fest | orRmDpEapI t PCEOTOs 0f uNt nearmg will be made and we will study care-- fully the information thus obtained, _ and the engineering data collected A an the various routes, after which a * >-- Amal decision will be made as to lo-- . eation with a view of, giving following statement regarding 'the location and securing of right of way on the new bond issue routes. "Many comimunities are beseech-- ing the Department for a decisian as to the location of the $100,000,000 bond issue routes and forwarding petitions ~accompanied by" right of way dedications covering various lo-- cations in which they are interested. The new bond issué law provides that all contracts for the completion of construction of the routes in the first bond issue system shall be awarded before any contracts are awarded on the new routes. In view of this provision the Department is making every effort to place under contract at the very earliest oppor-- tunity all of the remaining 1300 miles on the $60,000,000 bond issue system and it_will not be in a posi-- tion to tike up the question of lo-- eation of any routes --under the se-- cond bond issue system until some fi:z.'d-h.&?-u at * attempts secure right :l' plans m--hh- surveys and are advisable. "Before final decisions ag to loca-- tions are made, the Department, in conformity with its past policies will hold public hearings at which all the proponents of the various Buldings, and Frank T. Sheets, Chief Highway Engineer, today issued the He's said to be so good at oaths, maybe Vice--President Dawes could do better as national director of golf. ville today is the one who can come through Christmas bills with a smile Personally, we admire a man who wins a decoration on the field of battle, but for our part we could be tude. . Applaud a public speaker and Inatead of quitting he goos right on their share next time just to get to noMnm:ln.pflnt s 5e $ Watch where you place your con-- #idence, and you'll find that it isn't so apt to be lost. WIGHWAY HEADS ANNOUNCE POLICIES N NEW ROADS The governor of an eastern state has liberated-- all criminals. They probably wanted a chance to get a few dollars for themselves before mll of the bank cashiers in the coun-- b]hnm. thdu.. # In Toledo a bear attacked four prohibition agents. _ Which moves us to remark that there must have Since income tax lists are being printed, we wonder how many Lib-- Many a Libertyville man has dis-- covered that a time--saving device is not always a dime--sdving device. . There are around 6,000,000 illite-- rates in the U. 8. states, And it was really illitéracy on our part that we never knew it before. The most cheerful man in Liberty-- .. We are not contemplating anything that would mean voting an extra expense on our citizens, We are merely inisting that if we get together and talk over insetings where evertoteilo'n can "speok ns piés® and ¢ every fellow can "spea 8 and tellmhvhwcxmld like to see done, as well as how he thinks it could or should be done. v So why not have a public meeting, as we note in exchanges that they are doing in other communities, a sort of an open forum where every fellow can tell of j;g:%vemnu he like_to see--made.--There are ets in various parts of Libertyville domandba" attention;~ Some of us know where a few of the bad places are, but none know the location _ . Time for spring--cleaning and shining up the town h"m"lc'fi'aeeifmun'tvmmoldw- *om a little this ind try something new. Indi-- &dnunnmm right, and not one house-- K should postpone any reason. we can brighten things as Lhcy;hould'l'nl!wolooklfierpfl-- wate property and let public improvements go by the . R. Miller, Director of the ut the d?nullhnfllh !!MI.&I"'AL":" ¥ + ."Elm Issued twice weekly. KEYSTONE FPRINTING SERVICE, Publishers of ALONG--THE CURBSTONE» Observations By --> A MAN ABOUT TOWN records of the hearing Public Works and ing in mind mini-- build and travel FRANK H. JUST, Editor. LETS TRY THIs z the num-- Weekiy Gazstte '(hmh.ocfl(n,dh\!hombond h.h'nlndoutmmy ldnlhnofdoleclfion:mlngb Springfield at this time in an effort probably wasn't a bill in own 87 per cent of the autos in the world--if they were all paid for. w"fi" million letters were sent to. the dead--letter office in wm last vear and there "No community ,will loose any rights by delaying conferences on ed a picture of someone giving Bil-- y Sunday a bull. 