_ | MUNDELEIN Mr. and Mrs. John Roder, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nelson and son of Chi-- cago, spent Sunday with relatives in Mundelein. --Dr. Lewis ,an eye specialist from Chicago, attended to several patients at the home of R. D. Cook on Satur-- .'uflh'cu of Wauconda and y Mrs. W. 8. McClain of Libertyville. ~Dr, Wicks of Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cook Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kane of El-- gin, visited at the Henry Kane home Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Albright and sons, and John Albright motored to Waukegan Saturday evening. > Mr. and Mrs: Clyde Harris and family 'spent Sunday with relatives in Wauconda, and with her danghter, Miss Avis Payne, in Chicago. _ Wr. and Mrs. Poete Clark, who for-- merly resided in Mundelein, called on Mr. and Mrs. R. D; Cook Sunday. Miss Elizaboth Wirts of Ivanhoe, alster, Mrs. George Meyer. * Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rouse and son, David and daughter, Dorothy, were entertained af the J. J. Rouse home Sunday. Mr. and Mss Floyd Rittier and Mr. and udy Engelbrocht, motored to and Lake Geneva mflkm%wfim Sunday to visit Mr .and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Robert Gadke and son Elden, of Ivanhoe, is visiting at the August Gadke home. Mrs.. H. C. Meyer left Sunday on a visit to ner sistar, Mrs. Louis Gres-- sens, of Addison, IIL. * i +y. Mrs. Ella Cady of Wauconda is and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Umbdenstock and family on Sunday. Mrs. Bert Mills and Miss Marjorie Mills of Gurnee spent the week end _John Jarrett who is in northerm Wisconsin for his health is reported a little better. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knigge en-- tertained guests from Chicago on Mr. and Mrs. C.~G. Small enter-- tained Mr. and Mrs. George Small and family of Libertyville, Mr. and Mr.--and Mrs. Wm. Toner of High-- land Park, called at the W. D. Por-- teous home Sunday afternoon. Michigan, visiting rela' "ves, Mrs. H. C. Payne, spent the week Mr. and Mrs: Ray Wells called on Mr. A pompous man missed his silk All kinds of Agto Repait Work Complete o battery Service CITIZENS BANK -- BUILOING WEDNESDAY SATURDAY e o * t__ Phone 6GAOW!. GCGEORGE A. JONES THE STAR Day and Night Service 374--] Mr: and Mrs. D. W. Thompson and have returned from Chicago where they spent a week with rel-- Charlie Herschberger took a car full --of 'Sunday school workers of evening, June 25. Supper was served and a fine program followed. _ Several girls, among whom were & faens Abainmigs & hice day if it had not rained and Mrs, Delia Sherwood a former teacher of Half Day school was a visitor in our town last week stay-- ing a while with Mrs. Kelly. from Beloit College, Wis., and will m a few weeks with the home church in Libertyville on her home here last Tuesday evening &s. There will be the usual picnic lunch at noon, but there will be no work. All members are invited, al-- so the children. Bring your bathing J Thgrsig, fin an whin » an all--day -mg.mml.&uum {o'r:olywlhhflum were sent to Fred bert, June 29, by his relatives mdam'-"' ight at the Repenny home and they :flfmld-eh::.du :-'o' sister, Mrs. Elmer Wirth and, bro-- ther, Clarence Zimmerman in Gur-- nee. They pay an annual visit to their old home town ,and we are glad R. B. Dixon has just returned from a business trip to Tennessee. Lee Gilbert and Miss Alta Met-- calf motored to Chicago on Satur-- day and attended the theater. wfllhollndl-d.ypfunre'mfi ing at the Druce Lake Country c house on Wednésday. Mrs. Holt and Mrs. Kittie Vose are co--hostess Mr. and --Mrs. J. W. Gray left Sun-- day morning on a motor trip to Michigan, where they will visit rel-- atives. Mr. Bottger, who is em-- ployed at the Bowman Dairy is en-- joying his annual vacation. 'The Misses Alice and Mabel Zim-- merman of Three Rivers, Mico., are Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gillings have returned home after spending the remaining days of their vacation with relatives in Janesville, Wis: Miss Gertrude McClure is clerk-- ing at one of the Consumer Stores in Mixs Jessie Small and her uncle, A big crowd of friends and George Bottger of Chicago was a Mr. and Mrs. John Bottger and Printing Satisfaction LKE COUNTY REGISTER HALF DAY for a takes pride in turning out quality work is not Let us estimate on your next work. We guaran-- tee your satisfaction with the corgpleted job. m :Aflm from Round Mr. and mfl'n--m enter-- _ Mrs. Alice Baseley and Mr. and Or, L BAE are here for the summer and will sceupy rooms at the home of Mrs. Mrs. L. H. Cypher, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Baseley on the Roany farm. ~«Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carison are now at their summer ige on the "Mdhmm they will spend the summer. . the pavilion h ea #iv rrpsl o0 ug Sbemighh Nx i ~Acialinnd Merritt Cornwell was married at Ottawa, II1., Sunday afternoon the name of Mrs. Cornwell is not known . Mr.