Ralph Russell and Martna Zersen F. Wm Kuebker, clerk of the Ivanhoe Woodman Camp informs us that there will be a big time at the Ivanhoe Hall next Friday night Roder, -- Floyd Huebsch, Beatrice Hogan, Anna Zersen and Virginia Anna May O'Carroll, Merton Jar-- rett, Eleanor Stuckel and George Fourth grade--Junior Rouse and Sixth grade--Helen Thalero. ':-fi grade--Harry Rouse Wells, Robert Wilcox. Mazion April 28 when the Lake County Boosters Association will hold a~big meeting there. -- The plans fo rthis years Woodman picnic will be threshed out at this time, Second grade--Carl Melendy and Perfect attendance for the eighth month of school: * First Grade--Dorothy Pople, Edward, Donnell, Catherine O'Car-- roll: --Joe Malioy --and Lorraine Area-- dvanhoe League Parish C. Arthur Jevne, Minister Sunday School Area 10:00 A. M Ivanhoe 11:00 A. M. daughter Helen returned home Wed nesday after spending the winter in Mr. and Mrs . Wm. Browder who have been spending the winter in Jacksonville, Florida, returned home Wednesday evening. Worship Services Ivanhoe 10:00 A. M. Area 11:15 A. M Sermon subject: "Three Ways of Entering the Christian Life." Union Evening Services at 730. Children's Talk: "Grass." Sermon "Earth's Garment of Green." Monday af 7:00 P. M. Choral So-- ciety. meets with Mr. F. Doipn. . Pueesday all day: Chicago Asso-- ciation meeting with the Jefferson Park Church ises to be a great success. The Aréa Orchestra will furnish the mu-- sic for both nights and as a special treat Tom Delacy of Libertyville will give several vocal numbers. Tickets may be purchased from Watson's Drug Store and Dietz's Store at Ivanhoe. Mrs. Frank Knigge and daughter Miss Maxine of Hendee's Station were guests at the nome of Mrs. Herman Kublank on Monday. * Thursday at 4 P. M. Ivanhoe Boy Scouts. Thursday . at 7:30 P. M. Area Choir practice. Friday at 8 P. M. Ivanhoe Choir practice. Friday at 7:30 P. M. Young Peoples meeting. Mrs Kramer, Mrs. Walter Wag-- ner and little daughter Phyllis of Highland Park spent Monday with Mrs. Herman Kublank. Be sure and get your tickets for "Why Smith Left Home" to be given by the Ivanhoe Dramatic Club on Ftiday and Saturday even-- ings of this week at the Area Com-- munity House, The play under the able direction of R. J. Lyons prom-- --~Miss Helen Harding of St. Paul and Paul Harding of Sioux City, lowa, arrived in Area Monday to attend the funeral of their father, F. M. Harding which was held on Tuesday. Robert Gadke of Ivanhoe Henty Hertzing and Leland Jarrett vi-- sited Mrs. Robert Gadke who is iD in the Victory Memorial Hospital, at Waukegan on Snuday. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bauernsmith spent Mond2y evening.--at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Wm. Schumacher of Druces Lake. Third _ gride--Leonard + Kelroy, Mr. and Mrs. George Seiber and Area Grammar School Notes * _ CHAS. M. BERNARD, Prop. Complete garage Service w"ht Phone 456 $45"N. kee Ave. N "$323= // MRS. M. L. CHANDLER Local Editor Phone 313--M ARE A MAIN GARAGE Floyd IBERTYVIE, ILLS. dOVW aAs-- orimimig M A. G. Maether "fi.fiw;sabusineu cal-- ler in Chicago the latter part of last week A number from here attended a party at the Town Hall at Half DlYSIthlymingl.. :till the doctot's care with a severe case of quincy. Mr and Mrs. W. L. Daley. were Chicago shoppers last Saturday: Mr, a&nd Mrs. Albert Baseléy mo-- tored to Libertyville on business Saturday afternoon. Tarry Miller and Victor Carr mo-- tored to Waukegan Monday. + Mr. and Mrs. Asa Crabtree and daughters of Elgin spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ollie Granthan. Mr. Grantham and Mrs. Crabtree are brother and sister Mr. and Mrs: Emerson Cook en-- tertained friends over the week »nd. Mr. and Mrs. Harry of Belvidere were Sunday @guests at the home of the f. mother gnd sister, Mrs. Alice Baseley and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Golding and daughter of Libertyville spent Sun-- day afterncon with relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Meyers were week end guests at the home of afternoon. _ T2 Mr. Little, a representative of the Anti--Saloon League spoke at the Gue_o Evangelical Church Sunday evening. Roy Koten of Chicago spent tne week end at home. Mrs. Myers parents, Mr. and R. C. Kent. Mrs. Charles Strum, Mrs. J. F. Stahl and two --daughters, .Miss Flossie Knedler and Miss Cora Hodgkins called on Mrs. Coon at the County Hospital at Waukegan Wed-- nesday afternoon. , Herman Krueger of Long Grove was a business caller here Tuesday Miss Verna Iverson of Wilmette spent the week end with Miss Flor-- ence Maether -- | _ Mr. and Mrs. James Silbey and family entertained company Sunday afternoon and evening. Rev. C. A. Koten left Prairie View Monday for Banfield, Iil., to attend the Conference. ;'mekl-sod"unaal.m 'Mm. L. L. and Percy Maether were Highland Park callers Sunday af-- ternoon. Frank Redman of Everett was a business caller here~ Friday after-- noon. Flossie and. Wm. Knedler were in Libertyvilte Saturday evening. Rev. C. A. Koten and Roy took Mrs. Koten to Joliet Saturday