with a view of avoiding soch an an-- fiftes 28 he Mation's vopulation, are « 4 '3 are "?fihyed in the United 'miuypo;ohthu $60,000,-- y annually, "of the ewmdm mm.hficflg'rtlflfl::z portant business in America. been estimated that $10,000,000,000 of this personal income is wasted each year, of which ore than $1,-- OOOM,OOO'mh\w worthless > in-- vestment. facts were pointed mtinarmt.l&mbylrim liam-- E. Knox, president o American Bankers Association. It is well,; indeed, that the import-- ance of thrift education be empha-- result one reads in the 'papers al« most daily of the exposure of indi-- viduals who have despoiled the cher-- 'ished savings that grew penny by penny through long terms of years. Wise spending and prudent invest-- of the average male quicker than a protty woman who admits she is unhappily married. fashion note; in fac', they're almost :f&d.'nl&h clent --jokes. Landohl in Chicago. Chestnut blight to have had little effect on any 3 the an-- problem of personal economics. Suc-- cessful saving is the other third. there will be English service at St. Mathews Lutheran church. 'It is unfortunate that in much of the so--called education! work in this ~country encouragement. has been given only to the saving of days with their daughter, Mrs, Edw Let the nation learn the words of Lincoln that "economy begins with saving money," but let us empha-- size the fact that--Lincoln made use of the word begin. Saving money is only the beginning of thrift. sized. that while New York.city spends $65,000,000" a ~year for charity, it «pends practically nothing for -- in-- struction in the practical principles New York Spends Large Sum Jupanese jurists are studying Nothing will arouse th* sympathy Mr. and Mrs. J. Sengstock of New 'The fact recently was pointed out Teach Thrift. for Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Frederick, were Waukegan business callers Fri-- -- Mr. and Mrs. Mike Obenaut and sons, Leo and Carl, and daughter, Anna, motored to Waukeshaw, Wis., to Mra. Obenaut's brother. Mr. Bernard Frederick and his mother, Mrs. Helen Frederick, mo-- toed to Chicago, where the later is apending a few days with relatives. where they spent the day with rel-- f&m: of : Chicago is ¥ a few days at Fred Wag-- . TEMPERATURE 1s PRODUCED -- BY GAS HEAT What is said to be the highest temperature yet produced by man Mr. and Mrs. Will Hertle and family spent Wednesday evening at George Frederick's.> Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Behm and family spent Wednesday evening at the Joseph Tekampe home. ' Mr. George Diebold of Chicago visited with relatives in this vicinity WORLDS HIGHEST family, . wisited <at Henry Hertels © Mr. Bernard Ullirich of Chicago, sapent Sunday at Paul Ulrich's. PA wt.uu:.nm: family spent Sunday Y. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hugelet and _ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wagner, visited at the George Frederick nome Wed-- nesday. va Leo Obenauf and Fred Wagner family spent Sunday at the George .Mr, Peter Kinsella of Waukegan is spending a few days with Mareus -- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ullrich were Mundelein business callers' Thurs-- motored to Chicago Thursday. Will Diebold was pleasantly 'sur-- prised-- by a number of frienis and relatives, who gathered at his home Monday evening to celpbrate his ~--__-- ALL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER Office 223 Washington St., Doctor John P. O'Neil ie . OAE comical to take a chance on" (the ze Diebold of Chicago | same managers by the way who relatives in this vicinity | couldn't "see anything in 'Abie's Irish Rose'") are kicking them-- Mrs. Frank Frederick,| Selves where it hurts--most as they wan business callers Fri-- ; hear the roars and gurgles of the Joe SOCIAL DISEASES Lakeside Cemetery Association From June 30, 1924 to June 17, 1925 E, W, PARKHURST, Treas. July 21--Sam Schat lot....... 50.00 July 29--Wm. Brumm lot... 100.00 mhfluun'fl&ln