CMPLD Local History Collection

Highland Park Press, 15 Oct 1936, p. 12

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" Dr. C. If”. of Evan-ton has purchased an E C. c. 11mm home on Deed.” rd. just west of the Brier am Golf clubhouu. Hill Margaret Bro" of Highland Pu! “In: the manor. , in. L. A, Dondanville and two children. Louis and Mel: of Mo. line, an. went the put week with g". Dorrdnrtviller't, aunt; was Glut nder. ( . Dr. V. w; Sprim.'01ivar Bur- nett Jr., Kenneth Ross, and Bert Hum of It%uld with Oliver Bur- nett Sr. of )1anme eight dun " Camp Mme-com st With Late, neu- Spotter, Wisconsin, on- joying a iuhioig trip. They returned Sand-y. I i The Fireside club wilt met TUrss day evening, Oct. M, at the 36th- Durldl Aunts” .... In. Hut-y [at will b. hostess to rumba-i at the be“ unit of the America Legion mum-:1 on land-y 0min, Oct. Mt, " her home on 00026011! Id. In Nigholu Wszncr will be the misting? bor. Ramona of What Doom Town- ahittwilluabutoriuron Tues- day, Oct. M, in the three ”when. The polling 91m will in cm trom . o!etoeh In the nothing until ' o’clock " night,' _ __ CARD PM The Mother'a chi: " the WM school will (be u. and party and my uh at the "tttol m, at 'he corner ot Will-at and Mold uh, on Prttbr -tting, Octobor M, at tt o'clock. In. his“. Mum ia emu 01 the club. In. - Wing and Mm. Robert Put. In in throat therdrtrassdWs.Bets trAietstromandMm.1tarBtteertbew (at. the mfteatuttenta. tt In I pal» 1ierrartrandftrrtuttestetttofttte Wilma-chub]. PAGE TWELVE DEERFIELD LOCALS me your atianatm toi M hubpmcnbbkonm ' alum l (never little deckled edge informal: ‘. gully bordered . , . indispensable for than} letters, informant» invitation, "tUnk-you" notes . . "tttl delightful for gifts. _ ", Hidden Values ind Assets Revealed by Correct Landscape The Highland Park Press _ , Franken matedsthtante,Adttmeioriott-mem 'rsftrmtauirs-ttreorittrt'te_, mu, Vellum. (In, (Nmidiimn or Ivory %tmadhtteerr...bttrdem lawman-.81!“ tttttu-Stl-est-rs/Ori-ai- t1r*ttrfttt-.searsdei'teQu"+tfta. De,erf1e1d 241 am 01.91 October Only! 536 “and Anna 100 INFORMALS 100 ENVELOPES - Mrs. Enron. Endorvlcft on Thais. doy for m ”tended vim with rent. an in Rocheiter and Oswomo, NW On Oct. 20, the 66th Annual Lake County Conference of Churches will be held " the First Ca gntionsl church in Munchkin. Am” mio- plu cognates will be held " the same time mi am pm. - Mary Theme Otconnor has, n- tumod homo? from the Highlnnd Park hospital where she tmderwint an appendectomy. .She “the 6 you old dinghter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Gonnoi' orNterettMt In. -» , Curd patti [ ire scheduled for W- hight at the gunk: beagle and the Holy Cross atltolie church Parish 12:11. The Deer-Add chapter at the, Eastern Star will have the party " the Masonic trample, and ~tho Young People', club, at the Parish hull. Both min open at tr o'ttoek, In. Loni: Anderson ot Wood- ycrd "a. emu-mud her 500 club on Wednesday deacon. _ Ward Anderson ha been ill this put week with bronchitis mid flu.. Ban-huh Ann, daughter of Mr. ind Mrs. Buns Bahr of Ridge n1. enter- tained eight little guests in honor of her iburtlp birthdny annivern'ry " Friday! Opt. *. _ I Mr. and: Mrs.. am. Blaine and two dpughterl, Shh-lay ma Rehab, and Murcia Smith of Highland Park spent _f9undto " the Jay Miller home in Franklin Grove, Ill. . Mina Virgil“. Brucevhin mined in- vitations for I Hsuowem party 91: October 81 in honor of her birthday unfunny. ", , Mr. nnd In. Depth! Baton wfnt up to Home Lake, Whu, Int wash when Mr. and Mm. WeaturtrtrTter (Monaco Page) no hoierityrotitjur. Little Marlene Eaton reunited here with he: madly-mu, Mr tind In. John Stryker.’ Wu the Eu- tons return. Mrs.Eatittttrami her sister. “in Hard.“ Mtrrtrer are planning 1 lovers! weds visit with their itrtef, Mrs. J. Eymrtt Human in Dyurt, Ion. ', Suntan! and David Spells; :,ol Monmouth, Ill., and mu Bulk Bar- rioon of Chicago were Sunday cunt: af Mr. and In. Samuel Jonah of Chestnut " I In. John 'Wolch bl manna. entertained pt I luncheon on Thu- day pt In: bong. _ - - Mm George M of None” wai the - of ' Wold: on My; 77 z Mm. Kenneth 1Goverrsof, Tdrre Hutu, but, was throat oeatrt. Alex Willi-nu on Friday 7 - to Belvidere by her main. Miss Iona Rapp of Anna, Iowa, who hid been visiting in Kentucky and was en route to her home In Iowa. N Mrs. Eur] J. kin» as hosts. Alfred Mitchell. who lad wt the nmr in England, 91-: Mac um: tf ttis brother; Albert ‘litchell last week and lar' to Hilde!- phia to join " a. A“ - ', _ in. Elmer Ginny and son, Jack, and In. Alex William: and he: ton. In“, drove down to Ntrtm M university in Indium, on and”. to visit Gordon Ginny. 'i, . His- Basel Rum). who went the week-end with her parents, Mr. ma Mrs. hm an”, _ Regain!!!“ Kenneth Walling yin “and Ham's Coming of Ion State l at Attser, Ion, the latter part " this month. "monaer,krithitreitditrtd ttt M It'l‘im-wm be Me. in Ms? M» birthdny unamb- uy " Nov It 1 ~{Ih-a. 'iiiji, Immmumju the - ' In the Bannockbm school. is living " the Edwin A. good :m'pn “any ter. tit, .3, jothtptu-dds‘ Milton Ptiintr has [huge " - - in am window of hi: plum his imp Ah" we: grown in his - din. The milk was fourteen fe, high and and the blossom is twel e itiehe' in dimmer in the seed at» ten “The Immune in a Lend n emblem,” add Mr, Fruits. T {The Bight: ot Wilmeue w 0 guests at home of Dr. and M . Weir of Detgfe1d mi. on Baturhir. 'l'lu (tre Imm- and Plqpd Sunset [ Meddmthgir wedding 3mm in Mr. I Mm. George ttune spent un- y with hqr tifT, Mrs. _ B. Ema in Rater Pirk. Mrs. P ‘ MK“. Stinker': sister. _ v. L. -Ptyf)qre Went hamlet! re and robintlydtom u tiv.e 'mont s [. y " IAt t5roUtr, New Mexico, a: nnch_ tthis but“. . J Mr. and Mn. tohn Patric of M l.. w ukee ,'rtt'tltrtte- at the home f Mb. Mary Elihu of DeeMetd . on Saturday".I The Poms. were it route to Chicago! to visit I dang - My. uh, Bum is Mm. Butt 3 admin and him her matings a Clam 10111.? ‘1 ' J: " _ Mr. Ind Mrs; R. o. Rood: pt: I”: of Chiettm were in the villa oh Sunday to “tend the 00th Ain- _nlveryarr unicq of the Presbyur- i F church ,md went the by with 11. Reads? pinto: Mrs. C. Mo1m . oi: prams, Mr. and up. 8. . utehistm; its on In extended vi)it id Minion I . . , {In Ba q Glenda: ha been n the High]: Park heapiul this t Wk. ',s g ', _ Vincent f re, Mann! Bott n, at: Georg -,, Hdrcnbem‘r un n I "dar to 1:eamtlltnent in the . gm _ T 'a_iAeoeittion of the yt 11 church in meetiTg and” y) " the church. It " all b meeting. There vim “an "hiM of