_ Iange and wf, its, w.--d. Lot 21 1st addn to Washington Park. A. Nichols and wf to J. King and wi, i. tems. . Lot 97, Green Bay Regnier, w..d. Lot 16, blk 2, resub u:' l'-n-l::rblauu,' d Burchells subn of pt of Deer: x GT & Tr Co. to M. Maistrovich, hnd wf, d. Lot 2 McGuire and Orfs C T & Tt Co to C. R. Davis, D. Pt of see 26, Libertyville. B. F. Stein and wf, to Y. M. Jew-- ish Charities, g.--c.--d. Pt of see 23; O.--R. Durment and wt, to T. E. Murphy, q.--c.--d. Pt of lot 6, blik 1, H PK. T. E. Murphy and wf to O. Dur-- ment--and wi, jt, tens, pt lot 6, blik 1, H. PK. -- C. A. Newcomb, Jt., to L. Martin and wf, jt, tens, d. Lot 14, bik 6, Washburn Park. The Jones' grocery at Grub Hill, Long Lake, was entered by thieves a few days ago, it.was reported at the sherift's office Monday. The esti mated date of the attempted rob-- bery is April 8. The robbers gained entrance to the store through a window and evi-- dently were frightened away for C T & Tt Co to C. K. Davis, D. t of see 26, Libertyville. H. A. Shes a bach, to C. M. mge and wf, its, w.d. Lot 21 t addn to Washington Park. _ A. Nichols and wf to J. King and Chief of Police Isaac Lyon and a crew of men made trips throughout the city between the hours of 8 and 11 o'clock Saturday night looking for suspicious characters but none were rounded up. During these station at 7 o'clock Monday morning mluporudt'omnetoq-hadbun; stolen from trucks in the company {:;d.nnurtheultdoch.'l'honun-l eF of one of the magnetoes is W. M. Stephens, 1328 North av-- enue reported Monday morning to the authorities that. his house was broken _into _ sometime Saturday night. Entrance was gained by pry-- ing open a window. Only a small con taining change was taken. Nicholas Larson, an employe of: the Lake County Fuel & Su; l Company of Waukegan, called the reported Sunday morning to ChieLf of Police Isaac Lyon that his room was entered and a ring and $5 in change stolen. Captain Thomas E Kennedy is conducting an investi-- gation. -- The robbery is sgaid to have been staged on Saturday. Lake Title and on Company 220 Washington St., WAUKEGAX After a brief period of inactivity in Waukegan and other parts of the county robbers again renewed their wark over the week--end. 'The rob-- beries were more or less on a petty Real-- Estate Transfers A man living at 210 Grand Abstracts of Titles Jr., to Michael Mil-- AV+ F. Brockman Jr., and wf to 0. L and wfi, jt, tens, w--d.. Pt of see 24¢ Filn. -- J. Porteous and wf"to G. C. Small and wf, it, tens, w..d. Lot 3, John-- sons subdn.© & Mary 1. Carfiled to S. M. Seiden-- feld, w»d. *Pt of lots 14 and 15. bes) beh hedf 3t, tens, deed.. Lot 8, J. 8. Hov-- lands First Addn to H. Pk. O. T. Peterson and wf et al to S. M. Seidenfeld, q.--c.--d. Lots 1, 2, 8, 'i'i.' 7.&." ..w'ldl subn. 8. M. Seidenfeld and wf to Mary I. Carfield, w.--d. Lots 2,.3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9, Seidenfelds subdn. W.E:Zuaku.!r.,uddtoo. Madela," w.--d. Lot 14, First Addn to Washington Park. * A. F. Beaubien and wf to C. Smith and wi, jt, temns, w.--d. Pt of sec 20. of Lake City. Dora S. Sugar to C. W. Reinbachk and wf, jt, tens, w.--d. Pt of blk Plat of Lake City, C. G. Lindemann and wf to G. H. Lindemann and wf, jt, tens, w.--d. Lot 8, blk 5, Ridgewood Park. Kaspar Amer State Bank to Wil-- ly A. Krauss and wf, jt, tens, deed. Lot 4, Idlewild subdn. t C T & T Co to E. Campbell and "n'tlkn'vu IMW,J.B.HOV lands First Addn to Deerfield. Mne.D.Buhtolehmu B. Bairstow, w.--d. Pt of blk 4. Plat _G. H. Radke and wf to L. Harms, w.--d. Pt of see 13, Fremont on on con G. B. Follett and wf to L. Harms w.--d. _Pt of see 20, Libertyvilie. Kazmirski-- and wf, jt, tens, q.--c.