and Mr. Gartity, the fun-- niest detectives in the funniest play on earth. m Some people save money. have a daughter in college. couldn't "see anything in 'Abie's Irish Rose'") are kicking them-- selves where it hurts --most as they hear the roars and gurgles of the audiences chilling at the Gorilla at the Selwyn Theater in New York, tire Chicago district, which includes SBo when in Chicago gr--r--r with the gorilla at the Studebaker, and baker 'Theater for its summer run, it may be expected to be the frosted toast of the theatergoers of the en-- fountain, and once set at the Stude-- for the past five weeks, Sunday per. care Tilkall l ......l... night, July 5, and will continue to ;P'g:gr j °;;k':' mldl!mtndcufltyhd-fw'yw':.,%v-' initely there. May 183--Int on N. 8. bond The play produced by Donald G@l-- | ay 11 _Ing &wnd St. laner, and --acted so thrillingly by bond _ ...=--.Surk............... the veteran comedians, James C. | May 11--Int, on Lake Wood beautiful Elizabeth Carmichael Snd | May 18--J. R. Penniman, their associates, has since it was | _ perp. CAFA ..__.......... first --produced in New York .two months ago proven a theatrical sen-- gasping, "Why it's awfly funny, a scream, in fact!" over there. ~'In Chicago "The Gorilla" is al-- The heat has only put more hair on "The Gorilla's". chest ,and the icy thrills the audience get from the swift action of the play are enough bhz*.lllflpludlr.(}u- rity ,the sap detectives of the piece, quite cool as they track the eerie gorillia down. ----*The Gorilia" moves to the Stude-- baker Theater -- from the Harris Theater, where it has been making a monkey of : other mystefy plays night, July 5, and will continue to scare Mulligan and Garrity indef-- initely there. The play produced by Donald Gal-- laner, and--acted so thrillingly by Marlowe and Lon Hascall, and beautiful Elizabeth Carmichael &nd Astute Broadway managers who thought '"The Gorilla"> was * "too comicalto take a chance on" (the same managers by the way who Te to Resp ohe elty teot ana to hotd ium.m-p'-whdw asset as a summer resort, has not taken the grow! out of "The.Goril-- la," the comical mystery play that is chilling packed: houses in Chicago now as well as in' New York and "The Gorilla" Moves Into Stude-- baker Theater, Chicage. July 5th for the Summer STATEMENT OF ACCOUXT PHONE, 465 1705 June 13--Mrs. MHelen Glea-- Oct. 15----Mrs, Julia Price lot Nov, 4--Bert Finstead on lot TOE S rrferteRRIe AAhnants sn cce rgnan D.'e.mm y wal Jan. 3--C. F. Smale Masonic Apr. -- 18--Chas. Peterson, Apr. 16--Bert Finsted on lot May 13--Int '.: Rich-- y on N. 8. bond May 11--Int. &ennd St. May Nov, 28--Alma Timmerman vm'-- u J.' * num,n PeI. CATC / «.m ------........ Feb. 17--Julius Treptow, 2 1924. weiler lot ~--_-- The SODA SHOP fruit juices are DE LICIOUS. * But whatever foun-- m W , tain drink. you. like, «Je <a > > poaie THIs Is THE PLACE TOPD(DH'ATQ'S BEST, mixed right and promptly served. * You -- never. tasted better icc cream than OURS--and our fresh sious fresh straw» We have an exceptionally fine stock of Hanging baskets that add beauty to your front porch, . A Fine Lot of Geraniums -- none better We have a choice line of flowers for bed-- ding out, that will add much to the beauty and attractiveness of your home. Lobelias * Coleus Drummond's Phlox _ Blue Lace Flower FAIRHOLM GARDENS it CANDIES Disbursements Fresh Strawberry H. C. Burridge & Sons Libertyville, III.~ _ Phone 396--J autify Your Home With Flowers Heckets-- Averill $15 North Milwaukes Ave. $1788.77 16.25 10.00 17.50 July 19--John Brixen, set-- tine markers / (@ ~_~~@ May 5--Schanck Hdwe. Co. ApF. 7----P. W. Moore, -- rol-- ing new part and filling Apr. 16--Mrs. Emma Mere-- .. dith, check ........._.. Apr. 20--W. F. Franzen, Jr. June 17, 2925--Bonds on Hand Lake Wood Engineering Co., Mar. 7--Express on trim'er Balance on hand.... LUNCHES * $1788.17 18.00 There is no obligation in asking information or -- -- dvicenol am always glad to be af service. -- ? 