This ofï¬ce is printing tickets and posters for a masquerade ball to be given Wednesday. Nov. 10th. by the Woman's Catholic Order of Forest» nr‘s inGoldberg’sOperaHouse. The ladies of that order have an enviable ~reputation as entertainers, butï¬his ball promises to outshine anything they have yet had of that ehatacten Suitable prizes .are to behgiven the best dressed lady and gentleman on the floor; also for the most comical; “"'"‘ tribal costume worn by one Gen. war one gentleman. 9'“??? ‘W'Wughby, formerly corresponds“ of Nawx ‘ .‘beenim Duluth since last .ral, ié visiting his relativas in Ra- viuia and shaking ‘ hands ‘ with old friends. Mr. Willoughby was for- merly connected with.the Northwast- ern railway, butrqsigngd his position 1 last spring to take H16" in Duluth,‘ whererhe is now located, with the street railway company in theirofï¬ce. i He speaks most highly of DuluthH' and his prospects there. and it is the; wish of the NEWS that good luck will : follow in his foot steps wherever hei goes. ' ' ' Miss Musgove, a former teacher of our public school, now of Mon- mouth, Ill., was a visitor in the school today. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Putnam and Mr. Fred Wincheeter have returned to the Park, after spending two Weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Win- chester at the Windsor Hotel in New . York. ‘ War ' WI 99.933, ,401." Among the names of prominent citizens of Highland Park who sat down to the grand "Peace Banquet" at the‘AuditOrium Wednesday even- ing were W. 'A. Alexander, C. . Quincy. Major H. S. Veil, Hugh T. Birch and S. M. Millard. After looking over the menu we are happy to assure our readers that their (lis- tinguisihed fellow citizens returned to their homes in 'good condition. About two weeks ago Miss King. one of our popular school teachers, was called to her homein Goldwater, Mich, by the illness of her mother. which terminated in her death yes- terday." Tm: was andvmany other friends sympathize with Miss King in her and aï¬liction. Miss Beatride McCaflrey Taft Mon- day for an extended visit no Richter} Ill. ' ’ NEWSLETS. Butterick patterns for sale a}, Mike Erskine’s. ' Dancing Admission to Park and Theatre, 10c. Performance will be Given in Theatre. SATURDAY Sheridan Park. Matinee Sunday Afternoon at 3:30 FREE FIRST-CLASS VAUDEVILLE October 22d and 23d. AND FORT SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. E. A. \Velch will ;take a trip through Indiana during I the next'two weeks. Bert Kincade, trumpeter of G company. and who took part with the boys in the signal service in the trenches zit Santiago, has been pro- moted to signal sergeant at the Fort. A meeting of the Odd Fellows was held last Wednesday evening for the purpose of installing the newly elected ofï¬cers. After the exercises Saturday and Sunday Evenings Dr. G. W. 'lurner has been visit- Aua L7... .yias'.‘ “-43.. Onu~~lu (ox \‘Nv weeks and returned with Mrs. Turn- er, who has spent the summer there. to their home here. The doctor ex- pects to return south very soon. Pastor Vines, ofthe Baptist church, , reached thecity Saturday evening and he had an inspiring sermon for Sun- day on “Christ. the King of Kings." ,’The great thought was that all those ,Ecommerical, material, political and ‘ social developments are but the pre- maration for the kingdom of God; the historical staginga in its upbuild‘ ing and all leading up to and ending in the supreme and eternal supreml lacy of Christ‘s universal and perpet- ual reign, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Hie congregation enjoyed it very much. How generr ' ally similar services were held in‘ v gother churches We have not learned. W. C. Barret has purchased the Tremont House drug store, Chicago. His many High‘wood friends wish him. much success. John Hickey ié very ill with ty- phoid fever angi has been remm'ed to the Presbytenan hospltal. Chicago. Mes-ans. \V. F.