CMPLD Local History Collection

Highland Park News (1874), 21 Oct 1898, p. 2

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St. Paul. Minn. Oct. l7.â€"â€"Tlle hoslile Bear island Indium hue surrendered. News'to this effect came horn Walker Saturday night. It was announced in a manifesto signed by 24 chlefs, repre- senting all the tribes in the Leech Lake fli'strict. The manifesto says the Laying down alarms wasnt the earnest antrcary of these chiefs. who “have the utmost confidence” in Indian Comx missioner Jones and his ability to re- cEreSs all “rungs which the Indian: 3‘1“ sufli rid. Beluga-eat Bent lay Down Th1 The illumination of the business dis- trict Sunday night attracted an imâ€" _'mensc throngs State street was -packed. The crowds. the glowingelec- (ric lampsnnd the gay colors made a .acene of bewildering beauty. Many Faint In a (ft-nah. i'Masses} told by the thousand, surged 'np against the front entrance to the Auditorium at eight o'clock Sunday night. halted. then surged forward until). l‘rom out that “nrcring sea of humanity were borne women and ~men. 'faintingand bruised and jammed. to the quieter spots on the oppositv pavement. Policeinen were caught in the current and swept from ihl‘if‘ posts. Two hundred policemen braced ; themselveshm the crush came-strong: ; ' er and the tide swifter. They raised; their ciuhs and shouted. and \\'(‘l‘(‘i .unswél‘ed with cries and groans. Then women fainted and men dropped in their tracks and were tramplrd on» Phone near the victims formed hollow squares and fought their way out. 'earryiug their friends. Spent - Quiet Sunday. *~ The president rested during a great ’ffart of the day at the residence of ’ Capt. McWilliams, his relative. where ‘ he i' being entertained. He did not «attend church in the morning. For n lhort time in the afternoon he was taken for ll drive in company with Mrs. McKiniry. Capt. McWilliams and 1 Mrs. .McWilliams. Pear-e Jubilee- [hangar-ted. \The national peace jubileevolChicm go was inaugurated Sundaynight with union thanksgiving services at the I Auditorium. The president attended f and listened to addresses by a Jewish I. nbbi. a. Roman Catholic priest, I 8 Presbyterian clergyman and a noted ii colored orator. Applause for the c; president was terrific and at one {ime v: be was compelled to rise in his box and respond to the frantic cheering 01 1; the audience. The services, however, u were of a religious character. and at time: the solemn ence of the vast n Assemblage was much more eloquent to than the Wildest applause could be. m; Jubilee (n the Chin-«hen. Men of every creed united Sunday In flinging the praises of peace and the oofdlcrs and sailors who wnn'the bat- flu of the late war. In all of the ’(hnrches of the city audience room were crowded to ‘heir ulnwst 1)) mo ‘ ple who wanted to add Ihoir voices to ‘ the universal song of triumph and , gratuiation Methodiqu and (‘ongre- j gatiornfisffi, Roman (‘nthnlics and 1 Jews‘ Presbyterinns and Baptists‘ :1 Episcopalians and I'nitnrians. a”, in; the forms under which they worship, I lent up praytrs and song. sermons and f ceremony. celebrating- the return of‘ the white~winged Bird and the 3210-! rfons Victories of Amerivan arms. The ? trend of the sermons was for the holdW l'ng of acquired territory and for uniâ€" ' versal pear‘o. Many of the ministers Ipoke o! the proposed disarmament conference "nIIed by the cmr n! Rus- tin, and all had words of praise for the work of both army and navy in the late g' WIY. Hosnuss SURRENDER. I have been deeply moved ‘by the, pn- 1rlotlsm of the people. and delighted with the evidences of their prosper- ity." ' This is a terse. concise exprel- ulon of President McKinley’s impru- clons (f his trip so far as it has pro- ceeded. After the city limité had been reached crowds lined the inclmureu beside the tracks of the Illino‘i‘iCem trnltrailroad, eager to s'ee the prod- dentin! grain sweep by. Enthusiasm we; unbounded, even when the presi- dent himself could not be seen. Mr. McKinley left the train at Thirty- ninth street. going directly to the ’fiome of Capt. Lafayette McWilllamn, where Mrs. McKinley has: been enter- tained since arriving from Canton Other numbers of the uf‘ficinl party were taken care of at the leading hotels. Chicago, Oct. 17.â€"The president of the United Stare: arrived in Chicago overthelllinoichntralSaturday night M. 9:20 and will be the ceniral figure in the city's peace jubilee this week. , Although much’ worried by his long Hourney over the great west and his' sbrduous day at the Trans-Mississbpi exposition he said just before leaving the train: “Throughout the journey churoke- 01 All Denominations Ar. Orondedâ€"Streeet- Illuminatedâ€" o‘mflon (0 (Eu Preulent at Auditorium. Praise Serv‘ces Begin the Great Week in Chicago. J U BI LEE IS OPEN ED at Bear Island Bed-kiln )own Their Aralâ€"They lune I “unite-to. The Blcnghâ€"H had a quantity of naphtha on board. and 'he smeil of it was ntrong during the voyage. to much so that (he offi- cers of (he ship had ‘0 shift their quarters Sunday evenixrg. The rxplosx‘on occurred jus! as 113: cap- tain of the Blengfeil had engaged the services of a tug. which saved the sur- vivors. The res-sci burned so quickly that her Crew had no time to {own- \he boats. Later it developed that the cap- tain's wife and children. the first and ‘second mates. also were lost. The Blvngt‘ell was passing here in I tow on her way to London 2:16:50 3. In. four miles of! the coast: She was suddenly enveloped in» flames and smoke poured from her hatchways. Two li!el~oats immediately pm 08 to her assistance. but before the-y reached her both mast: fell and she was burned to me water's ulgo. Her bull eventually drifted npqn the Good- win sands. ,7- (”vu‘u‘u mun: uptluy am} H, In- s'ead of conquering the island indi- rectly. the “'ashingmn government (had frankly accepted sovereignty in Cuba with all‘the right: and obiiga- lions involved. Margate. England, Oct. 1%.-â€"The British ship Biengell. Capt. Johnson. from New York. September 19. for London, wan destroyed by a sudden fire off this place early Mpnday morn~ ing. Nine of her crew. including the captain and a pilot, perished. The sur- vivors were landed here and at Dover. Suddenly Enveloped In Mary-1e. England- LIVeI Lost Friends of the l'nitcd Sta'og here think it might have barn better-if they had proceeded more openfy and if. in- 30:\\'ithstantling those striking ul» jbminns. Ihe Amor‘onn (‘ommiwiunon perszs‘ed in 'huir re-fusn.