'A mumber of Area people saw | Matthews Ev. Luth. Church. Holy wnhm&-flnvmbm; rhw-mfi.'m Wedheaday evenings. George Thies visied Mrs. Miss Jane Sorenson of Fond du| Fred Krog at Diamond Lake Chicag.o. J. W. Chandlier was'a Chicago visitor on Monday. A number of Area people saw "Classmates" at ~the Auditorium Theatre in Libertyville on Tuesday and Wedheaday evenings. Wm., Volkman and Mrs. Martin Wagner attended the Euchre Club at the home of Mrs. Colby on Thurs-- day afternoon. -- Mrs. Suydam won the first prize, Mrs,. Henry Wern-- spent several days entertained at the home of gerg the second and Mrs. . Frank Baumgartner the consolation prize. . Waliter Meyers attended the Auto Show in Chicago on Thursday. Mrs. John Diets and Buddy Stark "'Ctore? Staiting .+ Steiling of Des Plains spent Saturday and Sunday with his ~ation. of Youth." Young folks of High School age or over are invited Friday 7:30 Area Choir. Dr. Francis L. Hayes of the Pil-- grim Memorial gave most entdrest-- ing talks at Ivanhoe and Area last Sunday morning about the work of his society in coming for the veter-- ans in the Master's Service. 'The Mundelein Volunteer Fire De-- mmmdflu Ivanhoe Woodman Hall on Wednes-- day evening was very well attended and all reported a good time and want another one. . Miss Rose Yore of Lake Forest People's night for Ivanhoe and Area uthtvente E1. Remer 'a Teader n E. L. Reimer a leader of Chicago's Young People will give a stunning address on "The Conser-- There will be a business meeting of the Area P. T, A. on Tuesday ev-- ening February 3rd. Area--Iyanhoe League Parish C. Arthur Jevne, Minister, 'q,lr.'-uln.flfiryw a i. Albert Popp spent Friday af-- ternson with Mrs. Fred Popp. "Mr. and Mre. Charles Fisher and 10:00 A. M. Ivanhoe 11:00 A. M. _Mh'mhulnlln 10:00 A. M. Area 11:15 A. M.. Sermon Subject "The Self--Controlled Life" A study of the Third Beatitude. Union evening services at :30 {# MRS, M. L. CHANDLER Local Editor Phone 818--M YOUR NAME PRINTED in ie tn is maell envelopes to match. will deliver them think for one tuth Sorenson. | _ BOOST REGISTER ADVERTIS-- flsnd l" ~sukh k t Te as Heights spent Sunday with her sis-- ter Mrs. Harmie Baumaun. Erick Hedberg and Hans Hanson who have been working at Svivan to Chicago Tuesday, s staying with the A. N. Larsen family this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smales of Ravenswood visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Schumacker Sunday. daughter Joe Ofenbeck Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hecketsweiler MHM"P#.&M evening and Sunday with relatives and friends here. Arthur Schar of Prairie View was a town caller Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. George Meyer spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J.vl.glmlnddam' and Mrs. Edwin Roder and sons of Area and William Tonne of Fair-- turned home Sunday afternoon af-- ter spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Winters in Chicago. John Hans was a Chicago busi-- ness caller on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Tonne en-- tertained as company, Sunday, Mr. Ernest Hofmeier of Gilmer was a town caller Monday. Several from here attended the danee at Buffalo Grove Wednesday evening. * Mr. and Mrs. Donald -- Bryne: of Highland Park spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reimers. Residence 510 If you have anything along this line and want to sell it. here is the place to list it '~ _ I HAVE BUYERS ~ located in and about the y | Village of Libertyville A. R. SCHNAEBELE _ Real Estate and Insurance : Good Acres Vacant Lots G. Weh'bg Waters mmdthm"&hfi:-um uniformly good . exception of two low one for Bluhm, they be-- ing the only ones below eight hun-- dred for the week. F.J.Tgm was on the sick list and & Otto coudn't keep up the ~ pace, which fact partly accounts for those Meyess did the same for Murries league leaders and Watch Our Team two games. Seller: took BLUHM ie enc e h aemnneaipenre itc ente e nave t ts oo & s TWs SE PP Ts Pz fa:--me ult' o 1 :00 -- 600 P. M. A WEDNESDAY SATURDAY and for LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1925 Geo. A. Jones 163 _ 1 45 _ 146 185 204 ~140 178 172 180 146 178 161 168 187 144 817 192 161 145 168 176 179 179 171 187 wyl 1 158] It is reWorted that Mrs. Lohra J. 155| Rushmore has resigned her position 186| as manage® of the Fox Lake Ingle-- 201| side telephone exchange to take ef-- 896| fect as soon as the company can fill her place. , Mrs. Rushrhore has 222| been with the telephone Co., in this 217| capacity for about twelve years and 172| was a very efficient operator, -- _ 178 171 185 171 ~The regular social evening of the P. T. A. has been postponed to Fri-- day of this week Jan. 80, in order to give the teachers more time to arrange the children's programs. 