15 CLERK CARRIERS--Examination HOUSES AND LOTS--Bought and FOR SALE--3 acres standing alfal-- FOR RENT--New 5 room cottage on Diamond Lake. Nettie Kidder, Prairie View, HIl. 50--4t FOR SALE--3 female rabbit hounds FOR SALE--Gas range in good con-- ---- dition. Phone 246--W. 49--2t FOR SALE--5 acres standing alfal-- FOR SALE--14 aocres standing nay. FOR SALE--Cherries. ° Phone 398-- W. Mrs. J. L. Rodet, Mundelein, FOR SALE--Cherries. Gordon Ray, Mundelein, I!1.. phone 600R--2. 49--2t FOR SALE--Nearly new bungalow, FOR SALE--One of the best homes trees, Low price for quick sale. FOR SALE--One hundred foot va-- eant lot on West Cook Avenue. water in and paid for. Very low price for cash deal. FOR -- SALE--Standing alfalfa and timothy at Fairfield. Call--or see _H. A. Scnwerman, Libertyville. Broadway. facing Central Park FOR SALE--One fuindred feet on FOR SALFZ_--Good Universal cook stove. Will burn wood or coal. Photie 116--W. a 49--2tpd FOR SALE--Nearly new, modern, Will Erect You A House Libertyville. Applications close July 8, salary $1,150. For free particulars, coaching for exam-- iration, write Washington Insti-- tute, 56 Barrister Bldg., Wash-- ington, D. C. 49--2tpd or any kind of building;furnish-- ing all labor and material by centract, so you may know just what entire cost will be before starting. sold. Loans mace. _ insurance. Edwin Austin Phone 167W Liber-- tyville. 26--+f, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Libertyville 145--R lot. Garage. Price for quick sale only $4,500.00. Terms. See A. R. Schnaebele. Register office, located on a full--acre of ground, beautifully landscaped with shrub-- Phone 147--M dwelling with --sunporch, . and and all kinds of fruits and berries. strictly modern. This place is close in and has never before been offered for sale. The price is very reasonable. A. R 'Schna-- feet deep. A good buy. chauffeur's -- apartment, . also and chicken house, shrubbery and If you want to buy mythlng,orilyuhmuw,"n rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known these columns. You will get results. > %e: : west of --Milwaukee avenue. Oak Minimum charge, 25¢c. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. There is no way you can reach af many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. 37 Real Estate and Insurance Libertyville, TL A. R. SCHNAEBELE Real Estate and Insurance of FOR SALE fNSURANCE is PROTECTION Estate and Insurance, Nice shady lot on , L DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VETERINARY SURGEON Assistant State Veterimarian Scientific Examination of the Eyes GLASSES FITTED Waukegan National Phone 993 Bank Bidg. Waukegan ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National m%nu 'Telephone 57 LIBERTYVIL Telephone 66 WANTED -- Everyone in Lake county to try a classified ad in DR. J. L TAYLOR < Office in First National Bank Bldg. . Hours: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 p. m..> Residence, Broadway, opposite park. _ DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON WANTED--Clean cotton rags at the Register Office. PHome 90. WANTED--Woman to do cooking and general housework. -- $15.00 per week.. Apply phone 600 1--X FRANCIS T. ROLLINS _ PHYSICIAN and SURGEON _ Fox Lake Above the Bank D. C. GRINNELL Inspector in Charge Phone Libertyville 329 . LIBERTYYILLE ILLINOIS Office with Farm Bureay _ By DWIGHT EDRUS COOK Plastering and| LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR Telephone 48 I Anywhere on the North Shore | . CATTLE TESTED or call 90. these. columns. These little--ads buy, <sell or exchange at & very moderate cost. Phone your ad to number 90. Libertyville. ---- . -- ANTED--Sewing at my home. If desired, will gladly advise in both choice and amount of material. Myrtle Hubbard 187 School street Free of Charge Professional Services for Tuberculosis SATLSFACTION GIVEN TEACHER OF YOCAL Telephone 432--R NORMAN L. MADOLE 601 West Park Avenue -- > FLOOR SURFACING B. H. MILLER B