‘ and nflivial'} declarml Ihaz rhe I'nited Slates. cunnm be L‘onmdcred inn-fled with smu ereignty and that they (the commis- sioners) could not drviatc from tb‘s definite declaration'. ' l The American commissioners rrâ€" ijoint‘ri that. without arcrpting sor- iereigtzt)’, the [‘nitwl Statvs consider-«(i 'thrms ives drputorl and bound to maintain security for all the inhabit- ants. that they would not fail to in- troduce and uphold order. and, in short. that they would do all that was necessary to put the island as sperdlly .ar. passihle in a state of normal organi- fzation, to be transformed at'thr enr- liest moment into a legal regularity satisfactory for the security of all. i Upon this the Spanish COfllnllSSlDD- ‘ers. with what seems striking lngic. promptly replied that by the fart of the declaration just made them. and of the l'nited Stat“ undertaking to re store legality. order and security. the l'nitctl Stntm \wro run-:ted with verit- able sovereignty and vonquunntfy would not refuse to not-rpt tho Conw- qtiencc‘s of such am‘orvignty, sowing tlint thry admittedly could not tol- Prnte th° reinpsr into month} of an island plm-Nl under their supervision and direction. ' , ._ _, t. .u\ \‘HH'I occurred so suddenly that thrr» “It! not Fntllvivnt tlnlt‘ to got all the lifv saving: apparatus out of tl‘e‘ ship Mvmht-rs of the r~rvw are knnmn to bar stood by and wntr‘hrd the bout: lnunrlzt-d and put of! “hen it “as up- pnrvrt that tht-se new the only mums by “hich tf‘tir own lives could be suvml. Th» terror of the H‘vne “us inde- scrilmhlo Men jumped owrboard in an agony of despair and the women paswngers ‘nuddlled togrther and re. \quI-Il U’IHI". Tuna? to lenw the deck. The offim'rs remained or, the bridge to the last. and mm} insta-wes of sacrifice are re. curdt-d. A liti-linai \\ith a load of 40 persons on-iu uuy to the xhore pnsseli many who were battling for thrir ll\Ph in thr HHN‘!‘ ulnm it “n: lnlpuhbllllt' to pan. The \i'Iziprrs. ht‘tttlt‘tl by thr Vicar and out: puurd. stood on thi- shore and t“tl t red the boat. Win] the lifeboat untt-red lllt‘ little ('(n- thn tishvivnt‘n “utlrd into the sen to help Rm." vhn k. ..4 ._._ .- BRITISH VESSEL 'BURNED. London, Oct. Mirâ€"The Paris corre- spondent of the Times says: 1M the Isitting of the peeve commission Monâ€" 1day afternoon the American commits. ’sioners ofiicituâ€"nnd it would seem §definitelyâ€"fl‘ejv'ctt‘d the idea of an- I«Naming- sm'I-ruignty m't‘r (‘uba for the- ‘I'nitvd Status. The Spanish oomxnis- xioners then-upon remarked that Spuim having abandoned such sov- ereignty under pressure from the ('nited States and the I'nited Stntés having denim! that sm-rrrignty hone!" forth belongs to them, (‘uhn is do factn in a state >0! annrr-hyuas an interlnis.» sinn nt sovereignty czthnot be viewed in uny nthpr light. quest for adjournment in order to communicate with Madrid. Judge Day said that President McKinley had in- structed him todemnnd the entire sur- rendrr of l’uerto Rico to-dny (Tues- day) I crilis for lhe first iimo. Judge Day presented the demands of the Amer- ican commission in threatening words. He said (hJ‘ delay was the only posâ€" sible object