'This looks like d*h-eodn:. hono. i to roost. Libertyville men will find it much easier sledding at home if they will oflym&drmto!ihm wome money the average Liberty-- ville woman isn't content until she do the horses get off at? . They say that it laj Team--work is going to be the slo-- gan of "Ma" Ferguson, the new goy-- Some Libertyville people are so strong on boosting their ancestors that we expect to hear some of them elaiming ere long that their grand-- parents killed the Dead Sea. looking for work goes hoping that his curiosity won't lead him jnto trouble. By the time the average Liberty ville man has pacified his Wife for a few timeshe feels qualified for the diplomatic service,. satisfied with an iron cross from mail order house. ¥ A newspaper the other day print-- The average fellow who goes out A. R.SCHNAEBELE wimuchn will indaemnit losses of this kind. Tt costs so little, and ds such safe and sure protection that you can't afford to take a chance without it. * Which t thro: the southern part of our State, ';m&ly ":g'in out a number of towns. This community may ge next. 'Who can tell? However, you can get here which will indemnify you against losses of Come In And Play Safe YouKnow theStory Now T.OR N AD O soon as her husband makes of the United Staes would Residence 510 About the hayoc wrought by the Louis Xv costs. Of the total, new plants and equipment will re-- ceive $211,500,000 and maintenance, material, and sup-- plies $130,500,000. * ; Expenditures for new plants and equipment in-- clude such items as new cars and track equipment, track tools and materials, shop machinery and tools, building and other items which will become permanent parts of companies' plants. The interurbans are mak-- ing money, or they could not spend--it. And every _:5 automobiles congestion increase in the cities they make more, for automobililsts who use machines merely to drive to and from work will find it cheaper and more gonvenient to ride the cars and save the machine. & D2 ol eece ETCO Mn CTE AnaEmne, Maybe we had better wait a little while longer be-- fore we start in to mourn over the 'passing of the old truck horse and the tractior lines, It is announced that c'x'%enditues of electric :Ilr ways in the U. S. in 1925 will aggregate This total, experts say, will represent an increase of 30 per cent over--1924 expenditures, exclusive of all Libertyville citizens who have for the> past few years Mntpnplnng to attend the funeral of the trac-- tion lines of this country would so well to susdend pre-- parations. . The interburbans are showing little if any sign of dissolution, despite the fact that several hun-- dred thousand take to riding in autos every week. On the contrary, they seem to be vety live in-- stitutions, with a fairly roo&y future before them. This is in'tlicpted by what they are earning and spending. improvements we will find a way to m to. The MW&. we frankly E lbn.thomwehu-upwudthbd of town improvement in the "rjr of the k Isn't there someone public--spirited enough to take right here and arrange for a public meeting in a con-- venient place at the. very earliest date possible? Un March 14, the lllinois. Fruit Growers, Inc., held its first annaul membership meeting" at Centralia. A. B. Leeper, I. A. A. fruit and --ve-- getable marketing director, is man-- ager of this association. An exe-- eutive committe meeting will pre-- cede the membership meeting. _ "We--will appreciate the coopera-- tion of the general public along the lines herein stated." * to locate these roads in advance of the public hearings we will hold in the communities where those roads are located. 8:00 Report of National Conven-- tion by Mrs. Tibbetts ',.msviub.uin-tmutorl.sb- ertyville and Area Unions and will commence promptly at 10 A. M. gram arranged for occasion: . 10 A. M. Devotional Music led by Miss Doane 10;80 Reading by Mrs. Lill 10:35 Talk on Flower Relief Mis-- sion by Miss Elsie Chase, Gurnee 11:15 Music A THRIVING CORPSE The W. C. T. U. will hold an 'all day meeting 'at the home of Mrs. ' The following is a copy of a letter sent to the Village Board by. the local post of the Aemerican Legion and is self explanitory: To the Presi-- dent and ?cmhtn of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Liberty-- ville: Libertyville . lost No. -- 324 American Legion respectfully calls | attention to the fact that there is an existing statute which directs that the American flag be displagyed at poliing places during the hours of polling on electibn days, and asks that the Village Board direct that a flag be displayed at each : polling place in the village upon ensuing election days. Carl 0. Carlson, Commander E. A. Koebn, Adjutant. _ | LIBERTYVILLE ITEMs 1:80 Devotionals and Music 1:45 Talk on Child Welfare by 11:80 Talk on Literature by Mrs. :00 Reading wW. C. T. U. INSTITUTE »Presbyterian Church Miss Ruby Williams, Organist Mrs.