CMPLD Local History Collection

Highland Park News (1874), 21 Oct 1898, p. 6

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D0. ESTIC‘. fin attempt to place negro work- men in ,thé mines a: Virden. 111.. brought on a battle in which 11 met. were killed and over a score were bad- ly injured. Troops were ordered by the governor to the scene. ,\ monument to gustin Blair. MiQ- '2 “'31‘ governor, was unveiled at The Amerivan military commission- ers 111 Cuba have notified the Spanish authorities at Havana that the United States \\ 1!] assumeenthe control, mili- 1ary and governmental, of the island 0! (Tuba Debember 1. (70+ Young's cavah-ymen were mus- hyod out of the United States service a! For: Sheridan, Ill. The Spanish government announces its intention to maintain a strong force of troops in Cuba until the treaty of peace with tbs: United States is definiteiysigned. . Montero Rios. the president of the Spanish commission. said in} Paris that Spain would never give up the Philip- pines. no matter u but the consequences might be. Maj. Ge‘n. Sumner. promoted {or gal- lantry in the battle of Santiago, will be sent to one of the corps in the south and given command of a division. The Spanish government cabled Gen. Blanca not to turn ovex: any further territory to the Americans until the peace treaty had been definitely signed. A Manila dj§patch sins that \{acn- bulos. the chief controlling the five northern provinces of Luzon has re- volted 'aqainst \guinaldo. and that sharp fight ing'between the insurgents lsfiproceeding. Fifty-five war vessels are now finder contract, for the ”government. and when cumpletbd America will rank third in naval power. Mizj.fl(ien.Frnncis V.Greene has been ordered to report to Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, and willwommand a division of the army of Cuban occupation. The court-mania! in the case of Jo- seph P. McIntyre. chaplain of the war- ship Oregon, found him guilty of con- duct unbecoming an officer and son- tenced lum to dismissal from the naval servicqy. The Spanish mail steamer Reina Maria Cristina has sailed for Spain wiih 1,073 officers and troops. Spain has acquiesced in the demand of vhe United States that the island of Pugrto Rico, shall be turned orer to this government on October 18. Gen. Brooke hasheendirected by the war department to consider the- sub- ject of a permanent garrison for the [ler d of I’uerto Rico. Orders were issued by the war de- partment reducing the number nfmen in the Nebraska regiment»; to 81 men n. but (‘.oI Bruxn wi. 'I remain in the sen- 109.; Spanish officials at San_Junn have signified their willingness to turn owe: the government of Pueno Rico to the Americans. Maj. Beebe. of the American com- mission. died in Havana of yellow fever. The Third Illinois infantry has been ordered back from Pu‘crlo Itico.' It is ofiicially announced that the American flag will be raised OVer San Juan Octoberb IS. ' ' ‘x The battleships Oregon“ and Iowa sailed from Ne“ York “th sealed nr ders from Washingtofl‘1 ‘ “‘AR flaws. Bi‘cause his men were not furnished with m‘tions Capt. E.