attainable by the per- sisten! eflorts of the Spanish commiy sinners to saddle the United States with the Cuban debt. and it would be {tolerated no longer, as the United States would neither assume nor guar- antcv any part of the debt. ‘ Judge Day responded that the sur- render of the Philippines would prob- .ably be demanded. irrespective of the Cuban or any other debt. This, to the Spaniards the first intimation of the intentions of the l‘nitesl'States as to the 'Phllipplnes, resulted in n whis- pered conference. followed by a .re- The Spaniards replied that (his I only 45 encaped, and these were neur- plncod Spain in a position of repudiâ€" ( 15' all pickul L‘P b." 3 b0“ from ”’9 “’9 sting or of reducing the face value of , "‘Vmg “N'OH- _ lhe Cuban bonds from 50 m 60 per‘ Up to midnight 51 bodies had been cent“ paying only half the stipulated l recon-red. 50")!” were found\ mile- iuteruet on their reduced value. Bp- ‘ away, in cows. anll it is expected 1h" fore they would mloptelthernlternaâ€" more Will be Washed ashore loâ€"dny. tire they would surrender to the Many persons undoubtedly were killed United States the entire Philippines? lb)‘ being dashed‘on the rough rocks . Y._.:_, n Loxdon. Oct. IRWA dispatch to a‘ Lonn‘cn news agency from Paris’ Hays: ‘ Mundhy the [wave conference reached ‘1 lnfurmu \lmnlnh (‘nmmln-lunrr- .\o l' urlIn-rlh-Iu) \\ Ill llr’l‘olerntrd IUDGE DAY CALLS A HALT. :OVER ONE HUNDRED PERISH. â€",\n Important Sir-skull In Flame: 0! Idâ€"Twelfie Remarkable Morin o! rescue con- tinué." ‘Robcrl Barmw. a suman, per- formed the feat of swimming unaided through xhe roughest water to Cove- rack poim a di‘tance 0121/, miles. Ha climbed up the ruggrd clifl when a searvhing party {nund hm? Part) the next monmg completely exhnmtcd A connected uecount of what oc- curretl after the ship struek is not yet obtainable. It seems. however. that one ot the ship's boats containing sev- eral women got away safely, but was . capsized. A number 0! its occupants were rescued by lilehoats Another boat with id hands was picked up by a: lifeboat and got ashore. and two or three other persons reached land. The night was perfectly clear. the star. were ltudded in the sky and the light: along the channel were vixible everywhere. All the afternoon the tpassengerl had been enjoying the scenery of the Eng/”3h coast. and in :the early evening were eating their firs‘ dinner at sea. There “as .no Jthought of danger. The talk 01 the ‘table was in full sway in the lower cabin, where n few horsemen and eat~ tlemen had gathered. Dinner plates ‘ had been cleared away. pipe: lighted and musical Instruments. brought out for the entertntnment ot' the guest. bound so pleasantly for home. Sud- denly there was t shock that mused the great vessel to tremble {mm stem to stem. TLo passengers looked into eac. nther't facel wlth questioning fear. Then came confusingdnrkneu. through whit-h men groped and stay- gered to th‘. (let-ks in a short time the sea had closed mar many of them And all was ever. A litr-lma: \\ith a load of 40 persons on-iu uuy in (he xhore pnssed many who were battling for thrir Hum in 11w naynr ulnm It “as impussihh- 10 pan. The \ilIuprrs. head”? by 1hr Vicar and (mt: pnurd. Hood