CMPLD Local History Collection

Highland Park Press, 10 Apr 1930, p. 33

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Public notice is hereby given that the Sub- scriber Administrator of the cable of Aunt-u Sehmidt. deemed. will "tend the Probate Court of lake County. m. ti term thereof to be holden It the Own Home In Wnukenn, in Ilid County. on the nut Monday of Mu next, 1930. when and where all persons havink claim:- auulnut Add came ure notified and re quested to present. the sun-m to aid Court for adjudication. -- A ---. - --. . -... W"'".'"..""'-". HARRY P. KELLEY Wmvkonn. tll., Much IT, 1980. a STATE OF ILLINOIS} gl."" OF LAKE . . IN THE COUNTY COURT OF LAKE COUNTY HIGHLAND PARK EAST PARK DISTRICT. a municinal corportttion, LAKE COUNTY. ILLINOIS. THE NEW ENGLAND TRUST CO" TRUS- TEE OF THE ESTATE OF ARTHUR C. THOMPSON, BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS. Ind LILLIAM C. THOMPSON. BROOKLINE, MASSACHUSETTS. ELLIOTT C. THOMP. SON. MONTCLAIR. NEY JERSEY. CECILE T. WOOD. BROOKLINE. MASSACHUSETTS. and MARION T. b'AULKNER, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS. AND ALL OTHER PER. SONS HAVING OR CLAIMING INTERESTS IN ANY OF THE PREMISES DESIGNATED AND DESCRIBED AS "ALL WHOM IT MAY iiiiiicgiiii,'r - Mimi-nu. IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF HIGHLAND PARK EAST PARK DISTRICT, LAKE COUNTY. ILLINOIS. TO ASCER- TAIN THE JUST COMPENSATION TO BE MADE FOR PRIVATE PROPERTY TO BE TAKEN OR DAMAGED AND TO LEVY A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT TO PAY tme COST OF THE ACQUIRING AND IMPROVING AS A PUBLIC PARK or, LOT ONE (1) ax. CEPT WE EASTERLY Trot (10) FEET THEREO ). BLOCK 50. HIGHLAND PARK, LAKE COUNTY. ILLINOIS. HIGHLAND PARK EAST PARK DISTRICT SPECIAL ASSESSMENT It Minn: shown by the "adtsvit at owner- ship on ttle In this cause and the Report ot the Cotnmho'iotttsra in the om" of the Clerk " this Cnurt that NEW ENGLAND TRUST 00.. TRUSTEE OF THE ESTATE OF AR. THUR C. THOMPSON, LILLIAN C. THOMPSON, ELLIO’I'I‘ C. THOMPSON. CE- CILF: t WOOD and MARrotC'rVAr.rLtr by order (?teg,tg,t't herein h-vink directed that notice given to the ttttid The New England Trust Co.. Trustee of t but: of Arthur C. Thompson, Lillian . Thomptson, Elliott C. 'Thompson, Cecile , Wand, And Marion T. Faulkner, and to the aid "All Whom It May Cancun." notice is hereby riven to will defendants and to the defend- ants duixnntmi an "All Whom it Mly Can- cun," And to all other venom and parties nlmul in the report and nnmsmrnt roll of the Cornmisnionprs, filed in the above entitled mum in and Court, nit-limit whim- property benefits httve been amassed therein, to pay the mat of the improvement brreinaturr dmcribed: that the Highland Park Eat Purl: Dutriet, n municipal corporntihn. heretofore on the 2nd day at Janunry. AD. 1930, tiled its voti- tion in the County Court of rake' County, illinois. under thr nhm-o title and tint-knit num- bi-r. praying for the "arnrtninment of the', just. rumpennnlinn to be made for" private property to he takvn nr drummed fur n meal improve ment connixtina of the nequirink and improv- irut as ti public nnrk " int t. exerpt the Easterly len (lo) {not thereof, Block 60, High. land Park, Lake County. Illinois; nll lot-tad in the Highland Park Fin-t Park District (III as I combined itttrtrrtvrytent_), Ind yyhtttorop: 'ip, still he benefited thereby Ind the ttmount n Inch benefit; ordered and provided tor in an Ordinance ot "id Hilzhland Park lint Park District. enlitlml "An Ordinnnce Pre. pared and Transmitted and fta Punze Ree. ommended by the Board of Local Improve- ments of the Highland Park East Perk Din. triet, lake County, Illinois. Pravlnw for I Tareal Improvement Cami-tin: of the Acquir- ine and tmprovine " n Publia Perk of Lot One fl) (excepting the t.saterl, ten (10) feet thereof). Block 60. Highland Park, Lake County, Illinois"; thnt tt specie] Inclement has been made to nine the cut of Mid im. gmvvmant and Commissioner: were appointed y said Court to invutlllte and report the innit compenantlnn to be made far print. property to be taken or dumexed for Inch Improvement and Ill!) what reel cute will be benefited by Inch Improvement and the