untiquu. - i Wonk. P t ind Lena Thompsx M u- , I on “and” e nil; " I ' ‘ of the " . n tho uh church. Kean View an! flay] Punt: were n chute att ,pr‘ocnm. I _ ,Bobby $tideu in staying at the Arthur Konner. home while his pir- epts. Mr. :96 Raymond Moq‘ro a a Mitttrtlrte" " Wt. In a middle/trest. The Moore. m haionuichjmm on furlough trim Adrien. Tttdr no to b. in Amati!” law the lint 9141mm”. was. D. W., [41de and Jar Maul” 41pm, In. W. 0 Thomas (Why) have “”1331:- in; an Mm?! an». In. m In: dim-Mm In. 3.1.4.: in in Putnam. Na. Ther p- hompjon My. / IA, c. C. 'ttttits bu m ill an. Minnie". unheard min. il11rrrlrsert" _ _ _ E L Thuduy,‘ Nov. ittk.a visiting n glut. _ t the Deeritssrd9ltutihrhitrlt s ool pchool in Tirhlttd Puk. Di not «will be served at 6:30 o'clock. me (mum exhibit " the P. i D ffy property th North Wankém will!“ bten mt,truetittg may .ftttw; lol fag 1113?.on the put wee). 1 Donation? (foe a rummage 'ale Ire being "that“ by the W [ nhs Atreiationait ttis Deorfteld Prt Ibr: term: churchjforh benefit on O 28 Ind a). 4hyitritiitton ,may be out to Mrs. Th F. Weir a; my m'"'?'"' of the -utiort. _ ' . I Mrs. Fort-3h J, Kepler (Jean Me- a mbs) of Marquette Kick, in an giant. of het gown, lira. R. E., m. ti of Chestnut " _ that": (noon. -_ Mr, And In. ‘8. J. New daughter km»; of Wilmette , Sunday when at the Word Ste home. , i _ Mini/3011- tum of cum spent Sun '" at'itlto Floyd Sm homo. _ 'l r . I Mrs.‘Wully‘ Schr of Prairie kw {spent Wane-d.) with Mrs. P an]: Sch”. with is " wring fro I maven! week's Hm. George Stinger II was one of a group bf hidrochool boys who tent to Tr'aronliitlusm in Gambler, Ohio, Int weak-end to visit. Mr. 1:. P. Hamill, shoot Deerfield, and I fa.. only mold»: of 133.83., “(In E. B. - .ot Bannoeklmm, who in tutvalmtuttta ind. trustee of my” comp out] _ I member of j the D4838. board of odueation, went the week-end than. Among» the other boy! fwho enjoyod the (trip wore Bill Baum of Luke Blue, How- ard Loam ot Lake Forest; Wai- loco Carr Mid WI Risky of High- land Park; ' , Mu. Satin Ginny of W: ha been visiting her niece, Kn. Junc- Mttm11 KEV. Lingo) thin put week, at her home int out Doom rd. '. . . In. maximize wager: Lots Ami“, Fit., in visitim he lit. tar, In. PM Wu do Widen Os.. tcnmn a”: ’ . L . ‘Jlrs. P.1.L§’P¢temn of Budd:- town, 111.. Mr, ha bean With: 1rel- atives in Battle Creek. Mich. "but th- uek-oqd mt the home of filer Ion, Hamid ‘Petlnon of Ninth Chutnut st: _ . _ Mrs. George Convene of Pbrsat Glen - Friday with In. Jinn Cole. Xm‘Converu it u former resident of Fair Oak: are. F E Mrs. Arthur BpreUrdt (an no: Gamma" left on' Su'nday to Join her hutband in tam Angela. “it. c. w Baum: in: be at A party on 'Pritur ulter- Vex-meat, ran PRISS " $2., IT') 'trt. W. P. Weir wad - speaker lut evening " e diaper meeting in (may Height- ,wlm'e he oran- iled e else-Ha Chard Administra- tion forthe't prdytery‘. On Fri- day evening (thwart-9v) Dr. Weir will deliver en eddreee " A dinner meeting for Elder: qt the China Presbytery to he held]; the Cen- l YM.C.A, hi Chin“. On Oct! dun-ch @811qu “with. Oct. 25. Her 2tt in” "to M, “St. Pure chechl About Women." Rev. E. 2 Bruno is mlnjetenbf the church. l Mrs. Cherie: Herbiom {recurred her wrist on Baturdto/,mrtten she ,tried