un HH- shore and “‘1: t red the hunt. W191] the lifeboat vnH-red HH- litHe ('(n- 1hr fislwxmrn nullrd into 1119 sen In he”) drug the hunt up on rhe horn-h an? innit-Hy vurrfied the rxhnuuvd sur- n' ‘r3 r0 hmws “hich had ulrrnnly bean prvpnrml for xhrir r¢‘(‘vp1inn.The \fcur attmfled tho injure-d. The Mrâ€" bout was again laum-ht-d and pm out for the“ \\'r: « k‘ on iis nunun'd journr‘y pwkim: up ”we? survivors Thp tn- A {Eh-[ma] “ith a (min uuy in (he 9 who were battling 1hr HHH‘!‘ ulnm It ban. The \iliuprr: vicar and In,“ I!" The sururnrs “ithnut exception speak in the highrst terms of the de- votinlL hf‘rnism and (‘unhwss dis- )»iny-d h) thr oflivrrn and ore“ of the ill-fat“! steamer and Ilu'rlnrr n)! wvrr instantly :11 thuir posts u'hr-n it was kmmn that the WWW} had hum struck. Thr r-rriinus position of tho phip was notirui on rlmre and a warning rocket \\ as. sent up. but it was too late- then to unfit} the cntnfitrophe, “hit-h occurred s’) suddenly that thz‘r» “In not Fuflivivnt ”IMP to act :41) the life- saving: apparatus nut nf ll‘e‘ ship. Mvmht-rs of the r~rvw are knnmn to hnv stood by and wntr‘hvd the bout: lnunrlzrd and put at! “hen it “:15an pnrvht that tht-se new the only mums by “hich Hair own ”val cmfld be suvmi. Pafmouth light and the coast were; visible. Frcm the best evidence obtainable at St. Keverme it appears that the Moâ€" hegan {oundored five minutes after [she ltruck the rocks. She was going at full speed; she struck twice. stopped and rapidly untied in the water. A: the (‘aptain and the executive nflicers cf the steamet went down with her. it has been impoasible thus far to uncer- tui. how Sh? got out of her course. as on an ordinary cont. Some 0! 1}]! bodies are horribly mangled. A good deal of jewelry and money has been found. As all the navigating officers “err lost. it is doubtful whether light will ever b9 thrown on the cause: of the disaster. ’ i Fahnouth England, Oct. 11â€"410" ‘ than 100 lives were swalluwed up by tithe sen “'ht‘i. the neumer Mohegan .went down Friday night. Although 4‘ the number of victims in not notarge ' I: It first reported. the best accounts I(\btmnable show two-thirds of thuse inboard perished. A“ day long bodie. inere washed ashore along the coast, tlnd wreckage is scattered along the bench for miles. The Iurvivors are reel-hing the but of attention and‘ care. 0! the 16] person: on board the‘ 1 Mohegan uhln (be struck the rocks only 45 encaped, and these were neur- ly all picked up by a boat from the life- Suvmg station. who would have e‘scnped if ”:1 Mhnre III-dio- of r- or .Vlnny Vlotlnu n! [In- Muno- uun Ill-Inlet An- llrI-x “lulu-d Alhnl'r. from 1119 vesu-I “m on its way back to the survivors were taken This was just before fruitlrss so far nu The trxf Amcrlt‘ll Flour II annn. \\'ul.11.gmn‘ ()ct. 19.~~ According to figuru xrannnined ‘0 1hr Hair do- pnrum-m by (‘omul (Zowey at Yoko- hama more has hem an anombhing inrrrnw in the imports of American flour at Japan. h; 1891' the (0131 im- port of that flmlr was 1.0021mundx. bu: in 1596 the businQ-in hm} uu‘eilrd to a total or (£2,003.000 pounds. with a markrd increasing tendem‘y During 1‘97 1hr quarhlp‘ 4.! :‘nmnrn x‘ighfl fell 017va 1).: \‘nth int-fraud 3%,] . u compurod “1th {ha pr: «1 ”Tr-1v roa- London. ON. )8.