--d. Lot 18, blk 77, So. Wkgn. C. A. Newcomb, Jr., to P. Kensy 2, and 3, bllc 40, Washburn Park. C. A. Newcomb, Jr., to A. Kaz-- mirski and wf, jt, tens, deed. Lot 17, 19, 20 and 21, blk 77 So. Wkgn. MARCH 27, 1925 J. M. Wheeler and wf to R. W Burns, q.--c.--d. Pt of see 34, Deer: E. B. Doolittle and wf to R. E. Hoelter and wf, jt, tens, w.~d. Pt of lot 2, blk 7.; Doolittles Taylors Lake sub. littles Taylors Lake sub. and pt of lot 6, blk 23, H. PK. _ E. B. Doolittle and wf to M. Her-- bert, w.--d. Pt of lot 2, blk 7, Doo-- Adeleine E. P. Delivered to Your Door the Day Before Easter Libertyville Floral Co. . Knight and hus to A. SEE OUR DISPLAY AT THE FARM BUREAU riururara PHONE LIBT. 10 Are Electricaby Lighted. Open Until 9:00 O'clock P. M. q.--c.--d Maude C. Gail to G. W. McFadden and wf, jt tens, g--c--d. _Pt of lot 2 'larson, w--d.. Pt of lot 7. blk 7. George L. Wrenns addn to H Pk. Charles Mohrmann and wf to A. F. Beaubien, w.--d. Ptncw.a]n, CT & T Co, Tr, to Leslic Totter-- dell gnd wf, deed. Pt see 9, Wkgn. _ J. J. Lancaster and wf to Elmote Lunham and Chester Lunham, q.--c.--d Pt sec 7, Deerfield. Elmore Lunham and wf to George Blanchard,--w.--d. --Pt sec 7, Deerfleld. H. --C. W. Meyer and wf to Joseph Daly and wf, w.--d. Pt see 24, Fre-- mont. W B Smith and wf to William At-- kinson, q.--c.--d. Pt of se¢ 5, Shields. R. H. Edwards and wf, to Dolores Lottie' Bitterfleld and hus to Ar-- thur Bell and wf, w.--d. . Pt blk 3, G. L. Wrens Addn to H. Pk. _ _ !hnenonldtol.l{.wq: and wf, w..d. Pt see 38, Shields. R. O. Butz, tr, to W. Capesius, deed," Pt blk 44, H. Pk. F. P. Boynton and wf to Elwood Low and wf, w.--d. Pt bik 24, H. Erederick Bartlett, Tr., to Hohnke, deed. Pt sees 30, : Org! Plat of Holcomb, W, M. Knigge and wf to Richard Lyons and wf, q.--c.--d. _ Pt blk 1, Vill> age of Area, Libertyville. Richard Lyons and wf to Austin Bills, q.--c.--d. P'tuet.qui."* John Bills, to Martin Ruesch and wf, q.--c.--d. Pt Spring Bluf Addn ~Alta Hellstern, to Charles® Hell seim taed. it se tnthninch G. H. McFudden and wt to Maunde Gail, g--e--d. ~Pt of lot 2, blk 39. C. A, Schreck and wf, to D. A. Somerville, w.--d. -- Pt see 16, Liber-- 'CW. Hedrick® and wt, to Richard Morris and q.6.»d. xs.nwn-u."" "d-." ~ M. A. Crane and wf to P, E. Kam-- ins and wf, w.d. Pt sec 31, Lib A. M. Rubin and wf to Garabed DECKER & NEVILLE Easter Candy Special Special this week, 2 1--2 pound box of Liggett's Chocolates . . . . . 98e TY ¥P¥ W TYHY VYY ¥ 00 --UP ¥ +4 Year n npummane se ues AELE LA VUILILZLZPLENTLPLE NTAE T IZTE 220 _T ED TT TL M IZ_] 23 Ni wa J 45 Suk iL 2z B Pt blk 1, Hol-- PRESSING and CLEA NING Warrens addn to Wkgn. _ -- x..x.n-ln_ndwfuzbg.x:. w.--g., Bots 4 and 5, blk 1, J. m-\h F. W. Pastell and wf to F. Dérre-- berry, w.--d. Lots 148 and 149, L. B. Joliey "-:ux;tax:: meyer and 'wf, jt, tens, w.--d.. ' 16 and 15, Greenbay Heights sub. -- William --Marks and wif, to Alex-- ander Hein, w.--d. Pt of sec 16, 14 H. Pk. _ 1da H. Krueger and hus et al to: J. W. Krueger and wi jt tens, g--e--d. Ptduc&,-.. f J. M. Gall to Ellen Margaret Gulagher, g--e--d. Pt of see 82. , ;M3'irm: 2, 1925 * e Racine and hus to An-- drew Carlson and wf, w.--d. Pt sec Libertyville m § J oo e t of me io . E. Wileox and wf to M. A. Crane and Ella C. Crane jt tens, w--d. Lot 8, blk--8, Plat of Town of Holcomb, ---- 468, J. L. Shaws, subdn. ---- _ _lj-%-_ Wfl'el;"wd wf to A. A. T. H. Durst and w to Sophia Wat '?i 6, bik 4, lot 16, blk & . R. P. DoUge Jr., and wf to J. P. 7 obey and wf t C.Iu!'lg' '.k'giafizmd:'r,?hm Bay a-...-'lk't.ll d wf to Mary Houth, w«de. Lots -- 465, 466, _ and Hallett, wed.. Lots 12 and 18. blik 1, re--subdn of lot E Channel Lake L. M. Ekstrand and wf to L. M. Ekstrand and wf it tens, w--d. Lot 8 pt of lot 7, blk:6, Lenox--subdn. Gertrude Gerred and hus to A. L. B, Jolley and wt, to Ozro Oli-- r, w»d. Pt of sec 19, Wkgn. Richard --Bernas and wf to Robert iebking, w.