~\'. Walsh, ofcom- puny F, First. Missouri volunteers. marched his company out 0! Jefferson barracks in St. Louis and dismissed themâ€"a thing unparalleled in milltary history. D'TELHGENCE FROM ALL PARTS Casualties and Fires. Personal and Po- litical Notes, Business Failu‘res and Resumptions, Weather Rewrd. ROUND ABOUT THE WORLD Happenings of the Past Seven Days in Brief. THE WEEK’S NEWS $1"??? ,6 n: I» 7b 24. 14+4##4md. gamma garb gem, HIGHLAND, PARK. :E mmom‘ Sun. BY 1-:va n; 2033351. .000 France has cone ‘uded n tnan with Abxssinh against Engand in the Fashoda afl'air. ‘ Reports from customs officials at a” the poinrs in China show that Ameri- can imports ai-e increasing. while those of other countries are decreas- 1ng._ _ The governor general of the Dutch West Indies says that all American yachts having war correspondents on board \viii be (rented as privateers. FOREIGN. Gen. Rom. who on June 12 last was elected president of Argentina for six years, has assumed the presidency. Mrs. Jan Wilmn died‘in New A]- bany, Ind. aged 100 years. Rev. Elmer Yucnm. the oldrsl Mvth odist prem her in ‘he United States died at hilboum \\\1192\enrs. John Murray Forbes died nt h‘is home in MiImn. Mass. aged Q5 years. He was the richest man in New England‘ gelica, N. Y.. aged 83 years. Howard Gould. 1hird son of the lat:- Jnx Gould, was married in New York to Miss Viola Katharine Clemmom, an actress. and the young man may .0510 a fortune of 35.000.000 in consequence. Coloradomiddle-of-lhe-mnd populism have chosen Judge James Glynn. of Lendfllltns Hmirnominec forgm‘ernnr In the place ofSimon Guggenheim. who declined. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Rev. (‘nlvin Fairbanks. famous throughout the “orld as an abolition- ist. died suddenly at his home in An- gelica, N. Y.. aged 83 years. George II. Jacks and John Druggan. murderers‘ were hanged in Chicago. Jacks killed a man named Andrew F, MUGhee and Druggnn took ”is life of Robert F. Gudgeon. President McKinley arrived in St Louis and was giyen a public reception after which he spoke at (he exposi‘ tion. Tho \utimml (mmcil of “omen of the Unitmt Stntvs “in meet at Omaha. October 24. Thlee trumps “(re killed b\ the (ol liding of trains nearDecatur. Ark. An earthquake at \L'qfia. (‘35. rocked 11011505 on thcir fnundatinnx broke crack: r\ and aroma. nun) pt’u p‘ e. The whmmor Churchill of ('himlgu laden “1121 irrm nrv. funmh rod in Lukv Miolhignn. nt‘f \Vnukvgan. and Capt Cain and ”army .\‘v!.~un \n-rv drowned. Burglar-s robbed thr‘ Farr n! the For.- solidntt'd Miflibg and Hm‘dunm! cum< pen)" in Minnvupnii: of $511,000 worth of [’nited States bond<. John \Iillvr an: hanged :1; San Quentin. (‘31.. for kiHIng .Inmr-s (‘hildx of San FTLIIH‘ISCO. in November. 1896. At a furnace explosion in Youngs- town; 0., Dominick Jnyce Thomzm Mackin. Mutt (Honey and VI” Ilgon were fataE‘y mjured. ’l‘he‘re “era ‘20.: business faitures in the United States in the seven days end‘d _on the ch. against 169 the “eefk [5er am and 22:1 in lbe corre- sponding period of 1897. Th9 dgu rs of the Ting“ Imiim‘nl hunk o.’ Ova . X. Y" “urc‘ (405m hevu'nc uf :1 defalvdiun on the par! 0'! EYE \\‘. Stone. the n=sismnt cashier. Thv oxvhunfim u! the leading clear in! ho'um s in the I‘nitmi States during the \n‘uk (‘nded on tho HIh agar?- guted $1.’:~‘!’.31.J.t35‘.