'It is rumored that the Bon Ton _ The boys af the village have built a ski slide oneane of the hills =-fl't¢'l .uwwm.m practicing all I 'They have pI'umod a Wmm for next Sunday. The P. T. A. gave a hard times :"m# <vgrogg un:un'd':n"hy"' piano for th eschool $115.00 us realized for that purpose. é --Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spiczak are cccupying their new home in Holl-- School were sent to Mrs. A. Amund-- sgen and Mrs. G. T. Lester..Mr. Les-- ter has bedn under the doctor'g.care CITIZENS BANK BUILDING Phone 492--W AREA, ILLINOIS across from the depot 138 197 191 167 129 812 145 177 156 150 179 161 816 156 766 165 164 183 214 185 188 186 205 | a future village hall. 145| -- The old Nels Morris ise house on :z Hmuhnlr&ott'-bndbx T | recently purchased by Armour Co., is to be sold to the highest 180 194 148 174 241 184 Citizens of the village at a spe-- cial election will have the chance to vote on an. $8000.00 bond issue for the purpose of acquiring the pro-- perty lying east of the village, own-- ed by Howard Scott. Part of the property 'to be used"to straighten McKinley Ave. and the balance for a future village hall. The old Nels Morris ise house on Hmuhmw.mmx recently purchased by Armour Co., is to be sold to the highest bidder, / The will be laid out in lots, This be quite an improvement to that shore. rm%maa'mm% at Miss May Nagle. -- *p Invention has provided a way by which the blind may "see" moving pictures. ~And yet there are those who say the day of miracles is past. will be operated next season by "The Three Pals" who so success-- fully managed the restaurant across from the Willis Tnn during the past summer, Freed Eisemann Neutrodyne Day Fan We give service that covers the life of the radio sets we sell. . %# Radio accessories at reduced prices this week. Now is the time to buy. Come in and let us We deliver on trial. Get a radio------make it an enjoyable winter. LIBERTYVILLE BATTERY & ELECTRIC CO. Five stations from coast to coast tuned in through the "locals" in less than 40 minutes with a Grebe Syncrophase five tube receiving set, f ENX Nop.00, Calinais Ki tsngda rieg * l WFAA Dallas, Texas : « Radios Specially Priced This Week | _ Ro woor You can get real service from us Vine avenne, Mighiand Park. thargs avenue, Nt ks to s dm& he was an habitual tight years <ago, at -- Jugo--Slavia, Europe, charged that his wife, Clara, deserted him on January 1, 1918, and leftewith another man by the name of Blaz Gurancian, vome value. . Lhey have taught a lot of people that Daniel Webster didn't write the dictiqnary. Two suits for divoree were fled in Cireuit court Wednesday in which desertion and drunkenness < were . Toeny Ferenchak of -- Waukegan, who was married in 1887, thirty» gight years ago, at -- Jugo--Slavia, Europe, charged that his wife, TWO SUITS FOR DIVORCE FILED The Citizens State Bank of Area Young man, if you want to become a leader in the world's affairs, save a part of the sal-- ary you now earn, keep your eyes on the fu-- ture and study your business. Men who make good burn the midnight oil--at home with their books and plans. Put your savings in our care so that you may have funds on hand to grasp business opportunity when it comes your way.~~~~ SAVE AND LEARN __ Writing of education in Es-- thonia, Hans Leoke, acting --consul for that country,. says there a: practically no "illiterate -- adult the Republic. Primary education is free and compulsory. Opportunity for advanced education is provided at 122 secondary and vocational schools and 2 higher institutions, the Technicum and the University of Esthonia. . At the university more than 8,200 students were matricu-- ated in 1922. All kinds of Auto Repair Work Le THE STAR Day and Night Service Phone 817 d