-- Naomi Cook Choir Leader Sunday'School at 9:45..Mr. W. G. Wells, Superintendent Morning Worship at 11:00. The topic of sermon "A Positive Work for God." Young Peoples meeting at 6:30 Evening service at 7:30 Stereopti-- can Lecture "Work"® in Foreign Lands." Mlustrated with 85 slides. Special music by Adult Choir in morning service and Junior Choir of z:"!'dflntnlcht. Choir prac-- Our Annual Congregational meet-- ing to elcet officers, hear reports and M&oh-fin.mwm be held March 25, at7:30 P. M. _ Church School 10 A. M. All are cordially invited. Rev. H.; R.: Flower of S6. 1 Chureh, Antioch will préach evening service on -- We, St. Lawrence's Episcopal Church ~ Rev. H. B. %wyn. Pastor The services on unday March 22, (Mid Lent Sunday) are: Holy®Communion 8 A. M. __loming Prayer and sermon 11 A. St. John's Ev, Lutheran ; Elmer C. Kiessling, Pastor Sunday School at 9:30¢*~~ English services at 10:30 ; German Lenten services at 7:30 next Wednesday evening. p Special Musical by North 'Shore Men'sm& A boy soloist, seven years of age will ling * | Every Can Guaranteed Perfect First Methodist Episcopal Church Arthur W. Mohns, Pastor 'Sunday March 22nd, 1925 Mrs. Lyell Morris, Organist 10 A. M. Church School 11¢ A. M. Morning: Worship * r by the Church Quartette: Crystal Taylor Miss Dorothy Doane Mr. E. H. Koehn Mr. F. F. Owen A :;llon: "Its Your Decision.""""~~ P. M. Junior League Epworth League _1%?_lvening Service of Song and CORL ETT Bunday School 9:45 A .M Services Sunday 10:45 A. Bubject "Matter" Christian Science Society Third Floor First National Bank Phone 339--340 Collecting Papers We carry a complete line of Fruits and Vegetables CALL 448 When you want the best in Canned Goods ask for Our repairs are at last completed, of jfi(l;rmtim ach at the Wednesday FOR RENT--76 acres on Milwaukee Avenue. Reasonable rental. See Whenever you suffer a cut or scratch, paint it with Puretest lodine to prevent infection and quicken h>aling. Excellent al-- so. for taking the soreness out of insect bites and inflamma-- tion. OIOOfMPumW tions for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and eare can produce. __ The site and building known as the Butterfield District waq also sold to Mr. Reuse ror a oqusi«hQ- ['fion of $1200.00 --_The building known as the Coon lehoolDiltflcthmaoldw.c. Towner for $105.00. F t ul'l'he tou'lu r;tnud from l:h entire e was 1,00 and th MW"W'EW%! new consildated district. siiP s d is one of the first requirements for wounds: burns and surains: for a "moon," or 27 days. In the new home, or any home, "NueatP" / \B S PV3z --because it was once a custom lnNcrtInmEnmpoMncvly wedded couples should drink mead (wine made from --honey) s ll'lflb of the storm Wednesday afternoon the Public Sale drew a fair erowdand the three school proper-- ties vacated on account of the conso-- lidation of Districts 78, 74 and 105 with District 783\ union were sold. The school, site and building known As the--Hawthorn District was sold to _.! C. Reuse for $1800.00. DECKER & NEVILLE » The Rexall Prug Store 1J 21, 1925 ----'----------v_ VACANT SCHOOL *Too Late to--Classify R. Schnaebele, Libertyville, 22 &B e Im coupons which are .m:;' 'b*,:""»'v: licket pur-- i > ""n""flmbkmnw'g')Rin dn':; narch.z}':hy by Langworthy's at --their spring style ?how, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Mar. 23--24--25 Mae said : ; % GREATEST OF ALL IN A YEAR OF TRULY GREAT PICTURES!" AUDITORIUM Saterday Matines 2:30 "BARGAIN DAY" a comedy and Pathe News ~Style--Service intututyccmalh us d #1UMISSION IUC AND 235C Jack Holt supported by Norma Shearer, in If you miss this delightful picture, you alone s the "GY?I'LT'rgNE" --Is Your Thereareshoes Extra Profit hatl®® "§°°'f shoes that wear v;::tl. but not ish y, on Wfir The dig-- stylishly, o poureonns Shoes is that they are con-- structed for Style--Service-- extra long. Test it! : Agnes Ayres, in "THE GUILTY ONE" A drama of a man, the product of outdoor life, and a woman bred in luxuries of city life, who find thernselves lost in the Northern wilderness, empty -- ,__ From the novel by Arthur Stgringer -- A drama of a man SmithSmaiw f Also "BLACK AND BLUE" RAY N. SMITH Libertyville, Ilinsis Apxtssto® 10c axp 25 March 21 are