‘. again! $1,466,.'n()_~ 990 the }‘l‘t*\inus work. The im‘rt‘u‘n‘ comnurw? “ith the rorrmgmnding week in 1507 “usGJ. Mrs. Shermmt. wife of former Sec- retary of State John Sherman suf- fered u >H‘0k4' of p'n'nlysis and was in a wry critical condition an her homt in Waslnugtml. At the meeting in Pittsburgh. I‘u.. of the grand encampment of (hr Knights Templar lltuben H. Lluyd. at San Fl'lll't'iScc, “as L'If'l‘KL‘d grund mush-r. Adams Bishop. manufacturers and wholesale dealers in paper in New York; failed for $200,000. Twin sisters. Misses Adda and Alma Mck‘ne “ere murried to twin brothers. \Villiamnnd Frank Brindle, n1Wilmlng< ton. O. President McKinley left Omaha for St. Louis and was gnawed by immense crowds at every stopping place and made several brie! speeches. A snowstorm. the first of the season and the earliest in the past 26 years. dqscended upon Chicago. that H 1 rsons were killed in the reâ€" cent butt c 3:141:32 were wounded. The mimia were in control, but further trouble was feared. Lutor $15M” from i'irden. 11).. say J. McD. Scott Co.. wholesale shoe‘ dgalers in Pittsburgh. Pm, failed {or 3200.000. The Vermont legishture passed I resolution memorializlng congreu to rutore xhe rank of vice admin] and can!" that title upon Rear Admira!‘ Dewey. Five men were killed and 11 injurefi. by an explosion o! gnsin n colliery a! Coaldale Pa. Jatizu‘ Prall. u funnier living near Middlebury. 0., shot his wife fatally and then killed himself. Three railway - employ" were drowned near Walker. Minn. by (he capsizing of a boat. ‘ >. Mr). Annie E. George was held to the gum! jury in Canton. 0., charged with the murder oAereorge D. Saxton. President McKinley addressed a was! crowd on t‘uctexpo‘sitjon' ground: in Omaha. his theme being Amerlcl’a ichievemenls in peace and war. Trouble whh tie h’ostile Pillage-r In- dians in Minnesou was considered at an end. The indnxtrilni (-ummiisfm‘. vrrntod at tho 1.1:? s¢--.~i0n of vorxpn'v but! its opt m'ng moving in “'ashlngYnn The filert‘} of the mouth of thn Yu- knn river in Mad“; by (Apt. Prat! ndd< an area of 2.500 squarr mile! to L’nclv Sam‘s domain. At the pvnvv cnnh-rrn :- in Pnris Judge) Day presented the demands 0! the American commission in thrvaton- ing words. He said that delay won!d no lnnger hr totorntrd. the (‘uhxm «wbt \\'qud not In“ Nmsidcred. and tic/mand- ed the complete hurrendcr of I‘uerto‘ n1 It was . 1:11sz at 1hr unrt‘, ”mt troops unuh! not b.» s southern «amps untii MIN mude- n wrmln that )r! would not be sprnnd. 51;!” “I: mmrh servi‘n Ninv Troops from ('nmp Merriam h) the nnmlmr of ‘00 ~uilwi from Sun I-‘rnnvis- to on {hp six umer Senator for \funila. (:pll. Markup “*0”th Qpnvidl vap- tnin pt-Ilvrul of I'm-nu Révn. Lns snilrd from San Juan for Spain. The Nc-w York indfiwndrnts have nominated Thvminrv Huron. uf “Ut'h- ester. {or gou-rnor. 'I‘hv Iagnimml pmvrnmon! L'IC paid U) ('1': ”h t'LhIl) (if [Virnis fur Q' in nun W. I' \lnrrnfi'. of Hinton, In._ shnt nnd kitim! mel! and WIN u! Unk (h'an h' .m‘ in Flini. Hit-h, Four mun u‘rro kiHod by 1hr I-\p‘.no ~30n of a \\'i!min}:tnn Northrrn ‘frvigh: n-nL'inP 11! Juan”! Flatimn PA Snnmvf PhIHips. lager] 104. in synod hc-nhh and ('irx'lxxnsfnncrs, hangt‘d him- sr‘lf in Je-flvrmn (-ounty. Tenn, Enos! Bauer! and J, S. anig. two young Enghrhnwn looking for an al- .‘pgm? Spanish mine. were killed in the mountains rant of SnHiHo. Mexicn.‘ Brig. Gen. 0‘ II. Ernst and staff. with abou} 1.000 troops. ~nrrived in Nrw York from l‘nerto Rim). 