--d. Pt see 10, Grant. Charles Steele and wf, to Stanley ilkinson and wf, w.--d. Pt blik 1 J. CICHY, Proprietor L.,B. Joley »TJ:.,.M s Lots 72 ~Decker and wf, to An-- r and wi, w.--d. Pt blik »Kelley to F. ## Lots M Eon 2 ® 8 : no information, y to F. muw&hm s cover ts 4 and 5, blk 2| Nattl Bank, deed. Lot 1 and pt of| case. ba M"M-u&u'wmqun -- Tears of Joy. Mary Peterson to F. C. Bennewate| + The mother of Mylin was and wfi to L. M. Jacobsen, jts, w.--d. Lot| t the tourthouse most of t t tens, w--d. wmw T up and down in fron Lenox--subdn. . C. Weyhmuller to Anna Rutkow-- Whntlndlac o in ie p | stt »--. PL. of Bec 10. Grant 2vnounced, she burst in § a tor 16 dlk & ac.m».uwuc.r.wn-'é."..t.;iamat ;fld'g?;:lg,t'h-?-,w:«_i..w%c-mm Py oe " yoluey Naerr Arrdhanad and 73, Bels t T Jacobse ""m_m yap.| _C. Weyhmuller t c & | aki, w.--d. Pt. of $ 4 C. C. Portn and : . p.| thews, w.--d. . Lot --LEONARD C. BLANK, P Snow's Aute Livery DAY AND NIGHT TAXI SERYICZ _____ Phone 1ibertyrille. 3098 J The dues for members of" the North American Union are due and payable on or before the last day of the current month. * sort of "split" agreement when he asked if they could have found some VIKING JURY IS UNABLE To REACH YERCICT Homer Cooke's subdn,. _-- -- _ _ 8. Engelstad to S. K. Lund, w.--d. Pt of see 18. Grant. Allens subdn. * T. Scheurmann and wf to J. Sol-- dano and wf, jt, tens, w.--d, Lot 1, Oak Glen subdn. ' W. B. Smith and wf to D. W,--wWil-- liams, w.--d. Pt of see 36, Vernon. W. B. Smith and wf to D. W. Wil-- linams, g.--c.--d. Pt of see 36, Vernon. California Ice and Coal Co., to C. Soper and wi, it, tens, w.--d. Lots 166 and 167, California Tée and Coal Co's Lake Marie subdn. YEAL BREAST for lzic filling, Ib. . * & and meaty pieces, Ib:. VYEAL ROAST off the 190 shoulder, Ib. &5' + VYEAL ROAST off the aF L. CASH & CARRY MARKET Continued from Page One) Challenge Sale buy. Mr. Bert Swan, of Area, who is employed by Armour & Co. will be in charge of this demonstration. Don't miss this opportunity. Saturday, April 11 Sandwiches with Armour's Star Ham will be gven awag' free and there will be a big sale on rmour's Star Hams. Everybody eats ham for Easteér and ours are the finest that money can We have no overhead expense and can give you Extra Choice Milk Fed Veal BUY HERE AND SAVE MONEY e have no overhead expense and can give you dollar for dolla A Big Demonstration NOTICE will be held at this meat market next and wf to A. Hein 545 North Milwaukee Ave. None better if sold anywhere t the courthouse '? n# up and do he -- / When announced, s} :| 6 4 OM % Ted i 8 of 'Ben Sr was a reou! C3 5 + sB ty%. h', m {h' EoV UV mP CH ---&v' €2000000, . ©eRmant tDO f disagreement | others not % announced, she burst into tears| Attorney u':fl"'Curlq of . :c is Milwaukee, counse} for Mylin, also wor 'wes se °ol Cooees | ramered ft glight atteck, of tlimens was a regular visitor at the| Bacon. & P --fl...'ll'llmt courthouse most of the time, up and down in front of th RAY N. SMITH at the of H. The best in footwear for Men, Wo-- men and children can be obtained here at a reasonable price. -- Easter is the day when everyone wishes to look his or her best. 'I'heeflectofampynewsifitora d'lfl!fllsnew would be utterly ruined if not complemented by pro-- per footwear. f For r Easter promenade, choose a ab_o};ogf quality and grace. Easter Foot--Wear prints, Ib. .' . .. ~ Tub Butter, Ib. 47¢ MCI-.c'ym,Ar-uf Clover Bloom, 1 pound . _ 4 . VEAL CHOPS off the rib or loin, Ib. . . . covered line of the better grades was stricken again Sunday Might wu'uz':finnnr.au ;u&!.iwu»m"uu«,e:: mnda'n'o_sl:r;nl fee