--and Mrs. F. H. Wade and lit-- tle daughter and Miss Mary Baseléy of Park Ridge and Miss Stella North of Chicago called on relatives here Sunday afternoon. last week, Friday, where they called on Mr. and Mrs. George Ladd and Mirs: Geo. Broughton abd daugh-- Henry Wednesday. dance in his new barn last Tuesday evening and everybody had a> good Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blackburn en-- tertained about twenty relatives at Albert and Charles Roeany of Chi-- cago, spent the week end here, the last two weeks at the home of her mother, at Davenport, lowa. -- Mrs, Mary Reid of Chicago is vis-- iting her daughter, Mrs. Geo Blackburn for a few weeks. _ x Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cypher, Jt., gflnfilhficfnmnfi. Monday night. * Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dunn and Mrs, M. 8. Clap and Mrs. Della Blanks Mr. John Roany of Chicago was a business caller in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cardinele en-- friends from Chicago over the week end. The visitors pitched a tent on Mrs. M. W. Baseley and son, Ver-- non, and Mrs. Howard Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cypher mo-- where called on Henry Cypher, -- Mrs. Alice Bascley is visiting in . Mrs. Alice Baseley was a Wauke-- gan shopper last Friday. the large lawn and enjoyed a very ter, Chicago with her sister from An-- Lucile called on friends here Sunday Miss Dorothy Peck visited at her Don't forget Saturday night at Mrs. J. A. Ross returned to her WAUCONDA Mr. at for a home here for a few days.' She in "?M Wirtz is spending ie week with her sister, Mrs. George Meyer at Mundelein:--who has beer quite sick with a malignant The prisoner was before the court on a charge of murder. ~Many dis-- tinguished legal lignts . had <as-- sembled to hear the case. . . A »Bakery Sale by the Ivi church ladies, will be held--at M vio's an at Mundcl:h; § ~8Srd,. beginning 'ai g will find a supply of eakes, afi- jete, to help hx the dious work of cookinlfd "IM Ath. 4 Braat: a mo-- _ @® Fort Atkinson, Saturday, into the house formerly owned by 'The charge was read out, and the jujdge asked the man in the doek if he would like to be defended by Mr. and Mrs. . _ and wa&uvh.wofih with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jones, : Miss Agnes Payne Wm honor," came the reply; "this is too serious a matter," * "The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Am- B-n-nl:,quh' IEM change in her | husband's pocket in her 's Without being necessarily fickle. _ Half the fun of loafing is know» ing you should be working. . -- _ Rest Haven Ga Announcing -- The Opening of Phone 608M2 -- Old Creamery Bidg. Gas Station Complete garage Service Day and Night Phone 456 HMA5ZN. Milwaukee Ave. _ LIBERTYVILLE, ILLS. ©le Mr. Ed. Pfannensteil, whom so many know, will have charge of all work. The store is being moved back 16 feet and the building will be thoroughly remodeled. L. H. DIETZ, Prop. Tires and Accessories _ _ All Kinds of Repairing Done TV ANHOE --1~_-- 2,$020.00 delivered > MAIN GARAGE Daily trips between Libertyville and Chicago and intermediate points. Your orders will receive prompt and courteous fulfillment at dow rates. PHONES; LIBERTYVILLE 144--M RAVENSWOOD 1607 ILLERS AT IVANHOE Mr. and Mrs.* Cnarles Kipts en-- tertained (company from Chicago over the week end. _ 'Hub Ullrich and friends from Mundelein, spent Sunday with rel-- atives 'and friends in this vicinity. Mr. E. H. Meyer, entertained company from ago Sunday. tle ,visited Sunday with her son, Bern'ard Vogt visited at the Wil-- liam Lohman home Sunday evening. fi;.uvummm ayd?mnna{m,wu Ellwood Dowell. ler in this vicinity this week. _ Mr. and Mrs. W%m and family motored . to B:y Sun-- day. & 4 w.noduthdrzw, Mrs. g;:wwy., County Grader is working, this week on the roads in this vicin-- George Tekampe is now employed on the Golden farm. Charles Nordmeyer has purchased & new team. _ > Mir. and Mrs. Joe Young visited at the Joe Stoffel home Monday eve-- 'lity. south along said road to hbni'r'-zfi'-fii&'iuuq All parties interested in this pro-- ceeding may obtain information as east of. Oakdale: Avenue) thence south and west along Grave Avenue, Park Avenue and Morris Street in he with the Illinois Cor ce Comminsion bt the State of Birety c.:vmm::'u:dtybmn: an 'intermittent service by motor vehicle for thu:'mporuthn of passengers, over the following route, to--wit: From Mechanic's Grove Road or Maple Street (from a point 'atrons of the Chicago North 'l'o"l;. and .. Milwaukee Railroad Company : Tslc uag The Chicago Shore. ie o d ngvig bagim c n g C Deering and McCormick ' Mrs. Geo. E. McDonald Hay Machi Summer Classes Schanck Hardware Co. Review Work : ~Finishing Work Regular Commercial Courses ---- ~For Particulars Phone NOTICE Keystone and Dain PRICED RIGHT Rakes and Loaders ope, Pulleys, Forks Beginning June Ist --Almost ~alway--,-- one's personal habits might be improved; and we sught not to resent being told which tb 'time and place .of hearing upon said application addressing Becretary of hh 00-2 Commission® at Springfield, Illinois, CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Co. P us Whiet" it vikhs #. 0 BE y ue OB 2 z-u-. 15"!?;.:%8 year i'gfihgd'h W:fl County, FOR SALE "Rid sppmete CARL A. BADER * 'Mm-'lu. nrrmi L. B%DD,'P;' \ /o