Dr. and Mrs. B. S. Vuehl on their return trip from Europe spent last week with Mr: and Mrs. Aldin Rae- deke of Broadview avenue, Ravinia. Dr. and Mrs .Vuehi left Monday for their home at LeMars, Iowa, Mr, B. B. Culestuck' and daughter Peggy of Gray avenue left Tuesday for Kansas City, Mo., where they will Join Mrs. Colestock who has been visiting her brother there for the past month. They will all return home on Sunday. Thursday, August 14, 1930 Miss Edith Ehrens left the part of this week to spend a with relatives at Lacon, Ill. Miss Evelyn Fay of Central ave- nue is spending the week with her grandmother. Mrs. Clavey, in Glen. cue. Mr, and Mrs. J. MoGraw and family of Farm Park, spent last Friday and Saturday with Mrs. Mary Bin-ens of Prairie avenue. .Mr. and Mrs, James Dubler are leaving the first of next week for an extended tour to Harbor Springs, Mich. ‘ . Mr, and Mrs. John P. Denison of Green Bay road have been making short trips to Lake Geneva the last few weeks where they no launching. Mrs. William Harry of Green Bay road is entertaining her 500 club to. day (Thursday). A bazaar is being held in the church hall rf St. Jams church (Highwood) every Wednesday afternoon for the benefit of the building fund. All the ladies are invited. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Elliott of Ridgewood drive are leaving Friday for a two weeks' trip to Minneapolis where they will visit Mr. Elliott's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Clurance of Luzon, Ill,, spent last Sunday and Monday with Mrs, Mary Ehrens of Prairie avenue. Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Lucille Sanders. daughter of Mrs. 'Oron E. Richards of this city. to E. D. Peterson ut Seattle. Wash., on July M. Miss Alice Gradle is vacationing at the Buff Springs Hotel, Banff, Al. berta, Canada. Miss avenue young Friday Miss Helen Leuer of Homewood avenue entertained several of her young friends at a beach party last Friday evening. Mr. J, E, Engquint. cashier of High- wood State bank, and his family are enjoying a few weeks' vacation at Pelican Lake, Wis. Miss Sarah Wood is leaving short. ly for Santa Barbara, Calif., to be a guest for the next month, of Miss Lelia Withers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Withers orWinnetka. Guernsey LePelley of South Shor- idnn road is enjoying a week' vaca- tion in Michigan.. Miss Florence Glader of S. Green Bay road is enjoying a two weeks' vacation from her duties at the Fore. man State Bank, Chicago. Miss Anne Ruby) returned Sunday after spending the last ten days with her sister. Mrs. Paul Rudd of Terre Haute, Ind. Walter Klauke, formerly with the Winnetka Trust & Savings bank for the past ten years, and non Walter Jr., are leaving this week for a three Miss Virginia Caffrey of St. Louis, Mo., has been the guest of Miss Helen Leuer, of Homewood avenue, for the past week. Local and Personal early week I Mr. and Mrs. George Vetter of Lin. euln avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Wal. lter Vetter of Lake Forest loft Mon- day for Waupacn where they are [spending this week. weeks' stay at I summer clmp in Toronto, Canadn. From there they will leave for White Plains, N.Y.. where Mrs. Klnuke and son Charles will join them about September t. Miss Anne Harsh of Detroit, Mich. is the home guest of Miss Jean Snob. ble of Hazel avenue. Mr, and Mrs. E. T. R. Murtey and two children left Int Friday, Aug, 8, fur a three weeks' motor trip thru the east and parts of Cunnda. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gieser and small daughter Carolyn of Texas are visiting with the Gieuer family of North Second street. Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Udell and dauehter Donna Jean, and Mrs, Lau. ra Howard and Min Caroline How. ard were visitors at the Dells in Wis. consin for over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Schweizer enter- tained " dinner at the Petruskn club, Saturday evening inlcompiimem to Miss Miriam Wilhelm of Chicano who has been their guest for the put two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Max Engels of On- wontsin avenue are vacationing in Wyoming. [ Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Reichardt and family returned on Monday from a short mater trip, leaving Frederick Reichardt " Camp Mnlnjawan. where he will be a junior ufiieer for the remainder at the season. They also spent several days visiting an Crescent Lake, near Rhinelander. 1 20 s' DISCOUNT 618 North Greenbay Road - Highland Park . PHONE 178 . Reliable Laundry and Dry Cleaning Company After 31 years of successful building and maintain- ing quality, and service, in DRY CLEANING at FAIR pr'ees, we should not and will not, resort to cheap prices to jeopardice our good name or reduce our high quality of workmanship. It is being Unpreciated by those that value Hm workmanship and care of their fine garments. If you bring your DRY CLEANING and LAUNDRY to our plant at 618 No. Greenbay Rd., you will saw 20m. the cost of our collection and delivery service T Satisfaction and responsibility to our patrons is our motto. THE PRESS Oldest Dray Clearing Concern on Nor.h Shore Mr. and Mn. Paul White of Des Moines, town, were the guest: of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Gieur of North Green Bay road for I few any: the first part of this week. I weel Mr, and Mrs. Otto F. Wnlter of Gnluburg were gunk of Mr. and Mrs, E, G, Lille of 60th Sheridan road. lever-l days Int week. The Mine: Edith ind Ruth Moore of Winnetku were the luncheon "at: Friday of Mrs. Fred Behweiger. Mim- lube! anell Cole of South St. Johnl Avenue had at her guest. over the week-end, In. Armstrong G Rogers of Milwaukee, and Mrs. M. Cole of Fort Atkinson, WU. Mr. Ind Mm. Erastus R. Phetpr and their dauhur. Nina Betty, of Prospect avenue love returned home after I month’u motor trip thruuuh C mud: and the entgtern than. Mrs. Lilli-n Peek of laruuville, Ky., in the uncut of Mm. James Martin of Hun-l Avenue for the next three Min Helen Giuer has returned from Cednr Luke after mending the put week there. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brac, of Bloom street, returned on Tueudny from I ten days' motor trip throutrh northern Wisconlin. Mrs, Marshall SIquu-ll avenue in the guest of the Vail: of Ephraim, Win. for week or ten days. Mrs. C. P. Mertona hotel is entertaining and bridge at the E club. Friday. Ralph Bard Jr. of North St. Johns avenue under went I tomu'ieetonty at the Highlind Park hospital, Monday. of the Murnine at a luncheon xrmmr Country at Lake Carleton the next Robert W. Phelp- of Pro-pact Ive- nue in Ipendin. the manner In the Bllck Hill. of South Dam. Mrs. Loui- led of Sandman. Win" In the cunt of her “not. In. Roy Zimmer of B. Green - mad, Mill Dorothy Nehru-h! of 010nm menu: "(and Mnndny to Molt. Wir., with It“ Haul Brotvold of that city. to be her [out tor the next two weeks. Min Bretvold lu- been the truetrt of Dorothy for the Inâ€! two Veda. next two weeks. Min Bravo“ In! been the guest of Dorothy for the put two weeks. Mr, and ttm. Luuln Eeknteitt Ind as their (new: Bur Admiral ind Mrs. Wllur B. Cranky. Mme loll and Edward Jsthmron, the two latter " the anlnll Opera company. It the o'wr- nu Friday mum. Annual tith, " tuvinin Park. when “Th Baum! Bride" wan tettdeged. A number rt Hithllnd Pork folk- nuendc-d the luncheon Ind brim par- ly yew-May Afternoon liven It the home of In. Jum- DIVII of ' Mr, 1nd Mm. S. Iclnmh of Kim aid avenue are enjoyinx time week: in northern Wham-In. Mr. and Mrs. furry Cumin-an had as their mat tor I week. Ir. tar mmm'u alum-r. In. Elm Klein of Appleton City. Io. In. Juan luck-on will be ham at a lttttettemt.hridtte on Prlat at her home on Brahma am». Mr. and Mrs. Chum hunk“ ul' Brannon avenue an plum!" to M' Bronson avenue IN plum lone Sand-y tor u eittttt trip through the want. Mrs, B. Hurrim Norris of Oak Park want the week-end (an! of In. Helen C. Gold-n of II! Idiom street. Eekrsteitt had Admiral and Indium Dori weekl’