â€"A terrible runway not-idv-nt om-urred Monday evening on the Urea! (‘entral railway near Bar- net. about 11 miles north of London. An express train running at the rate ‘0! a mule a minute Name into collision with n freight train ”an! “as switch- mg mrnu the trnck n Earner juncv Hun. The «xprens piled up a complete wreck. .Vinfi dead and 13 Ieriouslv injured have been recovered from the wrwknge and Vhere are when under the debris. TPI‘III ('ollldp l'erlonl KHI! “31] 4 “n th!‘ nzimrk fire the firs! .) nu ni1he mm am: that HM 1min guards did mm H [urn 111* hr? until flu train bud near! \ reached thsrmvkndm Hrwem Qpl‘ilpfitlt. “1.001 1‘ Th! r‘nr‘ bur:- Hugues! into thc killing «If the M an? gun“: ~ in the lit! a! Mr- 1: vn 1. xx “u. nu u) “n! n Hum (1 “mn- mu Ilmrflhp. and Mnnuw‘r I'rtd \\. l.ukr:.s_ n! the (‘hicnyofi'infrn (“val company, “as vxumiuvd. Mr Lulwm' IFKIJIIUY.) fail”! 20 duwhw m4vhixzp Ha! L.” to: Mromh' hvl-y bunght forth ”I“ panin-h qir-vfnrui that from I]! pnx Hm Lu m-mqul m. Hm lusir: of H11. Mm'kmf: )1, had sm‘n LHL CO" lax! mix (‘nm Yy Springfield. 111.. ()m. lB.~â€"0u account of4he showing ufiray at Pana Sun- day night. in which one negro sbox anmher “Mb 3 state rifle. (10v. Tun- r;¢~r Monday morning issurd an or- der ”(‘43:ng ull Mme rifirs in the pos- ws>lnn n! Slurifl ('oburn 0' (‘hrisxinn RECALLS Am. sun: ‘RIFLES. f'lnlm thvrt‘ “'7! In and «hnrnmvr zu‘ 1 a d‘fl‘eren! 51]]:H‘P.“ syldiera‘ lhnn ”H‘V Boyrrnor “'Hl 1|"! Per-mil Shnlfl o! (‘hrl-Hun County lo Keep the Fire-rm. Loner. cmnmlon of 1111- (111111' H1111“ arm) hax M111 1111} 311111 rid 111111 the qmsllon hnx 1111-111:.i;11?. \1111!1«11:119r 171:1? N11131:! grrne r1111~111r:11111L11 1n the war (’1p1r1‘m9nl 1311111 11'n111r of 11119113111ur11111(I1h34 3111’ 1)]? (111111 :11 th1-1111;1r1'ni1111u’121‘1 n11“ 1.111 ‘5 I‘hrrv' may 10:11! 1111111 10 regard ‘1111- Anu’r'mn 1r1111;1,~ 1.! 11111 11111141 :11-1-MJnY :111! um 111-11: 1331' I‘vsllmoé or In: '1 in1erru; In Ram. rtwufu’d Lawn hreak 11 1.111111 ('0' “orid “'1 111159111 DISASTER t ~a tong 'imr to come, ttu belietittg t that 'het “mud have blEh able to pre- vent thr capture 01 (‘uba ht American arms. This stutrmt‘nt in kuovtu to hag: been made to the Amo-rn-an oth- crrs now in Cuba and tau-rs mme unenm‘nen tn oflicin! circtes. n it may mean that the Spaniards are not _\H ready to yield the island u-der the “rum of the= prutocoL It is thicu-d by official: in “taming- ton that had it not been for thr out- cr_\' made rrgnrding the army and the condntt of the war that there tu-u‘r “nu td hate been anv question raised by the Spanish peace commissbnera: regarding the Cuban debt. It Hi pointâ€" ed out under the protocof. the sole- quostirm ktt tor the cmnmivinn Was‘ the settlement of the l’hilimtitms and that nothing was mid about the ('uhan debt or any other ('uhan qmsttnn It} those who are in pm 'tinn to kmm it is assertt‘d that tho Madrit: gmern- ment was aware when it :.skr‘d for poavv. and when nngotiatims were opetmd. that it was t)~t')rs‘ tn ask that the ('ubnr debt be taken into consid- erntinn hy any commiwinn and that it is unt‘y Urt't- ths‘ rppnrts at the had t urn hrdvred away from \‘irden to 1 (‘hiragn to take part in the poem.