01‘ IV a fr nmmrh 11pm: l‘t'flll WM! in Harm .‘ Sh”! Km sidv- \vux' .513 : PHI Brookflvn Louis. .25 sun-n A dwputoh (rum Paris s:l_\'> it is al- most u ('Prtuinty tlmt thvrv “I“ be A ‘luplltlt‘ in the penm- m-gotintium. 'l‘hv “.‘H‘ imestigating cummittee left Washington {or 'Ihe 1-01)”! The h.)~!;ll Ih-nr Island Ila-Linus huvr mrrenderml at “'n‘krr. Minn” and the tmuhle is at an end. The National Baseball league's sea- son for 1898 came to an 9nd. thv For ton club winningt the championship Th1I standing of the cluh‘ follows: Boston. .685: Bnltimore. .Mi: Cincin- nati. . T: Chit-ago, 567; (Tent-land, .544: Phihdeiphin. New York. Mrm-u (Hrlil' H1 “ii be l'rt'mivr $241.13!“ don 2h:- repnrt 11316011.)“ t-quri frnln (‘uha ' William Livhtmtlwrg. churned} \ch killing .1 filmif} :1! lirpul fivM. Mn,» \\':I> :n'w‘tmf in \lilu'uuh-r .\ such-I) Y0 1m kmm v: as. ”,9 Coder-V of the- Army of Snnlngn (h- ('ubn in “(w il‘ the prm-osx n! furnmlion, President Mt-Kinh‘y n'rlvr-r! m (‘Mo rngo to attend the ppm-o jthiler and Wm uvlcnmei.’ by an immenw ormu‘. The sultan urdcrrd Hm withdrawal 0! all the Turkish troops 1n (‘rctrfiin (-cmphume uhh lht joint unto of (ire-m D'ituin. Russia. ltnly und Franve. ’ Th(‘ F Gen. Maximo Gomez. commnndrr in rhief of tho (‘uhan nrm3‘ quarreled with his whole staff near Imjns and Ihey all left him. Flnuda in anun hav: dune grant; flznnnae to crops an'! many lives have bee-n Inst. The military is in full control n Virdan, ”1.. and order has been re- stand. The mall compam will make no further attempt to bring in negro mintm. \\. \\. [Zr \ iugton. the first architect \\ ho settled in Chicago. died at hll homo ii) Highmnd Park. aged 8" years. an If: The twenty-sixth annunl congress of the '.\'uli mal Prison I|§OCiBUOIl begun 1! Indianapolis, Ind. Further reporlo say ‘haf 108 persons lost their “us by the wrecking of the steamer Mohegan uu‘tbe coast of Cornwall. The British :teamtr Mohegan. from London for New York. ran ashore be tween the Manuela and Lizard point bu the can! of Council] and 1699‘!- Ion; Ids: their liven. . The Alexandria (Egypt) police' Ir- res1ed uinellalian'anarchlsu and there- by frustnlcd - plot. to kill Emperbr William now on hls way to the Holy Land. MiIitary plans to overlhrow the gov- ernment 0! France were ducovered ll Pam. mitiunnl pnurnmon! L'IC 'mid Mu vLmn of l‘ innis for SYSHMW w? x; 3m! vquippmg 'hv rc'gl’ that “em inm 1hr \n'untu'r pv {Minx wprr I" n1! hm! 1'1 “'4'ng iu‘nin ufl <hnrgh‘ 4M; LnuimiHm .467 ‘37 ; Washington. 3:20; 8! fl! Hk \w‘rt‘ MUM? It} Iirv rm lht‘ Hr m 1H 1hr \\.'1|'u'r;v:|r(nzr “uh? no! hr M1! to x gm untii after hm! h 1') he >iH ufl'hiv m \ViIYium Inv nf};|\\~ (‘h'n-ugn h 17L “(1 Hmnxrnrm ii. I) has found Hxnnnn e- :mliripntrdv ”9 my; war) to trur upon rho |_\' drainage pipvh and HI uni. ”11w MT fr HH- \\I:T~Y Wurlv luxv , (“nu-INN" .ns the “or ,ery .lgn (h- ('ubn in urnmlion, '95 lhv lrmh of 1mm: “11} he re um» rnnfrrrrd D} .‘II‘ 4“- ir.‘.sh ship .‘ll Kmh v the- ml smut}!