CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 15 Jul 1925, p. 3

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daughter, '*s?,;: h 7'0'" Mau, "r with their sister, Mrs. F.. r of Milwaukee, es s , Fred Mau. lngs:; was given Frida evening, at Highland Park, by L"" ; Fourth with their sister, lein of Milwaukee, g motored to the Dells, a last week to the nome of w' , Fred Mau. _A beach party was given Friday evening, at Highland Park, by the ¥Young People's Department of the Myuri;::.Chun:h School. lt Mrs. F: Mau is +A unnlwuh,ln)lolfi::'a'. sin and Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilson and on Deerfield avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Woodman Todd and their two children, Edgely and Jane and Louis Stryker, son of the Ed-- 'I.Wnnmn.(lw"_f"'k family of Milwaukee, W®D """ guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Chester Wolf of West Deerflield avenue on Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Edward Colbert (Mabel Mau), who have been living in Chicago this past winter, are no# g,wwbmatlmco- Week end guests at the Fred Mau home were, Mr and Lirs. F. Kuem-- erfein and Mr. and Mrs. Jam@# Dehl of Milwaukee. P ImS.le"fl bridge, Thursday aifterncon to a number of her friends, at her home tle sons arrived from Germany last _' Rev. Mark Andrews, pastor of the Presbyterian church is working for his Masters Degree at Northwestern a son, on Wodnesday, July 8. Mr. and Mr. Russell La Velle of Edison Park, and Miss: Engenia Watier spent the Fourth "with Mrs. Relle Woodman Kist at Paw Paw with Mrs, Belie Woodman Kist at Paw Paw Lake, Michigan. m'.'-gl_dfin_nlmmp ferred from Kansas City, back to the Chicago office of his firm, and has joined his wife and little sons at the .W. B. Carr home. Raymond Baxter of Michigan, is visiting 'his grandparents, Mr. and dorf families are planning a trip to Mrs. George Eberien son, Paul Ivan, have their nome on Grand : Miss Woodman's home. in this country for about a year, has rented the old Trute farm. John Woodman is at his summer University. J ie Weodman on Sundas. Tthe 'Buginet Yisthe Wio 'het n ga1 sister, Ar. and Mn bRemedren" o "Chaips, ie Sunday in Waneonda. _ * man is still in Florida, because _ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olendort and Mirs. W. B. Carr visited in Liberty-- house to house canvass for subscrip-- tions for the paper on Friday and Saturday, 'Two hundred subscrip» tions must be secured before he can get a mailing franchise. The W. B. Carr and Harry Olen-- ployed in the Highland Park store of Malerkoft &.LCo. ~©**>>** * two little daughters, visited Mrs. Jennie® Hitcheock of Arlington Mr. Schmidt, of Evanston, owner of the new Deerficld paper, made a ts Precoriirinh thikch, ciosed of the Pro rian charch, closed ith, Saturday. Mrs. Alex Willman has completed the school--sensus. There are 317 Children of school age in the Deer-- Reld School District The Wilmot =Ft¢-»m Friday, after'm ] An exhibition y ' of the work and teaching Sunday evening, by the & rnu. under the supervision 3 Amelia Petersen, and her .--.1'12.. Dorothy Reichelt and Mise Reichelt, Miss Verda Varner and Mrs. J. B. Peters. Mr. and Mre. Robert Greenslade, Mrs. Alex. Willman, Mrs B. H. Kress and two slsters, Mrs. J. H Fichlt of OKkizshoma and Mrs. Nich olns McKellar of Fargo, N. D., en joyed a picnic supper at Lake Zur Mr. and Mrs. Hoss Sherman James Mailfeld of nounce the birth of hi m'-. mn.-A..'l.