night, the latter's mother being very ill. George Landmeir of Little Falls, Minn., who spent the past . two weeks visiting relatives here re-- turned to his home Monday. Mr. A. G. Maether and Percy, vi-- sited Mrs, Coon at the County Hos-- pital at Waukegan Tuesday after-- noon. Flossie and Wm. Knedler called on relatives at Ruvinia Sunday af-- ternoon,. Rev, and Mrs. C_ A, Koten called on Mrs. Wm. Stanclif at Des Plaines Tuesday afternoon. . _ _ Miss Florence Maether of : Des Plaines spent the week end at home. Announcing Change of Hours 9:00 -- 1200 A. M. 1:00 -- 6:00 P. M. Phone 492--W CITIZENS BANK BUILDING WEDNESDAY SATURDAY GEO, A. JONES WAUCONDA AREA, ILLINOIS DENTIST the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schafer and little sons spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs Geo. Broughton. Mr. and Mrs, H. L. Grantham entertained relatives Sunday. Round Lake early Monday morning. Mrs. Mary Mulidor of Round Lake spent Sunday at the home of her daughter Mrs. Henry Staadfield Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Cypher at-- tended the grade school play .at Grays Lake last . week Friday night. Mrs, R. C. Kent spent the fore-- part of the week with her daughter Mrs. Dan Meyers, and other rela-- tives in Chicago. > Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winklex of Waukegan were Sunday guests--at the home of Mrs. Winkler's parents, Mr. and Mrs Ollie Grantham. Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Taynton,. _ 0. C Colby of Crystal Lake, 'Mr. and M»s. Harry Garntham Mr. and Mrs. Daega of Milwau-- | Jr., spent last Friday with a cousin kee, Wis., called on Mr. and Mrs. | at Alton, BJ w 4 Paul 'Cardinel, Sunday afternoon. ~|~ Little Bussell Cook of Batavia Mr, Paul Cardind!-- motored -- to IKE the surf--guard fiatrolling his allotted strip of beach, this North Shore track walker patrols his seven--mile section of m traclzl mred eac{)\e day. Armed wit.}xo:tpil;_e thn;ai;l, wrench, n flag] examines ev 0o in tr:ce;s :nd down the ot);xacr. -- *J 436 ©9* Each section --of the fifteen between Evanston and Milwaukee has its track walker; his section of track is his charge and domain, He is the "eye" of the r,igut of way, with keen powers of observation sharpened to his j keepingl bolts, rails, spikes and switches in perfect condition for the North Shore trains that hu;ry over th:lkh many éi&nu an hour. Twice a week tl(\)? section foreman makes an additional, supervisory--inspection the rails and roadbed. 5 i , * Erfapeand North Shore Merchandise Despatch Over--night service for shippers and Central wkee M i hein Re im t g fl---m.. write m.'*"?."%fi The Track W alker President of the board, Dr. J. A. Ross, Arthur Boemer and Andrew Sorenson we'e elected for Village Mr, Marsh Huson, Mrs-- Ray Pad-- dock's father, who spent several months in Florida returned to his home.--near here a few days ago. The City clection was held-- here w and was a very quiet af-- fair. »R C. Kent was> reelected tended: a moving picture show at Waukegan one evening last week. Mrs. Frank Mcyer and little on ot&"pspentomdly'hltmk with her sister, Mrs. Harry Gran-- tham Jr. LIBERTYVILLE TICKET OFFICE, Telephone 74 tlenceaing mk\:fenance is essent&,l ug:ahe st operation of a railroad. We draw your attention }u: the track wal{(er ghat 0 noteée t vigihnce employc a to Z,m:nm the l\m standard of service on the North Line. Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company usselt Cook of Batavia last week with his grand . and Mrs,. Wilber Cook his home Sunday_ Mrs: Owen Paddock and irs. Joseph LeBreck at-- «The card party and dance given by the ladies of -- Transfiguration Church Tuesday night was weil at-- tended. Many came from out of a 3 anafe Trustees, Myron Franciscoe and El-- mer Wheelock ran in opposition on a~ "stump" ticket. It is expected that widening of the pavement on Main St., will be brought up once AREA, ILL uk Auto Kepair k All kinds of Complete battery Service Competen Mechani¢s _ Welding | N.P.:-o 817 \ (Continued on Page Six) THE STAR Garage 1929 .a;,--/'.o'.' "rj;'-/,z Em M xz f --f,,;:::",- -- fl;';"/" // < == a "'/."/// x _:-/"'_:'1' _/4:'//:/ 2 ~-- ez s = 7+ % «t e xm o es '-'/-'- saptt . w4 ho Sn Mn F045 The Sense of Security HEN your corn you for the greatest Wpfllr;'it&m'l'op!hhng.:mmmi' %footdhnd. Ywmumcfuuhflmd.ficnc is supposed to grow. corn planter bm'uful:'y:'rwamdo& Mm easily cost you hundred bushels each year. Right now we are ready to show you new, dependable McCormick-- Deering Planters that will help you avoid loses &9 ;" o t .nm-m'fmm; and . pea and bean attachments. One of these planters can easily pay for itself this year out of the money it saves. Come m and soe these planters. At corn planting time, too, The Citizens State Bank of Area > AMPLE PAYMENT i * for whatever small denial it may have tak-- en to make this possible. Start that Sav-- ings Account today. That comes from the knowledge that you have a bank balance sufficient to take care of any emergency which may arise is Schanck Hardware Co. "Good equipment makes a good farmer better" het