- H- "I cannot {- nine Lydin E. Plukhun'l Vege- table Compou'-d too highly. MnyGod bless you in your m, 118 work." ‘ Mrs. J. W. $111511. Medford, Oregon. lays: “ My hen] 3:150 the baby’s, We owe to Lydin E. Pin m's Vegetable Compound." Mm Jomv W. Lose. “'yoming. Iowa. writes: ( “I had shooldng pain: all over my body. wu very ' ' weak nnd nervous. I could not straighten up. I wished , to become nmflther but was afraid I never could: Seventeen mogthg I some of your ‘ Mable Compound. nnd Ifter taking'hnl! 3 bottle wasafxgeh‘: lieme 1 wall our lmulos and was cure¢ Now 1 hag. . b' . b b . . I feel I owe tolour Compound. Mun mums (A. “A..- ..:_ lg, , a {PO} Which ”DEAR M M: ?1\ EH m: â€"I thank you {or what yourmedk 1n: find mhioe have done fur me. ‘ I have n ‘hny two months old. When he was born I ' 'ns nick only fifteen minuws. whervas With 5' otlu-r children I was sick for two or thrvo ays. and also suffered with my left leg. uni buld get nothing wrelieve the pain but; mu! thine. My leg did not troublm me at All Uni» time. 1 had no aflcr ptins and was not-awe k u I had been before. Mrs. ELLA Dummy. Recder‘s Mills. Iowa. writ“: “ 1 un m In} tony that after taking three bottles of l {a E l inkhun 5 Vegetable Com- pound l was. tuuaiderably better and Ifk‘l' uaiug thno x: orc- iL bmngm me where I am krduy. lam ml] and the mother of taut-e- muulhn' 01d v‘ahy. “ Docwrs I.“ failed (0 help me. I hive no one to thank 111 Mm I’inkhuxn and her won- derful Nun-d ." I.- follow: " When I .‘ lied to you {or ndvice I bud been suffering-on. you. tron do- bility, nerv en. em. 1 Ind hld 10'an ' w you. ‘, J .... wen Phfi-m’l Vegetable OompoundGooa Student to the Oouu otfl'funue Tmuhh- and Alum-o- 3 Healthy mummy. Once. (in In, mmplc Dmnlg cents. (in fc *fi The man fhu mn-nlvd udnre never In 111de Mm! ’um- snuuM lulu» ‘1. Thu- wu not In the rp’gtfu-at mm 7A“ lnwn (Hobo. _,... Coughing pads to (‘onlnâ€"pllol. Krmp'u B. .m WI" stop thv (“uuqh at Dear Ed! 1w“ yuu knuu of a whom” ur (alumnae I )0!" at) or viy-ru‘nrrv, (mm Hall)’ a um ‘who has N'llt‘flfld for nubu‘np 1mm, msur: 701-. nurm 7') pm: 3;. Inn-kn at uni- ormg. or a r. fin uhu an M .l “Dada, )ou “1H confer I: luv g- lo_\ u'lima hm: {u mn‘eqmmi “uh us; or ‘ )uu m” ”Mien thn- mure m your papcr “a such parum wxll rm Um no- lme uux and-max] to us. We may be able to {urnwh “urn good pommn m their own and adfillhlll'lilvllh'dh, Addrpn Aunmcn (IOLZN MxLu (‘o . Chicano. Mn M. Elfin 104 Hudson Ava. Whether. N. Y.. Write: to In. Minn (“vibe chudre- - [kink ulled (Er-w). It I: n dchcxoun. Ippclizing noundnng. bod dnnk to Lake the plum: o! rofl'ea So iw all rou-n and liked by all who haw- i-d it, mnuu- when properly prc and It um like the finest 00501: but In rre {m ..H n: anurioun properties. Cram 0 ai dmostmn and un'ngthenl the nerves. It not .1 uhmulam but 1 health bulkier, an chxldren, as well u adulu, can drink It “'1 great benefit. Cost: About in 15 and 25¢. v Durin c ‘ rtahip lover: overlook each oth- er'a fuufa, I!“ after nmrrmue- (hr-y apend most of t mm» In looking for them:â€" Chmago D News. = ‘fi'. "1353mm: of a... Me for no to remove the cob- from the yoke of the put and goldfishnrmenu of the pree- _ re American. Ah, 3' mku it web cost a due: it mg em.â€"-Bnl 0" Mg 'Iclt at Inn-git Captive. .. , , r'*~-'â€"â€"â€"’-"‘l'-'â€"‘ er turd h min." “You I I entitled to “other cues,” he njoingd. . uy. ‘fI In about to thy: thin no c our: u not 9n!y_better, t u:- fim’tafy n . puma; ll uppeuuce thfl that; “to |t_Tlgl_xpu." ‘ The RF ned goldier Stung-d briefly “I poi-«i (lib ork dexteyou y. "This ~of yours p not.