- hhb.mi--f " A picnic party 'will be given Sat-- urday afternoon, from 2 until 5 o'clock in the wooded lot back of the Presbyterian church, for the Cradle Roll Department, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacobs and Edwin Johnson are motoring in en eaee weel is turn ids, m.'"zll..nd!u. Mrs. Mary Koobelin spent several days of last week with Mrs. J. Sch-- minke of Wheeling. f returned from Reddick, I!1., where the Missionary Convention was held with the Deerfleld Evangelical narty and then continued to Milwaukec. _ Mrs. Alice De Young of Chicago spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Stryker. On Thursday evening, the Chris-- tian Endeavor Society of the Bunga-- low church will have a beach party at W'h_'l'h-. e ie _ ILLINOIS COAL CONDITION BAD wage conferences--actording to pro-- ducers of this region. Non--union mining centers in the south are blamed for the present than can be supplied on the union scale. ¢ Two of the big companies aperat-- ing nesar here report heavy mort-- gages on their propertien in this sec-- tion as exidence of the "tough days." The Cosgrove Mechan Con\! com-- peny reports a mortgage of $2,500,-- 000 on its property here. The Sincerity Coal company re-- ports its property is mortgaged to the extent of $150,000. Very few mines in this district are working now, the producers réport. They say the outlook fsn't any too bright and report that money is scarce in the coal camps owing to the limited working of the mines. One "angel of mercy" has been found to help tide over the period. Sears Roobuck and company is using only Willamson county coal in an effert to help the county pull ou' The Arthur Merner family spent Sunday at the Jobhn Fritsch home in Northfield. p y The W. W. Clark family have rented a cottage on the Des Plaines at Riverside, where they are spend-- ing the week. . Harriet Williams of Keniivorth, slump in the industry here. The producers claim the non--union fields exn supply coal at a cheaper cost Fred Kersten of Chicago visited at the Charles G. Pettis home on ~ The Friendly: Bible Class of the Bungalow church met Tuesday eve-- ning at the home of Miss Laurel Stryker. _ _ __ 2 3 The whole town of Lawoye, Wyo.,! -- _ _ ----------_--_---------- is being moved to 'a noew site four| Guessers on the number of g mfle-nmulw:-mndm-n*lth('m land which must vacated would "fimn& MM It has a population di*fldm%"fi ; the ro 1 i is visiting Lorraine Weigle. of Predicament in Industry MARION, IIL., July 13.--The coal dustry in southern Illincis is in d straits--despite any action of * C ioi Linertyvaiie 6P Rg2 * in Milwaukee, Environment Vitally Affects Human Being; Discussion of Truth Taken Up. ""lnfian;;ddoe-altchb"m!:'" nenting with thi: onment to a limited extent, in their 0¥n hom so radically as h's environment .l';"::.'} o the n ters him. He : annot change the air h erens fed unc he breathes, or the water he drinks, lm'; N Ra!:"" E M" 4 change his vital relations to the nhy _,2 nuA Ai .. sica! world. His mechanieal relations :" is : pres C d dow .. to a certain extent, wait upon his have o o mar 4. will, but h:- vital relations are for-- ;\':n! c owo veats, :. > ";d:':'.w truth so simply ex-- graphs _' tign picto John Burroughs, the noted natur-- alist and philosopher, hit close to the beart of things when he said: ---- brought #o, the conscious under standing of every thinking human Man's vital relations to the physica universe are forever fixed. ¥Even the most simple minded wil agree that, if he wishes to remain alive and in a state of health he can-- not change the air he breathes. He must not change it. He is careful t know the water he drinks has no: been changed, but he never thin}> mbout the changes which have beer made and which are constantly bein? made in the "nature of the food h« KEEPS SON IN JAIL PENDING TIME TO WORK H WA ng fires and reporting them to hold his job. Re is in jail and has confessed. $ C. Forrster, 17 years old, 300« Elim avenue, Zion City, is in jail at Waukegan, awaiting a hearing on a charge of speeding to be held on Tuesday in the court of Police Ma-- gistrate Walter A. Taylor. He was brought t"the station at 530%0° up at the request of his mothér. She said she has secured employ, ment for him in North Chicago as an automobile mechanic, but as he does not go to work until Tuesday, she wants him in jail to make cer-- tain he will not get in trouble while idle. &: t to have been lacked up Fridey ® ig, but disappeared from in front of the station, while 'h':uch--mgum.