Jewelers Construction. New Von. Laps Par-label, '. Cantu! Avc. Fresh and Salt Meats, QIESER BROS.. Sum Cleaned and Pressed. 73 Cents West Side Barber Shop ' JOHN H. MOHR. PM- mam Coal, Building Material. and Ice. IOTKEB SPRIIKUIB WABOIS. FRED BOTKER 314 Canal Ave Hum-nan. ' Highland Park Laundry, . l. B. BECKER. ‘ V __4__ Merchant Tailor,g Fred Denman Clothing Cleaned. Dyed and Repaired. 7nd. «I. Schumann First Class Work At Reasonable Prices. Plow's ma an ouch-1 Allegretti Candies flLlP’IONI 25 Electrical $0M. Orders Prompdy Attended to. Fred. (0. Schumcbcr’s “'6 make our own Syrups direct from the Fruit. 375 The Leading Market, ; '0 an,- In...“ nub. lath-u 300th sent for and delivamd | mm‘uwwm. to all parts of the city. 1 Orders by post or telepbnne . promptly attended to. w m m 50-. 1 ___-_A__ _ H"! YWELW W; .51 om“: Caulau' Pharmacy. ml.“ Park. in. All KID‘S of Electrical Nan-rill. POULTRY. "SI. BUTTER AND (3905. A. 0. ORTLUND. Hum. PICICIIPHON DIUOOIIT ICE CREAM SODA. KEEP COOL ,ulafnctlo n Gennmcd. A. E. WICKHAM. TELEPHONE NO A '8'.” 07°C! 0' Dmp a pot-l. or Cl“ on the pmpnrlm ALWAVI ON "AND. TELEPHONI 42 Central Avenue. Ladlrn‘ and Gem's In" licen- IV DRINKING DEALS” IN wank. m. T. J. LENNON. flu Boot and shoe Rm HENRY EWART, Back of Freberg’s Livery. Repalry'our Carriage a... mu 3. dun.“ thyme Horsesho‘elng a Specialty Horseshoeing .. Blacksmithing Has recently ramoved to his new and commodious brick shop on Central. corner of Park Ivonne. Ind be is prepared to do Al prices a low as is (son-ismc with good work. Shup in l) A Dn-roll‘u Bicycle Sun ud St. Johns Ava-u; In ”~51. mi. Shoe your "arse , Ave.

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