â€"" “'uri ‘he wife 31% “You 'need not finish xhe ounce, ljfenry,” she said, with Iomcwlul‘ udneu In her tones. “1 hot my pic: f 103}: good u then your noth- mm“ 1' MOTHERS AND; HEALTHY 'CHLLbREN. rlahip lover: m1- )ut after mama hm» m lookm: News , , e chudre- I _ I} II I dchmo ’our mums and was cure¢ Now I hug : big. bubyil'm; :ii-c‘i; ’our Compound. Mmy than“; (or your kind advice.” dur: “You‘mnde : (rent min- { Lieut. Sparks." "But how "a would vomc back a col- .)um lirpubhc. ' din-(u own)» U; Jinn ‘nmnn. I to l’ hum. pn'll’. L: In» Syd.” (‘amluovg ”1.. "L. In In Ibo flâ€" rllt'AGO: ILL. “my. In! Dllennt. III to (‘onlnâ€"pllol. WI" stop thv (“uugh at drxqgnnt to day and got 51 [Arm- [unit-’1 25 and 50 '_d(frlyn winre (huge-mun. Chicago i hut-en Free? .l': ! QRQPSY'm Essen-229%: More people Would have bad Lulu“: if it didn’t emu loo murh. WK'auhmgnm \ln.) Democrat. ’lc’s some." he Rflld “1091mm”: erumu- lilm. BL Jam!» UH (hd II , Never mind I came or crutch St Jumbl 01} will cure lame bark. Tho males! Wh)‘ to mks [In ram-u! out 0! an mzmn-nr .~ in mdun- hxm Lo bv-i-onw a pro- lrbmunul. Urnukhn Lnle. It is easy. surf, I! u Jacob: ()H Ior.\r~ura,gw. Somz~ men arr no dngmhvd that the} never unlu-ml unld tlw) are dead bra-kn {hm-ago Dad) Sewn. Pisa" (‘ure cured me of a Thmt and Lung trouble of thm ynrs' standmg -â€"E. Cady, liuntingmu. 1nd.. Nov, 12.11104. _ ,_ n, r_,. Often what a mu: mils princzple is I men bit of 50¢ng to {once but. new: upon otherl. â€"Wuhmgwn (1a.) Uunuu'ut, “'hero'r it gm”? Ad. 5: Jaw-11:01} 1!. mind that blu.>e~â€"gontu Two of n Kind.~”‘flwy any dream: go by communes, do ”my not I" “Y<-s~drum und weather praiu-Lmnn."-â€"Puck. flow My Throat Hum. ~45 hgdon' I \00 me Hales Honey of l! m-houn and at? Pike' 3 Toothnche Drops Cure in one minute. Sheâ€"4"You never 31;: my hiuband laugh 1‘ his own jokun." lie-”Nu: but yuu inu’t blame him {or warâ€"Yonkers Savanna. To Cure - Coi‘ In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab)sts.. All drumisls refund monpy If H. fails to cart 25c No one In: over 1m able to exp'nm why bald~headed mvn haw their hair cut “Rena- thnn other menrâ€"l'hy-ago Dady Nmn. Moves the bowels earh day. In order-hob. healthy this is nmmn‘. Act/s gvmlv o. the liver and Indueys. Cures sick heaé-chn. Price 25 and 50v. LN lur but; of ”006'. ”It. can .1) Mm 111:. S can Hand’s Sanapariua ”Ma-mien ugoéd Magi ”mm-baud gamma-mug: ammmmhumm. kaéwiw mewi mn- uddnnelnuu, in hot (by. .I armyni “gm-dew'. %.“_W‘"U KIN.“ “'0 M n -,,‘, . h Amerind- Gmm ledidne. The Fall -_ LII-o'- Family Mollelne. quick ran-:1 and cum I «unnumzun and )0 “1" . I. «Luvs unmAu-nt lL'Qién-ifilfliwpomgi Id _\nm>i~ Lg SL The a! her 2‘ on the 1‘ be! head courseâ€"“l Lusblnd band. he moment. “Well," day {01’ Inst! 1' .h?" non d0? ] 5“le pom! hol prised. ‘ me 1111‘ this {0'1 ”11' a a “\ Hm heudnt‘m dend “04 may ('01 warn yd 1o “(-8!" 1rm~k'.' woumn‘ )‘nru it )1 men 1hr mm] "0119‘ 1hr DB “Uh? \\ Lrl 3m”! Hum“ Hindu"- When “his A hrs ready. $61 up "We biamc. (101le “iih t in Mr pu'x ll INDPI‘: and H. Mr. his Ci‘ the l'l hrr h ruffed age 01 Jen. I run 0 Ilmurs‘ inund Mayh maul good 31.0 r1 )enol Ibu way berm greet to-dl must {rom com! .rr I hem Pr°P Jnck‘ he.“ \1.u “l:

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