CMPLD Local History Collection

Highland Park Press, 27 Nov 1930, p. 35

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Thursday, Nov. 27, 1930 The Independent Sod-l club will tte) entertained on Tuesday, Dee, t by Mrs. Walter Hoihmut " her new residence in West Lake Forest. Mem- bers are requested to meet " the poirtothee at 1:15 o'eloek and trons- portation will be provided. Mrs. Roy Miller was hostess to her bridge club at her home on Monday afternoon. Mrs. A. M. Johnson of Chesterton, Ind., is spending the week with Mr. ond Mrs, A. J. Johnson of Ostermln avenue. The Mele family have moved into the Jens Petersen house from Hue! avenue. Mrs. Betzeg, who lives with Mrs. L. C. Hale, spent the weekend " Burlington, Wis. Mrs. R. B. Patterson and daughter, Mrs. A, R. Hedges of Chicago, form- erly of Deerfield, spent Monday with friends in the vicinity. Mrs. Msry Lee of Blue Island is a house guest of Mrs. Peter Petersen. Mr, and Mrs. E. L, Clsvey hsd as their dinner guests on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Kyle and daughter Jean- ette of Rogers Park. Mrs. Stadler of Bement, Ill,, is spending the winter at the home of her son A. C. Stadler on Orchard street. . An executive meeting of the Deer. f1eld Unit American Legion Auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. G. Clause on Monday evening, Dee, 1 at il o'eloek. Peter fi/GG, rhyme a Thanksgiv- inn. ., Uiria Mrs. A. E. Barnes of Blue Island will be dinner snags tt the "fs, Rotary club held their meeting on Wednesday this week on account of Thanksgiving. Eighteen baskets of food were packed Sunday in the Presbyterian church school and sent to the Olivet Institute. Mr. Ind Mrs. John Farmer will en- tertain twenty-two guests " dinner on Thanksgiving. Mr. Ind Mrs. Lester Taylér of Glen Ellyn will be guests " the George Roekenbaeh home on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Hui-old Youngs was hostess to her bridge club " the Deerfield Avenue Tea room on Tuesdsy liter- noon. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Ott sud fam. ily, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Horenberger, Mr. Ind Mrs. Chris. Bendt snd two sons will be dinner guests It the home of Mr. and Mrs. A, G. Klemp of Highland Park on Thnnksttiving. io. and Mrs. Lewis Harder Ind son Donald of Highland Park, Mr. Ind Mrs. George Whitcomb ind two long Sand contribution to load oomlpondent More Tun- do: noon. Help her to make this notion interesting. MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN. Local Editor Lincoln Ave., Deerfield, Ill. Tel. Deerfield, 168-R DEERFIELD NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS Deedield Locals DEERFIELD NEWS-FLASHES Social club will be Wilbur and George 'of Burrington, were guests of Mr. Ind Mrs, George Harder on Saturday., - - - , Te miner "Aid ‘mmy’ot St. Paul's Evanttetiesl church will be en- temined by Mrs. C. Koebelin at her home on Central avenue on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 4. v Mrs, J. A. Stryker and son John will leave Wednesduy evening to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Stry- ker's daughter, Mrs. J. Kynett Huh- len at Dyslrt, la. "Fifteen little boys were entertained by Mrs. George Harder on Snturdly afternoon in honor of her Ion Mel- vin's seventh birthday nnnlversnry. Outline Plans for Christmas Program On Monday evening I conference of the workers of the Beginners and Primary departments of the Presby- terian, St. Paul's Ind Bethlehem Evangelical church schoolym held at the Bethlehem church. Mrs. F, G. Piepenbrok had churn of the worship service and outlined I regular primary department Christ. mus prngrun. Miss Irene RoekenUeh discussed teaching methods and exhibited ob- jective handwork of children. A general Ind inform! discuuion followed during which the vnrioul workers exchlnged idea: which brought out much interestintt end valuable information. A social hour with refreshments concluded a very pleasant evening. Present Program St. Paul's Evangelicll church will present tt program of music on Sit. urdly evening, Nov. 80 " 8 o'clock at the church nuditorittm. The pro- gram will canals: of pipe organ le- leetirms,, songs by the choir. mule quartet and trio; trombone Ind violin sc'ections. "it was a lovely party," was the comment of the departing guests from the card party given in the nudi- torium of the Deerfield school on Mt. urdny afternoon by the ihtartee com- mittee with