- When it was that he was h"-:;::dthnbi MAN ARE FIXED a Japanese y | Association of which \ ns zer is president. it ris have rg : dem. r-- | many ',z : startling the past two years, s >-- graphs and motign pi be dio, short--wave low dio en ts 4n great numbers from 'the Un States l{ld Canada and to 50M vr' #rom Europe and par e ntric " gather at the Ed hk vw .'.teul u': ll'maTc;:t:d, 48 to 21, to attend the Thi T"'M of the Ameri-- han WB Relay League. Included radio world expected to convention are Secretar merce Herbert Hoover :: cis Jenkin®s. inventor of : ra phylRd, Phdte: thoti o nvin;slo. h w wInM s ators, past &&'"fiur powered sta-- tions fi' Bargely (oring hours of kness, the introduction of short -- wave " within -- recent mont' %'B) new develop-- ments. . c C of the Traffic De-- vartment of the Léague in assisting Mrs, L. A. Husbsch «~ and Mrs. 'Thos. Russel a~< o m & : Mr. and h &rk Du relatives in Mil S Mr. and Mrs. Rudo}+ " m ane Mrs. George ":; nigw-- --talk A-,' b'fl' m men on oppe-- site si @sfl' i"n!rx are to dis-- cuss better in their message ha rraphy i rmwotion pictures. AM @¥E of c the convention vork that "of pgreat interest 18 nl.k n ' radio telegraph-- ers w9 4 e i 6 _b'd These oper-- vrast with the lower »~ . Prd _ 10w powe? The Ivanhse Mystits will hold a meeting Thursday Might, July 16 at the August Wirts howme. Mr. Har-- wrington, the mt..n will be present and will have a special mes:age to deliver, 8@/i is hoped that all members of Ah# Ivannce Flora Dolton. <pe~t Sunday after-- moon with Mr and Mrs Waiter Stome of Evers:: _ Richard Ran--o~» <pént Mondsy in Forest, _ @ePs. \\agslall. Mr. m&-fi Dunn, virited relatives in a Sunday. Mr. and wlm Leuschner and datghter, and Mr. and Mrs. George and children, spent Friday-- at the L A. Huebsch nome. w that possibly ', will en-- deavor to be present. _ Mr. Axel Okeson, Mr. and Mrs. l: A. Huebsch an< family and Miss CHI Am* men promin dio world expected to : nvention are Secretar. erce WMI ar s J;.fim of ra aphy am | radio motion ; Another part of the . Hay Machinery Schanek Hardware Co. IVANHOE Deering and MeCormick -- _ Mowers Be will be interna-- @xperts in all branch-- d amateurs who are Es j B this (ascinating ¥ 0 in homes. men promincnt in the xpeeted to attend the uncer the aus-- m Rzulm Traflic " W. E. Schweit-- WUlt is planned to @mon:strations on i discoveries of guch as photo" B@B ) pictures by ra-- Rope, Pulleys, Forks P 1L--Amateur ra-- dn great numbers PRICED RIGHT Radio ) Gather w--power trans-- and kindred de-- d. These oper-- makes possible xpedition by m Donald B. nal Geoghra-- e time of the uch food for 'vht* work on ind children, DAY, JULY 15, 1925 C. Fran-- lio photo-- ictures. onvention t interest in in two ne © LJalmn and" Loaders LIMING LAND AID TO CORN en | hpnll:nutim of North Dakota, owa souri, NebraskaA, Minnesota HARTSBURG, HJ., July m"""M Texas, }irhn-. Wyoming sults which are being obtained 0"|ang Colorado highway commissions, the soil experiment field, which th# / eonferring here recently with the College of Agriculture, University | American Association of State High-- of Illinois, maintains near here @r€ | way officials and the government bu. furnishing striking provuf that '°'"'|mu of public roads, drew up an yields on even the most ferti'e tYP€#| elaborate plan of sectional roads ar of soil in the state can be swelled | part of series of national highways. umucnuxbbuhllfl_lw'b-'f Thirteen or fourteen east and liming the land and plowing ONGT | west highways and from three to sweet clover as a green manure, 2¢~ | fve north and south roads were eording to H. J. Snider, Astistant|planned for this section. Kansas chief of the college's soil exzerim@nt | City was made the center of two cast fields. Untreated land on this feld|ang west roads and two north io kas yielded 56 bushels of corn 2!