A new branch of service to the farmers of lilinois will be instituted Tok mamh Amomen newly created *"Rarmers' -- Mutual -- Re--insurance The new company, according to the Lake County Farm Bureau, will put the local mutual fire and light-- ing insurance companies of Illinois in a position to take care of all the insurance needs of the farmer. It is an outgrowth of 20 years of need for it by local mutual insurance companies, and 10 years of discus-- sion. 'The hazy plan of the past has now taken form in the new com-- pany and will be pushed by the Il!-- inois Association of Mutual Insur-- ance Associations, which saw the need and brought the negotiations to a head, and the Illinois Agricul-- tural Association, which will render service in this field upon request of FARMERS' MUTUALS * TAP NEW FIELD OF *~ ~-- SERVICE FROM L A. A. belongs to the Farmers' Mutual In-- sary for a farmer--member to go to an old--line company to secure the full amount of insurance he needs. He can keep his business under far-- mer control, which is cheaper. 'The reinsurance company merely supple-- ments the activities .of the local company and does not enter into competition in any way with it. The pany will depend upon the use made of it by the local company, as the agent of the local company will be the agent of the state company. local company may have excessive losses, thus causing the assessments to be extra heavy,. The reinsurance éompany will protect :'ocals in such Mr. John Vandervort, Poultry Ex-- tension Specialist of the University feed troughs. a ' Plenty of ventilation is needed in the houses for good growth. Chicks make better growth when taught to roost early. Mites cause heavy losses in hot Carbolineum 'and such products are effective for control. *Sodiam finoride will keep lice off of the old hens. Seven quarts grain per 100 hens Keep your choice old males. A number of our co--operators are feeding the following ration to past insurance Company," an announce-- Bureau reads, "It will not be neces-- and assisted a number cf poultry eo--operators by giving some val-- per day is enough at this time of year. But give plenty of mash. By confining hens at least part of morning and giving lignt feed of grain and plenty of mash, there will be more eggs C Males should be disposed of at ground corn, 20 parts middlings, 5 this ration and see how you like it Reinsurance for Local Insura Companies Made Possible; Will Keep Insurance in Farmers' Hands FARM BUREAU POULTRY us your hen, and the good and poor layer, Belecting for Present Production Plummage spoons of the material and push it as far into the hole as possible with a stick. Block the hole well with straw or weeds and immediately tramp the hole full of dirt. If the hole is reopened, treat it again. Car-- difference in various characters be-- Vent There was a tremendous noise in the theater as the curtain fell. The stage manager appeared. _ "They're calling for the author," "Oh, I can't make a speech!" re-- plied the man who had written the t in Phakes oat the sule . B7 fiqomdafldu{ tests, which can be applied to cul-- ling, we are reasonably sure of dis-- tinguishing the good from the poor (Leghorn) Keep it away from the fire and do not smoke while around it. Keep it in a tightly corked container. Three hfl.g\ of carbon bi-- sulphate will r:)y wood--chueks in their holes. Saturate some ab-- The manager grabbed the trembi-- ing author and pushed him toward the curtain, "Well, the least you can do is to go out in front arnd tell the people you're sorry." Selecting for Past Production ALL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER Doctor John P. O'Neil Office 223 Washington St., Waukegan PHONE 465 For Killing Ground Hogs Owed the Audience That Worn, {relatively (bluish) close--fea-- is very SOCIAL DISEASES Tinted _ with yel-- feathered with yel-- Tnick, ed-- inary arrangements to open an Am-- erican school of Archeology in sou-- thern France, the first of its kind, will be made by Dean George L. Collie of Beloit college in a trip to Europe this summer, The school will not be until the summer of 1926, Dean Collie said, and will then be conducted as a branch of Beloit college, with course Laboratory work will be conducted in a cave, and one of the main ob-- jeets of Dean Collic's trip this sum-- The school will be conducted by Dr. Collie