CRAFT' CLASSES FOR FOURTH PERIOD August 13--Todtty the Comp Ma. ka-ja-won crafts were begun for the fourth period of camp this summer. They started out with a bang by how ing an hour 3nd a hit in the morn- ine and two hours in the afternoon, giving every scout I good Mart in his craft. . who preferred to remain It camp I specill program w" orglnized by Mr. Harold G. Bolts, “shunt. clmp direc- tor. FIRST FIRE DRILL 0F FOURTH PERIOD "Today's flre drill wu one of the snappiest we've had this summer," said Mr. Kreusch. comp fire marshal, commenting on the event. "Everyone knew his place and went there. The entire organization functioned excep- tionally well." . After trying in numerous wsys to shake the porcupine out of quite a tall tree, Fred Reicherdt began climb- ing the tree. Before Fred ruched the porcupine, however, the living pin cushion fell, brushing the side of Fiseher'a arms and leaving over 30 quills in the arm n a souvenir of the event. The porcupine wns finally caught in a. waste paper basket with n volley fall net. This is the fourth porcupine that has been caught by campers this summer. The other three were caught either entirely by Mr, Rybolt or with his aid, The junior offieers who help- ed in the catching of this one were James Ewell, Leslie Robinson, Fred Reiehardt, and Mark Andrews. _ There are ilve different cnfts in which scouts may register and in which several merit badget any be passed. They ire as follows: clmp~ craft, under the direction of Mr. Kreusch; mtterernft, under Mr. Be- ttrk; Indianernft, under Chief Whirl. in: Thunder; Handlemdt, under Mr. Boltz; Ind nntureeraft, under Mr. Kittg.--Mtrrtin Bridges, Troop 20. Thursday, Aug. 28, 1930 August 19-Toay for the first, time during fourth period of camp, n ttrt, drill was staged, when I bonfire wu built on the parade grounds to be ex- tinguished as part of the drill. FOURTH PORCUI’INE CAPTUKED AT CAMP August M-Dinner had just begun tonight when in walked four Junior offieers and John Fischer carrying I newly captured porcupine which was caught on Whipporwill trail. The porcupine was first found by Jim Ewell who tried unsuccessfully to catch the porky with his shirt, mik- ing it look like a pin cushion. Jim who had been taking pictures on Whippoorwill trail, came back to camp, getting other cunpen to give him assistance. The porcupine clear- ed out while Jim was getting help, but was found again when the new putty arrived. ' This is the Brat time that the method of fighting fires arranged dur- ing third period has been used. The system was worked out by Mr. Ry. bolt and Mr. Kreusch in conjunction with Mr, Frank Harms. scoutmuter, of Troop 61, Northbrook, who w“ in camp at that time. Mr. Home in! largely responsible for the efficient organization worked out " that time. August Mr-rn the teat plain: and the lumen of the tour pompim period from 9:00 to 11:00 o'eloek this} kept m the eamp's porcupine one. moraine, the tint clan tests pinned died yesterdny, atrtrnrentlr tsf old "e. by the Del-wares were tta' follows.. Osolr had been the coup pet since Jack Lechner. swimming; Dick Belle-l he wu cnptured early in the summer diet, judging and axemamhip; John by the Menominee “up“. “4 Mr. Mathison, swimming and Judging, Ind Rybolt during firtrt period. - Mart Weisner, ilrttt aid merit badge. of the three remaining trorxttttrirt" A great mnny teat: not yet com- one was captured second period It the pleted were started and will be fin- Delaware will.“ end the other two iuhed in the next few d-John were just recently Added to the col- Mathison, Trr 'P 13, Kenilworth. lloction. WORK HARD ON TEST PASSING A grelt mnny tens not yet com- pleted were started and will be fitt- ished in the next few d-John Mathison, Trr u) 13. Kenilworth. UNDER THE NEW REDUCED RATE FOR RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC SERVICE (“active August " Your Electric Iron can operate for about THE PRESS PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Inn" roan CAUGHT August Mr-ore", tho most. liked and the “melt ot the tour porcupin- kept in the camp's porcupine cm, J. W. Kehoe, District Manger Evanston, Illinois H. C. Reynolds, District Superintendent 51 South St. Johns Ave. Highland Park 2900 l cents Der L - based on the 3c per kilowatt- hour portion of the new rate, at which all electricity will be billed after 12 kilowatt-hours per room have been used every month. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS cents per hour August M-The doublu In the ham-hoe pitching contact - in front of the men hall Int m "I wan by Don Petersen and luck Loch- nor of the Delmar! villa... WIN DOUBLES m IIORSESIIOE PMBING In the flrst at of can. they won the much by winning two out of three gum". In the â€and not thy won the first two or the thus - thereby winning the mull and the eltantpioemhip. . The npmentutlm of the 'u-. inee vilhge wen whiten-up In the content.