|south roads. 'This provides a total acre as an average for the PASt| of seven interstate highways radiat-- eight years and yet despite the f2Ct|iny here, with four connections to that this is a remarkably hti:: 3':014' St. Louis and Chicago. Kansas City the use of limestone and pows ------------ * * " "aeereL T ing under of aweet clover as a s_';eet:' COFFICIAL P manure has increased this yie 71 bushels an m'bl::k"lind. l-'""' Report °'€ is located on clay loam oC State Rank . Experiments Carried on at University of HMincis Farm by Experts. Much of the credit for increased corn yields such as this is given to the heavy root growth which sweet clover makes. At the time when sweet clover normally is plowed un-- der in the spring for green manure, the roots make up from 50 to 90 per eent of the growth of the plant and almost as much nitrugen is carried in these roots as in the top growth, according to Snider,. Furthermore, the roots carry this plant food deep into the soil, he s@1d All kinds of Auto Kepair Work THE STAR Day and Night Service Kansas City ' Road Center KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 14-- Road building programs of sweeping magnitude in eleven Middle Western states outlined by highway officials of the Mississippi valley point to Kansas City as a future tourist mee-- ca and hub of a mid--west highway American Association of State High-- way officials and the government bu-- reau of public roads, drew up an elaborate plan of sectional roads ar part of series of national highways. Thirteen or fourteen east and west highways and from three to AamldehotheAUditordPublicAcwu@ntlo!flnShho(m pursuant to law: Loans on Real Estate .______ Loans on Collateral Security . Undivided Profits (Net) Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures ...._.._.._._.__._._...._..... m Due from Banks, Cash and other Cash Resources .................. 172.98 Reserve Accounts Re--discounts ....... I, James P. Scott, Cashier of the State Bank of Mundelein, do solemaly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my = belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Pul Accounts, State of lllinois, pursuant to law. mos POCc""* * yAMES P. SCOTT, Cashier, | _ State of Tllinois, County of Lake, ss. LOCATED AT MUNDELEIN, STATE OF ILLINOIS AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON THE 30th DAY OF JUNE, 1925 State Bank of Mundelein 2 Brand new four door Ford Sedan. Only driven a few times. Motor No. 11,258,108. Cash or terms. -- Can be seen at Phone 456 345 N. Milwaukee Ay,, Total Liabilities Save $125: MAIN GARA COFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of Condition of north--south highway. bsttavarcth it tvse cees. is Kidns. 4o Te ,; L The conference was under the di-- rection of E. W,. James of the fed-- eral road bureau, in charge of co-- ordination and designation of na-- tional highways. -- He anticipates the hard--surfacing of all the roads in-- corporated in the system, and the general awakening bf backward states to the importance of highway is to be also the An old German farmer entered the office of a wholesale druggist one morning and addressed-- the proprietor: . naf & (oovA "Merciful -- heavens," Becker, as the office m bled over one another in their hurry to get out of the way. "Don't come any nearer." 2 "Vat's the matter mit you fellers anyhow*" quickly replied the Ger-- man. "I say I have a M: of butter in mine wagon vot Becker ordered last week already." You couldn't say slapping a man his sunburned back was striking him in the right way. "Mr. Becker, 1 have der schmall Needloss Alarm axy*

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