and Alonzo Pond, Beloit college graduate, who is now con-- nected with Logan museum of the college, and who will accompany Dr. Collie on his summer trip. The trip is fostered by Dr. Frank G. Logan, Chicago, who will also sponsor the new school. Dr. Collie will return early in Sep-- tember, but Pond will remain abroad and join the governor of Tebessa, Algeria, Africa, on an expedition into the Sahara, This expedition will lead through a district where there are hostile native tribes. An escort of soldiers has been provided by the Frenich government. The district they explore is known to possess the remains of a very early race of men. The Logan museum already posses-- for mer will be to find a suitable cave in which to work. It is in these eaves that the valuable specimens, many of which are now lodged in Logan museum here, are uncovered. The course will be one of searching for new evidences of prehistoric life as well as a study of the evidences Preliminary Arrangements Be-- already found. do with." sis a valuable collection of P: lithic material from this section. "Profiteers," said Magistrate Jean Norris atia dinner in New York, "are not very easily done. Some-- times it is their cunning that pro-- Prohibition and evolution are in the limelight jjust now. Some are interested in the evolution of pro-- with the prohibition of evolution. arms were busted off." tects them. Sometimes again it is their ignorance. * "A poverty--stricken swell butted The new janitor of a San Antonio library threw away a replica of the Venus de Milo because "her BELOIT, Wis., June 23--Prelim-- ing Made for -- Cl France by Teacher. Hard to Do IN BIG CAVE of* Paleo-- Dairy Districts of Lake County Affected, Weies Says; Geta House Approval. mates have been known to mislead. Measure 'Aimed to Purifty Milk statute books which allows cities to compel pasteurization by local --Two--acholars; a--Frencaman--and an Italian, were having an argu-- ment.. Each insisted his own coun-- t!y had produced the most distin-- guished literary figure that had ever lived. _ the greatest of all writers. Dante went to hell." standards for the sanitary process, was approved by the house here late last night and sent to the sen-- ate for final action. According to Representative Wm. Weiss, the dairy districts are all ordinance. If the La Porte bil} goes through the senate, the com-- "Bah!" cried the Frenchman, "Baudelaire was a thousand times greater than Dante. Baudelaire came from hell." duce milk of a uni throughout the state. bination of the two should pro-- m@m. June 28.---'!1' LaPorte pasteurization bill, setting You never _ tasted better icc cream than WRS and our fffl'l fruit juices are DE LICIOUS Rich ice cream with luscious fresh straw» berries over it.. My, but it's good. But whatever foun' tain drink you -- like, THISs IS THE PLACER TO FIND IT AT ITS BEST, mMixCc Going and Coming A Fine Lot of Geraniums -- none better Beautify Your Home With Flowers We have an exceptionally fine stock of Dracaneas, Boston and Asparagus Ferns. Hanging baskets that add beauty to your front porch, We have a choice line of flowers for bed-- ding out, that will add much to the beauty and attractiveness of your home. Lobelias Coleus Ageratum Drummond's Phlox CANDIES 1 right and promptly served FAIRHOLM GARDENS said the Italian, "was Fresh Strawberry Sundae The SODA SHOP Libertyville, IIL. Phone 396--J uniform _ purity H. C. Burridge & Sons lie, §$15 North Midwaukee Ave. WEDNESDAY, Bids will be received by the Board Shap Hign Te as rollouty) /o it . Bids must be sealed and addréased to Mr. J. 8. Duba, chairman of Building Committee, Libertyville, III., and will be publicly w at reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to take into considera-- tion the business experience, finan-- cial condition and general ability to complete the work in a manner satisfactory to the Board. Each bid must be accompanied by a certi-- fied check equal to 3% of the Successful bidders will be re-- quired to furnish and pay for a bond equal to one--half the contract price, issued by a reliable surety company, and satisfactory to the Board, for Caesar Borgia may be said to be the forerunner of the United Italy movement. He began in 1501 to lay the foundation of a central govern-- ment, but Alexander's leath ,in 1508 made further' effort useless. _ at architect's office, Herbert P. Beers, 53 W. Jackson Bivd. Chicago. Work will include specifications on masonry, carpentry, lathing and BIDS FOR ADDITION: AND= AL-- TERATIONS TO -- LIBERTY-- VILLE TOWNSHIP HIGH the faithful performance of con-- Marigolds Blue Salvia Blue Lace Flower (Signed) Sought to Unite Italy elor Buttons LUNCHES J. S. DUBA or CLERK CARRIERS--Examination. Libertyville. Applications _ close July 8, salary $1,150. For free particulars, coaching for exam-- ination, write Washington Insti-- tuté, 56 Barrister Bldg., Wash-- ington, D. C. 49--2tpd WANTED--Clean cotton rags at the Register Office. Phone 90. WANTED--Roomers, central loca-- tion. Board furnished if desired. 123 School Street. 48--2t FOR SALE--3 atres standing alfal-- fa. Phone 99. 49--2 HOUSES AND LOTS--Bought and sold. Loans maoe. _ insurance. Edwin Austin Phone 167W Liber-- tyvilie, 26--tf. LOST--On Milwaukee Avenue, be-- tween libertyville and Half Day on June 8, suitémse, containing personal effects. ~Name, "Mrs. William Landess" on tag. Fher please leave at Register office. FOR RENT--Large front room, al-- trim. Good sized lot. Garage and chicken house, shrubbery and trees. Low price for quick sale. FOR SALE--One hundred foot va-- cant lot on West Cook Avenue. Beautifully wooded. Sewer and Yater in and paid for. Very low price for--cash deal. -- , FOR SALE--3 female rabbit hounds two months old. $6.50 each. _ Broadway facing Central Park. FOR SALE--One hundred feet on McKinley avenue, two hundred feet deep. A good buy. A. R. SCHNAEBELE Real Estate and Insurance _ Libertyville, IIL, FOR SALE--Nearly new bungalow, west of Milwaukee Ave. Large FOR SALE--Gas range in good con-- dition. Phone 246--W. 49--2t FOR SALE--Standing alfalfa and timothy at Fairfield. Call or see H. A. Schwerman, Libertyville. Phone 147--M 48--3tpd FOR SALE--Strawberries. W. G. Thomas. Phone 615--W 48--1t FOR SALE--One of the best homes in Libertyville:--A--fine large dwelling with sunporch, and strictly modern in every detail, * located on a full acre of ground, beautifully landscaped with shrub-- berry Avenue so garage. 227 First street. 0R RENT--One newly decorated furnished bedroom. 149 New-- lot Garage. Price for quick sale only $4,500.00. Terms. See A. R. Schnaebele, Register office, Libertyville. 45--6t Frank Dietz, Mundelein, IIl. Minimum charge, 25. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. tractor, silo filler, corn shredder, gang plows and many other ar-- been offered for sale. The price is very reasonable. A. R. Schna-- ebele, Real Estate and Insurance, There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. MISCELLANEOUS8 A. R. SCHNAEBELE Real Estate and Insurance Therc'is no obligation in asking information or advice. I am always glad to be of service. FORREST FLAGG OWEN -- Agent -- 234--W Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company FOR RENT FOR SALE Classified Ads INSURANCE is PROTECTION 49--1tpd 49--1tpd lot on [ WANTED--Office boy. Permanent position and good chance for ad-- vancement.. Apply by letter to Foulds Milling Co.,. Libertyville. WANTED--By . High school g:;l. ork during vacation, caring :hildnnon at light housework. WANTED--Woman to do cobking WANTED--Boy over 16 years of PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Fox Lake Above the Bank ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building Telephone 57 _ LIBERTYVILLE DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VETERINARY sURGEON Assistant State Veterinarian Telephone 66 1IBERTYVILLE Office in First National Bank Bldg. _Hours: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 p. m Residence, Broadway, opposite park DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Scientific Examination of the Eyas _ -- GLASSES FITTED Waukegan National _ Phone 998 FRANCIS T. ROLLINS By USAGovernment Veterinarian D. C. GRINXNELL Inspector in Charge Phone Libertyville 329 LIBERTYVILLE --_ ILLINOIS Office with Farm Bureas DWIGHT EDRUS COOK and general housework. $15.00 per week. Apply phone 600 1--X or call 90. ~ 40--3t Plastering and Phone 665 R--2. Telephone 48 Anywhere on the North Shere CATTLE TESTED Free of Charge Professional Se¥vices for Tuberculosis SATISFACTION GIVEN DR. J. L. TAYLOR OP YOcaL Telephone 432--R Old or New Work 601 West Park Avenue NORMAN L. MADOLE FLOOR SURFACING 49--1t |