‘Hogau and J. J. Condou next week will take a trip through the soutah. HIGHWOOD AND FORT SHERIDAN. The Electric railway company have ‘ made arrangements with Arthur E. i Evans, who has shown ability to 9" i ganize “trolly barties" between var- ious points on the line, to take charge ’ of that branch oftheir business. And i as be is an expert in advertising they ha've arranged with him alsoto man- Pge their our advertising business. Henoeforth if you wish to get up a party to go to Wsukegnn or Lake Forest of an evening, go to him for terms et cetera. If you at? not suited with your eow, or if she is not giving sufï¬cient milk, see B. F. Allez'x about it, he can suit you with one from his herd. Fred Bother, 314 Central Avenue. FRH) BOTKER, 314 Central Av. thknd Park, Ill. for. “For the comfort. convenience and safety of yolï¬ home have a telephone in your residence. Chicago Telephone Cu, Geo. B. Cummings, Mgr. FOR RENTHNiu‘ f3 roam cottage centrally loaded. with largv yard. $15.00 per month. I). M. Erskine Cu. $000 CASH-â€"bu_vs a choice int 66:14†with goal View of Lake north end of Park. This is- the time time to buy Park property! F. C. CLARK iowneri TU RENT , Modern house for three " years. to responsible parties only. Furnished 0r unfurnished. May or sooner. Address box 202 High land Park. FUR SALEâ€"~22 bedroom sets and other furnituge. Enquire of Mrs. Wainwright. 73 Fort SheridunJll. F( )R SA L B FUR SALE A No. 3 Drop head White sewing machine. Will he deliven-d tlirect= from factory at . wholesale price $30. Retails for N35. A rare, opportunity {or any- one needingsuch a machine. Apply at this ofï¬ce. FOR SALEâ€".1 Chickrr-iqgjqual'e [All Itcms under the album: headings. mrlud inn Ituzmnna n -l. Hpr Wanted Lost. Found. Run. 3 Cent- per Llne. penal r at cs math: known on applicalmn at thls uï¬it nhur mun- man â€no IHM‘HIUII ] WANTED A small cottage. or 3 or 4 rooms. unfurnished. Rent moderate, good location. Address box 77 Highland Park. Residence property for sale cheap fl Lot No S11v9“ 17) Block Nu Tswmv ‘ nine ( 2H): 27.) foot from; new r in .5 mum, mama All grades of Flour. Hay. Feed Oats. Bran, Corn Minn Mbal, Gluten, Meal Mlddrlngs FOP SAI F, +0 DFNT. FTC, . 1. and Straw. He will use you ri h! as In mice and. and the qudny of I: work will mute than satisfy you. Address or call many friends of the members were invited in and a most pleasant time was enjoyed, speeches being made and dancing indulged in. the whole winding up with a supper gotten up by the Highwood caterer. It was one of the most pleasant ziï¬aina. held for some time. Teaming and Excav- ating of All Kinds, JR SALEOJA good. light ('lnst (-nrriugv. (wupt- Hm‘knwny. In- quire of Schuylvr M. (‘m». St Johns avenue. Baumâ€" cost 0“,: “ally 8500, for my 990,1! when at once; ehsy terms. Also] kitchen range cost $30. for $5: lbedroom set 85; 3 heating stoves and other furni- tura. Inquire at NEWS ofï¬ce. FOR SALE. T0 RENT. ETC. Get ï¬gures from Central Avem‘ East. ‘ Job lifinting TELEPHONE 3 6. Arc responsiiuc for all goods while ln‘our hands. Furnituf’g'; §JAS. H. DUFFY Express, Bjéggage and mm Parcel Delivery. i ST. Janis Chase Hinbom Teas and Coffeesâ€"~We are ï¬re [we-para! to sell them to yuu tn buy quantity. 'Fancyéï¬roceries, Tea, Coffee toms"? and may cxccutcd at this ofï¬cc Priccspkl lowasiscomistmtwithgoodwork MéNEY TO LOAN BRUITS AND VEGETABLES. T nks, 25c.; Parcels, 10c. â€I; or from any part of the city. :REAL ESTATE. 55‘: EgEVANSBROS†'EChicggo and Highland Park. and Pianosh‘loyed, b-spacked and Shipped ERSKINE CO. . H. DUFFY, Manager. TELEPHONE 46. ,ll.:\ Id the-n at hm! vr-a H. dun; ‘dll \Hh.~ Ml '1er HI hull My Mr Null hrgm “gm FLU!" Apnl 1117\0‘ a lu‘nhv‘d “ 119:4 ll €‘$¢ \IL’Dl \ngm â€uniâ€. I MPM‘ .XK mzlill All; «Ht-l Cit-l Hi } ()n H'P I'd ‘\ hum My ILY’I My It 1.1†I‘he ‘L' ha I)‘