- «0. have orders 10 rMurn to Vir- but it is thought that this order be counter-mended. Washinmun Oct ~Ihfurmnlion‘ has rr‘il‘ r ‘hr war (Eqmrzmem thaf; l high 09%“! of the Spams!) arm's wry" "unify made the- azuumem than hndt lb!- Spaniards berm aware of the condi‘ tion a! the American army. in fin- lbih'n In wixhnand the hard. hyps of: cnnpuign 1x5 .mk of medirul and other snpp‘i: s and general meflinienl v. as m‘d in the \nwrunn 1npus.1bew Spaniard 5 would n 1haxeg3wnnp.bu" won 14) haw continmd (h: flghnng {or Hull-lg Lenrna-d Mun, 'lhlnx- NIH" l'rulot-nl “an Rial-0d. sun"! Mn) Fight [0 Meluln 1 "ha. .M Lb: :drolxdy hvl-y bunght ”I“ panin-I) (fr-vfnrui that Mk pnxitim. Lu m-mqwl-d (m Hm of H11. Mm'kmf: )1, had sm‘n 'wrs fire the firs! SthF :1! 1h? 1m? that 1hr Unix. guards did MAY YET GIVE TROUBLE rllldo Ko-r Londonâ€"Slug KHled and More Than - Damon Injured. w (wallpzmvy by 1h! [‘1‘3 Thr mn‘ H r has 'm H: nikt'uSnN.’ ar (lopur'mvnt :n C‘ i: « prohâ€" c \\hel.'he1rnnp~ arr HH’ to “'7! M a form» of MW}; \170 H‘r zu‘ m mw flu- is‘avdvr‘ pr¢-.~~iunn{l'ni1pfi $12130 ”my now onzl‘rtnln. IN ENGLAND. recovered from the l "e are when under] 00:: pounds. bug ; (rly c'othed {or cold weather. 13 IVA‘CHPd to a ; the boy's strength gave out unds. with 3 died in his father'sarmn. Leo fienry During g‘ ]y link do“ n from cold and ex] warn x'ighfl ‘withm a $1 an diuancr o! 1 ('rr:uui$~r‘~,1>iÂ¥1600r. winn- he “as. found aha Art n "7r;g \‘y‘a. 1 o'clods. um ouscioul ‘1 1‘ Th! (‘01-. iv killing «If the the rim a! \‘ir '9! YV‘FIHIH‘d Mon- I) 4. r." \ II] n: the Rocky Mountain New; from Flor- ence. C01,, says: News has just reached hrre of flu (1931!: by free!- Ing last Saturdny of the ten-r03!“ old son of William Leolin. living UK mile: from here. and 1b: possibl.‘ f" In) freezing of the father. The) “We driving home from Florence Ind 1053 their way in ”It blinding snowslorm. They left the 19am hoping to find their WA} on foot Neither was prep- :rh-nVA‘L-): - Terrlhlo Fate 0! a Te-oYe-r-old I!" (‘nnghl II I Bll-urd II abme stated Nut F1 :ixicisco, Oct. 18.â€"-Thc friends of Admiral Dewey are deltx'mined lo presrnt his name to (be American peo- ' pie as a candidate for the preridem‘y. At least EU?!) is thestatemeut nude on ‘the authority of Senator Proctor, of Vermont. one of Dewey's closest friends. “'iiiiam Bede“. gene"! par senger agent of the Pennsylvania line. in this city. has received a copy 01 the Hung-Kong Daily Press. wherein Ip- penrs an interview hid by a repre‘ mentative of that piper with Ed ‘nrd Bedioe. l'ntited States count] at an- ton. China. Consul Bedloe paid 3 high tribute to Admire! Dewey and the American seamen. Ind stated that he was informed by Senator Proctor :hat Denney: name would be nnmmnd -- Denver, (‘01., 0" Friends of the "In Same Sh moms cnrdmg m the ofifi-ia! ubsrrvmion. The first mow in I)P§ Mnims Ibis your {91! Monday morning {or a kw moâ€" hpon (Ms W St. me’a. ()(". 15. --Thn first b’izzard of the Nazi-(m YPuvhf‘d St. Loui= Mon- day. A heavy wind blew I” day It 2b. velocity a! nearly 30 miles an hour. and a drizzling ram fell. The rain began Sunday :..ght changing w shet in tho. early morning hours and then Ruling“ down to a cominuous cold drizzle. No! mmh damage has been caused in 1hr (-ixy. outside of the prostration o! Niograph and lvlephone wires. The hmny v. ,mi mm}:- mnding \cr’x'difflcult fnr'vhc .