.l h ll if d I] ul ll‘ ‘ ‘11 ie ve of ie, or of ill-l so “U l’s l'll ,. ., ,. ‘3. yaâ€... NEW TELEGRAPH OFFICE. A growing town attracts to itself all kin-ls of 'I -~*r I'ul- things. The world is learning of the Park an i its line future. As evidences of this in t - . . oat ~ Swift. . -M‘t\QQJ Future comfort for present seeming economy, but buy the sewing machine with an estab- lished reputation, that guar- antees you long and satisfac- tory service. J J .ï¬ J at l l l TENSION nk'IoICAToR. (devices for regulating and showing the exact tension) are a few of the features that emphasize the hi h grade character of the ahite. Send for our elegant H. T. catalog. WHITE SEWING MACHINE Co., CLEVELAND. 0. The Folding “Pocket Kodak. 3 to stop here. = that is sure. Till-I llltllll.A.\'l) PARK NEWS telegraph company. whose wires go 1 through the city. over on the (ireen l‘ Buy road. are to open an office in a 1 few days, in Fred Schumacher's drug l store. with James H. Duffy, the old- ‘ est and best operator this town ever had, iucharge. He will continue l his parcel express, and baggage der have his headquarters and oh -e in 1 . at Mr. Schumachers'. How much cut in rates. if any, are ' can’t say. but it will be a public I‘ beuelit to haVe two competing lines. ; Another thing. there ‘ . . . s - l is a phone in this new Postal s othce. ; and when you wish to send a mes . sage from your home. phone it up to i . { .liiniine. and it Will go to the ends 6 of the earth if necessary. This is ' just the thing all around. . Ten young people from the Young > l’eoples Society of the Baptist ; Church attended the nineth Jitllllllal . convention in Chicago last night. Some, wonderful transforiiiatiov ‘ has collie over the incandescent lights unsteady, but now they are as eVen and bright as the sun. not a flicker in the whole evening. boys have overhauled that old dynav the road side. Highland Park field a stag party to vited. Among those who attended were County Clerk A. L. Hendee. C. A. Murray and W. B. Sinith."~-\Vau- keganSun. This shows that the Sunset wants its fellows up at the meal once in a while. such as the Highland Hotel furnishes its guests. Solomau said there was no evil under the sun in his day. There are, several of them in our day. and i one is the lawlessness of some boys. ‘ Thus (It it ill liyr ll “V a hard Only 1% tnchcsln thickness when closed. yet makes pldunu . . .x :35; inches. Takes our light-proof ï¬lm cartridges Ind ‘ ball one morning latelv through one LOADS IN DAYLIGHT. The embodlment of photographic daintiness Ind utlllty. of Mrs. Andrew Book's front store 'j window panes. As those are about Mlelflngl’uhtlodul. vllll-onhrn-Mklonl, no.0. ‘ $10.00 panes of glass. it 7 is rather Huh-proof I'll- (lurtrflgv, ll ups-um I“ 1 351, . .‘o ‘ Xenia! Catalogues-frat 4: Made: or by on“. unless manufactured by the Eastman Kodak Co. ROOHEOTII. I. Y No Camer- II n KODAK“ EASTHAH Kflmx m, i serious business. The, Books, We ‘ understand. know who the, boy is, l and can make him smart for it, ifrhey i see fit. This ball throwing should i be stopped. . in our neighborhood this week. For . l a long time they have been dim and . Guess the‘ mo nailed up on a telegraph pole by ‘ “Last eyeuing the Sunset Club at . which a number from here Were iii- ‘ ‘ county seat to enjoy a good square And now the Postal l _ FOR SALE. T0 R ENT. ETC {All itcliis under the ubm e headings. nu‘lud lllLl Situations \\ antcil. llclp “'autcd. Lust. . Fillllltl, lite. 5 Cents per Line. penal r -lt k‘n inadc know u on application at \lll.‘ otlii e for nioic than one insertion ] FUR RENT One or two nicely furnished room»: centrally located. » Inquire Box 420. ‘ “Ullggélg.% ‘2 bedroom sets and 3 livery all the same, but will himself“? “m†furniture 1;! "'"i‘i'ié‘é ‘f w...» cm. ., . . iq o . Irina» , Wainwright. 73 Fort Sheridandll. ‘ FUR RENT Eight room cottage (the Steers place); modern 'llll» provements; completely furnished; until May lst: $27). Box 425. FUR SALEerwo story cottage on 50 x 3334 ft lot: city water: $41“, cash. balance in monthly ilihl'dlr meiits. Good location,convenient to depot and electric cars. Address C, The News. Tt) RENTWS roomed house, mod eru. large garretI.’ floors and base ment. furnace. electric lights hath. hot and cold water. laundry. etc ; long lease to reslmusible tenants. Address-box 202 Highland Park._ . FOR SALE A No. 3 Drop head White sewing machine. Will be delivered direct from factory at wholesale price $30. Retails for l #05. A rare opportunity for any i one iieedingsuch a machine Apply at this ofï¬ce. . FOR SALE \Vill sell for cash or take pay in painting and paper l hanging: One bed room set. paint- ed panels. one folding bed; one hair mattress; l globe lamp; l fine violin with case and bow. Adi dress 202 Highland Park. Ill. \VAN'l‘ElL~Rcliable man in this vicinity to open small oï¬ice and handle my goods, Position per- manent and good pay, if your record is t). K. and you want steady eiupioymeut, here is an opening for you. Kindly mention this paper when writing. A. '1‘. Moituis, (‘iiiciiinati.(). Residence property for sale cheap Lot No. Seven (7] Block No, Twenty» nine (‘20): 275 foot front: sewer in. U E. Hathway, owner. Northiield. Minn. Less Than 7c. in Day For the comfort. convenience and safety of your home haveatelephoue in your resilience. ("hit-ago Telephone (‘o. Geo. B. Cummings. Mgr.