Amount ot such benefit to euh parcel of land henehted thereby end that the CommisaioneN dulanlde their report Ind nun-meat roll, nld nae-uncut being divided into twenty insullmenu. baring six per cent intemt to "in the but of the laid Improvement, In- cluding the eltlm-te of 'vnlne and dun-n, and duly Med their Inclement roll In thi. Court on the 24th day of March, A.D. 1980; that the "tlrn.ted mat of Inch Improvement, including the estimate M vnlue end dun-n. is the mm of Ninety Thousand Two Hundred Ten Dnlllrl “Nimrod”: that thereupon n summon: luurd out of the aid Court lulu-t the defendant. above named and "An Whom tt Mu Concern" returnable at the Court Home in the City of Wnuknnn in nid Court " (an o'clock in the foreman on Monday. the 2m day of April. A.D, 1930. u by luv required. which prmdlnl in still pending. Thursday, April 10, 1930 ADJUDICATION NOTICE CONDEMNATION NOTICE GGdo" /etendsnta the State ot Illi- Liv ot owner- Report ot the Clerk lwmmon, Ood, and "Id "All is hereby " defend- Mny Con- The following in I d.serIMkttt of the Lm, Blocks and parcel: ot land sought to ht uken or dnmnnd by the improvement “would: Lot t (naming the ennui " feet there. (lalfll. Block M), lehland Par ' Lake County, inch: The when! and parcel: of property to be dimmed by muklnk Inch improvement In In fallen-I. to-wit: None. The proceeding: herein-hove set forth It: now p'endlns in aid than entitled Mule. And now unis: you the nld defendants, The New Ennllnll Trust Co., Trustee of the Fatah of Arthur C. Thompson. Damn. um. nehusetta, and mum: C. Thompson. Brook- llno. Mtwsrtehusetta, Elliot C. Thump-on. Mont. cluir. New Jersey, Cecile T. Wood. Brook- line. Massaehuaetta, Ind-Marlon T. Faulkner. Cambridge, Maasaehuaetta, Ind the “Id de. ":2, :.reiir-' , , c,', _ 5 C-b-aa-" r': L r, " v.3: =r / -, k "p 'ii'efi'i,iiia3t1t?l.tts F" ' I _ _i2ii, “<";-',-T“v.‘u':'. " , , _ q '"'ei'iri?;s.iiiii5ii3, a _ v' ' ".'.c'ktf.', _ i-irs: h . L.- "-, - "i'"?iiifptej'ti?, Ir, " ' ---, - "'Nteifi.3yl.-.S' . I“; " ‘: Ci, il, ""ski'iJbrrpy.1iii, J» + " tll '""tsi,'QEiigt . v e y. "SBP y; en *1 - “nag; - ' , an} ’ , - a ""cte"9% ‘tk; ‘. you cant . "'"i'isety,iat “VA! be "r. . .. ""u'. a}, N. " J lf 'eh':3NllliN, . . S "tr/?f.d?d " mmx}: SM . go Your e . .. "".t:P/t',1 Send your voicel No other form of message is so personal, direct and enioyable as a telephone conversation. 'By prearranging ' with distant friends-or your folks or children - at school -you can telephone at a set time w,hen they will be wait. ' ing. This enables you to tak advantage of the low station-to-station rates. Some persons have a certain (tif', time each weektor these pleasant telephone visits. . F,')"' l q Don't let a Hindr od miles or so separate you . a}? from an old friend when Long Distance .lt,??,f)" I is so Quick, Clear and inexpensive! ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy THE PRES I tSEAL) fondant: datum! “All Whom tt In! M- cern" Ihl" be before the all County Court at lake County on the uh! Mth any ot April. 1980, " the Court “we. In (ha-Cur of Wnukm-n. at an o'clock In the tonnes-- in the Mid‘ County sud Sun. and 'tUnd, Answer or demur tit the peddonm' "mm. or owed to the report and moment ml! of the Commlulonm Atom-M. an ”In: slid the matters And thitttm therein all-nod Ind and will be taken " eottf-d Ind Ind.- ment entered in umrdnjleq wlth all resort "GiGiraGai" Gif 13213:." Buyer" __ '"ot in petition. DATED AD. 1980, Be” Lines Roach Everywhere at W-ulnmn. "Huh. larch LEW A. “up”. at“: iii itTe'-eoGit', Cum ot lake County. Illinois. A _ One System " “all, Sign Up _ Toledo. o.--Eli" Russell, mun-l- ly, for 10 you", Hard eunuc- why I prospect wu Ian-bl: to join the American Logicm. and on the eleventh your received hin membership dun. Enema" All Pu-' Albany, the.-An alert in being made to have one well equippul flrst aid unit in eaeh district of the Amer- iean Legion to serve the community in time of (Hunter. arsenal, direct ' trearmnging . at school _- 7 . MF. .4 . . trl in“ be wait ‘ tW" he low - , 't' rtoin " ith" I h' 5:!" its. qt.':?)'" J n If“ _ a}? F' [' Fitl,i')" Universal Service "

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