-!9nmfmu(s aiong xhe rirer. The 1281'!“ of (‘ulhoun was driven uguiml 1m wharf 1mm and narrowly «uwnpcd nn .u‘mfient. A! nigln ‘hr min (-oasm? bu! the raid. raw wmd ('5('fl PJI rain (-0 thV M [nuance Kan. Oct. 1“. «From day- hreak to {him o‘c [wk Momu‘ after- noon rommunmation with Hm outsidr “orid was impunihh an a rrsulr ( f the pwsem norm. (‘hmu-rHor Show. at 1).!) Kansasaaw university. :‘epv rxs R Hm earhu: ulnar storm ix 2!: )earh am. the \Mant car? ‘ sturm m: rvoord. '1 rees haxe been stripped and broken. trlephone nLd ‘elegruph fines demo!- ieho‘ld and 01):” damage done. West of here We “net. :3; d palm are down for a gnu! 6.51m. <(. A damp. heavy lnou' driven In a s-frnng north who! ft?! stemhy (Ia '. Dos . The stmm came up with great sud- fienness and (‘8 ht many unprepared. Numerous caseÂ¥of suffering to I11“ and beast “i1! doubtless be reported when communication shzfl'; have been rvsumod. liaiirnad traffic. “hile man or In: hamgwn-d, has not hem badly interrupted as far as can be learned. In Kama; Ctty no serious damage bu , t DEWEY FOR pREsinENr. At Fairmont Park. DPHT Kanntfit’. where portion: a! the Third and m Misé‘our‘i and Twruty-firfl Ind Tun. ty-second Kansas regImen‘s rtkfiec‘ tively. nre rncnmped. marg‘ tenu wen blown down and the soldiers mode“ cufl‘ur armoh. It has been mining {or many 1,33; Shortly after midnight Sunduy'fig ruin hn'nrd 10 snow and the temp"... 1urc dx'upped perceptibb. >stnd3b since ‘1’!!!) a heavy. I?! now, 611'. by a strong north wind. .3 m ranching ihr Velocity of a gflfl ‘- iaHen. :lundnds of tekgnph N lelephoxtr poles out in the open h either bncn bigwn down by the: " “ind or broke). by the weight a}. mow-muered “fires. FROZEN To’BEXra i K8068: City. Mo..0<‘1.18.â€" Tl‘efilru. ;est vrmru lam-m in the mulhw'ulk T35 jean and lhe worst early “0"" on record line ulznon romping], Chm, «Kansas {At} 09' {rcm wire cammnn‘c‘-_ 250:: With ~1be scum. the We“ Ind (h. ‘.orth. An opening on the east 11.. alone Rem 1hr city from being “an" imlatrd. 0n lhl‘ soul) a slow win to' Port SCUE 1, Ram. and Springfield' 510., ha. been the limit; on the “'1‘“. 1"“ rem‘e, Jinn, “mi the far-the" pout penelruérd and on (he nor-1h. St. Joseph 3.10.. has been (be bOUDdgry. Arkansas City, mom. an‘d Hu'chin. um. Run. on the smathwen; new}? on the wvst. and Omaha 0n the 3 III k )luvt hm") as silent as i! of! the mid L M-mdfly . Main”. 1... Oct. ISL-Kerr ha! faY‘ing in Iowa armor (antinu- \ 1H l‘.8§’ rlif‘Kda} H UTY"H£â€"O‘9r “hos of rain hminp fa"¢n IC- ‘ Furluuu "“11an Must-- In slnlelâ€"“'Ire- Arr Dun- 'l‘rnln- Arc bate. (ouacéoua. Iona. SNOW COMES EARLY. [he Admiral Dori-re 'l‘bll » Shall m- Prm-(ed n - Candid-IQ. 51‘ Senator Proctor :hat would be presented I! all) gave out and he "sarmn. Leoliv: final- m cold and exlamtiol diuancr o! h} 0‘1 Wu ( her. and soon Oul‘d alum" eight IR.~A specill to ‘V 0. ‘fi- l8 {or prompt over .1 you c duflor 1nd (I has : which Dr. Che draws lungs. The 1 um! I« flumm Item: u-ut

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