to crank her automobile. She was am to Dr. C. J. Davis for X-reys end treetment. _ DIV}? hon}. o ointm- i Mrs. W. W. Stem and two chil- drenuyetrrmetoN1iatir,G ,to spend t winter with her m r, Mm, J. L. Smith. r'htd,'ttt"l will rem-hr V th the oenior1 m. ph Stem, ho but been' citendi 1 business _ collage in Binding ' Kr, is now employed its 8m, W. w. , .' Mrs. Sophil limo tnd,Mrs. B. G. Ohm-g pf Chicugo Ipent Wont!” with guilt son and daughter, Rev. and M Earl g? Bruno. . _ ' C. cd Rumba] w“ awarded a paving ontnct on " Hollow Road in le’e unty Hominy. ', Thou Whor- hav Jug: chew in; W Jointly for tt ”an. The tttii-du' gaining ‘3 1:: the twelfth; and _ tho r',',)?,'?, is the “untied: of tho‘mo up the put: is. anally be“ about middle of October, ' . , More new resident; In Detach]: Mr. md Mu. Emu in the J. W. Lundqnilt lion“ on Green- wood ave.', Victor p. ,Ctnllon in‘tho B. William"! the Mo! for the lam: lensing. C 1 Mr. tad In. TafFioqRito hue returned to China) the? vending the sum: " the [New W. Par- m'er home in Wham. Tho! had leased the homoifmm June " to Sept. " Mr. Mb is . fun- onl orchestra louder. f W}. g. mm build ot Station! gd.aithe Vestal). a: bunny in Mr; Henry Papa's *ou but!!! had: Mr. and In. hummus-d in the Blanch] sputum formerly Wed by Wehard Elston. Nov taunts will be movihc'into Ill. D. Bloimohl’: bungalow: on Deal-hold road the lunar pm " trss wrk. y. Gus Rump In- sold " mm, in his one. in' Kahlua! Park to his partner, m: sum. Both guns trtett) an lama Durham Illinois Ill]. incur-on: O’H’AN Stryker in shying d the Profane: Williams on the of Lake Horst college Whenjyon want to interview ont-of-town customers around your aka territory in a jitrt--mse your telephone to talk to CALL ON 'llllllmlilM-thr telephone . F IT’S QUICK!!!" them) It will save you many a trip-c-and take but-s fraction of theme, energy and expense. Telephone cells keep you in close taint. with your customs between trips and can. save sales {but might' otherwise slip away. You can cover more territirrf in less time-by telephone. Try irrpnonth and see. {$3.753an Dmi- owned“ her home on “out!!! “911”“ ferr you. wad-non etrteetstt In: Junior 1 305m L. John N 'F " to he: ham (at swam! road from " Punch MW in a V ton, where ahe:undemmttt . went maior MIN“; " l . B'orsrettrtg of an Git) Mfum- mim Phat were has!“ to? the year’- votk. My Ono not" waned”: st 8t415 p. a. Jud Troop Two on Icahn " "1:80 o’elodk. In. Dui- ia eertatit of the junior troop and Joaquin Schiller. the union. 1 ' Mn. “on: m: had naitsar My (out: her slam-I, Iliu- Kmnt 1nd homes Carol-a of Bring yot1rcliildren to us today for the photpgraphs you, and they, will treasure through the years: '. GiiLt ' HECKETSWEILER STUDIO‘ Phiftogratrhers ' SOUTH ST. JOHNS AVENUE TELEPHONE H. P. 435 Growing ' Every Dad mum)”, corona 15. IP86 quqroartneiiordtiarrofitu aar,tyeteaeritt2r80It, in ttriit"rrecabu.rt-W . $1.7m "mi _ """'tt kit-i). . 2 ' m. te.uuterwGetteV nil 'tH3tadaoi- in (000% on Mr. a“ In. m Stu of humminullhnm III-- And a! may“ M Mr. III! In. J. MSW-(II “d f ily otwestuh-taree- on Wain-d” alight-o at. Mr. and "roteeytttttfly as. M-lm'vmunh cou- mwhdud Without-ate: "it. ee---- T F tt, I?!" [if is;

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