Mrs. C. C. Kapsehu11 is chairman. The door prize wen ewuded to Mrs. tteld meet market. Porter, who is a guest of her deugh- Good music end a good time in u- ter, Mrs R. L. Johmon. lured. . Miss Elizabeth Schilltre received Preceding the party the camp will the prize for the Ingest number of confer? Pt A short bulineu melon panics registering in her room. There will be no admission charge Ptrrty . Small Silnday Evening THE PRESS Deerfield Business Menu Bowling League Standing for week ending PrWn November 21. - Reliable Glaze ttt_-r.... Deerfield New: Agency Notx Hardware .mmttrrr.P.. Kottrnch Florists ...F_' Ante- Sign .wwwrt.wmrrrrrr...rr Shapiro's Grocery ..F...rm Collect Clothing Clothing in being collected in Deer. field by the Americnn Lecion tad Auxiliary to be distributed union. the needy in the community. Contribu- ten are Ilked to lenve clothing at the home of Mrs. W. Tanner-mun or W. K. Hout It the Deeerd phar- m-cy. Requests mly be nude to my mem- ber of the Legion or Auxiliary. Deerfield Masons Hold Election Dee. 2 The annual meeting of the Deer- field Lodge No. mo. A, F. e A. M" will be held on Westley evening, Dee, g " 7:30 o'clock. Immediately following, there will be a meeting of the Temple neocla- tion for the put-pone of receiving re- ports of the retiring omen-rs and the election of new omen". Rotary Club Organizes . to Assist Unemployed In In eftort to help those who no out of work get in touch with per-om who con use their service- the Deer. field Rotlry club bu wronged I hee registration pin. Thou person- In Deerfield in need of work mould [in their numea to Mr. Hottt at the Deer- field pharm-cy. Everyman Inning work to be done, either temporary or permanent, is urged to all Mr, "out who will recommend Iomeone from his list of unemployed for the Job. Registration for employment mun necelnrlly be limited to resident. of Deerfield, but it ll hoped that all» players. no matter where located, will cull Mr. Hout, Deertuld 22, if they run usu- . worker. The Deerfield R, N. A. amp In- vites the people of Darnell! and Highland Purl: to I “Herd “an" party to be held in the ”male tul- ple on the evening of Friday, Nov. M. Prize: will be urn-dad for the but costumes. There will elm be . door prise, which in donated by the Deer- iUld melt market. be held from 7:30 to IV.80 p. m. A. Will Sponsor Hard Times Party for Nair Funnies " Mt " " it " 18 " " " Extend Think: for Thu om" and dilator. of the Danish! Rotary club. In behalf of In members, claim to - to the tol- lowing ornnlnuou In than - preeintiott for the murmu- on.“ them in permitting the no ot I." of their um... dishes. “lunar: and other unide- mud at tho "an: din. ner given In their honor It the Door- t1eld Gnmmr when]. We .thnttk them cordle ml otter the aunt- mce that we stand may to minn- we thin klndnen whenem we my be called upon: A. o, Fay Masonic led... RUM-d Park', B. P. o. E. lodge, [Hells-d Park: Funk But-lune. Non-thank! Inn: Deerfield Humm- ladle, Deer- flew, Bunnlow church. than”: It. Pnul'l Evnmlhal church, Doom“: J. R. Not: Hunk/Are Cm., Deerleld. (8W) Deerdeld Rotary Club. tart E. Batu. Bee, Indoor Carnival In The indoor carnival liven in tho parish hull of the Holy Cm- church by the Holy Name and Altar and Ito-dry Iocietlu on land-y can!" w I decided Ind complete I”. The proceedl may new.“ all expectant)". Harrie Nelda of lush- land Ptrk won the bm dollar door who. Fifteen turkeys went to tho kilow- ing: Edwnrd Gerseheseie, Wheeling; Fwd Mulch. Nerfuld,. Km Will- mnn, Deerdeid; Otto mu. Detach]; Jmph Den“, Chicago: In. W. I. Dooley, Highlnnd Park: Chm. Par- noun. DeerNW, J. A. SM“. Doer- field; E. Decker, W; In Alden, Highland Ptrk; Chu. Keck. D-Nld., J. J. Barkley In. Door-Md: inf Ender' ml cumin Ender, Door- field; Mito Gertrude Haul. IM- land Put-k. Kory-n Cartier of Mn won the uni. brown pig. Garden Club Rats The Garden club or nan-mu held a delightful meeting " tho Inn of Mrs. W. B. local! on Int Wed-u- day afternoon. In. L W. M ad In. G. A. Willa: were hum. In. Lewi- Aahmo Ind charge of tho pm which within in "My It With n-," and not number by way of up" or vol-u contributed to the m. Offer 850 Reward for Identity of Neva C. T. Antler-on. new at the DeeHUld Gun club. In- elmd a u- wu'd of fifty dolhrl “In “to do Arron of the person or person who broke into the club may and “I I trap und 1600 “will. Delightful Meeting Many Courtesiel Successful Muir

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